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DENT 5902, Written Exam #1 2003 Name, - K Typodont #9) Page 1 of 5 Lab Bench (1 thru 8) (not seat #)__"7- For all questions, select the item (A,B,C,D,E) that is most correct. 1. Upon examination of a patient , you determine that the only occlusal contacts in centric relation are the maxillary left first molar with an opposing mandibular tooth. The patient's maximum intercuspation (MIP) occurs when the nterior to centric relation. In order to achieve MIFCin centric relation by selective grinding, the restorative dentist would: an ‘A. Continue adjustment at least until the vertical dimension of the original MIP is attained Limtaaning Weert, fig contd tee Vabltng ol ae LE. Adjust excursive contacts fst, folowéd By centic elation contacts, «C. Terminate the adjustment before the original vertical dimension of MIP to safeguard against over-closure. “©. Aand B. & Band C. Select the choice(s) in which the term (in quotes) is followed by a correct statement or definition. iti ~ allows movement of centric contact points off inclined planes “toward desired receptor areas such as fossa or marginal ridges. 2 42 cusp eps +B. Articulation” — is a form of mutually-protected articulation in which the vertical and horizontal overlap of the anterior teeth disengage the posterior teeth in the excursive’ movements of the mandible. c. imei (ereuspaton’ ~ is the complete intercuspation of opposing teeth 11 P lependent of condylar position. mroxinuns of canta ens D. Aand 6 only. & A,B, and C. Select the choice(s) in which the term (in quotes) is followed by a correct statement or definition. "Centric Relation" — the position of the mandible described in the three dimensions of A Germ neation the interdigitation of the opposing teeth. - integin donk “Non-working Side" ~ is the side of the mandible toward which the mandible moves in alateral excursion. 7 _S- "Working Side" ‘is that side of the mandible that moves toward the median line in lateral excursion. _B-"Overbite" ~ describes the distance teeth project beyond their antagonists in the horizontal plane (X and Z axes). = Over ye ‘4£. None of the above. DENT 5902, Written Exam #1 2003 Name. Typodont #_Ff Page 2 of 5 Lab Bench (1 thru 8) (not seat #) “7 4. Fora canine-prot occlusion: A. Posterior working side contacts can be eliminated by cutting working grooves on the lingual slopes of maxillary buccal cusps. > B. Posterior nonworking side contacts can be eliminated by cutting nonworking grooves in the disto-buceal direction on the lingual slopes of mandibular buccal cusps C. Interrupted protrusive marks (marks fron articulating ribbon) on the lingual surfaces of the maxillary incisors would most likely be caused by posterior contacts “7; & (interferences) during protrusive movement. D. Aand B. s, +E. AB, andC. (rr From the Shillingburg text (SHW): m— “Evidence of pain or dysfunction in either the temporomandibular joints or the muscles associated with the head and neck region is an indication for further evaluation prior to starting any fixed prosthodontic procedures." 5. Palpation of the medial pterygoid muscle is accomplished by the examiner applying pressure: + A. Facial to the maxilary teeth and aroynd distal to the pterygomaxillary, or hamular, notch, - Ba leatern® prety ye! -B7 Extraorally over the lateral surfaces of the ramus of the mandible, — wa Atthe base of the skull, high on the neck, ~ -tragerin ge “O 6. The grooves cut into the_base of a diagnostic cast serve: _ eo of ds o€e ITE 7 As a method to increase surface area to help insure sufficient chemical bonding of the base to the mounting plaster. B. To fréshen the gypsum surface of the base to insure mechanical retention of the base to the mounting piaster. +. As indices for re-mounting the cast in the event that it should separate from the mounting plaster. ~Br To lessen the mass of the Dx cast so that it will not be so heavy that it will separate from the mounting plaster, E. None of the above. 7. For question #7, consider the following two statements about the Principle ion ~ Preses \. Preservation of tooth structure requires designing the restoration so that it will reinforce and protect the remaining enamel and dentin. 3. Preservation design can include sacrificing a smalt amount of additional tooth structure ‘on the occlusal surface to protect underlying cusps. A. The first statement is true, the second is false. _B- The first statement is false, the second is true. +. Both statements are true. B- Both statements are false. DENT 5802, Written Exam #1 2003 Name. Typodont # GZ) pages ots Lae Bench (2a Gotan) 7 8 From the Shillingburg text (SHW): Concerning the factors which determine whether or not a restoration will remain cemented to its preparation -- The geometric form of the preparation: -aeomene forn Ax Is pre-determined by the natural contour of the tooth and cannot be included as one of the factors under the operator's control. -it ‘Sunder conte! "8. Determines the orientation of the tooth-restoration interfaces to the direction of forces encountered. C. Is unrelated to whether the cament in a given area will be subjected to tension, shear, or compression, = D. AandB. E. AandC. 9. Select the choice(s) in which the term (in quotes) is followed by a correct statement or definition. A. “Retention Form’ is the geometric shape of a tooth preparation that is related to. preventing a restoration from being removed along its path of insertion. 8. "Basistance Form" is the geometric shape of a tooth preparation that is related to Preventing a restoration from being dislodged by forces directed in an apical, oblique, or horizontal direction. C. ‘Retention and Resistance Form” are interrelated qualities and not always clearly indistinguishable. F ON eer bekoc reheat le *D. AandB. €. A,B, and. 10. ‘Select the choice(s) in which the term (in quotes) is followed by a correct statement or definition ra A. "Tensite Stress" is related to a force perpendicular with the interface. 1. T B. “Compression Stress’ is related to a force perpendicular to the interface. + &- "Shear Sifess"'s related to a force perpendicular to the interface. “B. Aand 8. teal E. A,B, and C. 11, The four factors under the operator's control that influencelfetentiog include: A. Degree of taper: , B. Area of cement under shear. T C. Roughness of the tooth surface. D. Total surface area of the cement film. +E. Allof the above. DENT 5902.. Written Exam #1 2003 Name Typoaont# 4/ Page 4 of 5 Lab Bench (1 thru 8) (not seat#) 7 12. For question # 12, consider the following two statements about the Path of Insertion of a Tigid fullcrown: \- The path of insertion tor posterior full crowns is ‘usually parallel with the long axis of the 1~ tooth. 2-If the tooth being crowned is filfed\and the long-axis path is blocked by approximating teeth, a path of insertion perpendicular to the plane of occlusion may allow for seating of 7 a rigid restoration. A. The first statement is true, the second is false. B. The first statement is false, the second is true. *@. Both statements are true. D. Both statements are false. 13. For a full crown preparation to achieve a 10° overall taper, or convergence angle, each opposing axial wall should have an inclination of. +A. 5° to the Jong axis of the tooth. WAR gate ahpcormon is wowatly as ®: 10° to the long axis of the tooth. Sg Wok FS Mees @. 5° to the path of insertion. B10" to the path of insertion. Zh E. None of the above. 14. _ For question # 14, consider the following two statements concerning]Resistanca Foam) and gpalusal forces ‘subjected upon full crown restorations: |. The strongest forces encountered in function are apically directed. ~shun © 2.Apically directed forces can produce tension and shear in the cement film only through leverage. Yertion _4< The first statement is true, the second is false. 4 — +B. The first statement is false, the second is true. Se ey A® Both statements are true. r D. Both statements are faise. 15. Allother factors held equal, the amount of resisting area: “A. Increases, when the length of a preparation increases. V B. Decreases, when the width of a preparation decreases, T &: Increases, when the taper increases. F \ntireeh mintons\ug *D. Aand B. © Bande. 16. Which of the following is the finish line of choice when fabricating an all-ceramic crown: A. Chamfer with a bevel. ae *B. Shoulder. C. Bevel. D. Shoulder with a bevel. EE Knife edge. DENT 5902, Whitten Exam #1 2003 Name. Typodont #_9/ Page 5 of5 Lab Bench (1 thru 8) (not seat #)_7 17. Inan ideal Class | intercuspal position, the mesio-buccal cusp of the maiary second molar opposes the: wine 4 Buccal cusp of the mandibular second molar. pk Pry =v Dish Q B. Buccal groove of the mandibular first molar. &= Mesio-buccal cusp of the mandibular first molar. D. Central fossa of the mandibular first molar. &. None of the above. 4H 18. Which of the following statements is generally true for a Class | ideal occlusion: J © Working interferences occur between maxillary lingual-facing cusp inclines and {~”\ mandibular buccal-facing cusp inclines on the non-working side. — +B. Working interferences occur between maxillary lingual-facing cusp inclines and jw). ——Y mandibular buccal-facing cusp inclines on the working side. w 2. Working interferences result when there is contact between maxillary buccal- facing cusp inclines and mandibular lingual-facing cusp inclines on the working side. D. Non- working interferences occur between maxillary mesial-facing cusp inclines and mandibular distal-facing inclines on the non-working side. E. Non- working interferences occur between maxillary mesial-facing cusp inclines and mandibular distatfacing inclines on the working side. HELPFUL SUGGESTION - MAKE A DIAGRAM [ROOM FOR MAKING YOURSELF A DIAGRAM = 1. 19. For Class | ideal occlusion, which of the following teeth ideally provide the predominant ince through the full range of movement in lateral mandibular excursions: ‘A. Canine. B. First premolar. C. Second premolar. D. First molar. E. None of the above. 20. The main reason(s) to consider an all-ceramic restoration compared to full metal is: -X. The superior physical strength of the restorative material. = 8. For use on teeth in high stress positions in the dental arch. = +. The capability to produce the best cosmetic effect. + = EsinicS Bx Allthe above. E. None of the above. DENT 5902 Spring Semester. 2003 Whitten Exam #1 Review: Range: 10-20, Mean: 15.47 Mode: 15 1. ris the only comect answer, If at least the original vertical dimension of MIP was, not achieved with the adjustment into centric, the patient would function in the ‘original IP (because its the most closed) rather than the newly created occlusion in centric, Choice B is not correct because centric contacts are adjusted first. you performed the adjustment the other way, you would most likely remove important ‘centric contacts causing more adjustment and loss of vertical to regain the ‘centric contacts. For C, same explanation ss for A. = See "Occlusal Adjustment of Mounted Casts By Selective Grinding” Dr.'s ‘Anderson and Schulte page 1, Section 3, subsect. 8. Closure of Vertical Dimension 2, sis correct. All the terms in A, B, and C are followed by correct statements. = See "Occlusal Adjustment of Mounted Casts By Selective Grinding” Dr's ‘Anderson and Schulte page 1, Section 3, subsect. C. “Cusp Repositioning’ = See algo Manual section entitied Terminology 3. :Bis comect. No term is followed by a correct statement. ‘Centric is @ position of the mandible dependent upon the three-

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