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Mechanisms of shotcrete roof support

C. Banton, M.S. Diederichs, D.J. Hutchinson

Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada
S. Espley
INCO Ltd., Copper Cliff, Ontario, Canada

ABSTRACT: This paper discusses the mechanics of shotcrete roof support for flat or moderately arched drift
backs in moderately jointed hard rock environments ranging in geotechnical quality from Q=0.2 to 20. The
mechanism of support in rectangular hard rock tunnels is a combination of stiffness, shotcrete-rock adhesion,
shear and tensile strength and flexural behaviour and toughness of both the shotcrete itself and of the compo-
site shotcrete-rock assembly. Material properties are available from standard testing that quantify each of
these mechanistic components, but the interaction of these components, and therefore the final support beha-
viour, is more challenging to realize. Through field testing and numerical simulation, it is the goal of ongoing
research to quantify the composite capacity of the rock-shotcrete system for design purposes.

1 INTRODUCTION In a stress controlled environment where the liner

must respond to in-situ and mining-induced stresses,
In Canadian underground mines, shotcrete support shotcrete behaviour is governed by the concentration
design is usually based on empirical charts and more of tensile and compressive stresses transferred from
often on local precedent experience. These methods the rock to the liner. In structurally controlled envi-
have been largely successful but do not allow for ronments, the shotcrete must retain keyblocks and
quantification of a design factor of safety (capaci- prevent unraveling, and behaviour is therefore go-
ty/demand) or for support optimization. verned by adhesion and flexure.
This paper discusses the composite behaviour of a These modes demonstrate the fundamental load-
shotcrete liner in moderately jointed hard rock, and ing conditions placed on the liner by the deforming
provides preliminary guidelines for shotcrete design rockmass, and allow the development of stability
in moderately jointed rock of quality Q =0.2-20. graphs to perform sensitivity analysis. However, the
Key properties governing behaviour include shear interaction between these mechanisms causes in-situ
and tensile stiffness and strength, adhesive strength, behaviour that cannot usually be represented by a
and flexural behaviour and toughness of the shot- single failure process. The following discussion will
crete and the shotcrete-rock beam. Material proper- illuminate theories of shotcrete support mechanisms,
ties used in deriving the shotcrete capacity in these and attempt to estimate the effect of interaction with-
failure modes are available from standard tests. The in the rock-shotcrete system.
interaction of these failure modes in-situ is more dif-
ficult to characterize and will be discussed here.
2.1 Flexure of a shotcrete beam
The theories used to estimate flexural capacity differ
2 MECHANICS OF SHOTCRETE SUPPORT based on the support design. Boltless shotcrete flex-
ural capacity can be derived from beam theory,
The support role of a shotcrete liner varies with the where the shotcrete acts as a beam in bending be-
loading environment (stress vs. structurally con- neath a failure surcharge geometry. Based on the es-
trolled), and the magnitude and direction of the timated abutment strength, the shotcrete is modeled
loads. Work by Barrett (1993) and Barrett & as either a simply supported beam or an end con-
McCreath (1995) has delineated six key components strained beam, and the driving moments can be cal-
of mechanistic behavior of shotcrete liners adhe- culated. The resisting moments are also calculated
sion failure, bending failure, direct shear failure, from beam theory, and can encompass both elastic
punching shear failure, compressive failure, and ten- and plastic analysis.
sile failure.

Proc. of the 5th Int. Symp on Ground Support in Mining & Underground Construction (Cairns). Villaescusa, E. and Potvin, Y.(eds). Rotterdam: Balkema.
The elastic limit is reached when tensile strength, servative and valid providing the block depth, b, is
T, is first exceeded and rupture occurs on the under- several times greater than the shotcrete thickness, t.
side of the beam, and in plain shotcrete this is ana- The height of the compressive zone in the composite
logous to the ultimate limit. The resisting moment rock-shotcrete beam is limited by the block size.
per meter width of a shotcrete layer with thickness t The resisting moment at first crack can be derived
and rupture modulus (strength) at first crack FLEX, as an analogue to the analysis of tensile steel bars in
can be determined according to Equation 1: reinforced beams adapted from Popov (1978), as
outlined in Equation 3 below. The extent of the
M R = FLEX t 2 / 6 T t 2 / 6 (1) compression zone, a, depends on the ratio of the
However, the increased toughness provided by fiber moduli (), the shotcrete thickness, t, and the block
reinforcement allows stable and progressive failure size, b.
to occur, leading to plastic moment resistance. As a ba+t/2
result, uniform residual compressive and tensile MR FLEX t (b + t 2 a 3) (3)
stress distributions develop within the beam.
Holmgren (1993) approximated the ultimate moment
of fiber-reinforced shotcrete based on residual where a = t + 2 t 2 + 2t (b + t 2 ) ,
strength parameters obtained according to ASTM and =Eshotcrete/Erockmass
C1018, as shown in Equation 2:
For fibre-reinforced shotcrete (with sustained resi-
R + R30 / 10 t2
M RP 0.9 10 / 5 FLEX (2) dual tensile capacity) the ultimate limit of the beam
200 6 is governed by the crushing strength (plastic soften-
where R10/5 and R30/10 are residual strength parame- ing of the upper surface of the composite beam) of
ters (ASTM C1018), t is shotcrete thickness, and the rock, C(ROCK), estimated as 50% of the laborato-
FLEX is the rupture modulus at first crack. ry UCS value (as per Diederichs 2000). The final
Derivation of elastic and plastic moment resis- plastic moment resistance of the composite rock-
tance in shotcrete is relevent only in a rockmass with shotcrete beam (Figure 2) is given by Popov (1976)
significant structure and small block size, bounded as:
by intact rock. The liner is thus considered as a su-

permesh holding up discrete blocks between rock- M RP 0.85 RESIDUAL t b + t 2 t RESIDUAL (4)
bolts. This method should be used as an estimate of C ROCK
worst-case conditions.
The resisting moment must be provided by the in-
ter-block friction on the upper side of the composite
2.2 Flexure of a composite rock-shotcrete beam beam, or by the critical moment capacity of the shot-
A key support mechanism of boltless shotcrete is the crete in the case of a simple shotcrete layer.
self-supporting capacity of the composite rock-
shotcrete beam, where the integrity of keyblocks is
maintained by the adherence of the shotcrete layer.
The thickness of the beam can be equated to the av-
erage block depth provided there exist no shallow
oblique structures. The moment caused by the kine-
matically mobile blocks induces tensile forces in the
shotcrete and compressive forces in the rock, as
shown in Figure 1.

Figure 2. Crack in fibre-reinforced shotcrete

Analysis of the flexural factor of safety for vari-

ous span widths shows that considerable capacity is
gained when the system behaves as a composite
beam. A compressive zone develops within the def-
Figure 1. Moment resistance in rock-shotcrete beam (Hutchin-
lecting beam or slab, which contributes to the fric-
son & Diederichs 2001). tional strength of the joints and relieves the demand
for shotcrete adhesion.
The resultant tensile force is assumed to act Based on the composite beam analysis, it can be
through the center of the shotcrete layer. This is con- shown that the factor of safety for an independent
Proc. of the 5th Int. Symp on Ground Support in Mining & Underground Construction (Cairns). Villaescusa, E. and Potvin, Y.(eds). Rotterdam: Balkema.
shotcrete beam is much lower than that of a compo- the shotcrete is applied early and effectively. The
site rock shotcrete beam for a given span as shown moment resistance is increased when block size is
in Figure 3 for the specified shotcrete strength and small; at large block sizes (up to and over a meter)
yield assumptions. the shotcrete contribution is minimal.
The resisting moment then becomes a function of
the arch thickness, the block friction angle, the adhe-
sive capacity of the shotcrete, the effective unit
weight of the rock, the span, the block size, and the
maximum stress acting in the beam (at the bottom
edge of the abutment and at the top of the edge of
the midspan section). The discussion highlighted in
Sections 2.1-2.4 is summarized in Figure 4.

Figure 3. Flexural Capacity of shotcrete-beam and composite

rock-shotcrete structure.

2.3 Voussoir analogue for shotcrete support

The Voussoir Analogue adapts the standard beam
models to consider the development of lateral thrust
throughout the beam, adding to moment and shear
stability. However, the development of this beam re-
quires more deflection and is more sensitive to blast
vibration and overall confinement. The summary
Figure 4. Capacity comparison of shotcrete layer composite
presented below is based on the work of Diederichs rock/shotcrete beam with soft or relaxed abutments, and com-
& Kaiser (1999), Hutchinson & Diederichs (1996). bination shotcrete Voussoir rock beam with rigid abutments
Beam thickness, T, is defined by the lamination (free refers to end moments). Shotcrete=75mm, flexural
thickness or the average block size. The develop- strength =5MPa, Erock=10GPa, triangular load distribution
ment of tensile cracking or lamination-normal joints
inhibits the tensile capacity of the beam, and a com-
2.4 Discrete block failure
pression arch rises from the abutments to a high
point at the midspan. Critical failure modes, assum- The foregoing examples represented cases of distri-
ing there is no potential for block sliding at the ab- buted loading by a deformable surcharge on a shot-
utments, become snap-through failure or crushing crete layer, independently deformable over its full
failure of the rock. extent. Also relevant in shotcrete design however, is
Incorporation of shotcrete reinforcement into the consideration of a wedge translating as a single rigid
Voussoir analogue necessitates a few assumptions. block. This is analogous to a rigid test plate being
The first is that the displacement has caused the pulled through the liner. In each case the pull or
shotcrete to exceed its fracture strength. This is a va- wedge load, P, is equivalent to a line load P/(S)
lid assumption as the formation of a compression distributed around the perimeter (or equivalent circle
arch occurs only with significant displacement. In of diameter S) as utilized in discrete wedge failure
light of this, the shotcrete is assumed to supply a uni- analysis such as Diederichs et al (2000).
form residual tensile resistance. Failure commences with some adhesion loss
A further modification is the consideration of a around the perimeter of the block, and although
linearly varying load distribution due to beam self- highly unstable in two dimensions, in three dimen-
weight and additional surcharge due to rock above. sions it results in an annulus of separation around the
As well, it is assumed that the beam develops under wedge. As failure proceeds and flexure occurs at the
self-weight prior to the failure of the ground above outer limits of the system, the annulus expands and
(this assumption is consistent with progressive fail- increases the circumference or perimeter of the ad-
ure). The normal stress then allows development of hesion front.
sufficient shear strength to prevent discrete block Adhesion acts over a finite bond length as shown
failure and subsequent adhesion failure. in Figure 5. This value has been back-calculated
The shotcrete plays a dual role by retaining keyb- from falling block tests (Hahn & Holmgren 1979,
locks and increasing moment resistance, provided and Fernandez-Delgado et al 1981) and confirmed
Proc. of the 5th Int. Symp on Ground Support in Mining & Underground Construction (Cairns). Villaescusa, E. and Potvin, Y.(eds). Rotterdam: Balkema.
by Phase2 (Rocscience) numerical modeling, as dis- 3 SHOTCRETE SIMULATION
cussed in a following section. The bond width (the
width of actively straining interface adjacent to the Because both end moments and uniform axial stress
edge of a displacing rigid block in Fig. 5) varies with components contribute to the overall moment equili-
the adhesive strength, and therefore with rockmass brium of a curved beam, additional unknowns are in-
condition and type, but the generally accepted value troduced and numerical solution is required.
is 30mm. This bond length, combined with adhesive
strengths of 0.5MPa to 1.0MPa for most rock sub-
strates, corresponds to perimeter capacity (block 3.1 Finite Element modelling of a shotcrete arch
load distributed over the wedge perimeter) ranging A finite element model was created by Hutchinson
from 1.5 tonnes/m to 3 tonnes/m. and Diederichs (2001); good wall quality and adhe-
sion is assumed with fixed support abutments. They
simulated a half span with vertical symmetry and a
linearly increasing load from zero at the abutments
to S at midspan, where =0.5. To simulate shot-
crete support only, and neglect the self-supporting
capacity of the rock, the modulus of the overlying
material was set to four times less than that of the
shotcrete modulus. The model showed compressive
and tensile stress gradients at the abutment, with an
Figure 5: Schematic of adhesion bond width for rigid blocks. inverted distribution at the midspan (Figure 7).

Note that the transition from adhesive failure to

flexural yielding happens over fractions of a milli-
meter of wedge/plate displacement, and is therefore
not likely to be discernible using instrumentation or
tests data. The maximum moment per unit length
occurs at the wedge perimeter as in the schematic in
Figure 6.

Figure 7. Shotcrete arch stability for 3 (75mm) shotcrete.

Maximum failure height = 0.5S (Mid and Abutment refer
Figure 6: Flexure between bonded shotcrete and a rigid displac- to fracture location in shotcrete arch).
ing wedge or plate.

For a given wedge or plate load, by comparing 3.2 Modelling of the adhesion interface
with the moment capacity in Eq. 1, the maximum to- Little is known of the true adhesive strength of the
lerated displacement (Eq. 5) and the adhesion sepa- shotcrete liner, and depends heavily on the adhesive
ration (Eq. 6) can be calculated: bond length. Hutchinson & Diederichs (2001)
M = Et 3 / 2 L2 (5) created a simple finite element model in Phase2
(Rocscience) to convert a distributed bond strength
where: = wedge/plate displacement and in MPa to a working bond capacity in MN/m.
L = width of separation annulus The rock and shotcrete are simulated with suita-
ble properties, then a thin zone of elements between
M PL / S (6)
the two units are assigned brittle properties, to simu-
where: P = applied load and late the adhesion interface. The tensile strength was
S = equivalent diameter of wedge base set equal to between 0.5MPa and 1.0MPa, which are
representative values for shotcrete-rock adhesion
. The flexural considerations in Eqs. 5 and 6 above (>7days cure) on a rough dry granite.
add 5% to 10% to the perimeter capacity (compared A distributed load was applied to one end of the
to adhesion alone)this capacity. half-span model, while the other end was fixed;

Proc. of the 5th Int. Symp on Ground Support in Mining & Underground Construction (Cairns). Villaescusa, E. and Potvin, Y.(eds). Rotterdam: Balkema.
translation occurred along a vertical joint. Figure 8 3.3 Numerical simulation of shotcrete field test
illustrates the model and failure geometry.
As discussed above, empirical, analytical, and nu-
As interface elements yielded, tensile stress con-
merical design methods all have a role to play in the
centration moved progressively along the interface.
design of an economical and effective shotcrete sup-
A large number of parametric simulations were car-
port system. Currently, the role of lab and field tests
ried out and although model convergence proved to
is to characterize one or more shotcrete material
be difficult, the line capacity at interface yield
properties or strength parameters. The values are
(MN/m) was approximately equal to the bond tensile
then incorporated into the chosen design methodolo-
strength (MPa) multiplied by 0.03m (+/- 0.005m).
gy. Current research is focusing on this transfer of
This adhesion band width of 30mm is insensitive
knowledge from the lab to field design, with the goal
to variations within reasonable ranges of thicknesses
of correlating field test performance to drift-scale
and shotcrete properties. These results can be used to
generate stability graphs as shown in Figure 9.
The field test consists of a steel plate being pulled
Moving block through an in-situ shotcrete liner, as outlined in
Stationary block
ODonnell & Tannant (1998). Load is applied to the
plate using a hydraulic ram, and deflection is typical-
ly measured using a single LVDT. For this research
project however, two perpendicular arrays of poten-
tiometers were used to monitor shotcrete deforma-
tion. The test set-up is shown in Figure 10.

Moving block Stationary block

Yielded Interface

Figure 8. FEM model of rock-shotcrete interface rupture

(stresses contoured): Adhesion strength = 0.5MPa. (Whole
model at top with detail and results mid and bottom).

Figure 10. The principal author supervising densely instru-

mented in-situ pull tests on fiber reinforced shotcrete.
Figure 9. Critical spans (Factor of Safety=1) for adhesion rup-
ture (full span rigid rock wedge failure).

Proc. of the 5th Int. Symp on Ground Support in Mining & Underground Construction (Cairns). Villaescusa, E. and Potvin, Y.(eds). Rotterdam: Balkema.
The data from the tests is being used to calibrate An ongoing research program is aimed at combin-
numerical models. Two- and three-dimensional ing numerical simulation with field testing to quanti-
models of the pull-test are being created, and shot- fy the influence of individual mechanisms and para-
crete behaviour is calibrated using the data collected meters in the composite behaviour of the shotcrete-
from the field tests. The next phase of the numerical rock system. This work will also form a mechanistic
simulation will encompass generation of two- and bridge between testing and insitu behaviour.
perhaps three-dimensional models of in-situ shot- In summary, the condition and behaviour of the
crete support systems under simple gravity block rock and the subsequent loading conditions must be
loading. These models will then be used to delineate considered with the shotcrete and shotcrete/rock
how the results of the field tests correlate to drift- beam mechanics to optimize shotcrete support de-
scale performance. sign in non-circular tunnel geometries.
The first phase of the numerical simulation is cur-
rently on-going, and preliminary models have been
successful in simulating the behaviour of the shot- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
crete. The shotcrete can be seen to fail in the manner
described in Section 2.4, with adhesion failure pre- Thanks go to NSERC and INCO Ltd. for their past
ceding flexural failure, followed by ultimate yield of and ongoing support of this research.
the system. Figure 11 shows the behaviour of the
shotcrete in the numerical model.

Barrett, S.V.L. 1993. Shotcrete Support Design for Under-

ground Excavations in Rock. M.A.Sc. Thesis, University of
Toronto, Toronto, Canada.
Barrett, S.V.L. & McCreath, D.R. 1995. Shotcrete Support De-
sign in Blocky Ground: Towards a Deterministic Approach.
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 10(1), El-
sevier, 79-89.
Diederichs, M. 2000. Instability of hard rockmass: The role of
tensile damage and relaxation. Ph.D. Thesis, Civil Engi-
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Diederichs, M, Espley, S., Langille, C. and Hutchinson D. J.
2000. A semi-empirical hazard assessment approach to
wedge instability in underground mine openings.
GeoEng2000, Melbourne. CD-ROM. 8pgs.
Diederichs, M.S. and Kaiser, P.K. 1999. Stability of large ex-
cavations in laminated hard rockmasses: The Voussoir ana-
logue revisited. International Journal of Rock Mechanics
Figure 11. Numerical modelling results showing (a) adhesion and Mining Science, 36, 97-117
failure at rock-shotcrete interface with shotcrete deflection, and Fernandez-Delgado, G., Cording, E.J., Mahar, J.W., and M.L.
(b) same model highlighting tensile failure below plate and Van Sint Jan, 1981. Thin Shotcrete Linings in Loosening
flexural tensile failure at periphery of adhesion annulus Rock. The Atlanta Research Chamber: Applied Research
for Tunnels, US Department of Transportation Report:
UMTA-GA-06-0007-81-1, Monograph 21.
Hahn, T., and Holmgren, J. 1979. Adhesion of shotcrete to var-
4 CONCLUSIONS ious types of rock surfaces. 4th Int. Congress on Rock Me-
chanics, Montreu, 431-439.
Shotcrete support design is still dominated by em- Holmgren, J., 1993, Principles for a rational design of shotcrete
pirical design and past experience. The preceding linings in hard rock. Proceedings of the U.S. Engineering
discussion has attempted to illuminate the complex Foundation Conference on Shotcrete for Underground Sup-
port, Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada, ASCE, pp67-
mechanisms governing the behaviour of shotcrete 74.
support in underground rock excavations. While so- Hutchinson, D.J., and Diederichs, M. S. 1996. Cablebolting in
lutions exist for design of circular shotcrete liners, Underground Mines. BiTech Publishers Ltd., Canada.
the interplay of these mechanisms becomes even Hutchinson, D.J and Diederichs, M.S. May 2001. Review of
more important when the shotcrete is used for sup- Fibre Reinforced Shotcrete Specifications, Testing, and Per-
port of flat or moderately arched backs and walls. formance Under Gravity Loading at Low to Moderate
Depth. Report to INCO Ltd.
Although flexural and adhesive failure governs ODonnell Sr., J.D.P, and Tannant, D.D. 1998. Pull Tests to
the liner behaviour, independent analysis of these Measure the Insitu Capacity of Shotcrete. CIM-AGM Mon-
modes while neglecting the strength of the treal, Canada.
rock/shotcrete composite beam may result in a con- Popov, E.P. 1976. Mechanics of Materials. 2nd ed. New Jer-
servative design. sey: Prentice-Hall Inc., 590pg.

Proc. of the 5th Int. Symp on Ground Support in Mining & Underground Construction (Cairns). Villaescusa, E. and Potvin, Y.(eds). Rotterdam: Balkema.

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