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Ricardo Energy & Environment has a long track record at the centre of the renewable energy sector,
having been at the centre of the development of the industry in the UK from the 1980s. Historically
our role was as the main advisor to UK Government on the development and deployment of all forms
of renewable energy. Aided by these programmes the UK renewable energy sector has grown to a
major commercial industry led by development of solar PV, onshore wind, offshore wind.
We now provide expertise in technical feasibility, environmental impacts, financial returns and
performance audits for a wide range of renewable energy projects in the UK, Africa, Asia and beyond.
Our clients include private sector investors, banks and public sector funders.

Example Projects
Our expertise in solar PV includes:
Commercial & Household scale - feasibility and financial models
Policy studies market assessments, policy studies
Solar PV for islands feasibility studies, specification & procurement
Solar PV & energy storage combining solar PV with battery storage systems

Commercial Scale Solar PV experience

2016 Financial model for large scale solar (Solar PV Developer)

For this project, Ricardo-AEA is developing a detailed financial model that has features to model
the specific aspects of the clients novel project finance structure. This MW scale solar park is a
public-private partnership and hence the model needs to represent both different aspects of the
ownership e.g. different tax and funding arrangements.

2013 - On-going - Solar PV financial assessments (Zero Waste Scotland)

Ricardo delivers the Scottish Governments primary energy advice programme to businesses in
Scotland. The advice given includes identification and implementation of energy efficiency and
renewable energy measures. This includes 19 companies who were provided advice on installation
of solar PV, from 10kW to 150kW. The type of advice on solar PV is specific to the company, but
typically includes:
Checking solar PV energy yield using a range of solar PV models.
Benchmarking of costs for the proposed solar PV.
Comparison of price & performance of equipment suppliers.
Review of the assumptions on FIT accreditation and FIT payment levels.
Assessment of financial returns using Ricardos finance model for renewable energy

2013 2014, Solar PV and Wind Assessment (Highways England) REE

In this project Ricardo add examined the potential for Wind and Solar PV energy for thr operator of
the motorways and duel carriageways in England. The work covered:
Micro-generation of electricity for individual items of roadside equipment.
Utilising roof space/unused land at HA depots for PV electricity from 4kWp to 50kWp.
Large scale solar PV & wind generation of electricity on land assets, from 100kWp to
several MW.
Different business models for HA to generate income from were assessed.
Wind turbines/Solar PV installed on private land adjacent to the Strategic Road Network by
third parties with the potential for leasing the HA cable network for distribution.

2013-15, Accreditation support for Solar PV parks (International Solar PV Developer)

For this project, Ricardo-AEA is assisting a private client in their submission for accreditation of
large solar PV projects under the UKs Renewable Obligation scheme. Our role involves providing
support to the client during the preliminary and full accreditation stages of 20 solar PV plants in the
UK ranging in size between 9 MWe and 20 MWe. We reviewed documents and evidence on:
Total installed and declared capacity of the scheme;
Planning permission;
Right to connect to the grid; and
Monitoring arrangements.
We submitted applications to Ofgem on behalf of the client, ensuring that all requirements are met.
Our role included liaison and replying to Ofgem queries during the accreditation process. Following
preliminary accreditation, we undertook site visits to ensure compliance with Ofgem requirements.

2015, Solar PV Feasibility Study (An international engineering company) REE

This study assessed the costs and benefits of
a 150 kW scale solar PV on the roof of an Example solar PV roof layout
engineering works. Five buildings were
identified as suitable and a full assessment of
panel locations, capacity and output
undertaken. This used PVSol, an industry
standard tool, to assess the physical layout of
solar PV and hence the capacity and output.
As the site was close to an airport, a glare
assessments was undertaken and initial
discussions to clarify the planning issues were
A full 20 year financial model was used to
assess financial returns.

2012, Solar Power Plant Consultancy Support (Fariaville Solar Energy (Pty) Ltd)
Fariaville Solar, under the Independent Power Producer Procurement Programme scheme
established under the auspices of the South African Department of Energy, made applications to
build four solar PV farms totalling 165MW. PPA Energy have been engaged to provide financial and
technical advisory in the feasibility phase of this project. In this regard, the final objective of the
assignment is to provide an independent assessment of the solar yield calculations provided by the
EPC contractor, to assess the project's grid connection arrangements and costs and to build a
comprehensive financial model that complies with the RfP.

Household Scale Solar PV experience

2016-2017, Solar PV for new housing development (Housing Developer)

The developer is building XXX homes with solar PV and energy storage incorporated at the outset
of the construction.
Our work includes developing a model of the solar PV output and the energy storage system to
understand the correct sizing for the energy store and the likely net import and export of electricity
from the site.
[any other tasks]

2015, Renewable Energy Opportunities in Housing (South Seeds)

South Seeds charity wanted to understand the opportunities for renewable heat and power
generation in domestic properties in the south side of Glasgow. We completed a scoping study
across all relevant renewable technologies (wind, solar PV, GSHP, ASHP, biomass and solar
thermal). In addition to renewable opportunities in single properties
Each property type in the area was considered separately (including flats, terraced, detached and
semi-detached houses). We assessed the economic, technical and social factors that would impact
the opportunity for the renewable technology, estimating the capital costs and revenue from each
technology. The opportunities were graded (high, medium, low) and presented in a series of easy
to understand maps, covering over 7,000 domestic properties.

2011, Due diligence on solar PV on social housing (London Council)

We undertook a due diligence review of the planned roll out of several hundred solar PV systems
(a total of 3.7 MWp). The Housing Association had carried out a pilot programme of 8 installations
we were engaged to assess the pilot project and plans for the wider roll-out. Working with a
specialist PV installer we carried out a technical assessment of the pilot installations including
structural considerations, electrical connections and all associated paperwork. The wider proposed
scheme was then evaluated in terms of delivery model, financial model and risk to all parties. A
comprehensive analysis of the programme was presented to the client on time for their finance

Policy & Market Studies on Solar PV

1989 ongoing, UK's Renewable Energy STATisticS (UK Govt)

Ricardo-AEA has been providing RESTATS, the UK's Renewable Energy STATisticS database, the
primary source of accurate, up-to-date energy statistics on UK renewable energy sources. These
cover active solar heating; solar photovoltaics (PV); onshore and offshore wind power; wave power;
large- and small-scale hydro; biofuels (biomass and biowastes, including co-firing); geothermal
These data are particularly valuable in recent years by providing independent statistical evidence in
support of various aspects of renewables activities and has been used by Government, industry
and various contractors in a range of activities related to related to renewable energy. Further
details may be found on:

2015-2016 Analysis of Solar PV markets (EU DG Research)

This project is assessing the causes for the decline in EU solar PV manufacturing sector. Part 1
was to gather evidence on the scale of markets and solar PV installation capacity in EU
countries, China, Japan, Korean, USA and India. Part 2 was to examine the evidence on the
different factors that drive solar PV competitiveness. These included the price of: materials,
manufacturing, labour, energy and finance. Market factors includes product performance, brand
and warranty.

2016, Value chain opportunities in solar PV (Sustainable Energy Authority Ireland)

This project follows on from two previous energy supply chain studies for SEAI. In this more
detailed analysis Ricardo is assessing the specific parts of supply chain where companies in
Ireland will have opportunities in the commercial rooftop and ground mounted, solar PV markets. A
key part of this is assessment of the Irish supply chain capability vs. the UK supply chain capability.

2015, Peer review of renewable energy cost data (DECC)

The Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) collects data on the costs of generating
electricity from small scale (sub 5MW) renewable electricity installations. The results are used by
DECC to set future Feed in Tariff support rates for small scale renewable technologies.

In 2015 a survey obtained data for the capital, operating and financing costs for solar, wind,
hydroelectric, anaerobic digestion and micro CHP projects. Ricardo Energy & Environment was
commissioned to undertake a high level peer review of the cost metrics, and prepared reports for
DECC, with many of the recommendations incorporated into the final report.

2015-2016, Accelerating Solar PV in India (UK Dept for International Development)

This project is supporting the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of
India, in their efforts to scale up rural electrification in India through large scale deployment of
decentralised renewable energy generation.
The overall project objectives were to (1) identify supply chain related barriers that impede the
deployment of solar PV mini grid systems in India, (2) identify opportunities to strengthen
international supply chains through improved standards/procedures, (3) encourage investment in
the sector, and (4) provide the MNRE in India with policy and regulatory recommendations for large
scale deployment of solar mini grids in India. Extensive stakeholder consultation is one of the key
approaches to achieving the project objectives. Bi-lateral meetings and interviews as well as India
based workshops with stakeholders across the solar PV industry will provide valuable on-the-
ground insight into policy, institutional, financial and technical aspects affecting solar PV mini grid
supply chains in India.

2015- 2016, Cost and financing aspects of community solar PV projects (IEA)
The project reviewed the costs of community solar PV projects in five countries (Australia, Canada,
Denmark, Germany and the UK). Through interviews with communities quantitative cost and
revenue numbers from 39 community solar projects were captured. Communities were also asked
qualitative questions about their perceptions whether the costs would have been different if the
same project had been built by a commercial entity instead.
Commercial comparator costings were obtained from various international reports and reports
prepared in individual countries by governments or trade associations.
The main conclusions are that community development costs tend to be higher than commercial
projects, but the construction and operating costs tend to be similar. Further, whilst debt finance is
more expensive, equity can often be cheaper to secure as community investors are often happy to
receive a rate of return slightly above bank saving rates, meaning that overall commercial and
community projects often end up with a similar weighted average cost of capital.

2011-12, Understanding waste & the Solar PV Industry (Waste and Resources Action
Programme, WRAP)
This work gathered and analysed an evidence base of information to help WRAP develop a
detailed understanding of the waste associated with the solar PV sector. The study will build on
WRAPs previous work investigating the carbon benefits of remanufacturing PV panels. Specifically
it provided WRAP with an understanding of:
What materials might enter the waste stream?
How much material would be produced?
When these materials will arise?
Where they will arise?
What options there are to reduce the impacts associated with PV waste arisings?

2011-12, Survey of Solar PV installers, (British Photovoltaic Association BPVA)

The British Photovoltaic Association (BPVA) commissioned AEA to

analyse the results of a major survey of MCS registered installers. This
work included:
Analysis of the barriers and drivers for solar PV.
Assessments of prices paid for PV modules, inverters and roof
mounting systems.
Financial issues and how to overcome them.
Reviews of comments on the MCS standards and procedures.
Feedback on the best marketing and promotional routes

Solar PV Energy Systems on Islands

Procurement of Solar PV-diesel hybrid for Tuvalu (European Union Fund for the Pacific)
The Outer Islands Solar-Diesel Hybrid Project included the small islands of Nukufetau, Nui and
Nukulaelae. These islands were reliant on small diesel generators for their electricity supply, diesel
fuel is shipped in 200 litre drums and has to be manually offloaded from small boats.
Ricardo met with the EU country officer, met with the Tuvalu Electricity Corporation, defined
requirements for each scheme, including solar, battery systems, controls, buildings and
communications. Ricardo prepared tender documentation for each island, and assisted with tender
evaluation, met with contractors and provided additional assistance for procurement of
infrastructure when a small amount of additional funding became available.
Following this work, minimal amounts of diesel have had to be provided and the islands normally
can receive a full electricity supply for several days without diesel generators starting.

Tender dossier for island solar PV-hybrid schemes (EU)

Preparation of tender dossier and supporting technical information (European Union): Solar PV
diesel hybrid specialist for preparation of tender dossier and supporting technical information for
solar PV-hybrid schemes for the electrification of 3 small remote atolls. Peak solar capacities
installed are 75kW, 60kW and 45kW. Each island has underground distribution LV distribution, less
than 2km in total length. The islands have between 100 and 150 households, small government
offices and small shops. The assignment included visits to the EU office in Suva, Fiji and a visit to
Funafuti, Tuvalu, for tender evaluation assistance.

Nauru Supply Security & Renewable Energy (Asian Development Bank )

The Project was a Project Preparatory Technical Assistance assignment on the island of Nauru,
central Pacific, to assess the condition of the existing power generation plant and building then to
define the requirements for new generating plant and building repairs and upgrading to enable the
installation of solar PV panels on the roof.
Our experts lead a team covering power engineering, structural engineering, economics and
financial, environmental, social impact. A national environmental specialist was also in the team.
Each expert was involved in field work in Nauru and contribution to the project preparation report.
Included in report preparation were definition of building works required, assessment of generator
condition and selection of which generator(s) to rehabilitate, definition of new generation plant
requirements, cost estimating, economic analysis, preparation of specifications for the works and
generation plant procurement and terms of reference for implementation consultants.

Yap Renewable Energy Development Project (CEERD Co Ltd for ADB)

Project preparation study of solar PV/diesel/solar/wind hybrid system integration and staged
development on the main island, with a population of around 6,000. Yap is a group of remote
islands in the West Pacific and is part of the Federated States of Micronesia. The study developed
concepts for the installation of 2 x 275kW wind turbines and approximately 200kW of solar PV, as
well as investigating the technical issues related to the maximum ratings of wind turbines that could
be added to the existing system with a peak load of around 4MW. A specification for an additional
diesel generator to improve load matching efficiency was also prepared.

Solar PV with Storage

2016, Tender Assessment for Energy Storage (Client confidential)

Our client required an energy storage systems from 0.25 to 0.5MW power capacity and 1MWh
energy stored as part of a solar PV system integrated into a new housing development. Our role
was to undertake an assessment of the tenders offered by 6 suppliers of battery based energy
storage systems. The assessment covered:
Technical Performance (charge/discharge, no of cycles, battery degradation etc,)
Value for Money (/MWh, warranty etc.)
Delivery and Installation (past experience, addressing barriers to delivery, programme etc.)
We used an evidence based scoring system to identify the most suitable battery providers and de-
briefed the losing bidders on why they were unsuccessful.

2016, Battery Storage for grid constrained renewable generator (client confidential)
This client has a combined wind & solar PV site in Scotland, where the combined generation
capacity exceeds the agreed grid connection capacity. Using half hour generation data and
electricity market data, the study assessed the cash benefits vs costs of battery energy storage,
The income from avoiding constrained output when the wind and solar systems operate;
The income from shifting energy production around to better match electricity prices:
- To potential from Power Purchasing Agreements designed for renewables
operating with storage;
- To manage the cost of distribution charges (DUoS).
Income from the Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR) market where National Grid buy
additional peak generating capacity;
Income from the Enhanced Frequency Response (EFR) auction where National Grid buy
rapid response grid balancing services.

Other solar PV project examples:

Understanding the Solar PV Industry market forecasts
Renewable energy assessment for a manufacturer of building projects
South West Microgeneration Assessment, Regen SW
Economic Benefits of Smart Grids and Microgeneration (Scottish Power)

Key Staff Profiles

Trevor Fry Principal Consultant: Island Energy Systems

Trevor has over 30 years of experience in the electricity sector, advising on the specification,
procurement and operation of systems in 33 countries. His work includes many island systems
including Vanuatu, Tuvalu, Nauru, Yap, Kiribati, Pohnpei, Fiji, East Timor, Tonga, Papua New
Guinea and Samoa with a focus on the specification and procurement of solar PV and diesel
hybrid systems. Trevors work also includes review of the assets and operation of electricity
systems, an important pre-requisite for development of renewable energy and energy storage
systems on islands.
Assistance with procurement of a Solar PV-diesel hybrid, tendering communications, site
infrastructure and solar PV system items.
Preparation of tender dossier and supporting technical information for three Solar PV
diesel hybrid specialist for preparation of tender dossier Peak solar capacities installed are
75kW, 60kW and 45kW.
Project preparation study of solar PV/diesel/solar/wind hybrid system integration and
staged development serving a population of around 6,000.

Naser Odeh - Principal Consultant (BSc, PhD, member of the International Solar Energy
Naser has 11 years of experience working in the field of energy and environmental technologies.
He has a BSc in chemical engineering and a PhD in solar energy. His work in the area of solar
energy focussed on solar PV applications. His PhD work developed a model for estimating the
performance of a photovoltaic-driven solar thermal system, comparing different PV technologies.
As a result of his previous experience, Naser has a strong understanding of the different PV cell
and PV module technologies and has several journal and conference publication on solar energy
applications. He has undertaken research on the chemistry of semiconductors and an
understanding of the processes involved in PV cells. His work within Ricardo-AEA involved
undertaking studies on the waste generation, environmental impacts and life cycle analysis of solar
PV technologies.
Nasers recent work includes:
Assisting Sun Edison gain RO accreditation for 20 solar parks, including preparation of
documentation and site audits.
Review of the solar PV market in the UK.
Assessment of projects for the EU NER300 programme

Eugenia Bonifazi - Senior Consultant: Solar Energy (BSc, MSc)

Eugenia worked for a developer of solar PV systems for commercial and solar housing, she
undertook several solar PV feasibility and design projects. For an inverter manufacturer she
provided technical support to project developers, with a focus on power conversion and grid
interface issues. During this time she gained a deep knowledge of the technical problems and
limitations a PV installation will have to face as well as developed a good understanding of UK
regulations. As a result she has a good knowledge of the Renewables Obligation, Feed in Tariff,
MCS, G59/2 and G83 regulations.
Eugenias work includes:
Assisting a solar PV developer gain RO accreditation for 4 solar parks, including
preparation of documentation and site audits.
Writing guidance on how to develop solar PV community scale projects.
Review of energy data submitted for compliance against Climate Change Agreements
Feasibility studies for industrial solar PV schemes.

John Harvey - Consultant (BSc, MSc)

Over the last 10 years John has consulted on environmental, energy and water projects throughout
Europe, Africa and North America. He has a BSc. in Mechanical Engineering, MSc. in Project
Management for Environmental and Energy Engineering and MSc. in Sustainable Energy
Engineering. John has a wide range of experience with solar PV in the UK spanning from energy
policy, funding and finance to technical consulting and implementation. As a result he has strong
knowledge of the key factors contributing to the viability and successful implementation of
renewable energy projects.
Johns work includes:
Solar PV feasibility assessments for housing blocks, leisure centres, schools and
Reviewed dozens of domestic and non-domestic solar PV proposals for local government
development management departments
Solar PV energy and financial modelling for a renewable energy service company.
Leading a project on standards for solar PV in India
Research on the social, environmental and economic benefits of community led solar PV

Simon Morris Senior Consultant: Renewable Energy

Simon has 14 years' experience working in the energy sector, 5 years working in renewable energy.
Simon has supported a range of small and medium scale community renewable developments
including the development of guidance documents to support planning applications, grid
connections, accreditation for renewable energy subsidies and applications for finance. He has
worked with wind, solar and hydro projects to ensure that their projects are investment ready. This
includes supporting projects through screening, planning, development, financial evaluation and
securing finance.
Leading due diligence and investment ready checks for hydro and wind energy
Development of a grid connection solution for a 350kW hydro scheme
Production of toolkits and guidance on renewable energy investments

Raphael Sibille Senior Consultant: Renewable Energy & Storage

Raphael has 9 years experience in energy planning and renewable energy. He recently reviewed
the performance and costs of 6 bidder proposals for a 1MWh energy storage system,
recommendations on winning bidder and addressing bidder questions. This followed from an
assessment of income and benefits from a battery system on a wind & solar generator in NE
Scotland. He has assessed wind, solar and biomass options for community owned energy projects
and for public sector landowners.
Evaluation of bids for a 1MWh Battery Storage Investment
Valuation of income streams from investment in a 1MWh battery on a windfarm
Commercial viability of wind and solar PV investments

Michel Vedrenne (BSc, MSc, PhD) Senior Consultant: Air Quality Policy
Michel has 7 years experience in the field of sustainability and emissions abatement. He was the
leading consultant and manager (80k) investigating the effectiveness of airborne pollutant
measures in the energy and industrial sector in China. The majority of his work concentrates in
advising the European Commission (DG Environment) and the Department for Environment, Food
and Rural Affairs on policy measures to deliver reduction of air pollutant emissions to minimise
impacts. Michel has also worked in the design of a biogas plant for an animal husbandry facility in
Mexico. A Mexican national, Michel is a native Spanish speaker.
Design of emission abatement plans and proposals for power generation sector
Experience in the design of a manure-digesting plant for bioenergy generation
Native Spanish speaker

Mate Antosik Principal Consultant: Investments

Mate has worked as an electricity sector consultant, internationally, and has had extensive financial
modelling, investment management and transaction structuring experience related to power
generation assets in Africa, the Americas, Europe and Asia-Pacific over the past 8 years. He was
he conducted financial assessment of the investment opportunities in the power sector,
successfully completing over 50 power project financial evaluations in 18 countries across various
technologies including wind, solar, hydro and thermal.
Selected project experience
Acquisition of a 250MW wind farm project pipeline in Kazakhstan
Financial assessment of a 20MW PV solar plant in China
Financial assessment of a greenfield 107MW PV solar project in Chile
Assessment of a 35MW small run-of-the-river hydro power plant portfolio in Peru
Assessment of a 180MW wind farm project pipeline in Romania

Rahul Desai Consultant:

Rahul has over 10 years work experience in the Power Sector. Rahul holds an MBA from
University of Leeds, UK and a Power Engineering degree from National Power Training Institute,
New Delhi, India.
Rahul has advised a wide range of clients including international power companies, development
banks and private developers. Before joining PPA Energy, Rahul was an executive in Tata Power
Delhi Distribution in India and was involved in smart meter roll out and other loss reduction
activities. Rahul has managed 66kV/33kV/11kV grid stations in India.
Rahul has worked on a number of renewable energy projects and has completed a power market
study for EDP Renovaveis, a cost analysis study for 600 MW wind farm and a waste to energy
plant in the UK.
Rahul has also been involved in analysing some of the Novel Power Generation technologies,
Demand Response Programmes which included energy storage solutions and distributed
generation initiatives.
Rahul has extensive interest in providing regulatory advice and he has developed regulatory
documents for Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) that would be used to establish
the Eastern Caribbean Energy Regulatory Authority (ECERA). Rahul provided technical Support
for the Transmission Price Control Review 4 (TPCR4) that was done by Ofgem. Rahul is currently
provide support to an ADB project (TA 8830) on harmonizing the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS)
Power Systems to Facilitate Regional Power Trade project. Rahul completed a Levelised Cost of
Energy (LCOE) study for the Zambia-Tanzania-Kenya (ZTK) Interconnector Project.
Rahul has also worked on Smart Grid projects that required Technical & Engineering Consulting
knowledge and has completed projects with EDF Energy / UK Power Networks.

Rahul is a Consultant with over 10 years work experience in the Power Sector. Rahul holds an MBA from University of Leeds,
UK and a Power Engineering degree from National Power Training Institute, New Delhi, India.
Whilst at PPA Energy Practice of Ricardo, Rahul has advised a wide range of clients including international power companies,
development banks and private developers. Before joining PPA Energy, Rahul was an executive in Tata Power Delhi
Distribution in India and was involved in smart meter roll out and other loss reduction activities. Rahul has managed
66kV/33kV/11kV grid stations in India.
Rahul has extensive interest in providing regulatory advice and he has developed regulatory documents for Organisation of
Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) that would be used to establish the Eastern Caribbean Energy Regulatory Authority
(ECERA). Rahul provided technical Support for the Transmission Price Control Review 4 (TPCR4) that was done by Ofgem.
Rahul is currently provide support to an ADB project (TA 8830) on harmonizing the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) Power
Systems to Facilitate Regional Power Trade project. Rahul completed a Levelised Cost of Energy (LCOE) study for the
Zambia-Tanzania-Kenya (ZTK) Interconnector Project.
Rahul has worked on a number of renewable energy projects and has completed a power market study for EDP Renovaveis, a
cost analysis study for 600 MW wind farm and a waste to energy plant in the UK.
Rahul has also worked on Smart Grid projects that required Technical & Engineering Consulting knowledge and has completed
projects with EDF Energy / UK Power Networks.
Rahul has also been involved in analysing some of the Novel Power Generation technologies, Demand Response Programmes
which included energy storage solutions and distributed generation initiatives.

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