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European Journal of Agronomy 12 (2000) 1322

Spatial field variations in soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.)

performance trials affect agronomic characters
and seed composition
J. Vollmann a, *, J. Winkler b, C.N. Fritz a, H. Grausgruber a, P. Ruckenbauer a
a Agronomy and Plant Breeding Department, University of Agricultural Sciences Vienna, Gregor Mendel-Str. 33, A-1180 Vienna, Austria
b Saatzucht Gleisdorf GmbH, A-8200 Gleisdorf, Austria

Accepted 4 August 1999


The objective of this study was to investigate field trends in agronomic characters of soybean (Glycine max [L.]
Merr.) performance trials. Field experiments were arranged as lattice designs, and for each plot within an experiment,
an environmental covariate representing the spatial trend was calculated using neighbour analysis. Correlations
between environmental covariates of different characters were then used to analyse the degree of similarity in their
spatial trends. Grain yield, seed protein content, and seed size were more influenced by spatial variations than time
to flowering, time to maturity, and oil content. Significant correlations between environmental covariates were found,
which demonstrate the similarity of trend patterns in different characters within particular experiments. In field trials
exhibiting a high degree of spatial heterogeneity, correlations between environmental covariates of grain yield and
protein content were highly positive. This indicates that field conditions, which promote grain yield, would also
enhance protein content. Moreover, the observed trend patterns considerably affected the calculation of phenotypic
coefficients of correlation between grain yield and seed protein content. The results suggest that spatial analysis should
be applied to all characters of interest, when field conditions are not homogeneous. 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All
rights reserved.

Keywords: Grain yield; Neighbour analysis; Seed protein content; Soybean; Spatial heterogeneity

1. Introduction such as water and nitrogen content ( Kirda et al.,

1988; Mulla et al., 1992; Wade et al., 1996),
Heterogeneity within experimental fields, which element concentration (Berndtsson and Bahri,
may affect yield and other characters of a crop, 1995), organic carbon content (Ball et al., 1993),
can often be seen in large agronomic experiments. or soil physical properties (Becher, 1995). In plant
This field heterogeneity or spatial variation usually breeding trials, spatial variation affects the ranking
indicates the presence of soil fertility gradients, of genotypes (Brownie et al., 1993; Stroup et al.,
which might be due to trends in soil parameters 1994) and broadens the experimental error vari-
ance (Ball et al., 1993; Brownie et al., 1993; Helms
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +43-1-47654-3309;
et al., 1995; Vollmann et al., 1996a). This could
fax: +43-1-47654-3342. cause a decreased response to selection and a
E-mail address: (J. Vollmann) reduced precision of statistical testing procedures.

1161-0301/00/$ - see front matter 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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14 J. Vollmann et al. / European Journal of Agronomy 12 (2000) 1322

Moreover, estimates of heritability and other of correlation between agronomic and seed quality
genetic parameters might be biased by field hetero- characters was investigated.
geneity (Rosielle, 1980; Magnussen, 1993; Helms
et al., 1995). In agronomic trials, treatment effects
could be masked by spatial variations, thus prohib- 2. Materials and methods
iting the identification of the most favourable
agronomic treatment (Scharf and Alley, 1993). 2.1. Experiments
In order to monitor and control spatial field
variation statistically, a number of different con- During the present study, seven different soy-
cepts and procedures, such as incomplete block bean performance trials ( Table 1), which had been
designs, neighbour analysis, trend analysis, or grown at Raasdorf, Lower Austria (10 km east of
correlated error models, have recently been dis- Vienna, Austria, 4812 N, 1632 E), between 1995
cussed and evaluated comparatively using yield and 1997, were analysed for spatial field variations
data (e.g. Brownie et al., 1993; Stroup et al., 1994; in different agronomic characters. The soil type at
Grondona et al., 1996; Gleeson, 1997). Although the experimental site was classified as a chernozem
substantial effects of spatial heterogeneity on grain of alluvial origin. Each performance trial was
yield have been demonstrated, spatial methods of originally planted as a generalized lattice design in
analysis are rarely being considered for characters two replications at a plot size of 5.51.25 m with
other than grain yield. In wheat, field trends in four rows per plot. The trials designated EXP1,
seed size, test weight, seed protein content, element EXP2, and EXP5 in Table 1 comprised genotypes
of soybean maturity groups 0000 ( Fehr and
concentration of seed, and plant height have been
Caviness, 1980), which were F -derived lines in
reported from production fields and from plot 2
F or F generations from crosses between high-
trials (Rosielle, 1980; Mulla et al., 1992; 5 6
yielding and high-protein parents. The trials desig-
Berndtsson and Bahri, 1995). In soybean trials,
nated EXP3, EXP4, EXP6, and EXP7 involved
characters such as seed size, seed protein and oil
F -derived breeding lines of soybean maturity
content, symbiotically fixed nitrogen and fibrous 5
group 00 in F or later generations, which had
root area have been adjusted for spatial hetero- 7
been pre-selected for yield performance in earlier
geneity in order to enhance the precision of experi-
mental results (Herridge and Rose, 1994;
In all experiments, soybean seeds were
Pantalone et al., 1996; Rosielle, 1980; Rebetzke inoculated with Nodular-G (Serbios, Badia
et al., 1998). In barley, environmental trends have Polesine, Italy), a commercial preparation of
been observed among scores of powdery mildew Bradyrhizobium japonicum ( Kirchner) Jordan, in
in an experiment on disease control (Hackett order to promote nodulation and symbiotic nitro-
et al., 1995). gen fixation. Mineral nitrogen was applied at a
Despite the numerous reports on spatial vari- rate of 30 kg ha1 prior to sowing. In addition,
ability in field trials, the related effects of spatial phosphorus and potassium were provided prior to
heterogeneity on different agronomic characters seed bed preparation at rates of 70 kg ha1 P O
within the same experiment have never been con- 2 5
and 140 kg ha1 K O, respectively.
sidered explicitly, and trends occurring in several 2
plant traits have not been compared, although 2.2. Data collection
they might be caused by variations in the same
soil parameters. Therefore, the objective of this Field data of time to flowering, time to maturity,
study was to analyse the influence of spatial trends duration of reproductive phase and plant height
on agronomic and seed compositional traits within were collected as one single reading per experimen-
soybean performance trials by using covariates tal plot. Time to flowering and time to maturity
from a neighbour analysis procedure. Further- were expressed as the number of days required to
more, the influence of field trends on the estimates reach the R1 (beginning of bloom) and R8 (full
J. Vollmann et al. / European Journal of Agronomy 12 (2000) 1322 15

Table 1
Experimental designs of seven different soybean performance trials grown in three years, and the efficiency (%) of lattice analysis as
an indication of the presence or absence of effects of spatial variations on agronomic and seed compositional characters

Design/character Experiment

1995 1996 1997


Lattice designa 106 66 55 55 105 55 55

Number of entries 60 36 25 25 50 25 25
Lattice efficiency (%)
Time to flowering 100.0 101.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.1 100.0
Time to maturity 168.6 104.0 104.4 100.0 114.1 121.4 114.6
Reprod. phaseb 136.2 110.8 104.5 100.0 100.4 101.7 118.3
Plant height 235.6 117.7 106.0 124.3 104.7 100.0 100.0
Grain yield 198.3 210.9 143.3 402.8 135.6 100.6 108.7
Protein content 405.0 180.3 140.3 147.7 109.3 104.9 100.0
Oil content 197.6 116.7 100.0 133.3 107.8 106.2 109.6
Protein plus oilc 250.7 157.2 110.0 123.1 100.0 102.0 100.3
Seed size 314.8 204.7 129.3 150.3 103.7 122.6 100.0

a Generalized lattice design: Number of incomplete blocksnumber of plots per block.

b Duration of reproductive phase (R1R8 in days).
c Sum of protein and oil content.

maturity) developmental stages, respectively, (RCB) designs in order to compare the two
according to Fehr and Caviness (1980). designs. Moreover, the efficiency (%) of lattice
For determination of protein and oil content, a analysis relative to randomised complete blocks
25 g sample of dry seeds from each plot was finely (Cochran and Cox, 1957) was calculated to com-
ground and scanned by near-infrared reflectance pare the degree of spatial variation in the different
spectroscopy (NIRS) using an InfraAlyzer model characters within each experiment, as detectable
450 spectrophotometer and IDAS calibration soft- by lattice analysis.
ware (Bran and Luebbe, Norderstedt, Germany). For the application of neighbour analysis, indi-
Seed protein content, oil content, and the sum of vidual plot residuals were calculated for each
protein and oil content were expressed in g kg1 experimental plot and for each character as:
on a dry matter basis. Seed size [weight of 1000
e =x x: ,
seeds (g)] and grain yield (kg ha1) were expressed ij ij i
on an 8% seed moisture basis. where e denotes the plot residual, x the observed
ij ij
character expression of genotype i in replication j,
2.3. Statistical analysis and x: the arithmetic mean of genotype i. Plot
residuals of particular neighbour plots (Fig. 1)
Experimental data were subjected to a lattice were then used to calculate environmental covari-
model of ANOVA, and the F-test was applied to ates for each experimental plot. Following the
examine the statistical significance of genotype designation introduced by Stroup et al. (1994) for
differences for the characters investigated. The long and narrow plots, longitudinal neighbour
generalized lattices were also regarded as random- covariates were referred to as eastwest ( EW )
ised complete block designs with additional restric- covariates. Neighbour plot covariate EW1 was
tions within replications (Cochran and Cox, 1957). calculated as the arithmetic mean of the eastern
For this reason, the lattice experiments were fur- and the western nearest-neighbour plots, which is
ther analysed as randomised complete block identical to the earliest nearest neighbour analysis
16 J. Vollmann et al. / European Journal of Agronomy 12 (2000) 1322

boundaries between neighbouring plots falling in

different blocks (Brownie et al., 1993).
Generalized lattice designs were analysed using
the PLABSTAT software program ( Utz, 1988).
Plot residuals and covariates from neighbour plots
were calculated from the raw data using a spread-
sheet program, Corel Quattro Pro (Corel, Orem,
UT ) and the appropriate field layout information.
Combined analysis of variance and covariance as
well as the adjustment of entry means by neighbour
covariates were carried out using the GLM pro-
cedure and the LSMEANS statement of the SAS
program (SAS Institute, 1988). Phenotypic and
genetic coefficients of correlation between charac-
ters were also calculated with PLABSTAT; as there
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of the neighbour analysis
is no adequate test of significance available for
methods applied. In EW1, EW2 and EW3, the residuals from examining genetic coefficients of correlation
1, 2 or 3 neighbour plots, respectively, are used as an environ- (Thomas and Tapsell, 1985), the standard errors
mental covariate to correct the plot value of a test plot for of the coefficients were used as an indicator of
field trends. their significance.

method proposed by Papadakis (1937). Covariates 3. Results

EW2 and EW3 were calculated from plot residuals
of two ( EW2) or three ( EW3) plots ( Fig. 1) at As an indication of the presence of spatial field
each side of a test plot, respectively, because the trends detectable by lattice analysis, the efficiency
use of two or more neighbour plots for describing of lattice designs is presented in Table 1 for
a local trend could improve the efficiency of analy- different soybean performance experiments and for
sis in particular experiments ( Vollmann et al., all characters investigated. Differences in the effi-
1996a). For border plots missing particular neigh- ciency roughly demonstrate that distinct characters
bours, covariates were calculated without the resid- were affected by spatial field variations to a clearly
uals of those plots. Subsequently, a combined different extent: time to flowering, time to matu-
analysis of variance and covariance was carried rity, the duration of the reproductive phase, and
out according to the model: oil content were generally less influenced by spatial
variations than grain yield, protein content, and
x =m+t +bEW +e ,
ij i ij ij seed size. Moreover, differences in lattice efficiency
where x denotes the character expression of geno- can also be recognized between different years:
type i in replication j (=plot value), m is the overall lattice efficiencies were higher in the 1995 and 1996
mean value, t denotes the effect of genotype i, b trials than in 1997, which suggests that seasonal
indicates the regression coefficient of the EW effects influenced the magnitude of spatial varia-
covariate used, and e represents the random error tions at a given experimental site.
term. For each analysis of variance, one additional Comparative results of different ANOVA
degree of freedom was allocated to the regression models for controlling spatial variations in grain
coefficient because residuals were calculated from yield, protein and oil content, and seed size are
genotype means as concomitant covariates (Pearce summarized in Table 2 using the EXP2 experiment
and Moore, 1976). Block effects were ignored as an example. The highest residual error mean
when applying the neighbour analysis, because the squares and CVs were obtained when the random-
concept of blocking would establish artificial ised complete block analysis was applied. Residual
J. Vollmann et al. / European Journal of Agronomy 12 (2000) 1322 17

Table 2
Comparison of various ANOVA models for the control of spatial variation in four characters of the EXP2 experiment

ANOVA model Grain yield Protein content Oil content Seed size

MSEa P (F )b CV, % MSEa P (F )b CV, % MSEa P (F )b CV, % MSEa P (F )b CV, %

RCBc 175 126 0.001 17.5 421 0.179 7.0 145 0.001 5.3 74.0 <0.001 5.5
66 latticed 83 023 <0.001 12.0 234 0.038 5.2 124 <0.001 4.9 36.7 <0.001 3.9
EW1e 71 751 <0.001 11.2 334 0.181 6.2 131 <0.001 5.0 46.2 <0.001 4.4
EW2e 77 168 <0.001 11.6 272 0.040 5.6 137 <0.001 5.2 36.3 <0.001 3.9
EW3e 86 096 <0.001 12.3 263 0.061 5.5 126 <0.001 4.9 33.5 <0.001 3.7

a Residual error mean square.

b Probability value of entry-H from F-test.
c Randomized complete block design.
d For the lattice design, the effective error MS is presented instead of the residual error MS, which only covers the intra-block error.
e Neighbour analysis using EW1, EW2, or EW3, respectively, as neighbour covariate.

error mean squares were drastically reduced by

lattice or neighbour analysis in all characters
except oil content, which seemed to be less affected
by spatial heterogeneity in this experiment. In seed
protein content, significant genetic differences
between entries could only be detected by lattice
or EW2-based neighbour analysis, as revealed by
the respective F-tests. Correspondingly, residual
error mean square was similarly reduced after
lattice or neighbour analysis of different characters
in the other experiments investigated (results not
The EW2 residuals of the EXP2 experiment
were further utilized to visualize field trends in
four different characters ( Fig. 2): Rather similar
patterns of trend can be recognized for grain yield,
protein content, and seed size, whereas the trend
lines of oil content show a pattern that seems to
be opposite to those found in the other characters.
The view of trend similarities between grain yield
and other seed characters of the same experiment
is further supported by the significant and close
correlations between the respective EW2 residuals
(Fig. 3). Apart from EXP2, similar correlations
between EW2 residuals of different characters were
detected in other experiments grown in different
seasons ( Table 3). Positive correlations between
EW2 residuals were found between grain yield and
protein content, and between grain yield and seed
Fig. 2. Field trends of grain yield, protein content, oil content
size. This suggests that soil properties within and seed size in each of the two replications grown in two
heterogeneous fields, which improve grain yield consecutive blocks of 36 plots of the EXP2 experiment, as
also boost both seed protein content and seed size. revealed by EW2 neighbour residuals.
18 J. Vollmann et al. / European Journal of Agronomy 12 (2000) 1322

for spatial variations. Genetic coefficients of corre-

lation were rather similar for each of the three
methods of statistical analysis, although the esti-
mated levels of significance tended to be higher
after lattice or EW2 adjustment than after RCB
analysis. Considerable differences were found
between particular phenotypic coefficients of corre-
lation after an adjustment of field data. The pheno-
typic coefficient of correlation between grain yield
and protein content was low (r=0.18) and statis-
tically not significant, when calculated from unad-
justed genotype mean values after RCB analysis.
However, when using lattice- or EW2-adjusted
means, the correlation between grain yield and
seed protein content was clearly negative ( Table 4).
An even more drastic influence of data adjustment
on the relationship between grain yield and protein
content was found in the EXP1 experiment. In
this case, the estimate of the genetic correlation
between yield and protein content was
r =0.70, whereas the correlation between EW2
residuals of the two characters was r=+0.69
(Table 3). The apparent lack of a significant phe-
notypic correlation between the two characters
[Fig. 4(a)] might be due to a complete balancing
of the negative genetic correlation by the positive
correlation between EW2 residuals, which describe
the environmental variation. After adjusting geno-
typic mean values by EW2 values and lattice
analysis, which were the most efficient procedures
in terms of a reduction of residual error mean
Fig. 3. Relationships between EW2 neighbour residuals of grain square for grain yield and protein content, respec-
yield and seed characters for the EXP2 experiment.
tively, the phenotypic correlation between the two
characters clearly changed to negative [Fig. 4(b)].
Negative correlations between EW2 residuals were
always found between grain yield and oil content,
and between protein and oil content. These correla-
tions between environmental covariates were sta- 4. Discussion
tistically significant even in the EXP5 experiment
( Table 3) as well as in the two other 1997 experi- The results of the current investigation clearly
ments (data not shown), although spatial field demonstrate that soil heterogeneity in soybean
variations were only present at a lower degree in performance trials may simultaneously influence
the 1997 season according to the respective lattice agronomic characters such as grain yield, plant
efficiencies computed ( Table 1). height, seed size, and protein and oil content. This
Both the phenotypic as well as the genetic fact and its consequences have not been considered
coefficients of correlation between different charac- in recent reviews on methods of controlling spatial
ters of the EXP2 experiment are presented in variations in breeding experiments (Brownie et al.,
Table 4 for three ways of adjustment of field data 1993; Stroup et al., 1994), which dealt with varia-
J. Vollmann et al. / European Journal of Agronomy 12 (2000) 1322 19

Table 3
Coefficients of correlation (r) between EW2 residuals from a neighbour analysis of different characters in three performance trials
grown in different years

Character Time to maturity Grain yield Protein content Oil content Protein plus oila


Time to maturity
Grain yield +0.47**
Protein content +0.33** +0.69**
Oil content 0.18 0.45** 0.34**
Protein plus oila +0.26** +0.51** +0.89** +0.13
Seed size +0.29** +0.41** +0.48** 0.05 +0.48**

Time to maturity
Grain yield +0.09
Protein content 0.28* +0.83**
Oil content +0.21 0.57** 0.48**
Protein plus oila 0.18 +0.61** +0.85** +0.07
Seed size +0.51** +0.80** +0.58** 0.36** +0.44**

Time to maturity
Grain yield +0.43**
Protein content +0.04 +0.29**
Oil content +0.06 0.31** 0.84**
Protein plus oila +0.17 0.02 +0.37** +0.24
Seed size +0.65** +0.53** +0.14 0.02 +0.21*

a Sum of protein and oil content.

tions in grain yield only. However, variations in side of a test plot was often more efficient than
soil parameters have been reported from pro- using only one nearest neighbour for covering a
duction fields, which affected different plant field trend ( Table 2), which is in agreement with
parameters such as element concentrations in grain earlier findings ( Vollmann et al., 1996a,b).
(Berndtsson and Bahri, 1995) or grain yield and Negative correlations between soybean yield
protein content of wheat (Mulla et al., 1992) in a and protein content within different populations
correlated manner. Therefore, the available meth- have been well established by numerous breeding
ods of spatial analysis could be applied to any studies (e.g. Leffel and Rhodes, 1993; Wilcox and
character of interest, when statistically detectable Cavins, 1995). For this reason, the unexpected
soil trends are present in one trait. Although finding of a highly positive relationship between
spatial trends were very similar for different traits the field trends ( EW2 residuals) of grain yield and
of the same experiment in the present study ( Figs. 2 protein content ( Table 3 and Fig. 3) deserves
and 3), a different statistical model might be most additional consideration. As genotype effects are
adequate for each of the traits in order to reduce omitted through the calculation of neighbour cova-
the residual error mean square ( Table 2). In gene- riates, the correlation between EW2 residuals of
ral, however, lattice analysis and the methods of grain yield and protein content has to be regarded
neighbour analysis were far more efficient than the as a purely environmental correlation (Bos and
randomised complete block analysis in modelling Caligari, 1995). Therefore, a variation in environ-
spatial variations. Moreover, in regular field plots mental parameters such as nitrogen availability
of long and narrow shape, the use of two or three from mineralization, symbiotic N fixation and
neighbour plots residuals ( EW2 or EW3) at each many other factors, which can promote both yield
20 J. Vollmann et al. / European Journal of Agronomy 12 (2000) 1322

Table 4
Phenotypic (above diagonal ) and genetica (below diagonal ) coefficients of correlation (r) between different characters of the EXP2
experiment at three ways of analysis of field data

Character Time to maturity Grain yield Protein content Oil content Protein plus oilb Seed size

RCB (unadjusted)c
Time to maturity +0.80** 0.20 +0.38* +0.12 +0.50**
Grain yield +0.96++ 0.18 +0.34* +0.11 +0.61**
Protein content 0.41+ 1.10+ 0.51** +0.64** 0.12
Oil content +0.51++ +0.79++ 0.79++ +0.33 +0.35*
Protein plus oil +0.24 0.29 +0.14 +0.49+ +0.18
Seed size +0.51++ +0.61++ 0.50+ +0.54++ +0.17
Lattice adjustmentd
Time to maturity +0.78** 0.41* +0.41* 0.02 +0.48**
Grain yield +0.83++ 0.49** +0.42* 0.10 +0.56**
Protein content 0.53++ 0.73++ 0.40* +0.61** 0.34*
Oil content +0.48++ +0.62++ 0.44++ +0.48** +0.35*
Protein plus oil 0.04 0.13 +0.54++ +0.51++ 0.03
Seed size +0.49++ +0.57++ 0.46++ +0.43++ 0.06
EW2 adjustmente
Time to maturity +0.83** 0.33 +0.31 0.04 +0.51**
Grain yield +0.92++ 0.42* +0.32 0.12 +0.54**
Protein content 0.53++ 0.96++ 0.46** +0.56** 0.33*
Oil content +0.38++ +0.56++ 0.72++ +0.48** +0.35*
Protein plus oil 0.11 0.38 +0.20 +0.53+ 0.00
Seed size +0.51++ +0.57++ 0.61++ +0.45++ 0.12

a Significance of a genetic coefficient of correlation is expressed as being greater than once (+) or twice (++) its standard error.
b Sum of protein and oil content.
c Correlations based on unadjusted entry means from the randomized complete block analysis.
d Correlations based on entry means adjusted by lattice analysis.
e Correlations based on entry means adjusted by neighbour analysis using the EW2 neighbour covariate.

and protein content of a soybean crop (Soldati, correlation between grain yield and protein content
1995), could explain the positive correlation is evident after appropriate adjustment of the field
between the trends in grain yield and protein data for spatial trends [Fig. 4(b)].
content in all experiments investigated. The empirical results obtained from the current
The effects of spatial variations on the results investigation of different soybean trials demon-
of performance trials have been characterized as strate that spatial variations can affect various
influencing the ranking of genotypes (Stroup et al., agronomic characters, revealing similar patterns
1994), thus reducing selection efficiency, and of trend in each of the traits, and affecting the
inflating residual error variance, which reduces the estimates of phenotypic correlation between traits.
power of statistical tests and biases the estimates Different statistical methods such as lattice analysis
of heritability as well as other parameters (Ball and various neighbour or trend analysis techniques
et al., 1993). In the case of spatial variations in are available for an efficient monitoring of field
several characters, coefficients of phenotypic corre- variations and for adjusting treatment means.
lation ( Table 4) and estimates of correlated Apart from covering fertility trends in yield trials,
response to selection can also be biased. Using the adjustment for spatial trends in all agronomic
unadjusted field data, the relationship between characters of interest could be useful in different
yield and protein content [Fig. 4(a)] would suggest fields of agronomic and plant breeding research,
that a selection for one character would not influ- e.g. in selecting for seed quality characters such as
ence the other character. However, a negative protein and oil content.
J. Vollmann et al. / European Journal of Agronomy 12 (2000) 1322 21

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