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Study design for randomized prospective trial of carotid endarterectomy for

asymptomatic atherosclerosis. The Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study

Stroke 1989;20;844-849
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Original Contributions

Study Design for Randomized Prospective

Trial of Carotid Endarterectomy for
Asymptomatic Atherosclerosis
The Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study Group

This report summarizes the study design and organization of a multicenter, randomized trial of
carotid endarterectomy for the treatment of asymptomatic carotid stenosis. The Asymptomatic
Carotid Atherosclerosis Study will determine whether the addition of carotid endarterectomy to
aspirin plus risk factor modifications affects the incidence of ipsilateral transient ischemic attack,
amaurosis fugax, and retinal and cerebral infarction in patients with asymptomatic hemodynam-
ically significant carotid stenosis in at least one artery. Power calculations are based on
assumptions of =0.05 (two-sided test) with annual event rate 3% transient ischemic attack and
1% cerebral infarction per year. The study has 90% power for detection of a 25% difference in
events in a 5-year study. Two continuous validation programs are in use: a Doppler/angiogram
correlation study for each Doppler instrument used in screening potential candidates and a
transient ischemic attack/stroke questionnaire/validation study for verification of end points.
Quality assurance is a major component in study design. (Stroke 1989;20:844-849)

O nly rarely are carotid endarterectomies per-

formed on symptomatic patients such as
those with stroke in evolution; therefore,
strictly speaking, almost all endarterectomies are
performed on asymptomatic individuals. Some, how-
combined TIA and CI are 1.5-7.4% in the territory
of the asymptomatic carotid artery.4-5-8 Mortality
rates are consistently in the 4-6% per year range.2-5
The incidence of cerebral infarction related to
intracranial and extracranial arterial disease has
ever, have had previous transient ischemic attacks declined.9 As a consequence, there is controversy
(TIAs) or cerebral infarctions (CIs) in the distribu- as to whether endarterectomy should be limited to
tion of one carotid artery. Other individuals are patients in a specific age group or to those with
symptomatic in the hemisphere opposite an asymp- failure of medical management.10 There have been
tomatic carotid stenosis or in the vertebrobasilar many publications regarding the excessive morbid-
arterial distribution. ity and mortality from endarterectomy performed in
There have been no statistically valid studies some institutions or by some surgeons.11"13 Others
assessing the natural history of asymptomatic carotid have pointed to the enormous excess of endarterec-
stenosis. Most of our knowledge of the natural tomies in the United States compared with the rest
history of asymptomatic stenosis is derived from of the world, which is taken to be ipso facto
longitudinal studies of unoperated stenotic arteries evidence that there are too many performed in the
contralateral to carotid vessels that have been sub- former.14-15 These assertions have been rebutted
jected to carotid endarterectomy for symptomatic with the thesis that when performed by experienced
disease. Thirty to forty percent of patients having surgeons with low morbidity/mortality, the appro-
endarterectomy for symptomatic carotid artery ath- priate time for carotid endarterectomy (if it is to be
erosclerosis have greater than 50% stenosis of the performed at all) is before symptoms have
asymptomatic contralateral carotid vessel.1-5 In the developed,16-21 because morbidity/mortality from
distribution of the previously asymptomatic carotid endarterectomies in this subgroup is far less than
artery, TIA occurred in 13-18% of patients avail- that of persons who have had TIAs. The main
able for a 1-20-year follow-up.1"8 Annual rates of reasons for this reduced complication rate include a
younger age group, fewer associated risk factors,
and the likelihood that the asymptomatic vessel
Supported by Public Health Service Grant NINCDS-NS22611. responds better to surgical treatment than does the
Address for correspondence: James F. Toole, MD, ACAS symptomatic artery, which usually harbors long-
Principal Investigator, Walter C. Teagle Professor of Neurology, standing ulcerated plaques.
Bowman Gray School of Medicine, 300 South Hawthorne Road,
Winston-Salem, NC 27103. Furthermore, there is growing evidence that
Received September 6, 1988; accepted January 17, 1989. "asymptomatic" patients may in fact have had unrec-

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The Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study Group Asymptomatic Carotid Surgery Trial 845

ognized symptoms that might have occurred during Study Design

sleep or periods of impaired alertness, when transi- All patients receive 325 milligrams of aspirin daily
tory neurologic deficits could be ignored or forgot- plus risk factor-reduction counseling, and one half
ten. In support of this contention are the recent are randomly assigned to carotid endarterectomy.
findings that as many as 4% of patients with carotid Candidates may be eligible who are between the
stenosis who are clinically asymptomatic are found ages of 40 and 79 years and who have unilateral or
by computed tomography (CT) scan or magnetic bilateral surgically accessible stenosis of the region
resonance imaging (MRI) to have had cerebral infarc- of the bifurcation of the common or internal carotid
tions in the appropriate arterial distribution.22-25 This artery of at least 60%, confirmed by at least two of
surprising finding is leading to the suspicion that the the following three procedures: ocular pneumople-
genesis of some multi-infarct dementia is showers of
emboli or chronic cerebral hypoperfusion caused by thysmographic (OPG-Gee) examination with a dif-
stenosis of extracranial arteries.26-28 ference in ophthalmic artery systolic pressures > 5
mm Hg or with a ratio [(ophthalmic artery systolic
Even though there has been no study to demon- pressure minus 39) divided by (brachial artery sys-
strate the effectiveness of aspirin for prevention of tolic pressure)] less than 0.43; Doppler sonography
stroke in asymptomatic patients, it is often used in showing a peak systolic frequency shift greater than
association with risk factor reduction as the man- the institutional cutpoint determined by correlation
agement of choice.29-31 Still others assert that plate- of Doppler flow velocities with arteriography in 50
let antiaggregant therapy, because of its effective- consecutive cases; and/or conventional or arterial
ness for abolishing TIA due to thromboembolism, digital subtraction angiography indicating diameter
while not retarding progress of atherosclerosis, actu- stenosis >60% using minimal residual lumen (MRL)
ally increases the risk of cerebral infarction because and the distal lumen (DL) for the equation 1 -(MRL/
it removes the heralding TIA. DL)xl00.
To resolve the question of long-term risk- Patients are excluded for conditions that are
to-benefit of carotid endarterectomy for asympto- likely to produce significant mortality or morbidity
matic stenosis, the Asymptomatic Carotid Athero- or otherwise render follow-up difficult within the
sclerosis Study (ACAS) was designed to determine 5-year period, confound future evaluation of the
whether the addition of carotid endarterectomy to patient for end points, or contraindicate treatment.
aspirin plus risk factor modifications will affect the
incidence of ipsilateral TIA, amaurosis fugax, and The end points for evaluation of the two treat-
retinal and cerebral infarction in patients with asymp- ments will be TIA or infarction in the distribution of
tomatic hemodynamically significant carotid steno- the randomized artery. In the 30-day perioperative
sis in at least one artery. Secondary objectives are period or 42 days postrandomization for the medical
1) to determine the surgical success in lesion removal group, any TIA, stroke, or death will be a study end
and the incidence of recurrent carotid stenosis after point. Thereafter, any ipsilateral TIA or stroke
carotid endarterectomy, 2) to determine the rate of during the 5-year follow-up is an end point. The
progression or regression of carotid atherosclerosis primary analysis variable will be the time between
in the medically treated group, and 3) to determine intervention and end point.
incidence of all other cerebrovascular events, angina This is not a population-based study. Potential
pectoris, nonfatal myocardial infarction (MI), and study candidates are identified by the ACAS patient
cardiac death in follow-up years. coordinator's daily monitoring of intake points such
For all the above reasons, ACAS has been initi- as physicians' offices, ultrasound laboratories, and
ated to supplement other multicenter studies in angiography suites. Patients who seem to fulfill the
progress, including North American Symptomatic minimum eligibility criteria are entered in the recruit-
Carotid Endarterectomy Trial (NASCET)32 and Vet- ment log. If informed consent is obtained from the
erans Administration asymptomatic trial33 and symp- patient, further workup is performed to determine if
tomatic trial (M.R. Mayberg, personal communica- the patient is in fact eligible. If determined eligible,
tion) designed to evaluate the effectiveness of carotid the patient is asked when he/she would be available
endarterectomy in specific populations. for surgery should he/she be randomized to the
In the planning stages since 1981, partial funding surgery arm. Randomization is not done until sur-
was provided by The Upjohn Company in 1984, and gery can be scheduled within 2 weeks. This process
ACAS obtained a planning grant from the National is controlled by the statistical coordinating center
Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and includes stratification by clinical center, sex,
(NINDS) in September 1985. The main phase proto- surgery for contralateral stenosis, and bilateral hemo-
col was approved by NINDS on November 25,1987, dynamically significant stenoses. If two arteries are
but initiation of patient acquisition for each center eligible, the one selected for randomization will be
varied, based on successful completion of training the artery with the greater degree of stenosis.
and certification requirements. By March 1988, most CT scan and the Folstein Mini-Mental State
centers had been approved and as of November 11, examination34 will be performed on all subjects at
1988, 145 patients had been randomized. entry, exit, and at end points, but CT findings will

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846 Stroke Vol 20, No 7, July 1989

not be considered in the decision regarding eligibil- Because determination of end points is initiated
ity or end points. by questionnaires administered quarterly, the exact
Thirty days postsurgery or 42 days postrandom- time of end point may be difficult to determine.
ization for the medical group, there will be follow- Life-table methods will estimate unadjusted
up for medical history, physical and neurologic treatment-specific survival curves and test for dif-
examinations, cognitive function, TIA/stroke ques- ferences. Analyses other than the proportional haz-
tionnaire, event detection, and drug adherence. ards model may be appropriate since survival curves
are expected to cross because of the greater hazard
At subsequent 3-month intervals throughout the in the surgical group in the perioperative period.35
study, the patient receives a medical history ques-
tionnaire, TIA/stroke questionnaire, event detec- Steps are being taken to ensure as much as
tion, review of risk reduction, and drug adherence possible that data accumulated in ACAS will be
questionnaire. Telephone interviews alternate with comparable to that of NASCET and the two Veter-
clinic visits, at which time physical, neurologic, and ans Administration trials of carotid endarterec-
Folstein Mini-Mental State examinations are done. tomy, with planning for meta-analyses.
Carotid Doppler studies are repeated at 3 months, Quality is assured by training and certification of
then every 6 months during the first 24 months and personnel; by selection of equipment; by measures
yearly thereafter and at verified end point. CT is for data completeness and consistency; by monitor-
performed at entry and repeated when an end point ing event rates for surgeon and institution; by
is diagnosed or when a patient exits from the study. central evaluation of samples of angiograms, Dopp-
Electrocardiogram (ECG) is performed when clini- ler, CT, and OPG-Gee studies; and by external
cally indicated. blinded verification of all putative end points. Train-
ing includes angiogram measurement, noninvasive
Data will be collected on recurrence of stenosis in techniques, operation of the clinic data manage-
the surgical group and on the progression of steno- ment system, the computerized randomization sys-
sis in the medical group. Coronary events will be tem, and clinical and surgical data collection includ-
evaluated in both. In addition to identification of ing the TIA/stroke questionnaires.
events from the clinic visits and telephone contacts, Procedures designed to enhance adherence to the
other medical events information will be gathered protocol begin long before patients are enrolled
from death certificates and hospital discharge diag- with the training and certification of clinic person-
nosis. Also recorded are the occurrences of a num- nel, the calibration of noninvasive equipment, and
ber of nonhospitalized, nonfatal events. the checking of laboratories. These same measures
Risk factor reduction will include counseling and continue during the study, with monitoring of per-
interventions for the following: hypertension, obe- sonnel and clinics, retraining and recertification of
sity, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, tobacco personnel, and checking the quality and timeliness
abuse, sedentary lifestyle, use of estrogen com- of data collection and submission.
pounds, and polycythemia. Two continuous validation programs are used.
Endarterectomy and recruitment logs document The Doppler/angiogram relation determines one of
the following nonrandomized patients: 1) All ACAS the eligibility criteria, and Doppler is used for the
physicians' patients who are probably eligible (i.e., noninvasive evaluation of change in stenosis. For
have an asymptomatic carotid artery with stenosis each Doppler machine used, the Doppler/angiogram
>60%); 2) all endarterectomies by non-ACAS phy- validation study requires retrospective data on
sicians in ACAS-affiliated hospitals; 3) all ACAS patients who had both an angiogram and a Doppler
physicians' endarterectomies including asympto- performed within 4 weeks of each other (and OPG-
matic patients who are ineligible, asymptomatic Gee if it is available). For the first five of these
patients who are probably eligible, and sympto- cases, the angiogram films and the Doppler video-
matic patients. tape/hard copy are reviewed for protocol adherence
Minimum eligibility/baseline data and reason for and overall quality of data. The goal is to establish
nonrandomization will be documented on all patients the relation between the Doppler flow velocity and
of an ACAS physician who are probably eligible but stenosis as defined by angiography, keeping the
who for any reason are not randomized. If consent positive predictive value at approximately 90%.
is given, these patients will be followed with a Because the diagnosis of TIA is subjective and
schedule corresponding to the telephone follow-up because TIA is both an eligibility exclusion and a
schedule of the randomized patients. study end point, the ACAS group has designed a
Conservative power calculation resulted in a goal TIA/stroke questionnaire to increase objectivity of
of 750 patients randomized into each of the two diagnosis. For the TIA questionnaire validation,
study groups. Power calculations were based on the each center will recruit four normal patients, four
assumptions of an a=0.05, two-sided test, an annual with TIA, four who had strokes, and four with
event rate of 3% per year of TIA and 1% of cerebral conditions that might be confused with TIA. These
infarction in the worst group. The study has 90% patients will receive the TIA/stroke questionnaire
power for detection of a 25% difference in events in and a neurologic history and examination by both
a 5-year study. the ACAS neurologist and surgeon, and data on

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The Asymptomatic Carotid Atherosclerosis Study Group Asymptomatic Carotid Surgery Trial 847

suspected TIAs and stroke will be reviewed blindly committee is the policy and decision-making commit-
by neurologists. The agreement between question- tee for ACAS, providing ongoing direction at the
naire and the neurologic assessments will be deter- operational level. This committee shares with the
mined in 300 cases. principal investigator the responsibility for overseeing
The quality control and operations of the TIA/ performance in the study.
stroke diagnosis system are under the direction of
the end point verification committee comprised of Appendix I. Study Organization
three neurologic consultants not otherwise associ- Operations Center
ated with the study. After a suspected end point, Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Winston-
within 48 hours of completion of the history and Salem, NC: James F. Toole, MD, principal inves-
examination by the neurologist and surgeon, data is tigator; Virginia Howard, MSPH, project director;
submitted to an end point reviewer, excluding the Dee Dee Vernon, administrative manager; and Karla
physician diagnosis forms or any mention of diag- Essick, study secretary.
nosis or treatment group. Within 24 hours, the end
point reviewer will telephone his assessment to the Statistical Coordinating Center
statistical coordinating center. Unanimity among
the institutional neurologist, surgeon, and the end University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
point reviewer is necessary for the patient to have Chapel Hill, NC: Lloyd Chambless, PhD, principal
achieved an end point. When lacking, the statistical investigator; James Grizzle, PhD, O. Dale Williams,
coordinating center will schedule a telephone con- PhD, Jeff Johnson, MS, Kay Paton, J.J. Nelson.
ference. If a consensus cannot be reached or if it is
agreed that an end point has not occurred, the Participating Centers
patient will be placed under increased surveillance Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Winston-
without change in treatment. If new symptoms Salem, NC: David Lefkowitz, MD, principal inves-
occur, the entire end point review process described tigator; Michael McWhorter, MD, coprincipal inves-
above must be repeated before the patient may be tigator; Roger Wood, PA-C, 6/87-10/87, Jean
withdrawn from the study and alternative therapy Satterfield, LPN, 1/88-present, patient coordinator;
initiated. When data consistent with diagnosis of Robert Cordell, MD, Richard Dean, MD, George
stroke are collected, the stroke will be classified on Plonk, MD, surgeons; James F. Toole, MD, neurol-
the basis of the NINDS Stroke Data Bank criteria ogist; Cathy Nunn, sonographer.
and stroke severity scale.36 University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH: Tom
From its beginning, ACAS established guidelines Brott, MD, principal investigator; John Tew, MD,
for minimum annual experience and maximum sur- coprincipal investigator; Chris Blum, MS, patient
gical morbidity/mortality. For approval, a surgeon coordinator; Richard Fowl, MD, Richard Kemp-
must perform an annual minimum of 12 carotid czinski, MD, L.R. Roedershiener, MD, Richard
endarterectomies with a mortality/morbidity rate no Welling, MD, surgeons; Joseph Brodereick, MD,
greater than 3% in the last 50 cases. During the Robert Reed, MD, neurologists; Bill Schomaker,
study, each clinical center's perioperative and post- sonographer; Thomas Tomsick, radiologist.
operative mortality and morbidity will be moni- Columbia University, New York, NY: J.P. Mohr,
tored. Should an institution have two events of a MD, principal investigator; James Correll, MD,
stroke and/or death, that center will be temporarily coprincipal investigator; Anilda Cabrera, MD, patient
suspended from further randomization until a com- coordinator; Donald Quest, MD, surgeon; George
mittee investigation of the circumstances can be Petty, MD, John Brust, MD, Laura Lennihan, MD,
carried out. Appropriate action will be taken that neurologists; Lorraine Oropeza, sonographer.
could include dropping a surgeon or center from the Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI: Calvin Ernst,
study. MD, principal investigator; Michael Welch, MD,
ACAS comprises the following groups: the funding coprincipal investigator; Wendy Robertson, PA-C,
institute, the NINDS, the operations center at Bow- 6/87-8/88, Shelia Daley, RN, 8/88-present, patient
man Gray School of Medicine, the statistical coordi- coordinator; Joseph Elliot, MD, Daniel Reddy, MD,
nating center at the University of North Carolina at Alexander Sheppard, MD, Roger Smith, MD,
Chapel Hill, and 18 clinical centers (see Appendix). Charles Ryan, MD (non-operating surgeon), sur-
Additional and replacement centers are reviewed on a geons; Steven Levine, MD, neurologist; Micky
regular basis. A steering committee consisting of two McPharlin, RN, RVT, sonographer; Serish Patel,
principal investigators, a neurologist and a surgeon MD, radiologist.
from each of the 18 clinical centers, as well as person- Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Hershey, PA:
nel from 'he operations center, the statistical coordi- Brian Thiele, MD, principal investigator; Robert
nating center, consultants and representatives from Brennan, coprincipal investigator; Florence Smith,
NINDS, controls the study and considers possible RN, patient coordinator; Robert Atnip, MD, sur-
changes in the protocol or methodology vis a vis new geon; Brad Duckrow, MD, neurologist; Marsha
developments in the field. In the interim between Neumyer, RVT, sonographer; Maureen Sullivan,
annual steering committee meetings, the executive MD, Cindy Janesky, MD, radiologists.

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848 Stroke Vol 20, No 7, July 1989

University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA: Jose Biller, coordinator; James DeWeese, MD, surgeon; Joshua
MD, principal investigator; Loren Hiratkza, MD, 2/ Hollander, MD, neurologist; Sandra Roes, RT, RDMS,
84-9/86, John Godersky, MD, 9/86-present, coprin- sonographer; Dahne Cohen, MD, radiologist.
cipal investigator; Karla Banwart, RN, patient coor- University of Tennessee, Memphis, TN: James T.
dinator; Christopher Loftus, MD, John D. Corson, Robertson, MD, principal investigator; Patrick O'Sul-
MD, surgeons; Harold Adams, MD, E. Eugene livan, MD, coprincipal investigator; Nancy Ens-
Marsh III, MD, neurologists; Ed Miller, BS, RVT, minger, RN, 2/84-8/87, Susan Bennett, PA-C, 8/87-
sonographer. 8/88, Terrye Thomas, RN, 6/88-8/88, Nan Stahl, RN,
Kansas University, Kansas City, KS: Arthur Dick, 8/88-present, patient coordinator; John Crockarell,
MD, principal investigator; George Pierce, MD, MD, Clarence Watridge, MD, surgeons; Curtis Sauer,
coprincipal investigator; Linda Reger, RN, patient MD, Ken Vasu, MD, Kenneth Gaines, MD, neurol-
coordinator; Arlo Hermreck, MD, surgeon; Louis ogists; Jeanette Davis, RT, RVT, sonographer.
Giron, MD, neurologist; Joyce Nutt, sonographer.
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY: Byron University of California, Los Angeles, CA: Wes-
Young, principal investigator, Michael McQuillen, ley Moore, MD, principal investigator; Stanley
MD, coprincipal investigator; Artie Norton, RN, Cohen, MD, coprincipal investigator; Candace
patient coordinator; Robert Dempsey, MD, sur- Vescera, RN, 2/84-8/87, Jay von Rajcs, RN, 8/87-
geon; Andrew Massey, MD, neurologist; Marcie present, patient coordinator; Samuel Ann, MD, J.
Hauer, RVT, Jerry Sherrow, RN, RVT, sonogra- Dennis Baker, MD, Ronald Busuttil, MD, Herbert
phers; Charles Lee, MD, radiologist. Machleder, MD, William Quinones-Baldrich, MD,
Lehigh Valley Hospital Center, Allentown, PA: surgeons; Sheldon Jordan, MD, Bruce Dobkin,
John Castaldo, MD, principal investigator; Gary MD, neurologists; Vicki Canan, RN, RVT, Eugene
Nicholas, MD, coprincipal investigator; Joan Bealer, Hernandex, RVT, sonographers; Bruce Jacobs, MD,
RN, patient coordinator; James Goodreau, MD, radiologist.
Kenneth McDonald, MD, James Rex, MD, sur- University of California, San Diego, CA: John F.
geons; Peter Barbour, MD, William Pistone, MD, Rothrock, MD, principal investigator; Marc Sed-
James Redenbaugh, MD, neurologists; Alice Mad- witz, MD, coprincipal investigator; Barbara Alva-
den, RN, Maggie Malik, RDMS, Judith Hutchison, rez, PA-C, 6/87-1/89, Traci Babock, 1/89-present,
sonographers; Allan Wolson, MD, Zwu-Shin Lin, patient coordinator; Robert Hye, MD, surgeon;
MD, radiologists. Patrick Lyden, MD, neurologist; Jim Sivo, John
Loyola University, Maywood, IL: William Baker, Forsythe, Melody Adame, sonographers; Barbara
MD, principal investigator; Michael Kelly, MD, Gosink, MD, Gary Press, MD, radiologists.
coprincipal investigator; Katy Burke, RN, patient Virginia Mason Clinic, Seattle, WA: Hugh Beebe,
coordinator; Howard Greisler, MD, Fred Littooy,
MD, surgeons; Michael Merchut, MD, neurologist. MD, 7/86-3/88, Edmond Raker, MD, 3/88-present,
principal investigator; James MacLean, MD, 7/86-
Marshfield Clinic, Marshfield, WI: Percy Karan-
jia, MD, MRCP, principal investigator; Mark Swan- 3/88, Richard Birchfield, MD, 3/88-present, coprin-
son, MD, coprincipal investigator; Sandra Lobner, cipal investigator; Kathy Butler-Levy, RN, patient
LPN, patient coordinator; M.E. Kuehner, MD, coordinator.
surgeon; Bradley C. Hiner, MD, neurologist; Lynn Writing Committee (for this article): JF Toole, VJ
Turner, BS, RVT, Sharon R. Schaefer, LPN, RVT, Howard, J Grizzle, LE Chambless.
John Hasenauer, RN, Ann Wlagenbach, CMA,
sonographers; Robert D. Carlson, MD, J. Steven Acknowledgment
Davis, MD, Thomas Gallant, MD, John Warner, We wish to thank Glenbrook Laboratories, New
MD, radiologists. York, New York, for generously supplying aspirin.
University of Mississippi, Jackson, MS: Robert
Smith, MD, principal investigator; Armin Haerer, References
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