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Name: Caberte, Mae Lyn M.

Section: 3
Group number: 11

Patient’s Initials: JMP

Mechanism of
Indication Side Effects Contraindication NSG Considerations
Drug name Action

Paracetamol Decreases fever by Relief of mild pain; No indicated side Hypersensitivity , >assess fever or pain
inhibiting effects of treatment of fever effects intolerance to >assess allergic
Brand name: pyrogens. Relieves tartrazine (yellow dye reactions
Biogesic pain by inhibiting #5), alcohol, table >assess
prostaglandin Adverse effects: sugar, saccharin hepatotoxicity
Dosage: 500mg synthesis at CNS Stimulation, >monitor liver and
drowsiness, nausea, renal functions
Frequency: q4 vomiting, abdominal >check input and
pain output
Route: oral

Name: Caberte, Mae Lyn M.
Section: 3
Group number: 11

Patient’s Initials:

Mechanism of
Indication Side Effects Contraindication NSG Considerations
Drug name Action

Ampicillin- Binds the bacterial Treatment of Colitis, diarrhea, Hypersensitivity to >obtain history f
Sulbactam cell wall, resulting in respiratory tract and fever, itching, nausea, penicillins, infection before and
cell death. soft tissue infections, rashes, sore tongue cephalosphorins or during therapy to
Dosage: Therapeutic effects: bacterial meningitis or mouth, vomiting imiperem. Oral form assess response
375g bactericidal action not used to treat >give one or two
spectrum in boarder Adverse Effects: severe pneumonia, hours after a meal.
Frequency: q8 than penicillin none emphysema, >assess pt. for signs
bacteremia, and symptoms of
Route: oral pericarditis, and infection
punilent or septic >assess for allergic
Classification: arthritis during acute reactions
Anti-infective stage >monitor renal
>assess for infection
Name: Caberte, Mae Lyn M.
Section: 3
Group number: 11

Patient’s Initials:

Mechanism of
Indication Side Effects Contraindication NSG Considerations
Drug name Action

Reduces the viscosity Acute and chronic Adverse Effects: Active peptic ulcer. >obtain pt.’s history
Carbocisteine of bronchial disorders of the upper Nausea, headache, Concomitantly of cough before
secretions and and lower respiratory vomiting, anorexia, administration with therapy.
Brand: Aflem facilitates tracts associated with gastric discomfort, antitussive. >assess cough: type,
expectoration the secretion and diarrhea, GI bleeding Hypersensitivity to frequency, character
Dosage: 1 1/2 tsp formation of and disturbances, the drug. >provide adequate
excessive and viscid skin rash, chills, fever, hydration to decrease
Frequency: TID mucus hemoptysis viscosity
>monitor for possible
Route: oral adverse reaction.


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