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TABLE OF CONTENTS The Crisis and the Minimum Wage

he Great Recession may have technically ended in June 2009, but what re-
Editorial.......................................02 ally matters are full employment and a steadily increasing quality of life. Capi-
2016 Presidential Election...............03 talisms inability to provide this is not due to individual malice or indifference
though there are plenty of sociopaths on Wall Streetbut because under capitalism,
Reproductive Rights Attacked.........05 creating jobs and paying workers are mere afterthoughts to the real reason for the
University Faculty Fight Back..........06 systems existence: profits. This is the inner contradiction and absurdity of a socio-eco-
nomic form that can exist only through the exploitation of workers, and yet is unable
Imperialism in the Pacific...............07 exploit all the able, willing, and available workers, millions of whom must humiliate
themselves every day, offering themselves up for jobs (exploitation) that dont exist.
The History of Horror Film..............08 Economist John Maynard Keynes is famous for advocating government deficit
Drone Warfare and US Imperialism....10 spending in order to save capitalism from workers revolution. According to his calcu-
lations in 1935, on the basis of a 15-hour workweek, all workers could have jobs, and
Review of Just Mercy...................11 the capitalists could maintain a healthy rate of profit by exploiting them. Of course,
Big Pharma....................................12 Marxists are against capitalist exploitation altogether. But the point here is the follow-
ing: if a much lower workweek and decent standard of living for all was possible on
Fighting Fund................................13 the basis of the technology and productive capacity available eight decades ago, just
What Will Socialism Look Like?.........14 imagine what would be possible today!
Millions of Americans are not only treading economic water but on the verge of
Our Program..................................15 drowning. One stark measure of this is the federal minimum wage. First set at 25 cents
per hour in 1938, it crept up to $7.25 as of July 2009. Peaking in inflation-adjusted
ISSUE 091 | NOVDEC 2015 purchasing power at $8.67 in 1968, todays minimum is more than a dollar lower in
real terms than was 47 years ago and has lost over 8.1% due to inflation since 2009.
According to the Center for Economic and Policy Research, if worker productivity
SOCIALIST were taken into account, the minimum should have been $21.72 an hour in 2012. An
APPEAL is the estimated 3.7 million workers earn $7.25 or less. 42% of all employed Americans earn
official publication
of the Workers
$15 or less. To these must be added the 8 million officially unemployed and millions of
International others who are no longer even counted.
League In recent years, workers have begun mobilizing to Fight for $15, an important
beginning to labors fight back against the decades-long offensive of the bosses. But
Editor: John Peterson even $15 is a far cry from a true living wage in many parts of the country. A worker in
Contributing Editors: New Jersey would have to work 94 hours a week at the state minimum wage of $8.38
Antonio Balmer, Dana Cooper, to make ends meet. The estimated living wage for a single adult living there is $19.76.
Mark Rahman, and Tom Trottier In Hawaii, a single adult would have to work 100.7 hours a week at the state minimum
Cover Design and Layout: of $7.75, with the living wage estimated at $21.44. Compare this to the $10.5 million
Mark Rahman and Joshua Green average annual pay for a Fortune 500 CEO in 2012. Divided simply into 52 weeks and
40-hours per week, this works out to more than $5,000 per hournearly 700 times
more than a minimum wage earner!
PUBLISHED 6 TIMES A YEAR BY: When we launched Socialist Appeal in the Fall of 2001, our program called for a
living wage for alla national minimum wage of at least two-thirds of the average

PO BOX 1575 | NEW YORK, NY 10013
wage. No exceptions. For a sliding scale of wages tied to inflation. A few years later,
we decided to concretize this by demanding $16 per hourroughly two-thirds the
average wage at that time. But many years events have passed since then, and this
demand deserved revisiting. After a thorough discussion, our national leadership has
7 Issue Subscription $20 voted unanimously to change our demand to $25 per hour, tied to inflation through
Solidarity Subscription $25 periodic cost of living adjustments.
Digital Subscription $10 This is still a long way from genuine socialism. However, we do not approach the
demands in our program in isolation. Taken as a whole, they form an all-round tran-
Printed with union labor by sitional program to fundamentally change society. The aim of our program is to raise
Wellred staff are proud to be workers political horizons as to what would be possible if society were rationally or-
members of Newspaper Guild/ ganized and administered democratically by the workers themselves. The demand for
CWA Local 37002 a higher minimum wage and the many other basic reforms we put forward simply
cannot be fully implemented and maintained within the profit system. When working
@SOCIALISTAPPEAL out our demands we do not proceed from what is possible within the artificial limits
of capitalism, but from the objective needs of the majority, the material wealth actu-
ally existing today, and the potential for multiplying that a thousand fold and more
For more information on the WIL,
under socialism. To achieve all this we need strong unions and a labor party with a
please contact us:
revolutionary socialist program. To fight for these we need organization, resources,
612-293-9247 | and numbers. Humanity deserves more than the minimum! To do your part, join us
Locally you can contact us at: today!

John Peterson, Editor


Bernie Sanders and the Presidential Election (Part 2)

Continued from Socialist Appeal 90 . . . wage, more public works, increases in ports capital to other countries in search

Social Security, and more. The Marxists of higher profits, and uses its close connec-
ernie Sanders call for universal support any reforms that would increase tions with the state apparatusincluding
health care is absolutely correct, the standard of living of the working the militaryto defend its interests in-
and understandably resonates class; however, history shows that re- ternationally. This is true of the US today,
with millions. But the only way to actual- forms like these are only possible if we and has been since the late 1800s. Today
ly achieve this is to nationalize the insur- make serious inroads against capitalist there are 7,000,000 businesses in the US,
ance giants, hospitals, and pharmaceuti- private ownership of the means of pro- but the top 500 corporations alone con-
cal and medical technology monopolies, duction. Given the massive public debt, trol 75% of the economy. There is massive
which we should integrate into a high- there is no other source to fund all the investment overseas and the military-
quality, unified health care system avail- social and economic programs society re- industrial complex has reached stagger-
able to all. Likewise, to achieve universal quires. Without the nationalization of the ing proportions. There is a vast network
free education we must bring into pub- major industries and their integration of diplomats and military bases whose
lic ownership the private colleges, trade into a democratically planned economy, aim is to defend the US capitalists profit-
schools, and universities, and link them crisis-ridden capitalism, and everything making operations. The US capitalists
with existing public education networks that organically flows from it, will con- which Sanders refers to as the billionaire
to create a unified, world-class higher tinue to drag humanity down. classwage class war against the workers
education system. Unfortu- both at home and abroad.
nately, Sanders is not call- Unfortunately, Bernie
ing for any of this. Sanders does not openly ex-
Other demands, such plain and oppose imperial-
as taxing the rich and rais- ism. While he has opposed
ing the minimum wage, we some spending on wars, at
Marxists would support. other times he has voted to
However, we must also fund the military, and is an
point out the limitations of avid proponent of the new
such demands. Capitalism advanced F-35 fighter jet,
is a system of commodity which he hopes to manu-
production, for the purpose facture in his home state of
of exchange, in the pursuit Vermont.
of profit. If a capitalist can Likewise, he does not
set up shop in a location take a class position regard-
with lower taxes and la- ing Israel. The Zionist re-
bor costs, they will. This gime of Israel is one of the
is precisely what is behind main allies of US imperi-
the attacks on union rights alism in the Middle East,
throughout the US. This is although the two do not
also what explains the con- always agree. The Zionist
tinued existence of the an- state came into being on
ti-union Taft-Hartley Act, the basis of war, occupation,
which severely restricts the right of work- And without a mass party of the work- racism, and discrimination against the
ers to strike. As far as we can tell, Sanders ing class, without an organic link to the Arab people of the region, and has used
has not called for this law to be repealed. labor unions, with no real organization the policy of divide and rule to oppress
Socialism is not capitalism plus a few behind him to keep him accountable and and regularly slaughter the Palestinians. A
reforms. It is a fundamentally different to fight the bosses in every workplace, correct approach would seek to unite the
system that builds on what humanity has campus, and working-class neighbor- working class in Israel with the Arab mass-
already achieved under capitalism: col- hood, a Sanders government would find es under occupation, to jointly put an end
lective production of the wealth of soci- itself weak and in crisis from the begin- to the exploitation and growing poverty of
ety. But under capitalism, a handful of ning. He would find himself faced with the Israeli workers and the Arab masses.
private owners appropriate the surplus an overwhelmingly hostile media, Con- In other words, the only solution is social-
wealth which the working class produces. gress, judiciary, and government bureau- ism, based on the united class struggle
Under socialism, the workers themselves cracynot to mention the outright sabo- and cooperation of all workers, peasants,
would collectively manage this surplus tage of the capitalists. It would therefore and the oppressed, against their common
wealth, and utilize it to satisfy human be virtually impossible for him to even capitalist exploiters and their local thugs.
need, not private profit. To take human- begin to implement the main elements of This is the only way to begin establishing
ity to the next level, and to unleash the his program. a genuine and lasting peace in the Middle
enormous economic and human poten- East. Instead, Sanders clearly leans in the
tial that capitalism squanders, we must Sanders and imperialism direction of supporting the Israeli regime,
make the main levers of the economy For Marxists, imperialism has a pre- and offers no real solution.
the top 500 companiespublicly owned, cise and scientific meaning. It is the stage Finally, the imperialists search for
democratically administered entities. when a capitalist economy is dominated cheap labor and to more thoroughly ex-
Sanders calls for a higher minimum by monopoly and finance capital, it ex- ploit markets internationally was what
was behind NAFTA, and is what is be- for him to run in the 2012 election, which didate, only to lose and endorse pro-war
hind the latest Trans-Pacific Partnership he rejected. Fast forward three years, nominee John Kerry. In 2008, Kucinich
(TPP) trade agreement, which Obama when a group of ex-Occupy activists, who ran again, this time on a program to re-
and many in the Democratic Party sup- set up People for Bernie Sanders, encour- peal the Patriot Act, legalize same-sex
port. Sanders correctly opposes the TPP, aged Sanders to run. In addition, the Pro- marriage, end the War on Drugs, estab-
but does so with overtones of America gressive Democrats of America encour- lish universal health care, and many oth-
first! nationalisminstead of calling for aged him to run as a Democrat. er social reforms. After he failed to win
workers internationalism and a socialist All on his own in Washington, DC, the nomination, he again went on to en-
federation of the Americas and the world, without a clear political program, meth- dorse the Democratic candidate, Barack
with mutual respect and solidarity as its od, and party to keep him on track and Obama.
guiding principles. hold him accountable in the face of the The Democratic Party, which histori-
immense pressures that exist in capital- cally was a party of the Southern slave-
Bernies record ist society, its not surprising that Bernie owners and the Northern capitalist politi-
Although people can and often do Sanders has found himself moving clos- cal machines, gained its worker friendly
change their positions on various issues, er and closer to the camp of the Demo- reputation during the FDR presidency,
Bernie Sanders political history is worth cratic Party, through the alleged need to when the New Deal Democrats became
reviewing to track his trajectory. It is in- be pragmatic, i.e., to accept the narrow dominant within the party. Using the car-
teresting to note that when Bernie Sand- limits of bourgeois politics and the capi- rot of the various New Deal programs,
ers was in college, he was a member of talist system. His direct involvement with they aimed to pacify and control an in-
CORE (Congress Of Racial Equality) and the Democratic Party as a potential presi- creasingly militant labor movement that
YPSL (Young Peoples Socialist League), dential candidate can only lead to more was moving in the direction of forming
which had links to the Socialist Party of pressure being put on him to fall in line. a labor party. The Democrats cynically
America. He began his political career as used the Works Progress Administration
a member of the antiwar Liberty Union Bait and switch and the role of the programs to win elections by hiring the
Party in the early 1970s, in Vermont. Democrats unemployed during election season, only
Prior to that he had lived and worked on Bernie Sanders is not the first left- to lay off many workers once their elec-
a kibbutz commune in Israel, where La- leaning politician to run in the Demo- toral positions were secured.
bor Zionism likely inspired himwhich cratic primaries. Although conditions The economic reality is that New Deal
would also explain some of his pro-Israel change and history never repeats itself did not end the Great Depressionthe
positions today. exactly, it is nonetheless instructive to re- massive state-directed buildup and par-
In 1981, he won the position of Mayor view similar campaigns from the past. It ticipation in the slaughter of World War
of Burlington, Vermont, as an indepen- is not for nothing that many have referred II is what finally revived the economy.
dent, and subsequently won reelection to the Democratic Party as the graveyard What the New Deal did was take the edge
three times, defeating both main political of social movements. off just enough in order to allow capital-
parties even when they teamed up to de- Populist Democrat George McGovern ism a political and economic breathing
feat him in elections. ran for president in 1972. At that time, space, and, eventually, another lease on
In 1989 Sanders spoke alongside one there was a huge movement against the life after the war. While many people
of Britains Marxist members of parlia- Vietnam War, the civil rights and wom- desperate for any relief have illusions in
ment, Terry Fields, at the founding con- ens movements were also large, and there a new New Deal, genuine socialism will
ference of the Campaign for a Labor Par- was a wave of strikes, including unofficial make the New Deal programs of the past
ty. In 1990, he went on to win election to wildcat strikes. In this context, McGov- seem like childs play.
the US House of Representatives for Ver- ern won the Democratic nomination. His Author Gore Vidal knew a thing or
mont, once again running as an indepen- role was to ensure these movements did two about the American political system,
dent. However, this was the beginning of not move toward an alternative left-labor having grown up in a family steeped in
a long association with the Democratic political party, to keep them in safe American politics. He once said that the
Party, with which he has caucused con- channels that did not threaten the rule United States has one political party,
sistently ever since. Although he stood of capitalism. As was also the case with the Property Party, and it has two right
against the initial invasion of Iraq, earlier the William Jennings Bryan campaigns wings, the Democrats and Republicans.
in 2001, Sanders had voted in favor of the in 1896 and 1900, when McGovern was This is an apt assessment of the US politi-
authorization that led to the invasion of nominated, key parts of the Democratic cal system.
Afghanistan. Party sabotaged the campaign, and Nix- The Democrats and Republicans,
In 2006, riding a wave of anti-Bush on won reelection in a landslide. while formally two separate parties,
sentiment in which the Democrats took In 1984 and 1988, Jesse Jackson ran in merely represent two different wings
control of both houses of Congress, he the Democratic primaries, proposing to of the American ruling class. One wing,
won a seat in the US Senate. While he create a Rainbow Coalition comprised more arrogant, more brazen, and less
again ran as an independent, this time of civil rights activists from a variety of farsighted, seeks to implement counter-
he had the blessing of many Democratic backgrounds, as well as a program similar reforms, cuts, and austerity as quickly
Party bigwigs, including Chuck Schumer, to FDRs New Deal. In both campaigns, as possible. Another wing, a little more
Harry Reid, and Howard Dean. Jackson served to play the role of bait, intelligent, more sensitive to the moods
In 2010, Sanders gave an eight-and-a- drawing many who otherwise would have of society, and slightly more farsighted,
half-hour-long filibuster speech against been moving even further, and away from seeks to implement counterreforms, cuts,
the extension of the George W. Bush tax the parties of big business, right back into and austerity in a more calculated way,
cuts for the rich. In the aftermath of the the big tent of the Democrats. so as to not provoke a backlash from the
Occupy movement, his reputation for his In 2004 Dennis Kucinich ran in the working class.
stand against the Bush tax cuts led to calls Democratic primaries as an antiwar can- . . . to be continued in Issue 92

The Struggle for Abortion RightsWhich Way Forward?

TOM TROTTIER sage of ever-more restrictive laws, there in control, and almost immediately, the
are only 18. As a result, depending on right wing launched a counterattack.

he struggle for abortion rights has where a pregnant woman happens to live, As with most medical procedures, in
always been vitally important for she could be forced to travel hundreds of order to assure maximum patient safety,
Marxists. The choice of having and miles to and from a providerassuming abortions should be conducted in a hos-
raising children is always more difficult she can even afford the cost and time off pital or a regular medical office, with the
for the working class. Many working class from work to have the procedure done. necessary staff and equipment to deal with
women are forced to obtain an abortion Many women must therefore wait until any and all eventualities. In the US, how-
because they have no adequate or afford- they have saved up enough moneyor ever, the ruling class has successfully seg-
able child care, and cannot afford to sim- simply not get an abortion, leading to regated the delivery of abortion services
ply quit their jobs. This is not as much of bigger problems later. to abortion clinics. With many hospitals
an issue for most wealthy women. Even Abortion was made illegal in the US, under the control of the Catholic Church
when abortion was illegal, many ruling at the state level, between the 1820s and and other religious entities, the provi-
class women could have it done secretly the 1870s. This was all within the context sion of abortions has been shunted aside
and safely by a private doctor, or travel of the institutional patriarchy and sexism to these isolated clinics, many of them
to a country where it was legal to have of American capitalist society. The role run by Planned Parenthood. If abortions
the procedure. On the other hand, work- of a woman was to be wife and mother. were conducted in hospitals, the throngs
ing class women were forced to endure If she needed to work outside the home, of right-wing protesters harassing wom-
dangerous and unsafe conditions, with this was in addition to, but not instead of en entering these small clinics would lose
abortions performed by people who were her other roles. their easy targets for intimidation; and
often not trained medical professionals. Both world wars drew many more if they tried this tactic at hospitals, the
Many women died or were severely in- women into the workforce. But after each majority of the public would quickly turn
jured by the procedure. of these wars, and especially at the be- against these fundamentalists. As before,
Even though abortion has been legal- ginning of the postWorld War II boom, wealthy women have other alternatives to
ized, it is not so simple for working class women who had entered industry and these clinics and are not subjected to this
women to get one if they choose to have other jobs were sent back home. Given the kind of humiliation.
one. 58% of women seeking abortion are relative prosperity, some working class The liberals and the professional
in their 20s and dont have a regular or women ended up as full-time housewives
womens rights organizations like NOW,
high enough income, or a partner to help and mothers, as the household could sur-
NARAL, and EMILYS List have not
cover the costs. Most health care plans vive on a single income. However, as the
challenged the segregation of abortion
wont cover the cost of an abortion, which economy slowed down and the squeeze
services to these isolated institutions.
averages $500, but can approach $1,500 began on workers wages, rights, and con-
Their strategy has been to lobby, initiate
in the first trimester. 42% of women seek- ditions, the contradictions resulting from
lawsuits, and support pro-choice Demo-
ing abortions have an income level below societys limitations on women and the
crats, under the assumption that this will
the poverty linea percentage that has hypocrisy of bourgeois values led more
surely increased dramatically since 2008. and more women back into the work- lead to good Supreme Court judges. We
Now the Republican Party has force. This was excellent for capitalism now see that their strategy is leading to
launched a major attack on Planned Par- at the time, as the expansion of the work- defeat, as access to abortion services is
enthoods funding. Although Planned force served to drive down wages and being rolled back in one state after an-
Parenthood receives no federal money increase the rate of profit. In the 1960s other.
for abortion services, the extreme right and 1970s, the civil rights movement, the Working class women cannot leave
wants it defunded, and some members of antiVietnam War movement, LGBTQ+ their lives in the hands of conservative
Congress are even willing to shut down struggle, and the general youth rebellion or liberal politicians, no matter of which
the federal government to attain their also led to a growth in the movement for gender. The fight for abortion rights and
goal. Although Planned Parenthood is womens and abortion rights. equality must be linked to other demands
the latest target, this issue is really about In 1973, the Supreme Court made its that will bring about positive change
the broader struggle to stop the steady famous Roe v. Wade ruling, legalizing for all workers. All hospitals and medi-
erosion of abortion rights. abortion nationally during the first tri- cal offices should be nationalized under
Ending federal funding is seen as a mester and, with some restrictions, dur- democratic workers control. All health
way of crippling or at least indirectly re- ing the second trimester of pregnancy. services, including abortion, should be
ducing abortion provision; it is estimated The Supreme Court always balances the provided free at the point of service in
that one out of four abortions in the US economic and social needs of the ruling hospitals and regular health clinicsno
are provided by Planned Parenthood. class to ensure the stable maintenance of more segregation, and no more paying
This is all part of a national political ef- the capitalist system. They saw the grow- for health care! This must be combined
fort to use laws regulating medical clinics ing rebellion on the streets, with the re- with the struggle for fully paid parental
in order to shut down health care cen- sulting social and political instability, and leave and free, high-quality daycare cen-
ters that provide abortions. These kinds they did not want this to go any further. ters, which should be available at or very
of regulations have led to horrible situa- They calculated that by granting a few near the site of a parents employment.
tions in places like Texas. Texas is enor- reforms, they could cut across this move- Needless to say, the capitalist system will
mous, larger than the whole of France. mentand they did just that. However, not provide these kinds of reforms in any
In 2012, there were 41 clinics in the state even the most basic democratic rights meaningful way, and this struggle must
providing abortions; now, after the pas- are at risk as long as the capitalists are therefore be a struggle for socialism. u

California Faculty Associations Fight for Five

pecially US capitalism), experienced a re- education represents part of the social
vival, known as the postwar boom. After wage the working class has won from the
The California Faculty Association the severe economic decline of the Great capitalists in the course of this struggle.
(CFA) has begun the Fight for Five Depression, this recovery was largely due In the midst of the crisis of their sys-
campaign in a dispute with the adminis- to the destruction wrought upon Euro- tem, the capitalists are driven to roll back
tration of the California State University pean production and the resultant ability reforms won in the past in order to claw
(CSU) system after seeing faculty wages of the US capitalist class to export both back more of the surplus value created
stagnate for ten years and real wages fall capital and consumer goods to Europe. by the workers. Reducing wages (both
by up to 25% between 2004 and 2013. Based on the expanded markets and ris- paid and social), lengthening the work-
The CFA is demanding a general salary ing profits, the bosses were able to con- day, cutting education, and shifting the
increase of 5% for fiscal year 2015/2016, cede some concessions fought for by the burden for funding it to working people
whereas the CSU administration has pro- working class, temporarily buying a rela- are all ways in which they seek to increase
posed a mere 2% increase. This miserly tive degree of class peace. their profits. The irony is that at a time
offer adds insult to when we are told
injury in the context there is no money,
of the administra- there is actually
tions history of never more than enough
settling during the wealth in society to
mandated media- provide free, qual-
tion process. Over the ity education for all,
same period, the av- living grants for stu-
erage tuition paid by dents, a living wage
students in the CSU for instructors, and
system has increased
to wipe out all stu-
by over 300%, dis-
dent loans. Under
crediting the admin-
capitalism, however,
istrations claim that
in which a small
increasing faculty
parasitic minority
wages would lead to
controls society in
tuition increases
its own interests,
they have already
this is impossible.
risen dramatically de-
The CFA, in its
spite stagnant wages.
In light of all this, the struggle against the
CFA has called for a CSU administra-
strike authorization tion, should be sup-
vote. With the end of the boom in 1973, ported in this by all
Deteriorating working conditions for however, the inherent contradictions of California students and workers. Their
instructors directly affects the quality capitalism were exacerbated once again, demand of a 5% pay increase, far from
of education students receive. With an leading to a prolonged crisis. With the being extravagant, merely aims to slow
average yearly salary for CSU faculty of productive forces of Europe having down the onslaught. Such an increase
$45,000, and with more than 50% of fac- been reconstructed, the capitalist class would not even make up for the loss of
ulty making less than $38,000 in gross once again was driven by competition the purchasing power due to inflation
earnings per year (often with terminal to produce more goods than could be over the last decade. By linking their
degrees and hefty student loans), instruc- purchased back by the working class. demands with those of students and the
tors are commonly driven to teach nu- Since all value is created by labor, and working class in general, thereby gain-
merous courses at multiple school sites. workers are compelled to sell their la- ing their support and solidarity, and by
This leaves them less able to devote time bor power (their ability to work) for a backing these demands with rallies, dem-
and attention to individual students and wage, but work longer than the time re- onstrations, strikes, and occupations if
courses. A general salary increase for in- quired to produce the value of their la- forced to do so, the workers of the CFA
structors is an important step for ensur- bor power (the socially necessary labor could win much more than they are de-
ing quality of education for all university time required for the maintenance of the manding, such as a greater pay increase
students. workers their families), more values are that is tied to inflation and the rising cost
Following the enactment of the Cali- produced than can be absorbed by the of living. However, to secure any such
fornia Master Plan for Higher Education market. This is what Marx called a crisis gains against future rollbacks and to en-
in the 1960s, public higher education in of overproduction. The value created over sure a high and ever-improving quality
California was relatively low cost and well and above that which is paid back to the of life for all workers, we need to unite to
funded . What, then, has led to the mas- workers in wages is called surplus value. fight both in our unions and in politics.
sive tuition increases and deteriorating This is the source of the capitalists prof- For this we need working class solidarity,
wages and conditions for the employees its. The struggle over this surplus is what a strong and militant labor movement,
of the California State University system? constitutes the class struggle. Along with and a labor party of, by, and for the work-
Following World War II, capitalism (es- things like Social Security, state-funded ers, fighting for socialism. u

Deep Discontent in Japanese Society


apanese society is in a deep crisis. Af-
ter decades of economic stagnation,
the political elite is making desper-
ate attempts to revive the economy, at the
same time as attempting to whip up anti-
Chinese nationalist sentiment to shore
up support. Yet, the recent mass move-
ment against the reinterpretation of the
so-called pacifist clause shows that the
political system is reaching its limits.
The postwar regime in Japan is crum-
bling, with tax hikes, end to lifetime em-
ployment, and tax cuts for the corpora-
tions. The remilitarization is only another
nail in the coffin of the postwar settle-
ment. Turnout in elections has dropped
from 69% to 53%, which is a sign of the
mass disillusionment with bourgeois pol-
itics. At the same time, the Communist
Party doubled its share of the vote in the
election last year to 13%, adding another This project has not gone unopposed. pret the constitution by introducing the
2 million votes. The stage is being set for While Japan has had a de facto military idea of so-called collective self-defense,
revolutionary convulsions in Japan, and in the form of a self-defense force since which allows Japans self-defense force to
the movement against the changing of 1954, Japan has only been able to take take part in operations to defend its al-
the pacifist clause is only the beginning. part in UN peacekeeping missions since liesrather than merely protecting Japa-
Aspiring sincerely to an internation- 1992, and only since 2004 has the coun- nese territoryand sanctions the sale of
al peace based on justice and order, the try taken part in the support aspects of weapons to foreign powers. The measure
Japanese people forever renounce war such missions. All of this is taking place is deeply unpopular in Japan, and there
as a sovereign right of the nation and the in the context of the decline of US impe- is widespread agreement among legal ex-
threat or use of force as means of settling rialism, while competition with Chinese perts that it is unconstitutional in its fun-
international disputes. To accomplish the imperialism for regional influence is ris- damentals. But with a stagnant economy,
aim of the preceding paragraph, land, ing. The US needs Japans help in holding growing social discontent, and highly lu-
sea, and air forces, as well as other war off Chinese expansion at the same time as crative weapons sales in the offing, even
potential, will never be maintained. The the Japanese bourgeoisie no longer feels the basic democratic right of deciding
right of belligerency of the state will not that the US is capable of defending its in- whether or not the people of Japan wish
not be recognized.Article 9 of the Japa- terests. to alter their constitutional system has
nese constitution Nonetheless, despite this creeping mil- been thrown out the window.
After the horror of World War II, paci- itarization, and Prime Minister Abes best
Pacifism in Japan was the product of
fism was forced onto the Japanese people efforts, Article 9 isnt going to be revised
the balance of forces after World War
at gunpoint. The US wished to eliminate anytime soon. The Japanese proletariat is
II with the Chinese Revolution and the
the threat of an independent military committed to defending what they view
rise of the Soviet Union. It was not by a
power in the Pacific, and it seized the as Japans pacifistic constitution and, in
opportunity presented by victory to dis- sudden change of heart by the Japanese
doing so, have revived memories of the
mantle the Japanese military and write 1960 struggle against Japans security ruling class. Wars and militarism are
a repudiation of force into the Japanese treaty with the US, which ceded Japanese not caused by shifty politicians lacking a
constitution. It soon came to regret this, land for US military bases. commitment to peace, but by real con-
however. Pacifism gained support among The people of Japan are not interested tradictions in economic and social devel-
the Japanese population, who saw it as in engaging in imperialist adventures on opment. Abes maneuvers are merely an
a means of redirecting the money spent behalf of the Japanese bourgeoisie and expression of the needs of Japanese im-
on military affairs to socially useful tasks. their US allies. The past imperialist ad- perialism in this period. Militarism and
Cold War geopolitics forced the US into ventures of the Japanese bourgeois did imperialism cannot be separated from
the position of bearing the cost of defend- not end well, with 3 million dead in World the capitalist system. They necessarily
ing Japan. War II, and massive atrocities committed arise from it and can in the end only be
As memories of world war began to in China and Korea. To add insult to in- eradicated when capitalism itself is abol-
fade, the need to counter China and the jury, the rearmament program will cost ished: To end war we have to end capi-
Soviet Union in the region increased, and no less than $240bn, at the same time as talism! This movement shows the first
as the potential profits of a Japanese mili- the government is meting out austerity cracks in the regime, and prepares the
tary became apparent, the ruling class of on the poor. way for a struggle, not just against im-
both the US and Japan began to look for To get around this popular opposition, perialism, but against capitalism itself in
ways to remilitarize the Japanese state. Abe has launched a campaign to reinter- one of the systems key bastions. u

Horror FilmCapitalisms Decline Through the Lens

MARK RAHMAN of soldiers emotionally and physically human and half animal, experiencing the
scarred by the slaughter. emotional and cognitive complexity of
To read the unabridged article, please The landmark German expressionist humans, but treated as animals for mere
visit films The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1920) experimentation. The film ends with the
and Nosferatu (1922) tapped into the psy- death of Dr. Moreau at the hands of his

n an article on World War I, Lenin chology of unease and insecurity in post- tortured subjects.
once remarked that, Capitalist so- war Germany. Revolutionary upheavals By 1934, the American working class
ciety is and has always been horror and counterrevolutionary setbacks com- was regaining energy and confidence.
without end. In discussing the early de- bined with economic crises to characterize Three general strikes (San Francisco, CA;
velopment of capitalism in his classic, this period in German history. Between Minneapolis, MN; Toledo, OH) ushered
Capital, Marx said that upon its arrival the creeping vampire killing scores in in a new period of labors rebirth in the
in history capital comes dripping from their sleep (Nosferatu), and the sleepwalk- form of the Congress of Industrial Orga-
head to foot, from every pore, with blood er manipulated to commit murder at the nizations. The mood of doom and gloom
and dirt. In the same book, Marx stated behest of a mad doctor (The Cabinet of Dr. had been replaced with a mood of defiant
that, Capital is dead labor, that, vampire- Caligari), the films highlighted the feeling fight back and this may explain Holly-
like, only lives by sucking living labor, and of many German workers that they had woods shift towards campiness and com-
lives the more, the more labor it sucks. been duped and cowed by the German mercialization in the horror genre that
In the very same chapter, Marx compares ruling classand even their own leaders lasted through subsequent decades.
the capitalists drive for surplus labor to a in the Social Democratic Partyinto par- The horror films of the 1950s turned
werewolf s hunger. ticipating in a reactionary slaughter. towards science fiction, dealing with fears
Armed with a Marxist understanding of Seeing the brutalities of war firsthand about the effects of radiation, prehistoric
society and a knowledge of the enormous left many soldiers struggling to adjust to monsters, scientific experiments gone
potential for a better world, these individu- life as normal on their return from the awry, and invaders from outer space.
als saw capitalism for what it wasa hor- front. This found its expression in a num- Godzilla (1954), which was produced
ror. Their identification of age-old folklore ber of horror films from the 1920s which in Japan, reflects the psychological im-
and Victorian era tales of vampires, were- focused on monsters that were wrestling pact of the dropping of the atom bomb
wolves, and boogeymen with the crimes, with their own inner demons. In 1920 and the carpet bombing of many Japa-
injustices, and enormous waste of capital- alone, two adaptations of Dr. Jekyll and nese cities. Tapping into the fears of nu-
ism is not surprisingit is a feeling uncon- Mr. Hyde were produced in the US, and clear war, the film was an international
sciously shared by millions and reflected in another German adaptation titled The hit and ignited a series of sequels and
the popularity of the horror genre since the Head of Janus. other similar big monster films.
very beginning of cinema. A decade later, the stock market crash In Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Whatever the intentions behind the on October 24, 1929 ushered in the deep- (1956), alien plant spores have rained
production of these films, they have inev- est crisis world capitalism had yet seen. down on suburban America, creating
itably tended to act as a mirror reflecting The ensuing hardship felt by millions of clones of people that are devoid of emo-
the anxieties and fears of the time. The workers led to widespread cynicism and a tion. It was interpreted by some on the po-
films that connected most with viewers deep questioning of society. In the United litical right to represent the soulless con-
were invariably those that seemed most States, Hollywood played no small role in formity that existed in the Stalinist Soviet
familiar and relatable, no matter how attempting to bolster confidence in capi- Union, but many on the left saw in it the
fantastical the story was on the surface. talist society. But the popularity of hor- soulless conformity that was all-consum-
Because of this it is no accident that you ror films at the time still reflected a bleak ing in McCarthy-era United States.
can trace various points of the last centu- outlook that was characteristic of the Almost preempting the youth move-
ry of capitalisms prolonged death agony American psychology prior to the mid- ments of the latter half of the decade,
through the most popular horror films. 1930s fightback of labor. many of the films of the 1960s begin to
The earliest film studios produced hor- Frankenstein (1931) and Island of Lost highlight intergenerational conflict, a
ror, but it wasnt until the aftermath of Souls (1932) zeroed in on the horrors that theme that has continued ever since.
World War I that the genre really reso- humanity itself could conjure up. Loosely Psycho (1960) is perhaps the quintessen-
nated with viewers. World War I repre- following Mary Shelleys classic novel, tial example of this. The film begins as a
sented a historical turning point in the de- Frankenstein, the film depicted a mon- typical Hitchcock thriller, with a woman
velopment of capitalism. While capitalism ster who was brought to life by a crazed stealing a large sum of money from her
had developed the means of production doctor, abandoned, and rejected by the employer and heading for California. On
to enormous levels unimagined in pre- world he sought acceptance in. Upon its the way she meets Norman, the young,
capitalist society, it had begun to reach its release, unemployment in the United sensitive, but awkward keeper of the
limits by the turn of the century. Through States had nearly doubled in one year. Bates Motel. Normans motherwho is
the war, capitalism had concretely proven Additionally, the phenomenon of vast later revealed to be dead and to live on
to the whole world that it was no longer numbers of immigrant workers in search exclusively in Normans mindis abu-
an ascendant system, but a system of cri- of a livelihood added to the widespread sive and extremely jealous of anyone who
sis that threatened to drag all of humanity feeling of rejection and alienation. might steal his attention away from her.
down with it. The war led to the destruc- In Island of Lost Souls, an adaptation George Romeros classic Night of the
tion of huge swathes of Europe; the death of H.G. Wells The Island of Dr. Moreau, Living Dead (1968) took the world by
of more than 16 million people, nearly half the doctor is transforming animals into storm. Many themes are at play in this
of whom were civilians; and left millions humans, but they are incomplete, half film that highlight the political polariza-
tremely commercialized movies that were
more often than not derivative of previous
horror films. However, a few innovations
in the genre are worth mentioning. Saw
(2004) and its subsequent sequels ham-
mered away at the idea of a killer who
places his victims in horrifying positions,
offers them the choice to kill or be killed,
or to risk horrible disfigurement in order
to survive. This is not unlike the dog-eat-
dog morality that capitalism promotes!
The horror film genre has become a
part of modern folklore. In pre-capitalist
society, mythological tales of ghosts, spec-
ters, demons, and godsboth good and
badwere used as explanations for forc-
es of nature that could not be explained
and that humanity had no control over.
Avalanches, forest fires, floods,
droughts, volcanos, plagues, and more
were catastrophes that challenged hu-
manity. It is the labor process by which
we reshape our environment to overcome
these elemental forces that defines us as
a species. However, we live in a society in
decline, in which the very forces that hold
the most sway over the fate of humanity
are out of our control. What can be more
Modern bourgeois society, with its re-
lations of production, of exchange and of
property, a society that has conjured up
such gigantic means of production and of
exchange, is like the sorcerer who is no lon-
tion of the time. In a nod to the civil rights gan to introduce a number of ideas that ger able to control the powers of the nether
movement, the main protagonist is a de- were to later be adopted by the slasher world whom he has called up by his spells.
cisive and strong black man, Ben, who films of the 1980s. The film focuses on a This quote from the Communist Mani-
is often at odds with a patriarchal white group of young hippies visiting rural Tex- festo sums up the crossroads humanity
man, Harry, on how to defend themselves as from the city. On their way they meet finds itself at. While capitalism has devel-
against the zombies outside. The film was an unsettling hitchhiker who explains to oped the means of production to a level
produced just months after the assassina- them the superiority of killing cows with that can provide a comfortable life for
tion of Martin Luther King, Jr., and Bens a sledge hammer, versus the machinery all and has given us the tools to conquer
deathnot at the hands of zombies but at that took his job away from him. It is later nearly any obstacle nature can throw at
the hands of police who mistake him for revealed that he is just one member of an us, we are (for now) stuck in a situation
oneseems to pay tribute to this. entire family of sadistic murderers who where the booms and slumps of the stock
By 1973 the postwar boom had reached presumably all used to work at a nearby markets determine the fate of billions of
its limits, ushering in a two-year-long slaughterhouse. One by one the hippies people. The only way to overcome this
recession that was felt over much of the all meet their gruesome end, except for contradiction is through the revolution-
world. In the United States it was charac- the final girl, a motif that was to become ary transformation of society, with the
terized by the return of high unemploy- characteristic of many horror films from organized working class at the helm, tak-
ment, stagflation, and the clawing back the 1980s onward. ing conscious, democratic control over the
of gains made by the labor movement John Carpenters Halloween (1978), tremendous forces we, as a species, have
throughout the postwar period. Sean S. Cunninghams Friday the 13th created.
The mid-70s recession made its mark (1980), the late Wes Cravens Nightmare This would lead to a flowering of hu-
felt in a number of films of the later 1970s, on Elm Street (1984), and even Alien man science, technique, and culture on
particularly George Romeros Dawn of the (1979) and Terminator (1984) represent an unimaginable scale, giving us the tools
Dead (1978), in which four people take the quintessential films of the slasher to build a society free from the anxieties,
shelter in an abandoned indoor shopping genre. Each of these films also includes insecurities, and horrors that psychologi-
mall where all their needs are within reach. the final girl motif, with audiences iden- cally maim and scar millions of people. A
Shopping malls were a new phenomenon tifying with a female protagonist. society in which we are free from the blind
at the time, reflecting capitalisms new de- The rest of the 1980s into the 90s was forces that affect our lives would likely re-
pendence on credit and consumerism to characterized by a series of sequels, re- sult in the decline of a genre that will al-
artificially keep the economy alive. flecting Hollywoods increasing unwill- most certainly come to characterize class
In 1974, Tobe Hoopers The Texas ingness to invest in new ideas. society on the whole and the final stages of
Chainsaw Massacre was released and be- The 2000s continued to produce ex- capitalisms decline in particular. u

American Imperialism and the Drone War


lthough its power has declined
in recent years, the United States
remains the dominant military
and political power in the world. The fall
of the USSR left a vacuum on the world
stage, and without an ideological enemy
a counterweight to American military ag-
gressionthe US expanded its power and
influence with merciless interventions.
Through a series of both covert operations
and outright invasions, the US protected
the economic interests of its capitalists
and consolidated worldwide political
domination. For an entire historical pe-
riod, American imperialism faced little
opposition domestically or internationally.
Nonetheless, such brutal foreign policy
could not go wholly unnoticed by the in-
creasingly war-weary American public. In
order to gain a marginal degree of popular
support, both presently and historically,
the true nature of these foreign interven-
tions has been consistently obscured and
mystified by the state and media.
On October 15, the Intercept pub- phrase capture/kill is a misnomer, for the region. The instability devastating the
lished a series of articles about the inner the administrations efforts are exclusive- region arose precisely because of Western
workings of the drone program. The in- ly about killing, regardless of the collat- imperialism. The imperialists are there-
formation was obtained from military eral damage. fore fighting against the terrorism they
documents released by an anonymous When a strike is authorized, there is themselves created, while sowing the
whistleblower. Unsurprisingly, the docu- then a 60-day window for the strike to be seeds for even more chaos and instability.
ments revealed the cynical degree to carried out. Therefore, the threat is clearly The last section of the Intercept ar-
which the US had been lying about the not imminent. In fact, the term immi- ticles, titled Target Africa, details the
drone programspecifically regarding nent threat has never been defined by recent expansion of US military bases
its authorization and targeting proce- the governmentbut surely two months in various regions of Africa. At present,
dures, and its effectiveness. is not a plausible definition. Individual these seem to be used primarily for refu-
Firstly, what has the public been told strikes themselves are not authorized by eling aircraft and drones. However, this
about the drone program? The Obama President Obama; rather, the target is au- expanding military influence shows the
administration has stated that drone thorized. As a result, civilians live in con- continued efforts of US imperialism to
strikes would be more precise and re- stant terror of this imprecise drone war. shore up its interests worldwide, even if it
sult in fewer casualties than sending in Zubair Rehman, whose grandmother was has been forced to beat a strategic retreat
ground troops. Strikes would only be killed by a drone, said in 2013, I no longer in many areas due to the economic crisis.
made in situations of imminent threat love blue skies . . . When the sky brightens, Imperialism is, as Lenin said, the high-
if there was a near certainty that the drones return and we live in fear. est stage of capitalism. Capitalism inevi-
target could not be captured. The so-called War on Terror is used tably leads to the aggressive expansion
According to the documents, roughly to justify the drone program. However, of markets, as the capitalists attempt to
9 out of 10 victims of drone strikes are contrary to what the US government and increase profits by exporting capital and
untargeted. Those untargeted are post- bourgeois media say, this is not a war for using military force to defend and expand
humously labeled enemies killed in ac- democracy in the Middle East. The US their access to economic resources such as
tion, whether they were actually enemy has no qualms about supporting undem- oil and cheap labor power. The drone pro-
troops or simply civilians. In one exam- ocratic regimes. It has upheld numerous gram is just another tool of US imperial-
ple, during 201113, the CIA launched tyrannical states in the past and contin- ism. As the public grows tired of sending
Operation Haymaker in Afghanistan ues to do so in the presentso long as US in boots on ground, remote-controlled
against the Taliban and al-Qaeda. In the interests are maintained. For example, bombings becomes the more viable, albeit
end, 35 targets were eliminated, though the US has blatantly toppled democrati- less effective, method. However, the solu-
200 were labeled as enemies killed in ac- cally elected governments, such as the tion is not merely to demand the end of
tion. In this manner, the high number of leftist government of Allende in Chile the inhumane drone program. Imperial-
civilian deaths is concealed. Drone strikes in 1973. More recently, the US has sup- ism and its horrors will continue so long as
have not been precise by any defini- ported despotic states in the Middle East, capitalism continues, and this is why the
tion of the word, nor have they resulted such as Saudi Arabia. Nor has the War on root cause of this unrelenting misery must
in reduced casualties. Furthermore, the Terror increased security and stability in be abolished once and for all. u

Just Mercy by Bryan Stevenson

McMillian, a black small-business owner There is a huge prison-industrial
who was framed by law enforcement for complex in which many corporations

he decay of the economy is lead- the murder of a young white woman. make massive profits through the con-
ing to more and more people being McMillian had angered many white struction of prisons, food, security, and
shut out from the traditional labor people in his hometown of Monroeville, other services, and as Stevenson cor-
market of capitalism. This section of soci- Alabama by having an affair with a white rectly points out, we mustnt forget about
ety is targeted with particular viciousness woman. Walter had dozens of witnesses convict-leasing. The first section of the
by the state apparatusoften referred to saying that he was home on the day of 13th amendment does not abolish slavery
as the Criminal Justice Systema mis- the murder, but he made an awfully good outright, but instead says that Neither
nomer if ever there was one. American scapegoat, and the racist police depart- slavery nor involuntary servitude, ex-
capitalism has created the most incarcer- ment wasnt going to let the opportunity cept as a punishment for crime whereof
ated nation in the world. More people, as slip. the party shall have been duly convicted,
a percentage of soci- shall exist within the
ety, are imprisoned United States, or
here than in China. any place subject to
As the prison ap- their jurisdiction.
paratus continues to Slavery is still legally
grind down millions permissible so long
of peoples lives, a as the person to be
section of those who enslaved has already
work in this system been convicted of
are becoming radi- a crime supposedly
calized. One such warranting such
person is Bryan Ste- a punishmenta
venson. Stevenson loophole that has
is a lawyer who has been a boon to cor-
spent the last several porations who have
decades running a benefited from legal
legal aid non-profit forced convict labor
called the Equal since just after the
Justice Initiative Civil War.
(EJI). It special- The biggest
izes in advocating causes of crime are
the abolition of the poverty and men-
death penalty, and in tal illness. The first
cases involving those sentenced to death This is not some far-flung historical is a question of bread, as Lenin would
who are likely to be innocent, children footnotethe year was 1988. McMillian sayif there is not enough to go around,
who were sentenced to life in prison, and was sentenced by an all-white jury to life people will fight over and steal it to sur-
those who are guilty of crimes, but who imprisonment, but the judge overruled vive. As for mental illness, are there not
they believe should be given leniency due them and instead imposed a death sen- ways to deal with this other than lock-
to mental disability or other extenuating tence. It wasnt until 1993 that the EJI ing people away in prisons or institutions
circumstances. was able to prove that the main witness where they often get worse, not better?
According to the Death Penalty Infor- had been badgered by police into false Once freed from the confines of profit-
mation Center there are currently 3,035 testimony, and McMillian was finally ability, scientific innovations could help
people on death row, 1,284 of whom are released. Several years later he was diag- us ease the suffering of the mentally ill,
white, 1,250 black, 386 Latino, and 81 de- nosed with early onset dementia, which integrate them back into society, and pre-
scribed as other. According to the same may have been triggered by his trauma vent or ameliorate its occurrence in the
source, a combined 44.4% of those who while on death row, and he passed away first place. There are many people who
have been executed since 1976 are black, on September 11, 2013. dont even get the basic care they need
Latino, or other (than white). So far this Capitalism depends on the exploita- and deserve, due to a lack of funds and
year there have been 22 executions in the tion of human beings, and dividing the the gutting of public programs.
United States: 9 whites, 8 blacks, and 5 working class with racism is one of the American capitalism was born with
Latinos. This in a country where 63% of ways in which it facilitates this. It can- slavery in its foundations and institution-
the population is white, 13% black, and not provide an adequate standard of liv- al racism is a necessary byproduct of this.
17% Latino. Multiple studies have shown ing for billions around the world who Even though the Civil War ended slavery,
that the number of actual crimes com- are nominally free, so we shouldnt be it by no means did away with racism. The
mitted is relatively even across racial shocked that it cant provide a humane IMT believes that to end racism, discrim-
lines, but that members of ethnic minori- existence to those behind bars. Any at- ination, exploitation, and oppression, all
ties are much more likely to be arrested tempts to fundamentally transform this the resources that humanity has at its dis-
and convicted of crimes. system must eventually come up against posal should be democratically used and
Perhaps the most famous case that the unscalable walls imposed on all such rationally planned to provide for social
Stevenson worked on was that of Walter endeavors by the forces of the market. needs, rather than for profit. u

Capitalisms Sickness and its Cure


oday, the capitalist class is nothing
more than a parasite. It has noth-
ing to offer those suffering from
disease and illness but elaborate market-
ing scams and patent speculation.
When Marx and Engels wrote the
Communist Manifesto, the capitalist
class still had a progressive role to play
in history, at least as far as improving
the productive forces of society was con-
cerned. However, even as they noted this,
they pointed out the vulgar aspects of
capitalism. Due to the need for a con-
stantly expanding market, the capitalists
revolutionized the means of production,
ridding the world of old prejudices in the
process, creating conditions in which all
that is holy is profaned.
In this context, Turing Pharmas re-
cent purchase of Daraprim, a drug used
to treat a rare immunological disease
known as toxoplasmosis, and in conjunc-
tion with other drugs, AIDS, has moved
from the mere vulgar and profane to the
vile and criminal. The price of the drug ist crisis that exploded in 2008. There For some years this dynamic seemed
has been raised overnight from $13.50 are very few avenues left, in general, for to serve the pharmaceutical industry and
to $750 a pill. The cost of treatment for investments that yield stable returns. the capitalists quite well. It may even
patients has risen from about $1,130 Speculation, in the manner of betting on have had some positive effects on peoples
to $63,000. Over the course of years of horses, has overtaken actual productive health here and there, but this was only
treatment, the cost could now be over endeavors by the capitalist class. as an afterthought to the pursuit of prof-
$600,000 for many patients. This in- However, beyond the general decay its, and came at the expense of pillaging
crease of over 5000% is sickening even by of capitalism, there is something more the working classin 2013, 60% of bank-
capitalist standards. After all, this drug specific to the pharmaceutical industry ruptcies in the United States were due to
was formulated in 1953. in this story which reveals the whole in- unpayable medical bills.
Martin Shkreli, the hipster-CEO of dustry to be a rigged shell game that has But like all other capitalists, the
Turing Pharma, insists that he is merely been played for years. It started with the Pharma bosses are in trouble. There is a
looking after shareholder interests and creation of synthesized human insulin patent cliff approaching over the next
that ultimately, this price increase is good in 1978. This innovation, prior to which decade or so. As patents on major block-
for patients! This despite being roundly diabetics were administered pig insulin, buster drugs are set to expire, these com-
condemned by even the bourgeois me- sent shockwaves across the pharmaceuti- panies stand to lose billions in revenue
dia. This is one of those moments when cal industry. The shock wasnt related to to generic drugs. The focus on the entire
capitalism stands so naked that even the the use as a treatment for diabetes, but industry has now shifted to specialty
most loyal of the emperors servants pro- rather, that it was produced by a corpo- and orphan indications. In other words,
test that he has no clothes! rationconnected to the academy and towards rare diseases which do not have
Gradual price rises of 20%, 100%, or hence public fundingand then in-li- major marketed drugs.
200% are entirely acceptable in the view censed, or purchased, by Big Pharma. It is in this context that Turing pur-
of the bourgeois and their sycophants, This changed the game for pharma- chased Daraprim for $55 million from
something that happens regularly in the ceutical companies, and they abandoned Impax Laboratories in August. It treats a
pharmaceutical industry. But this blatant any pretense to basic in-house scientific specialty indication, and the drug pres-
gouging risks exposing the entire market research. Today, large and medium-sized ents challenges for generic companies,
economy for the cold, heartless cesspool drug companies do not innovate. That because there is only a small market
of profit it truly is. work is done by biotech companies, often of potentially millions of people who de-
Under the pressure of mass outrage, spun out of university incubators which pend on it to stay alive. It is a small mar-
it seems Turing Pharma may be toning create new drugs with the specific aim ket containing those whom Turing in-
down its initial 5000% price hike, but of being acquired by or partnering with tends to hold hostage! While CEO Martin
the way the system operates remains the a major pharmaceutical company. Pfizer, Shkreli insists the money will go towards
same. Because there is an internal logic Merck, GSK, and even medium-sized innovations, even a cursory glance at the
if the functioning of capitalism can be companies like Turing are in the game product pipeline for Turing shows that
called thatto what Shkreli is doing. In of commercializing and marketing drugs they have only ever innovated in minor
part this is a continuation of the capital- for profit, full stop. ways. For instance, taking existing drugs
traditionally administered orally and
formulating routes of administration as
sprays. This is a money grab, nothing Support Socialist Appeal!
more, nothing less. here is a national movement to How can you help out? Subscribe or
Capitalism ran its course as a progres- raise the minimum wage taking renew your subscription to Socialist Ap-
sive force long ago. Today, the capitalist place at a time when real wages in peal for only $20 per year. Better yet,
class is nothing more than a parasite. It general are going down. Bourgeois econ- take out a solidarity subscription for $25
has nothing to offer those suffering from omists divide the labor force into fifths, per year or sign up a friend for a sub-
disease and illness but elaborate market- from highest to lowest-paid. Adjusted for scription. Some of our readers might like
ing scams and patent speculation. The inflation, between 2009 and 2014, wages to contribute on a monthly basis: $50,
entire focus is on maximizing the return declined 2.6% for the highest paid fifth $20, $10 or $5. A monthly donation of
on investment. It is an open secret in the of the labor force. Others lost even more, $5 or more includes a free subscription
Pharma industry that most spending is 3%, 4%, 4.7%, and 5.7% for the remaining to Socialist Appeal. Each subscription
focused on the maintenance of chron- divisions in descending order. This is be- and donation really adds up. Help us
ic illness, not on developing cures for cause it is the 1%especially the 0.1% build the ideas of Marxism in the labor
chronic or acute ailments. who are benefiting from the upswing. In movement, the student movement, and
This stands in stark contrast with the comparison, The New York Times report- everywhere people are struggling.
kind of work done for decades in Cuba. ed that the top 25 hedge fund managers Forward to socialism!
That small, isolated island nation is lead- made $11.62 billion, or $467 million per
ing the way in research towards cures. It hedge fund manager in 2014. Based on a
has already proven it is possible to stop
the transmission of HIV from mother to
child and is boldly working on an HIV
40-hour work week and 52 weeks a year,
each made more than $224,500 per hour.
That is quite a living wage!
vaccine. Cuba is by no means a truly so- The crisis of capitalism is the main
cialist society. Socialism in one country
Workers Control and
reason for the decline in wages and
is a concept conclusively debunked by paid benefits. This diseased system can Nationalization
history. Socialism must be international only offer a reduced standard of living
or it is nothing, and must include direct for the vast majority of the population.
democratic planning and control over the However, in the struggle against capital-
economy and the state by the working ism, the workers need leaders with a so-
class. Nonetheless, the Cuban health care cialist program. Instead, we have trade
system is example of what can be done union leaders who accept capitalism as
on the basis of a nationalized, planned the only possible system. They refuse to
economy. It is a harbinger of what hu- build a mass labor party to fight in the
manity will be capable of when it focuses workers interests. They refuse to mo-
on cures instead of profits, of what genu- bilize the class toward a general strike
ine socialism will look like once it spreads and to take the anti-labor laws head-on.
across the entire world. They simply accommodate the workers
Under socialism the vast resources hu- to the austerityand then they wonder
manity has developed under capitalism why the proportion of the labor force or-
could be harnessed towards providing ganized into unions has been mired in a
real cures. Under socialism, the for-profit decades-long decline!
Pharma companies will be dispensed Look at the recent negotiations at
Chrysler, where the workers rejected the
with and replaced by a massive, publicly
first proposed contract because of the
owned, and rationally planned phar- To purchase, visit or mail
two-tier hiring and wages system, but the
maceutical industry under democratic $5, with a note, to the address below.
second contract, although somewhat im-
workers control. The noble professions Shipping included.

proved, keeps the two tiers and promises
of medicine and scientific research will changes after this contract expires! It is
be freed from the twisted logic of capi- ncludes two articlesby Rob
clear that the workers do not like this sit- Lyon and Leon Trotskydealing
tal, and will serve to meet the needs of the uation, but they see no way forward, and
many, not the profits of the few. with the question of what work-
they are misdirected by the present labor
But such a society will not arise on its ers control of industry would look
own. It requires the hard work of build- like and why nationalization and
There is no quick solution to this prob-
ing of a mass revolutionary Marxist in- democratic central planning of the
lem, but there is a way forward. We need
ternational that intervenes actively in the to build an alternative leadership in all
key levers of the economy is so cru-
struggles of the world working class. If of the unions, unorganized workplaces, cial to socialist democracy. 38 pages.
you find yourself disgusted by capitalism high schools, colleges, and universities.

and are sickened by the fact that Turing We need a press that is supported 100%
Pharma can get away with vampirism, by the workersno money from big busi-
you need to do something. Join the Inter- ness, which would compromise our mes-
national Marxist Tendency and the strug- sage. This is what the IMT is doing here PO BOX 1575 | NEW YORK, NY 10013
gle to build a world that isnt driven by in the US, Canada, Mexico, and in more
the lust of wealth for the few and misery than 40 other countries. That is what |
for the rest of humankind. u Socialist Appeal is all about.

What About the State and Democracy Under Socialism?

tinction between those who own property get everyone involved in the work of ad-
and those who dont. A society in which ministration of the new society, so that a

rior to class society, which arose everyone owns and works the means of special class of bureaucrats does not es-
around 10,000 BCE at the time production is one without classes; it is a tablish itself, separate from and above the
of the neolithic revolution, society society that will no longer require a state rest of the working class. If everyone is a
was organized without money and with- apparatus who use laws and force to keep bureaucrat, then no one will be a bureau-
out a state. Classes did not exist at this the exploited in check. crat.
time because the pro- The experience of
ductive forces were in- occupied factories in
capable of producing Brazil offers us an ex-
more than what was ample of the concrete
required for subsis- elements of workers
tence living, thus an democracy in prac-
exploiting class and an tice. The elected fac-
exploited class were tory council is subject
an economic impos- to an immediate right
sibility. Engels, basing of recall. This council
himself on the work meets weekly to dis-
of anthropologist cuss the plans for the
Lewis Henry Morgan, factory, and the min-
describes the way in utes of those meetings
which these primitive are published for all
communist societies workers to examine.
operated. In the con- Furthermore, the fac-
text of a study of the tory budget is voted on
Iroquois, he points by every worker in the
out: factory, each and every
The authority of month. This model,
the sachem [leader] like the soviets in Rus-
within the gens was sia in the early 20th
paternal, and purely century, is the embryo
moral in character; he of a new form of state
had no means of co- power, placing politi-
ercion . . . The gens deposes the sachem This picture of what the state under cal and economic control in the hands of
and war-chief at will . . . The members of socialism will look like contrasts sharply the workers themselves, without forcing
the gens owed each other help, protec- with what happened in the USSR under them to rely on anyone else.
tion, and especially assistance in aveng- Stalin. The monstrous bureaucratic state The soviets in the early USSR were
ing injury by strangers . . . The gens has that choked the planned economy in that elected workers councils in which work-
a council: the democratic assembly of all country was not a healthy workers state, ers participated and were elected to run
male and female adult gentiles, all with since it lacked any workers democracy, their workplaces, localities and regions.
equal votes. which is fundamental for the running of Such a direct, participatory democratic
This is a description of a society with- a healthy socialist economy. As the capi- method is much closer to the working
out state structures such as the police, talist market also withers away, ensur- class than a bourgeois democracy, be-
army, courts, prisons, or a political appa- ing efficiency and preventing corruption cause it gives people immediate control
ratus separate from and standing above will still be required. The mechanism for over their lives in a way that representa-
society. Because the productive forces this must be democratic control of the tive, parliamentary democracy can never
were held and worked in common, ev- economy by the workers themselves. As do. Take the upcoming presidential elec-
eryones economic interests were aligned, Trotsky once said, the planned economy tion as an examplewhichever party
meaning that no state instrument with needs workers democracy like the body wins, it will be a government that imple-
coercive powers was required to enforce needs oxygen. ments austerity in one form or another.
one classs will against another. Social- In concrete terms, this means imple- We have no real choice in this matter
ism will bring society full circle, but on a menting measures such as the right of because the economy is in private hands,
higher technological level. Just as money direct election and immediate recall and to keep the capitalist economy work-
will eventually wither away under social- for all elected officials, at all levels, who ing the government must submit to the
ism, so too will the state. A genuine pro- must also earn no more than the average will of those who own the key levers of the
letarian state will, by its first act, begin workers wage, so that they have the same economythe capitalists. Only by giving
the process of its own dissolution. This material interests as the people they are control over politics and the economy to
is because expropriation of the means supposed to represent. We must not be the working class can we guarantee genu-
of production and their administration made to wait years before being able to ine democratic choice. u
under democratic workers control as kick out representatives who have made
part of a planned economy will begin the decisions that arent in the interest of the
elimination of class distinctions, the dis- majority. Lenin also spoke of the need to
genuine freedom of expression. need. All nationalized compa-
OUR PROGRAM: WHAT WE FIGHT FOR Nationalizethe means of commu-
nication, and democratize access
nies to be run under democrat-
ic workers control and man-
FOR A MASS PARTY OF LABOR stay in their homes. No compen- to the media and the use of pub- agement, and integrated into a
BASED ON THE UNIONSBREAK sation to the foreclosing owners, lic meeting spaces on the basis of socialist plan of production to
WITH THE DEMOCRATS AND except in cases of proven need. proportional representation. meet the needs of society. Con-
REPUBLICANS: Only organized Rent for all housing, includ- NO TO RACISM, PROFILING, AND PO- solidate the nationalized banks
labor has the numbers and re- ing Section 8 and government- LICE BRUTALITY: No to racist and into a single, publicly owned
sources to effectively challenge owned housing, to be fixed at not antiworker police, courts, and and administered national
the bosses parties. Foramilitant, more than 10 percent of wages, as laws. End the phony war on drugs bank to protect workers sav-
class independent, socialist pro- part of a voluntary, national plan in the U.S. and internationally. ings and guarantee affordable
gram to fight against the attacks for housing. Abolish the death penalty and loans to all.
of big business. By fighting for release all political prisoners. For
the working class majority at the SOCIALIST INTERNATIONALISM:
For a socialized, national health the immediate and unconditional
polls, in the workplace, and on legalization of all undocumented
care system. Free scientific re-
the streets, such a party could immigrants. Full rights and am- pull out of the WTO and oth-
search from the profit motive.
quickly become a mass force and nesty for immigrant workers and er bankers deals that are the
Full access for all to the latest
turn American politics upside
medical technology, treatments, their families. End all racist im- tools of imperialist exploita-
down. migration and asylum controls. tion. No to the FTAA and the
and discoveries. Massively fund
THE RIGHT TO STRIKE, UNION REPRE- research for cures and treat- For the right of residency and TPP. Abolish the World Bank
SENTATION, AND COLLECTIVE BAR- ment of AIDS, cancer, and other dual citizenship. For the right to and International Monetary
GAINING FOR ALL WORKERS: Repeal diseases. Nationalize the health speak ones own language. Access Fund, and write off the debts
all antiunion laws including Taft- insurance companies, the medi- to Social Security with equal ben- imposed by Wall Street and
Hartley. End compulsory arbitra- cal equipment and pharmaceuti- efits for all. No to guest worker imperialism. For international
tion and the victimization of trade cal industries, the mega-hospital programs. For family reunifica- economic cooperation based
unionists and those forming new systems and related clinics, and tion and an immediate end to on the interests of working
unions. Organize the unorga- integrate them into a single state- raidsanddeportations.No tobor- people, not a handful of mul-
nized. Mobilize the rank and file owned and democratically man- der walls, militarization, and re- tinationals. No to the war on
and unite the labor movement to aged and administered health pression on the border. For the working people at home and
fight back against the bosses. No provider. unity of the working class: mobi- abroad. Cut the military bud-
to concessions! For trade union lize the labor movement to com- get and invest instead in social
QUALITY EDUCATION FOR ALL: Ful- bat racism and discrimination
democracy. All union officials to needs. No to militarism and in-
ly fund and expand our public and to improve conditions for all
be regularly elected with the right tervention in the Middle East
schools, colleges, and universi- workers.
of immediate recall by the mem- and around the world: with-
ties. End corporate encroach-
bership. All officials to receive no draw all troops from Iraq and
ment into the classroom. No to A SOCIALIZED PLAN OF PRODUCTION
more than the average wage of a Afghanistannow!End the em-
means testing, vouchers, charter FOR AGRICULTURE: Nationalize the
skilled worker. bargo on Cuba. Hands off Latin
schools, and privatization. No to food distribution and agrichemi-
FULL EMPLOYMENT: No to layoffs. Race to the Top and No Child cal giants that destroy farmers America!Unite with Canadian
Thirty hours work for forty hours Left Behind. Abolish tuition fees livelihoods and endanger public and Latin American workers
pay. The right to a secure, full- andforgive studentloans. Provide health in the pursuit of profit. A in a socialist federation of the
time job, full benefits, or a place living grants and paid internships democratic plan of food produc- Americas as part of a world so-
in education. Job security for all to all students. Nationalize the tion would protect small farmers cialist federation.
temporary workers and interns private universities and colleges and agricultural workers jobs
with equal pay and treatment. For
a massive program of useful pub-
and merge them into one united and security. Fully fund nutrition
public system of higher educa- assistance and extension pro-
lic works to create quality union
jobs torebuild our infrastructure.
tion. For lifelong learning for all grams. Full union rights for all
from the cradle to the grave. agricultural workers.
For a national minimum wage he Workers Interna-
of at least $25 per hour. Wages
TIONEQUAL RIGHTS FOR ALL: Equal MENT AND JOBS: For public own- itself on the ideas of
to be tied to inflation through
pay for work of equal value. Full ership and control over natural Marx, Engels, Lenin, and
periodic Cost of Living Adjust-
paid leave for expectant mothers resourcesthe land, major in- Trotsky, and on the further
ments (COLA).For union control
after the 1st trimester; parental dustries, mining and logging development of these ideas
over hiring and firing. Establish
leave with full pay for up to two companies, transport, oil, gas, by the International Marxist
union-controlled job training
years after birth or adoption.Free and other energyto ensure a Tendency. We fight for inter-
and hiring halls in communities
and safe, quality after-school pro- safe and healthy environment for national socialism, in which
with high unemployment. Volun-
grams and childcare facilities in all. Environmental plans would
tary retirement at age 55 with full the world working class has
the workplace. Affordable public be measured in generations, not
benefits. No to the privatization democratic control over the
laundry services and subsidized fiscal quarters. Free and efficient
of Social Security. means of production, dis-
restaurants serving healthy, qual- public transportation for all.
tribution, and exchange. A
SAFE, AFFORDABLE HOUSING FOR ALL: ity food to help free working NATIONALIZE THE KEY LEVERS OF THE workers government in the
Endhomelessness. For an imme- women from domestic servitude. ECONOMY: THE MAJOR INDUSTRIES, US would take over the vast
diate moratorium on evictions. Full reproductive rights up to BANKS, AND CORPORATIONS: No to
wealth now owned by just a
For the nationalization of fore- and including abortion. No to austeritymake the rich pay for
handful of individuals and
closed and vacant homes, to be discrimination on the basis of the crisis! Break with the irra-
democratically use it in the
allocated to those in need under sexual preference, gender iden- tional chaos of the capitalist free
interests of everyone. We
democratic workers and com- tity, and expression. Defend our market. Nationalize the Fortune
invite all those who are in
munity control, with residents of civil liberties from attacks in the 500. No compensation to the mil-
agreement to contact us.
foreclosed properties allowed to name of the war on terror. For lionaires, only to those in genuine

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