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Troubleshooting Echo Problems

Between DWG gateway and IP telephony system

This document describes how to troubleshoot and eliminate echo where possible in IP Telephony networks with DINSTAR GSM

GSM mobile phone User Hears Echo

The solution is to adjust IP to GSM Gain value.

VoIP side User Hears Echo

The solution is to adjust GSM to IP Gain value.

Troubleshoot echo problem

Create a telnet session to access the DWG/FXO gateway, the steps as shown below:
Welcome to Command Shell!
note: you can input <quit> to quit eiaconfigure set
-------------------------------------------------Normal set----------------------------------------------------------
code type: 0~3 (723_6/729A/711A/711U)
value = 1 :
PCM <- NET Port volume gain: (-32~32), default:0 // IP to GSM Gain, range from -32 to 32
value = -2 :-8 //Default value:-2
PCM -> NET Port volume gain: (-32~32), default:0 // GSM to IP Gain, range from -32 to 32
value = 0 : //Default value:0
FXO CODEC <- PHONE gain: 0 ~ 1 (0: disable; 1: +6db), default:1
value = 1 :
FXS CODEC <- PHONE gain: 0 ~ 1 (0: disable; 1: +6db), default:0
value = 0 :
Timeout after offhook when Detecting FXO online : 30 ~ 90ms (30ms: general;
90: for japan), default:30
value = 30 :
Port SCE flag: (0, 1), default:1
value = 0 :
busytone threshold: -20~-35 (if 0, use default value)
value = 0 :
busytone hangover: 5ms~32767ms (if 0, use default value)
value = 0 :
busytone tone_on_frac: 1~32767 (if 0, use default value)
value = 0 :
busytone lo_cutoff_freq: 200hz~3000hz (if 0, use default value 300hz)
value = 300 :
busytone hi_cutoff_freq: 200hz~3000hz (if 0, use default value 550hz)
value = 700 :
busytone DeltaMs: 30ms~1000ms (Default 50ms)
value = 50 :
dtmf volume: (-32 ~ 32), (default: 0)
value = 0 :
dtmf internal: (80~200), (default: 200ms)
value = 200 :
set Fxo Offhook wait time : 0 - 1 (0: 4S; 1: 1S) (default: 0)
value = 0 :
Set Fxo Hint Voice for Dialtone? 0 - 1 (0: No; 1: Yes) (default: 0)
value = 0 :
Set Fxo detect cid sended before ring? 0 - 1 (0: No; 1: Yes) (default: 0)
value = 0 :
Set hintvoice time for MockFxo incall & busy fxs: (0~20S), (default: 10S; 0
-3s: disable)
value = 10 :
IpPhone AutoDialer enable: 0 - 1 (default: 0/Disable)
value = 0 :
fax max rate: 2400,4800,7200,9600,12000,14400(unit:bps)(default : 14400)
value = 14400 :
fax volume: (-9 ~ 9)(default: 0)
value = 0 :
fax pkt send internal: (10 ~ 80), (default : 10ms)
value = 10 :
Set fax mode ? 0 - 1 (0: T38; 1: T30) (default: 0)
value = 0 :
set cptone type: 0-USA TYPE, ...(0~21)
cptone type = 0 :
set caller id mode: 0-USA TYPE, ...(0~21)
caller id mode = 0 :
fxo detect current enable: 0-disable,1-enable
current detect mode = 0 :
fxo detect current limit time:
current detect limit time = 0 :
fxo detect busy tone enable:0-disable 1-enable
fxo detect busy tone enabe = 1 :
wia hanndset gain 0~10 dB
wia hanndset gain = 4 :
wia micphone gain 0~10 dB
wia micphone gain = 4 :
wia ip side dial tone volume 0~10 dB
wia ip side dial tone volume = 8 :
wia band type 0~5
wia band type = 0 :
wia dtmf send method 0: gsm module 1: dsp
wia dtmf send method = 0 :
wia wireless signal quality judge level 0~10
wia wireless signal quality judge level = 5 :
wia dtmf detect source 0: dtmf chip 1: dsp 2: wireless module
wia dtmf detect source = 0 :
wia mobile mic digit gain 0~8
wia mobile mic digit gain = 4 :
send rtp keepalive: 0-do not send, 1-send
value = 0 :
Save the configuration and reboot the dsp board(Y/N):
Save the configuration and reboot the dsp board(Y/N): Y
Saving configuration to flash ...

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