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Proceedings of the XVI ECSMGE

Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

ISBN 978-0-7277-6067-8

The authors and ICE Publishing: All rights reserved, 2015


Geotechnical Engineering for Sustainable

Transportation Infrastructure
Ingnierie gotechnique pour des infrastructures de transport durables
A. Gomes Correia*1
ISISE, University of Minho, Guimares, Portugal
* Corresponding Author

ABSTRACT This paper highlights how transportation geotechnics can interact with transportation infrastructures and how through the
planning, design, construction and maintenance can contribute to ensure solutions more safe, reliable and resilient in the future. In this con-
text sustainable concepts are discussed and applied as best practices to preserve natural resources and assuring socio-economic and envi-
ronment benefits for the society.

RSUM Cet article met en vidence la manire dont la gotechnique pour les transports peut interagir avec leurs infrastructures et la fa-
on comme par moyen de la conception, du projet, de la construction et de lentretien peuvent contribuer des solutions plus scures,
fiables et rsilients dans l'avenir. Dans ce contexte des concepts du dveloppement durable sont abords et appliqus comme les meilleures
pratiques pour prserver les ressources naturelles en assurant des avantages socio-conomique et environnemental pour la socit.

1 INTRODUCTION structures. However, it has been recognized that sus-

tainability is not a goal, but a process of continuous
Transport infrastructures (roads, highways, bridges, improvement according to the needs and the context
airports, railways, waterways, canals and terminals), which can vary in time and space. For instance, there
are one of the most material demanding industries, are some best practices that impact multiple sustaina-
which justify a market transformation towards con- bility components over the long term (40 or 50 years
ception, design, construction, maintenance and ex- analysis period), while others focus in one single life-
ploitation of more sustainable structures. These infra- cycle phase (e.g. construction phase). In a broad
structures effects on earths resources and sense a sustainable transportation infrastructure is
environment but also changes the land use pattern one that (1) meets basic human needs, (2) uses re-
that persists for centuries and affects the societal val- sources effectively, and (3) preserves/restores sur-
ues of a community (Long et al. 2009; Jefferis 2008; roundings ecosystems (Tech Brief 2014). In this con-
Pender 2011; Basu et al. 2013). Thus, geotechnical text geotechnical planning, design and construction
aspects are of primary importance from the planning in the early phase of the infrastructure project, can
and design stages of an infrastructure construction significantly contribute to the overall sustainable de-
project, including also other components like pipe- velopment by making sustainable choices in the sev-
lines for transporting liquid and gas materials. As the eral components of the project. These choices should
project interfere with many social, environmental and follow the EU Sustainable Development Strategy di-
economic issues, improving the sustainability of ge- rective that establishes the following objectives by
otechnical processes is extremely important in 2020: (1) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by
achieving overall sustainable transportation infra- 20%, (2) to reduce primary energy usage by 20%,

Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

and (3) to increase use of renewable forms of energy tools we can mention the Sustainable Geotechnical
to 20% of the energy mix. A Sustainable Develop- Evaluation Model, the Sustainable Project Appraisal
ment Commission report Prosperity without Routine (SpeAR), GeoSPeAR and BREEAM, among
Growth referred by ORiordan et al. 2011, states others. For the other tools the more popular ones in-
that the world produces 770g of CO2 per $ of income clude many pavements-related items like FHWAs
and that this figure must reduce to 6g per $ by 2050, INVEST, Greenroads, Green Airport Pavement
if all 9 billion of us are to enjoy European income Treatments (GAPI) and Building Environmentally
levels in 2050 and simultaneously stabilize atmos- and Economically Sustainable Transportation-
pheric CO2 at 450ppm. As construction activity con- Infrastructure-Highways (BE2ST - in - Highways),
tributes about 20 to 25% to global carbon emissions, among others, pushing research in alternative sus-
so it will be essential to reduce emissions in construc- tainable geomaterials. It should also be mentioned a
tion to pursue sustainable development. proposed multicriteria based quantitative framework
In this paper after an overview of the sustainable for assessing the sustainability of geotechnical pro-
principles and measures, some aspects are addressed jects. This one considers resource consumption, envi-
that can contribute to improvements in these ronmental impact and socio-economic benefits of a
measures, covering: earthworks, reuse of natural ge- project over its entire life span to calculate a sustain-
omaterials and soil treatment, CO2 emissions in able index, as shown in Figure 1 (Misra & Basu
earthworks, optimisation of earthworks tasks, design 2012).
and quality control, recycled and novel materials, and



Efforts to apply the sustainable development concept

to the transportation infrastructure construction in- Figure 1. Multicriteria based sustainability assessment framework
dustry start to be applied based in the success ob- (Misra & Basu 2012).
tained in building construction industry with the
Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design In fact, geomaterials used in transportation infra-
(LEED) program. This is a credit based voluntary rat- structures in the construction, maintenance and reha-
ing system that has world while exponentially grown bilitation have an important impact in the sustainabil-
reducing energy use from buildings and generating ity of the system through the energy consumption
less waste material. There are recently concurrent ef- and emissions generated in the extraction, pro-
forts to use rating system for roadway construction cessing, and transportation. In this context earthwork
(Edil 2009) and this should be encouraged for trans- activities of transportation infrastructures should be
portation infrastructures and related geotechnical designed following the sustainability principles. It
works. should balance costs, environmental and social as-
A number of recent advances for measuring and pects integrated in life cycle analysis. In this analysis
evaluating sustainability in transportation structure an evaluation of the carbon footprint should be as-
include: (1) the particular vehicles used for road, sessed for the various scenarios, requiring considera-
railway, water or air transport, (2) the source of ener- tion of import/export of fill materials, plant opera-
gy, and (3) the infrastructure used to accommodate, tions, use of carbon-based geosynthetic materials,
end-of-life, and rating systems. However, the integra- soil improvement or stabilization. Consequently, im-
tion of these measures to sustainability assessment is provement of soils for road foundations and em-
not universal. Several tools were developed, some are bankments, as well as promoting the reuse of all the
qualitative others are quantitative and life cycle based materials coming from excavations, is strongly rec-
(Basu et al. 2014; TechBrief 2014). In the qualitative ommended to reduce impacts in the environment due


to material extraction, material use and transport. considered as a production line based on resources
This intends to reduce impacts related with construc- (mechanical equipment) and dependency relations
tion activities, mainly equipment emissions, fuel con- between sequential tasks, hence being susceptible to
sumption, air-noise-water pollution and to improve optimization (Parente et al. 2015).
safety and health of workers. Furthermore at design level, products should be
Although the role of geotechnical engineering in planned so that reuse and possible recycling can take
sustainable development is being increasingly recog- place at whole stage of life cycle, resulting in zero
nized (Figure 2), there is a general lack of under- waste generation (Gomes Correia & Magnan 2012;
standing regarding how exactly geotechnical pro- FHWA 2000) (Figure 3). Furthermore, because of
cesses can contribute to the overall sustainability. At environmental regulations, industrial inorganic by-
the same time, there is a scarcity of geo-sustainability products results also in a strong industrial market. It
literature and of an integrated framework for sustain- should be stressed that some of these inorganic by-
able geotechnical practice (Abreu et al. 2008 cited by products have better mechanical performances than
Misra & Basu 2011). This paper pretends to be a con- earth materials (Grgoire et al. 2009; Gomes Correia
tribution to fill some of these gaps oriented for com- et al. 2009; Gomes Correia et al. 2012).
ponents of transportation geotechnics. As an example, in France an attempt for imple-
menting sustainability in earthworks were promoted
by the French Government with the agreement of the
public works contractors, involved through their Na-
tional Federation (FNTP), since March 2009, as re-
ported by Gomes Correia et al. 2014. In this context
Public works companies committed themselves to re-
spond to the issues of global warming or the deple-
tion of non-renewable resources by proposing practi-
cal, innovative, economically acceptable solutions
and consistent with the objectives of sustainable de-
velopment (Boisson & Raoul 2012). This is why
companies involved in earthworks, road construction
Figure 2. Relative availability of literature in different areas of and engineering companies will strive to:
sustainable geotechnology (Misra & Basu 2011). reuse 100% of all soils and rocks excavated at the
construction site,
achieve 100% road recycling,
3 SUSTAINABLE EARTHWORKS preserve biodiversity and natural environment,
reduce greenhouse gas emissions and energy con-
As a consequence of the previous considerations sus- sumption,
tainable approach to material consumption begins
reduce the consumption of water,
with a design and planning that seeks to reuse and in-
increase the environmental performance of con-
corporate as much as possible material existing on
construction site as practicable. Moreover, sequential
tasks such as excavation, transportation, spreading improve safety of road, workers, users and nearby
and compaction are strongly based on heavy mechan- residents,
ical equipment and repetitive processes, thus becom- take part in research programs and disseminate
ing as economically demanding as they are time- and implement innovation,
consuming. Given the percentage weight of costs and improve technical and normative rules.
duration of earthworks in infrastructure construction These achievements planned for Horizon 2020,
projects (30 to 50%), the optimal usage of every re- will produce noticeable effects on the practice creat-
source in these tasks is paramount. Considering the ing new links between the public and private actors
characteristics of an earthwork construction, it can be of earthworks and road construction. Their results

Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

will hopefully be useful in the other European coun- lime that even early after construction, for instance 4
tries. days of curing time, the slope safety factor rises from
1,5 for the untreated soil to 2,5 for the treated soil.
This evolution grows on with time and values close
to 4 and 10 are reached respectively after 3 months
and one year (in constant humidity and temperature
conditions (20)). Of course, these results should be
checked for other type of soils and under different
environmental simulations. Nowadays is well accept-
ed that long-term effects, aims to increase strongly
the mechanical properties of a soil (Little 1995; Bol-
lens & al. 2005; Cabane 2006; De Bel 2006; De Bel
& al. 2007, 2009, 2011) with the objective to reach a
permanent state of stability, especially against water
and frost effects. This process is the consequence of
Figure 3. Life cycle with zero waste generation. the pozzolanic reactions engaged between lime, wa-
ter, silica and alumina from the clayey particles. Alt-
3.1 Reuse of natural geomaterials and soil hough these reactions and their products are now
treatment well established, their influence on the evolution of
As mentioned before, sustainable approach to materi- the geomechanical properties of the treated soil has,
al consumption begins with a design and planning till now, few been studied, and are so, less or not tak-
that seeks to reuse and incorporate as much as possi- en into account in earthworks projects, neither in
ble nearly all on site available natural geomaterial. capping layers design. Referring to the same study of
This will avoid dumping and save resources which the lime treated soil the same authors presented later
include among others, quarries of high quality mate- interesting experimental results showing that strength
rials, minimise demand on land and transport. So, the resistance evaluated by unconfined compression tests
first attempt is to evaluate whether the excavated ge- (Rc) of lime treated soil continue to increase up to
omaterial meets the specifications for the specific ap- 730 days at 20C (De Bel et al. 2011). The evolution
plication. However, if it not meets the specifications is not linear but results of different steps with a clear
required chemical treatments are explored. In this transition at 112 days (20C). Thanks to the micro-
case, lime treatment of fine soils is a common prac- scale study it was possible to better understand the
tice in many countries to reuse very wet or too soft different chemical and structural processes. XRD and
soils as embankments, capping layers, among others. ESEM were one of the micro-scale studies to under-
Usually, only an immediate improvement of the soil stand in a fundamental way the evolution of the me-
properties is expected to increase workability and as- chanical properties of lime-treated soils. XRD tests
sist compaction during earthworks. This technique is show the alteration of clayey minerals and the appari-
already a common practice for several decades in Eu- tion of new components (CAH) at an early stage.
rope. However, long term effects of lime treated soils This can explain the first step of the stabilization till
being generally not taken into account in the design. 112 days (Figure 4). Then, during the second step of
Even mixing rather low amounts of lime with soils the stabilization, interparticle bonds are forming, in-
induces pozzolanic reactions that may continue creasing significantly the cohesion (bond between
through years, resulting in a continuous increase of particles) of the treated soil. These interparticles
strength (Little 1995; Cabane 2004; Bollans et al. bonds, probably CSH, were observed by ESEM.
2005; De Bel et al. 2007, 2009, 2011). Neglecting To couple macro and micro observations is the sin-
this long term development has a direct impact on gle way to a better understanding of the pozzolanic
costs of earthworks, mainly for slope stability and reactions and of the long-term stabilization processes.
erosion, as well as in bearing capacity. De Bel et al. It should also be mentioned that the increase of long
2009 show for a silt soil treated with 3% of quick-


term performance has also been observed in cement biodiversity and ecology: to protect and enhance
treated clay by Flores et al. 2010. the biodiversity and ecology of the Lower Lea
In conclusion, qualitatively it can be assumed that Valley, and other venue locations,
the initial over-costs of the lime or cement treatment land, water, noise, air: to optimise positive and
can be counterbalanced by other advantages related minimise adverse impacts on land, water, noise,
with the durability of the earthworks which can be and air quality.
quantitatively demonstrated by a proper life cycle It is easily inferred that carbon emissions and air
analysis and risk analysis (Clayton 2000). quality are of critical relevance in earthworks
tasks. In fact, as noted within the Environmental
Statement, the key emission to air is the genera-
y = 1120.2Ln(x) - 4630.3 tion of dust from demolition, earthworks and con-
R2 = 0.9997 struction activities (Environmental Resources
Management 2006).
R'c (kPa)


y = 114.13Ln(x) + 143.54 Emissions from vehicles associated with construc-
tion sites can significantly add to levels of local air
R = 0.984

500 pollution, so it is important that best practical

0 3% lime
means of reducing vehicle emissions are adopted.
0.1 1 10 100 1000 As such, several mitigation measures can be taken
curing time (days)
in order to minimize air quality impacts (Greater
Figure 4. Strength improvement with curing time at 20C (De Bel London Authority & London Councils, 2006):
et al. 2011). developers can specify tax-exempt red diesel
with a sulphur content equivalent to ultra-low sul-
3.2 CO2 emissions in earthworks tasks phur diesel. This measure will automatically re-
Recently, new environmental concerns regarding duce particulate emissions by 30 per cent. Fur-
earthwork constructions have emerged. Such con- thermore, fitting suitable after treatment devices
cerns are considerably wide, ranging from water can reduce the remaining particles by at least 85
economy to carbon dioxide emissions and waste con- per cent. Also, considering that fine particles are
trol in construction phases, which go beyond the usu- of great concern to health, their reduction is a very
al implemented environmental rules, such as the effective way of reducing any health impacts to
ecology and nature conservation or the regard for the workers and sensitive receptors,
landscape and townscape (Environmental Resources in addition to local air pollutants, carbon dioxide
Management 2004). is also emitted from vehicle exhausts. As it is a
Most of these construction concerns have been key gas linked to climate change, controls should
taken into consideration during the construction and be put in place to limit emissions; these controls
preparation for the UK Olympic Games (presented will also help developers reducing fuel costs,
here as an example), including (ODA 2007): no vehicles or plant should be left idling unneces-
carbon: to minimise the carbon emissions associ- sarily. Should any emissions of dark smoke occur
ated with the construction of the Olympic Park (except during start up) then the relevant machin-
and venues, ery should be stopped immediately and any prob-
water: to optimise the opportunities for efficient lem rectified before being used,
water use, reuse and recycling, reduce the number of vehicle movements through
waste: to optimise the reduction of waste through better planning,
design, and to maximise the reuse and recycling of set an appropriate speed limit on haul routes,
material arising during demolition, remediation avoid use of diesel or petrol powered generators
and construction, by using mains electricity or battery powered
materials: to identify, source, and use environmen- equipments where possible and if safety concerns
tally and socially responsible materials, can be overcome,

Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

encourage developers to use consolidation centres user input using a GIS, namely including all the pos-
to manage site deliveries. This will help to reduce sible work fronts and potential equipment trajecto-
time wasted searching for materials and the num- ries/paths. The GIS Path Finder algorithm determines
ber of vehicles entering the site, and will have the best routes or trajectories for transportation
both congestion and emission benefits, equipment regarding the location of work fronts and
where construction sites are located near to wa- borrowing sites and potential equipment paths, with
terways or railways it may be feasible for con- the purpose of optimizing the workflow inside the
struction materials to be delivered or removed work site. Finally, the Optimization Module receives
from the site using water transportation means, ra- information from both previous modules and inte-
ther than by road. The obvious benefit is that it grates a simulation-optimization algorithm, which at-
will reduce the number of trips made by vehicles tempts to find a near optimal solution for the problem
on local roads, therefore reducing local emissions of determining the best possible equipment fleet and
and disturbance to sensitive receptors. its optimal distribution throughout the work area,
bearing in mind both construction time and costs.
3.3 Optimisation of earthworks tasks Additionally, considering that the optimum equip-
ment locations are not static over time, since equip-
Taking into account the costs involved in earthworks ment from one work front should be reassigned to
that represent around 30 to 50% of all costs in con- others as their initial tasks are completed, the prob-
struction of roads and railways (Boisson & Raoul lem is defined as dynamic multi-objective optimiza-
2012) an effective planning of the different tasks are tion with conflicting objectives.
necessary to maximise productivity and minimize
costs. Consequently, the allocation of available re-
sources and selection of the best equipment fleet for
the work are the most important factors to achieve
these objectives. So far, there has been reasonable
development regarding the optimization of earthwork
constructions, mainly in the form of equipment and
operation modelling systems, in order to simulate site
conditions and work sequence. Among these, most
focus on planning and optimization during a project
design phase, whereas few look to optimize the
earthwork tasks themselves throughout construction Figure 5. System architecture (adapted from Gomes Correia &
Magnan 2012).
phase (Parente et al. 2015).
Inspired in the work by (Gomes Correia &
Finally, assuming the availability of GPS equip-
Magnan 2012) Parente et al. 2013 proposed a system
ment in each fleet element, it becomes possible to in-
that assumes the integration of 3 main modules
clude the option to, through the GPS receivers, de-
(Equipment module, Spatial module and Optimiza-
termine the real productivity of each equipment in
tion module) with capabilities to acquire and manipu-
construction phase, allowing the system to automati-
late data from each phase of an earthwork project.
cally update and re-optimize itself in real-time as the
Figure 5 depicts the system as well as the flow of in-
construction carries on.
formation throughout the modules of the system.
Based in this system architecture, Parente et al.
In general terms, the Equipment Module is re-
2015a,b develop an integrated earthwork optimiza-
sponsible for receiving the user input for available
tion algorithm using soft computing techniques such
equipment/plants, while calculating or retrieving
as evolutionary computation (i.e., genetic algorithms
equipment costs. Simultaneously, this module should
GA), thus being considered intelligent earthwork
include Data Mining models, used for the determina-
systems, aiming to maximise productivity and mini-
tion of the productivity rates for available equipment.
mize costs. This is done adopting the following ap-
On the other hand, the Spatial Module allows for the
proach. Having an initial distribution of compaction
creation of a functional model of the work area by


equipment, the equipment for the remaining tasks consumption, as they require very little processing
(excavation, transportation, spreading) is then dis- and mining. However, they might verify engineering
tributed by using linear programming (LP) optimiza- and environment criteria for specific applications.
tion models, targeting the minimization of cost while The minimum requirements that should be ad-
restricting the minimum required work rate to that of dressed to the quality of recycled materials are (Win-
the associated compaction front. In each solution, this ter 1998):
process is repeated for each construction phase, re- the materials used should be chemically suitable
sulting in a determination of global costs and dura- for the environment in which they are used; some
tions for the initial distribution of compaction equip- material might require treatment (e.g. stabilization
ment. The best solutions are then subjected to genetic or remediation) and consent prior to use,
algorithms (GA) operators, namely crossover and the materials used should be durable (neither sus-
mutation, generating new solutions which are evalu- ceptible to deterioration, neither biodegradable),
ated using the same methodology. The algorithmic the materials used in the layer should provide a
flow for the multi-objective GA and its associated surface of sufficient stiffness (and or shear
fitness function is shown in Figure 6. strength) for the intended end use. If a stiffness
This optimization system was applied to a case value to be achieved is specified then test method
study described in detail by Parente at al. 2015b. The needs to be also specified,
available data includes the daily allocation of earth- the materials in the layer should have such proper-
work equipment throughout a road construction site, ties that they will not suffer unacceptable post
including information on available equipment, mate- construction settlement or movement.
rial volumes and types in excavation and compaction Thinking sustainable, there are a number of inno-
fronts and distances between fronts. By modelling vative materials and techniques that are currently
and optimizing a specific number of phases, results available and/or emerging for use in earthworks. The
indicate that it would be possible to reduce execution materials generally fall into four categories, as fol-
times for some of the construction phases between 20 lows (Gomes Correia et al. 2012):
to 50% of their original duration, without increasing reuse and recycled geomaterials,
costs. Figure 7 shows a typical result of the system non-traditional geomaterials,
from which is possible to see the advantages in rela- non-geomaterials such as tyre-derived products
tion to the solution obtained by conventional design (shred, chip, crumb) and residues from construc-
that is far from optimal. In fact, if this system will be tion and demolition,
applied for this construction project, a high impact
hydraulically bound materials.
could be achieved, with an estimated reduction of
As referred before, there is strong pressure to use
around 50% to 70% of both costs and durations, ful-
industrial by-products and recycled materials in con-
filling some of the principles of sustainability. Still,
struction of transport infrastructures and geotechnical
the system does not take into account the occurrence
works (marble, metal slag, slag from waste incinera-
of unpredictable events during construction (i.e.,
tion, slag from coal fired power plants, slags and
equipment malfunction) or other restrains like CO2
combustion residues from foundries and waste of
emissions. However, this could be mitigated by re-
mining, among others).
running a new optimization procedure that included
A methodological approach to promote the use of
new restraints, which would result in a new set of op-
Portuguese electrical arc furnace steel slag is present-
timal solutions for current site conditions achieving
ed as an example that can be applied for other indus-
trial sub-products (Gomes Correia et al. 2012). In this
context a huge laboratory research programme was
carried out, which addresses 4 elements of geotech-
4 RECYCLED AND NOVEL MATERIALS nical and geoenvironmental behaviour:
ultimate strength under monotonic loading,
The use of recycled materials benefits environment
resilient behaviour (stiffness),
by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and energy

Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development
Population generation
(compactor distribution)

Repeat fitness function for each con-

struction phase:

Crossover &
mutation for Fitness evaluation
generation of LP models for equipment
(for each solution) allocation in other tasks
new popula-

Calculate compaction duration

and associated costs

Update material volumes in all



Output (for each solution):

Allocation of equipment to each earthwork task;
Amount of time each equipment stays in its present position before
being reallocated (in a new construction phase); and
Global execution cost and duration for current solution.

Figure 6. Algorithmic flow for the optimization system (Parente et

al. 2015).

susceptibility to the increment build-up of perma- traditional materials by performance based tests
nent deformation due to repeated loading, and (Gomes Correia et al. 2012). Furthermore, this mate-
leachability. rial when compared with results of mechanical tests
These test results were in a first step compared of natural unbound granular materials used in road
with those based in the empirical tests used in the na- construction show better mechanical performance or
tional specifications for the embankments and struc- at least the same. Figure 8 illustrates these results
tural layers of transport infrastructures. based in the characteristic modulus and the character-
It was concluded that performance laboratory tests istic permanent strain obtained for a determined
results based in cyclic triaxial test show a much bet- stress level under cyclic triaxial tests (Gomes Correia
ter material performance than the results based in et al. 2012). Figure 9 also shows the results in terms
empirical tests (Los Angeles (LA) and micro-Deval of stiffness of the processed slags (ISAC) when com-
(MDe) reinforcing the need to evaluate non-


pared with natural aggregates (granite and lime- relatively free-draining (Figure 11). Successful appli-
stone). cations for tyre bales include as road foundations in
Additionally, leaching test results show that this both the USA (New York State) and the UK (Winter
processed by-product is inert and it was therefore et al. 2005). Winter et al. (2006, 2007, 2009) include
named Inert Steel Aggregates for Construction other applications such as slope failure remediation,
(ISAC). These laboratory conclusions were validated lightweight embankment fill, gravity retaining walls,
in a full-scale trial by end performance testing (de- drainage layers/paths, storm water management sys-
vices which measure in-situ stiffness by spot tests tems and rainwater soakaways, and environmental
and by continuous monitoring, as well as leaching barriers. Winter & Gomes Correia (2015) illustrate
values measured with lysimeters). This field trial in- how typically the introduction of these two materials
volves raw materials and ISAC. Figure 10 illustrates (ISAC and tyre bales) to the construction market fol-
a field section of leaching measurements (Gomes lows the sequential stages set-out in Figure 12.
Correia et al. 2012).
EN 13286 - 7, 2004

1250 Hard limestones

Soft limestones
Ec (MPa) 750 Maia ISAC
Belgian limestone
Belgian steel slag
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
e1c (10 -4 )

Figure 8. Comparison of mechanical performance of natural ag-

gregates with recycled materials.

10000 x Seixal ISAC *

Granite Aggregate: GA(0/19)
w=5.8%; e0 = 0.330 w=5.9%; e0=0.260
y = 50.14x0.56 y = 13.02x0.57
Enor(e=0,35) (MPa)

1000 + Maia ISAC

w=3.3%; e0=0.343
y = 60.78x0.54
Figure 7. Optimization results: a) vertically averaged Pareto-
optimal front; b) comparison between optimized Pareto front (line) - - Granite Aggregate: GA (0/31,5)
Limestone Aggregate
and the real-world human based allocation solution (dot); in both w=3.9%; e0=0.236
w=5.9%; e0=0.232
graphs, the Cost objective, y-axis, is presented in Euro, while the y = 4.70x0.71
Duration objective, x-axis, is presented in hours. y = 18.29x0.57
10 100 1000
It should also be mentioned that recycled materials s1 (kPa)
can be significantly improved if they are mixed with Figure 9. Comparison of stiffness of natural aggregates (limestone
other by-products that exhibit cementitious proper- and granite) with processed steel slags (ISAC).
ties, such self-cementing fly ash, waste incineration
ash, which are responsible for alkali activation (Sar- More recently another research topic that can have
gent et al. 2012). Other combinations are with mine in future a great impact in reuse of materials improv-
wastes (Oluwasola et al. 2015). ing its performance and thinking sustainable is incor-
Additional interesting example is the technical porate-nanotechnology knowledge in the formulation
benefits of tyre bales, which are both lightweight and of materials (Lundahl et al. 2010).

Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

Figure 10. Lysimeters in the full-scale field trial and their sche-
matic representation.

damage occurred to these structures (Rana et al.

Furthermore, reinforced embankments exhibit
numerous advantages over conventional fills, espe-
cially along steep or unstable slopes and in seismic
areas, as well as in layer reinforcements.
For fills, usually the reinforcement does not cover
the entire area, unless spreading of an embankment
should be avoided, or in canyon-like valleys with
slender earth structures (Brandl 2004).

Figure 11. A typical tyre bale with dimensions (from Winter et al.

In fact reinforcement of soil using short and dis-

crete synthetic and natural fibres has been found to
improve various properties of soils such as tensile
strength and stiffness, shear strength, post-peak
strength loss, ductility, etc.
Due to their high aspect ratio combined with ex-
cellent mechanical strength and stiffness nano fibres
can be advantageously used for soil reinforcement for Figure 12. The development of business based on the production
various geotechnical applications. Besides that, the and sale of a new product based on reused, recycled or recovered
use of conductive nano fibres (e.g. carbon nano fibre) waste materials (from Winter & Gomes Correia 2015).
may impart electrical conductivity and piezoresistivi-
ty to the reinforced soils and these properties can be The routine use of geosynthetics situated between
used to sense automatically the deformation and individual compacted layers in reinforced embank-


ments and railtracks is very well established and together in a common direction in the downward ver-
demonstrated as a sustainable solution (Indraratna et tical inclination. This eliminates unwanted and
al. 2012; Hussaini et al. 2014; Yonezawa et al. 2014). wasteful movements in the lateral and upward direc-
Moreover, other more innovative solutions are also tions that occur with conventional compaction drums.
referred by Vanicek & Vanicek 2013, the so called Internally, the entire counterweight assembly is rotat-
brick-fiber-concrete. The principle of this system is ed to adjust the direction of the point where the two
simple, utilises old bricks and concrete, which after weights act together. Adam and Kopf 2000 describe
crushing and sorting out into different fractions cre- that the Vario roller developed by Bomag company
ate the base for the new material concrete rein- can be used both for dynamic compression compac-
forced by short synthetics fibers. tion (like a vibratory roller), for dynamic shear com-
paction (like an oscillatory roller), and a combination
of these two possibilities, depending only on the ad-
5 ACCELERATED CONSTRUCTION BY justable force direction. With these technologies
COMPACTION TECHNOLOGY onboard monitoring system were applied to vibratory
rollers that automatically adjust their energy output to
Accelerated construction technologies are essential a defined control criteria to achieve compaction op-
for performance, cost-effectiveness and consequently timisation (so called intelligent compaction - IC).
are contributing for sustainable practices in construc- Several companies, for example, Ammann, Bomag
tion. Some examples contributing to accelerated con- and Dynapac all have IC machines ready for work in
struction are the developments taking place in com- soils and aggregates, and Ammann and Bomag have
paction technology using high energy impact asphalt models as well.
compactors and intelligent compaction rollers. Some The intelligent compaction supposes neither to
of them integrate instrumentation allowing direct under-compact nor over-compact materials, allowing
measurement of the engineering properties during an optimised and a highly uniform compaction
compaction in real time, which can be used improv- (Brandl 2001).
ing compaction uniformity and effective compaction Furthermore, the use of instrumentation on the
effort. High energy impact compactors appear to compaction equipment, particularly in intelligent
provide a much greater depth of compaction, allow- compactors, provides 100 percent quality control
ing for placement of thicker fills and consequently a coverage leading to the effective implementation of
significantly increased of rate of embankment con- warrantees and guarantees for both earthworks and
struction. Pinard 2001 shows that the particularity pavements. These developments pretend accelerate
features of all impact compactors is their non-circular construction of embankments and granular layers re-
compacting masses which have a series of points al- specting compaction requirements of modern pave-
ternating with flat compacting faces. It is also re- ments and rail tracks in a cost-effective manner.
ferred that the above advantages have been quantified In conclusion modern compaction equipment, op-
from a number of comparative trials and at the south- timisation and control have opened the possibility of
ern runway at Hong Kong's international airport at constructing high embankments instead of bridges
Chek Lap Kok. Adam & Markiewicz 2001 and for roads, highways airports and railways likewise
Brandl 1990 also corroborate some of these findings (Brandl 2001). In most cases, such alternatives re-
with rollers equipped with dynamic excited polygo- duce the construction costs and facilitate the use of
nal shaped drums. nearby fill material (taken from site excavations,
However, conventional vibratory rollers have also slope cuts, borrow pits). Furthermore, embankments
been object of several developments. One of the main can be vegetated, are therefore environment-friendly,
technological developments concerns energy varia- and their maintenance costs are by far smaller than
bility and efficiency by the use of two counter- for bridges (Gomes Correia et al. 2014).
rotating weights in the drum rather than the conven-
tional single, one-directional eccentric weight. The
weights rotate in opposite directions and only come

Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

6 DESIGN AND QUALITY CONTROL 2001; Gomes Correia & Loizos 2004; Gomes Correia
et al. 2006a,b; Gomes Correia et al. 2007; Ellis et al.
Improvements in a number of areas related to both 2008; Miura et al. 2012). Some of the outputs of this
routine and sophisticated design and construction af- work include:
fect the economic success of pavement and railtrack - development of the laboratory performance test, its
foundations as well as transportation earthworks and use and role in the context of the design and quality
consequently sustainability (Gomes Correia 2012). control processes striving the sustainable use of ma-
These areas include modelling of the behaviour of terials, illustrated with some case studies;
embankments and pavement and railtrack founda- - innovations of compaction technologies and quality
tions, design of earthworks, preparation and quality control techniques. The use of quality control by per-
control of pavement subgrade and earthwork quality formance specifications appropriated for recycled
control methods and procedures. Furthermore, mod- materials (Fleming et al. 2006),
elling, design and construction of granular layers - discussion of the previous developments in the wid-
(structural layers) can also have an important effect er context of the mechanistic-based design, and how
in pavement and railtrack performances (Gomes Cor- this will help the promotion of sustainable use of ma-
reia 2001, 2008; Gomes Correia & Cunha 2014). terials.
Design and construction of pavements and rail- Improvements in a number of other areas related to
ways are moving from merely empirical procedures both routine and sophisticated design affect the eco-
towards mechanistic approaches based on a sounder nomic and societal success of transportation network
theoretical basis. This is essential to facilitate the sus- and consequently sustainability. These areas include
tainable use of new materials in transportation infra- the design against extreme events, like seismic and
structure under various climatic and traffic (load and flooding. Tokida 2012 based on the typical damages
speed) conditions. This will contribute to sustainable of road embankments induced by recent earthquakes,
transport infrastructures, making them safe, efficient, and supported in large-scaled field tests, centrifuge
economic, environmentally friendly, meeting the tests and analytical simulations, propose interesting
needs of present-day users without compromising methodologies for macroscopic assessment of seis-
those of future generations. In addition, this will lead mic potential of road embankments and new concepts
to a future challenge to implement a common frame- for the performance-based design of road embank-
work between road, railway, geotechnical and envi- ments. Reducing the risk of embankment failure un-
ronmental engineers. der these extreme conditions has to be assessed in the
In the framework of the International Technical design process, mainly when road or railway closures
Committee TC202 (former TC3) Transportation and detours have an important costly societal impact.
Geotechnics of the International Society for Soil For these critical infrastructures an holistic approach
Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) considering environmental, social, economic, relia-
some contributions were done to cover some of the bility, and resilience aspects should be developed in
gaps identified in these areas. Improvements on it geotechnical engineering for sustainable transporta-
could have a tremendous impact on transportation in- tion infrastructures.
frastructure maintenance costs. In this context the Furthermore, a major concern affecting these de-
European Technical Committee ETC11 (1997-2001) sign aspects is the assessment of quality of materials
and further on the International Committee TC3 used in the structure and substructure (subgrade and
(2002-2005 and 2005-2009) and the actual TC 202 embankment), as well as the quality of construction
(2009-2013) of ISSMGE promote several workshops and its control, assuming that a proper design is done.
and seminar reported in the European and Interna- The structural design for pavements and railtracks
tional Conferences proceedings (XII ECSMGE, Am- has been primarily based on the modulus/strength of
sterdam 1999; XVI ICSMGE, Osaka 2005; XIV different pavement layers. However, most quality as-
ECSMGE, Madrid 2007; XVII ISCSMGE, Alexan- surance-quality control (QA/QC) processes during
dria 2009) and also in several publications (Gomes construction rely on parameters such as density and
Correia & Quibel 2000; Gomes Correia & Brandl, moisture content that are not used during the design


stage (Gomes Correia & Nazarian 2015). Existing rainfall. Therefore, the is a need to better understand
practices need to be supplemented with methods that this old embankment behaviour and remediation
will provide continuity between the design, construc- techniques through intensive monitoring and analysis
tion and laboratory testing, so that performance- of real embankments, with measurements carried out
based specifications can be implemented. Methods to over a number of years to capture changes in the
measure the material modulus in the field shortly af- earthworks over long periods. Several trial remedial
ter construction may lead to a more reliable imple- measures were tested along the years, including sta-
mentation of the design. Modulus-based QA/QC may bilization technologies of embankment foundation
be more beneficial than traditional techniques be- and, or of the embankment. They can be categorized
cause they are non-destructive and rapid to perform, as follow: reducing disturbing forces (geogrids, piles,
immediate results are obtained, and the material is retaining walls, soil pinning, track support), increas-
tested in its natural state. Since the modulus of a ma- ing soil strength (stabilization, geomats), controlling
terial varies with moisture content, the moisture con- of water (drainage), mechanical support to resist de-
tent of the material at the time of modulus testing formation (geogrids). Hybrid solutions can involve
should be measured as well. In this context the de- installing a row of concrete piles at the midslope to
velopment of the automatic control of the operation transfer load from the slipping surface soil into un-
modes of different dynamic rollers was done in con- derlying stable ground (Smethurst & Powrie 2007).
nection with a roller-integrated continuous compac- Many of these technologies can also be applied to
tion control system (CCC) measuring the dynamic in- accommodate higher loads, geometry changes, and
teraction between dynamic roller and material (Adam extreme environment conditions, like floods and
2007). Furthermore, this instrumentation on the com- earthquakes. Special attention should be done with
paction equipment provides 100% quality control geometry changes, e.g. widening. In these cases is
coverage leading to the effective implementation of necessary to estimate the influence of the new struc-
warrantees and guarantees for both earthworks and ture on the existing one, which is often difficult to as-
granular layers. In the case compacted material is as- sess, especially for water sensitive materials. For the
sessed in spot test methods modulus related, the re- old and new road or rail embankments the main re-
sults are sufficient to do a statistical and probabilistic sponsibility for the infrastructure owner is how to
analysis. These advanced technologies deliver a know when the maintenance works should be done.
modulus that with proper calibration is the base to The asset management systems can be a contribution
provide continuity between the design, laboratory, for the problem (Sloan et al. 2000).
construction and maintenance. Nevertheless, whatever the problem is, sustainable
principles should be always applied making design
and construction choices compared and evaluated in
7 MAINTENANCE terms of energy efficiency, carbon emissions, costs
and societal benefits for a period of life.
Maintenance is known to prolong the end life of the
structure, avoiding more costly and energy emission
recycling or disposal operations. Consequently strat- 8 CONCLUSIONS
egies should be oriented to timely maintenance and
preservation of the built environment. However, con- Geotechnical planning, design, construction in an
tinuing maintenance and remediation becoming a early phase of the infrastructure project can signifi-
major engineering constraint for infrastructure own- cantly contribute to the overall sustainable develop-
ers. If we consider the existing road and rail network ment by making sustainable choices in the several
built in the mid-19th century we quickly realize that components of the project. These choices include
embankments were generally constructed from local strategies, materials, technologies and innovations
materials. By todays standards, these embankments that can be summarised for several components as
were poorly constructed and are now prone to disrup- follow:
tive failure, particularly during periods of prolonged

Geotechnical Engineering for Infrastructure and Development

earthworks: water economy, reduction of CO2 sumption, greenhouse gases emissions, natural re-
emissions, waste control by reuse and incorporat- sources consumption, increasing service life and
ing as much as possible natural geomaterials as more cost-effective solutions. However, it should be
well as taking advantage of long term behaviour of taken in mind that sustainability is not a goal, but a
treated soils, and optimisation of earthworks tasks process of continuous improvement according to the
by maximising productivity and minimising costs, needs and the context which can vary in time and
as well as minimising energy consumption and space.
emissions generated in the extraction, processing,
and transportation,
recycled and novel materials: promoting their use ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
through performance tests by checking engineer-
ing and environmental behaviour contributing in The author would like to thank the colleagues Mike
reducing greenhouse gas emissions, energy con- Winter, Anand Puppala, Ivan Vanek and Jean-
sumption, and long term economic benefits, Pierre Magnan for the supporting documents that
accelerated construction by compaction technolo- were very useful to prepare this paper.
gies: intelligent compaction, high energy com-
pactors and advanced roller technologies with real
time measurements resulting in higher quality with REFERENCES
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