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Mr. Spell- Assistant
Mrs. Anderson, Ms.
Armstrong, Ms. Ferrell,
Guidance Information
Mrs. Sproch-Boyd
You only have a week and a half left
of summer break
You only have a week and a half left
to finish (or start) your summer
You only have a week and a half to
enjoy those summer outfits.
Schedule Changes/Concerns
Online Graduation Requirement
Every year counts!
PERT can no longer be used to satisfy the Algebra I graduation
2 or more Fs.
Quarter GPA below 2.0
Unweighted GPA below a 2.0.
October Classroom Guidance
Underclassmen Parent Night November 9th at 5:30 pm
Open House August 28th
Showcase begins at 6 pm
Open House begins at 7pm Bright Futures Scholarship Evaluation
Community Service
Join the Community Service Club!
Extracurricular Activities
DA Guidance website and Spotlight
Add your email address to Focus to receive updated
Facebook and Instagram.
An hour each school day dedicated for students.
Not only a time for students to eat and socialize.
Time should be used to:
Consult with teachers
Attend club meetings
Create a study group
Catch up on missed work.
Office Hours
Each teacher provides tutoring four days a week for thirty
PH schedule is posted outside of their teachers classroom.
Students have an opportunity to receive 5 hours of free tutoring
each week.
Builds student initiative
Self advocacy
Time management
Counselor Roles
o Academic
o College and Career
o Social/Emotional
o Promoting positive peer networks.
o High school is full of new opportunities.
Transition to High School
o Higher academic expectations than middle school.
o Your teachers are preparing you for college.
o Attendance
o Impact on grades and college acceptance.
o Time Management Skills- Prioritizing
o Safety Nets; Power Hour, NHS, Faculty tutoring
o Use of a planner/bullet journal.
Role of the Dean
Focus on Student Services
Addresses issues to find positive outcomes.
Develop and maintain school policies.
Promotes good attendance rates.
Students rights and responsibilities.
Helps students, parents, and teachers work
together to help students grow and develop.
Monday and Tuesday
Any student who does not finish the orientation
process today will be called by grade and last
name to complete the process.
Locks sold at lunch only to students who have
not purchased one - $5.00
Any student who is missing a picture for their ID
will be called to the atrium from 9-11on Tuesday.
IDs are required to be worn around your
neck starting DAY ONE!
You MUST have IDs on when in the hallway
(between classes and on hall pass)- NO
What if you dont have an ID?
Go to the Deans Office.
Cost is $5 and must be paid or you will be
put on the debt list.
First Week and Beyond
Dress code will be strictly enforced starting
day one.
What if you are out of dress code?
First Occurrence: Behavioral Contract
Second Occurrence: Parent Conference and
Third Occurrence: 1-3 days ISSP
Fourth Occurrence: 3-5 days ISSP
Fifth Occurrence: 6-10 ISSP
All tops must cover at least three fingers over shoulder and
completely cover midriff area. (sweaters do not help
cover midriff area).
ID must be worn on neck at all times.
Dresses, shorts, skirts must be longer than fingertip length.
If you choose to wear leggings your top must cover your
Hats/head coverings may only be worn on Friday per
teacher discretion.
Shoes must be worn at all times.
1.04 (ZZZ):Tardiness
First Occurrence: Warning
Second Occurrence: Parent Conference
Third Occurrence: Detention and Parent Contact.
Fourth Occurrence: 1 day ISSP, Referral to
Attendance Intervention Team.
Contract to remain at DA.
Fifth Occurrence: 2-3 days ISSP and Parent
Conference to determine if DA is the correct
You will need this to complete all
orientation steps.
Remember a replacement ID will cost
you $5.
If youre new to DA, and you did not
have your picture taken in July, you
will need to have your picture taken
August 15th.
For all missing IDs please see Mrs.
Black Box
You must have your 2017-18 student ID to pick
up your schedule.
CAUTION: The only reasons to request a
schedule change are the following:

1. You are in a class you have already

taken and passed.

2. You are missing a prerequisite for a

class you are enrolled in.

3. You need a class for graduation.

Media Center
The books you pick up today will be scanned
to your ID.
These are the only books you can return at
the end of the year in order to stay off the
debt list.
Please take care of your books! They are
very expensive!
Guitar Room (Rm. 159).
You may purchase a locker for $5.
You must have your 2017-18 ID to purchase.
You will receive a ticket to take to the
locker issue station. If you lose the ticket on
the way, you must purchase another lock.
Dont lose it!
Assigned by Arts Area
Issued first come and first served.
I challenge you
To not take the easy path, but rather
take the right path.
Please register for Focus after the Q and
A session.
We can approve you at the front desk!
This allows DA to share important information
with you through your email!
Mrs. Melanie Hammer, Principal
Mrs. Tammy Sproch-Boyd, Dean
Ms. Allison Armstrong, School Counselor

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