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Acupressure - A type of Oriental healing art based on ancient Japanese and Chinese
medicine. A practitioner puts pressure on specific points on the body with his or her fingers in
order to relieve pain and discomfort, prevent tension-related ailments, and promote good health.

Acupuncture - The Chinese practice of gently inserting fine needles into the body at
specific points to cure disease, relieve pain and balance the energy systems in the body.

Alchemy - A Hermetic discipline dating back to ancient Egypt that seeks to perfect and heal
through the universal operations of transformation. Alchemists transmute matter by working
simultaneously on the physical, mental, and spiritual levels of reality. The gold of alchemy is
simply hastened perfection - both inner and outer.

Applied Kinesiology - A method of testing muscles to find imbalances in the body.

Rebalancing using massage of lymphatic areas, holding neurovascular points, running
acupuncture meridians, holding acupuncture points, finding the proper nutritional support and
addressing emotional aspects that are involved.

Aromatherapy - The use of essential oils extracted from plants and herbs to treat
conditions ranging from infections and skin disorders to immune deficiencies and stress.
Essential oils are widely used throughout Europe and a system of medical Aromatherapy is
currently practiced in France.

Astrology - The study of the interaction between the planets, stars and the astrological signs.
The relationships between them and their interactions are mathematically based, and Astrology
studies these mathematical cycles. Each Sign represents a different aspect of the whole human;
Aries starts the cycle, representing the Self, and Pisces completes it, representing the mass
unconscious of all mankind. In between, each other Sign carries the energy of a different phase of
mans evolution within the universe.

Ayurvedic Medicine - Practiced in India for the past five thousand years, Ayurvedic
(meaning science of life) is a comprehensive system that combines natural therapies with a
highly personalized approach to treatment of disease. Ayurvedic medicine places equal emphasis
on body, mind and spirit, and strives to restore the innate harmony of the individual.

Bodywork -The term bodywork refers to therapies such as massage, deep tissue
manipulation, movement awareness, and energy balancing, which are employed to improve the
structure and functions of the human body. Bodywork in all its forms helps to reduce pain, soothe
injured muscles, stimulate blood and lymphatic circulation, and promote deep relaxation and
enable the body to rally its own recuperative powers.

Breath Work - The human breath has long been honored as a powerful pathway within the
self to relieve pain, release blocked emotions, and deepen states of spirituality. Indian "prana,"
Chinese "chi" and Japanese "ki" refer to the power of breath and its basic life force energy which
enable all living things. When we restrict this life force we create disharmony and dis-ease. Breath
Work uses the full dynamics of our natural breathing path to open restricted patterns to access
both the inner world and the higher self for personal healing and well-being. Practices such as
Rebirthing, Hypnosis, Yoga, Chi Kung and Shamanic healing are all forms of this
transformational tool.
ChakraYoga - East and West information come together with the understanding of the
chakras as an intricate and vital system inside us. This practical and easily applicable system can
be used as an invaluable tool for deepening your personal growth as well as your yoga practice.

Craniosacral Therapy - A holistic, hands-on technique involving gentle manipulation

of the bones of the skull, the underlying meningeal membranes, and the nerve endings in the
scalp. A practitioner is able to listen with their hands to what is called the cranial rhythmic
impulse, which runs throughout our bodies.

Colon Hydrotherapy - The absorption of nutrients is enhanced when the colon is

cleansed. This safe and painless process involves infusing filtered and temperature regulated
water into the large intestine to dislodge impacted material and dilute bacteria and toxic
concentrations. Colon Hydrotherapy to improves muscle tone and facilitate peristalsis action.
Color Therapy - There are a variety of approaches to using color for balance and healing. It is
believed that our core essence is light. White light is seen to be composed of a full spectrum of
colors when passed through a prism. Each color in the prism correlates to specific aspects of our
being and is believed to stimulate healing of those aspects.

Detoxification - Each year people are exposed to thousands of toxic chemicals and
pollutants in the earths atmosphere, water, food and soil. These pollutants manifest themselves
in a variety of symptoms, including decreased immune function, neurotoxicity, hormonal
dysfunction, psychological disturbances, and even cancer. Detoxification therapy helps to rid the
body of chemicals and pollutants and can facilitate a return to health.

Doctor of Chiropractic (D.C.) - Through adjustments of the spine and joints,

chiropractors can influence the body's nervous system and natural defense mechanisms in order
to alleviate pain and improve general health. Because of its effectiveness in treating back
problems, headaches, and other injuries and traumas, chiropractic has become the second largest
primary health care field in the world.

Emotional Release Therapy (The Process) - Therapy that consists of a

vibration energy-based and counseling therapy for the releasing of structural and subtle energy
blockages stored in the body and the auric field. Emotional Release Therapy is a complete holistic
system that addresses the whole client on the four vibrational levels: Emotional, Mental, Spiritual
and Physical, to initiate transformational healing or core healing.

EsalenMassage - This massage includes long, lengthening strokes with gentle rocking
and stretching, passive joint movement, sculpting of deep musculature, delicate cranial balancing,
subtle neural reeducation and the precision of Chinese point work. The recipient is urged to
become an active participant through heightened awareness and surrendering to a deep sensing

Flower Remedies - The emotions play a crucial role in the health of the physical body.
Flower remedies directly address a persons emotional state in order to help facilitate both
psychological and physiological well-being. By balancing negative feelings and stress, flower
remedies can effectively remove the emotional barriers to health and recovery.

Guided Imagery - Guided Imagery uses the power of the mind to bring about healing. It
is in the body-mind where we hold perceptions of the past, in the form of emotions and images.
Our beliefs are different because our perceptions of the past are unique. Though imagery we can
disengage beliefs that interfere with a healthy life.
Gyrokinesis A movement system that gently works the entire body opening energy
pathways through rhythmic, spiraling movements. Fluid movements that feel like dance are
smoothly and harmoniously connected through the use of breath, utilizing low stools and mats.
All fitness levels, from novice to professional, can benefit from this system.

Gyrotonic Exercises are performed in private sessions using the Gyrotonic Pulley
Tower. This unique System simultaneously stretches and strengthens the body with minimal
effort, while increasing range of motion and developing coordination. Using principles of dance,
swimming, gymnastics, and yoga, muscle groups are worked in an integrated manor.

Healing Touch - an energy (biofield) therapy that encompasses a group of non-invasive

techniques that utilize the hands to clear, energize, and balance the human and environmental
energy fields. With some similarities to Reiki, Healing Touch offers more techniques for physical,
emotional and spiritual balancing.

Herbal Body Wraps - An excellent detoxifying treatment. A fleece sheet is soaked in an

infusion of blended herbs then wrapped around the body. The body is then kept very warm with
the addition of additional heated blankets for 20 minutes letting the herbs draw out impurities.

Herbalism - Western herbalism, like the much older system of traditional Chinese Medicine
are forms of the healing arts that draw from the herbal traditions of Europe, the Americas and
Asia. Both Western and Eastern forms of herbalism emphasize the study and use of naturally
occurring substances in the treatment and prevention of illness.

Holistic Counseling - A counseling approach which focuses on the whole self, feelings,
thoughts, and how these are connected to the body.

Holistic Medicine - That form of alternative medicine which focuses on (a) personal
accountability for ones health; (b) the human body's ability to heal itself; and (c) balancing the
body, mind, and spirit with the environment.

Homeopathy - A natural pharmaceutical science that utilizes substances from the plant,
mineral, and animal kingdoms and is based on the premise that these naturally occurring
substances can cure disease symptoms similar to those they produce if taken in overdose. Each
medicine is individually prescribed according to how it stimulates the immune and defense
systems of the sick person. Sometimes it is called the royal medicine.

Hydrotherapy - Hydrotherapy techniques can range from Russian baths, steam

inhalation, sitz baths, ice packs to hot compresses. For all, its the application of hot or cold water
that creates the benefit to the patient.

Hypnotherapy - Hypnotic techniques can induce everything from a light to a heavy

hypnotic state to help a client overcome psychological or physical problems. From helping people
to overcome a craving for cigarettes to managing chronic pain from an illness or accident, trained
hypnotherapists work with a wide variety of problems.

HTP - Healing Touch Practitioner - Energy healing/balancing initiated by

Holistic Nurses Association.

Infant Massage - Usually taught to parents and caregivers of babies in a group class
format. Infant Massage has been shown to help with bonding, calming, communication, and
healthy maturation for both baby and parent.

Integrated Awareness - a method that replaces self-limiting, habitual strategies

with new behaviors. Using energetic touch and guided movement, healing and change are
experienced. Barriers to success are broken and replaced by recognizing each person's individual
gifts and putting them into action.

Jin Shin Jyutsu - Brings balance to the body's energies, which promotes optimal health
and well-being, and facilitates our own profound healing capacity. It is a valuable complement to
conventional healing methods, inducing relaxation and reducing the effects of stress.

Kundalini - Divine spiritual energy that lies coiled at the base of the spine. Once awakened,
it travels upward through the chakra system, until it reaches the crown chakra. Once stabilized in
the crown, the individual self merges into the supreme self, (enlightenment) and the cycle of
reincarnation comes to an end.

Magnetic Wellness Products - Magnetic energy has been found to promote restful
sleep, relieve aches and discomforts, reduce anxiety, stimulate circulation, provide increased
energy and balance, and help the body more effectively restore and repair itself. There are a wide
variety of magnetic products available, with differing effectiveness.

Medical Intuitive - Medical Intuition is a tool to give an accurate portrait of what is

going on in a clients body by paying close attention to gain accurate insight into the presenting
symptoms of a client. The body offers much information to be shared such as the roots and
influences of the present condition, what it wants and does not want and a physical,
emotional/spiritual portrait of what is currently going on.

Movement, Movement Education - A broad range of movement approaches

used to promote physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. Western movement
therapies developed out of the realm of dance, physical therapy, psychology and bodywork. Since
movements are related to thoughts and feelings, movement therapy can also bring about changes
in attitude and emotions. People report an increase in self-esteem and an emotional openness
leading to greater creativity.

Myofasical Release - Fascia is a tough connective tissue which spreads throughout the
body in a three dimensional web from head to foot without interruption. Trauma, posture or
inflammation can create a binding down of the fascia resulting in excessive pressure on nerves,
muscles, blood vessels, osseous structures, and/or organs. The Myofascial Approach consists of
the gentle application of sustained pressure into the fascial restrictions which relies on feedback
received by the Therapist through the patients tissue. Myofascial Release can help by addressing
the cause of the problem to eliminate the symptoms and allow the body to make permanent
changes resuming a healthy active life style.

Naturopathic Medicine, Natauropathic Doctor, N.D. - Naturopathic

medicine is a distinct and comprehensive system of primary health care practiced by a
naturopathic doctor for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of human health conditions,
injuries, and disease. Naturopathic doctors are state-licensed practitioners who perform physical
exams, order lab testing, and prescribe a variety of natural treatments, including clinical
nutrition, botanical medicine, homeopathy, physical medicine, exercise, and hormone
replacement therapy.
Naturopathy - a system of Natural Healing which, only through natural methods, assesses
and cares for the health of the patient. Naturopathy is concerned with both a healthy lifestyle and
the prevention of disease, and also with the use of natural therapeutics in the treating of human
conditions such as: Pain, Injury, and any Physical, Chemical or Mental conditions. Naturopathy
uses a philosophy of practice which bases its treatments of physiological functions and conditions,
upon where the natural laws governing the human body have not been adhered to.

NLP - Neuro-Linguistic Patterning is a useful model of beliefs and techniques that offer a way
to use the mind and body to achieve excellence in learning, business, counseling, relationships,
sports and other experiences of life.

Ortho-Bionomy - Rooted philosophically and scientifically in Osteopathy, Ortho-

Bionomy is integration of position release and energetic methods that enable clients to
consciously experience and participate in their bodys ability to self-correct.

Pilates - engages the mind and the body to provide a full body workout. It is practiced on a
mat or with special spring-loaded equipment. Pilates focuses on executing movements with good
technique to integrate the mind and muscles.

Polarity Therapy - A comprehensive health system involving energy-based bodywork,

diet, exercise and self- awareness. It works with the Human Energy Field, electro-magnetic
patterns expressed in mental, emotional and physical experience. In Polarity Therapy, health is
viewed as a reflection of the condition of the energy field, and therapeutic methods are designed
to balance the field for health benefit.

Posture Profile - A study of the symmetry of the body to determine where misalignment
exists from past injuries or emotional traumas contributing to chronic and painful conditions
such as headaches, lower back pain, aching feet, sore shoulders or neck pain.

Raindrop Therapy - The application of therapeutic-grade essential oils using massage

and vita flex techniques. Raindrop Therapy aids in the healing of physical and emotional injuries,
strengthens the immune system, detoxifies the the body, and helps to bring the body into physical
and electrical alignment.

Reflexology - The application of pressure, stretch and movement to the feet and hands to
effect corresponding parts of the body. Reflexologists view the feet, ears and hands as a mirror
image of the body. By applying technique a reflexologist can break up patterns of stress in other
parts of the body. Stress is a barrier to the body's return to a normal state of equilibrium.

Reichian Therapy - Developed by the Austrian psychiatrist Wilhelm Reich, Reichian

Therapy utilizes breath, sound and movement and is a forerunner of todays deep emotional
release, non-verbal body oriented therapies.

Reiki - A therapy based on Eastern concepts of energy flow and the seven energy centers in the
human body. The purpose of treatment is to heal emotional, spiritual, and physical, pain through
the transmission of universal life energy, called ki in Japanese. It is believed that ki flows
throughout the universe, and that Reiki connects humans in a more direct way to this universal
source. Reiki is used for the healing of animals as well as people.

Rolfing structural integration - Rolfing is a holistic, hands on, deep tissue

modality that manipulates and changes the myofascial system throughout the body. Through
educated touch and movement education, a clients posture and structure, their whole being is
reorganizes within the field of gravity.

Shamanism - A system of healing based on spiritual practices present in most indigenous

cultures. The shaman acquires knowledge, wisdom and spiritual power from personal helping
spirits encountered on journeys into other realities. They return with vital information about
healing. Shamans are considered walkers between the worlds and retrievers of souls.

Shiatsu -A Japanese form of physical therapy and therapeutic massage, based on traditional
Chinese medicine. It combines massage, gentle physical manipulation, and pressure along
channels or rivers of energy called meridians.

Sound Therapy / Vibrational Healing - A range of therapies in which sound

is used to treat physical and mental conditions based on the theory that all of life vibrates,
including peoples bodies. Treatment by sound waves is believed to restore that healthy balance to
the body. The healing sound is transmitted to the affected area of the body and may be produced
by any number of methods including voice, chanting bowls, drums, bell, tuning forks and/or

Sudbury Schools Sudbury Schools offer children the same human rights and freedoms
as adults. Children have responsibility for their conduct and education. They are full participants
in the life of their learning community. Real life is the curriculum. There are no specified activities
or time periods, no imposed curriculum and no agenda for pressuring children into endless
compromise and compliance. Children decide for themselves how to spend their time. Based on
the principles of respect, freedom, fairness and trust, Sudbury schools are democratic schools and
operate according to a living law book and a system of peer justice.

Swedish Massage - Swedish massage involves the use of hands, forearms or elbows to
manipulate the superficial layers of the muscles to improve mental and physical health. Active or
passive movement of the joints may also be part of the massage. The benefits of Swedish massage
include increased blood circulation, mental and physical relaxation, decreased stress, muscle
tension and improved range of motion.

Tai Chi - Tai Chi combines movement, meditation and breath regulation to enhance the flow
of vital energy in the body, improve blood circulation, and enhance immune functions. Tai Chi is
one of the most broadly applicable systems of self-care in the world. In China, it is estimated that
200 million people practice Tai Chi everyday.

Thai Massage - The application of slow, rhythmic compressions and stretches along ten of
the most important sen (the bodys energy lines) using the palms of the hands, thumbs, elbows
and feet. Practitioners position the body into yoga-like poses and gently rock the body to more
deeply open joints and facilitate limbering.

Therapeutic Touch - A non-invasive, holistic approach to healing which stimulates the

receiver's own recuperative powers. It is a modern form of laying-on-of-hands and is based on
principles of an energy exchange between people. It is most useful to reduce or eliminate pain,
promote healing, and elicit a relaxation response.

Thetahealing - A multi-dimensional form of healing that works on the body, mind,

spirit and emotions of the client. The practitioner gently guides the client through identifying and
changing limiting beliefs and genetic programs thereby creating new life experiences. The
practitioner assists the client with physical ailments by facilitating a spiritual healing. Guardian
Angel/Spirit Guide Readings, Location Clearings & Blessings, Phone Readings and Animal
Communication can also be done with this quick and powerful technique.

Trager- A gentle, nonintrusive, psychologically grounded physical approach to muscle

relaxation, focusing on the integration of the mind and body. It uses a combination of hands-on
tissue mobilization, relaxation and movement reeducation called Mentastics.

Watsu - Aquatic bodywork involving stretching and Shiatsu which is applied while being
floated in warm water. The water temperature (95 - 97 F) is ideal for experiencing a sensation of
deep relaxation. Gentle stretching increases flexibility and strengthens muscles.

Yoga - A general term for a range of body-mind practices used to access consciousness and
encourage physical and mental well-being. Forms of physical Yoga include Hatha (Iyengar,
Bikram, Ananda, Astanga Vinyasa/Power, Phoenix Rising, etc.) and Kundalini.

Zero Balancing - Hands-on bodywork designed to align your energy body with your
physical structure, developed by Dr. Fritz Smith, M.D. It promotes quieting of body/mind,
relieves physical and mental pain.

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