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3 Diagram 1 shows two experiments to study the heat of neutralization in an exothermic reaction.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan dua eksperimen untuk mengkaji haba peneutralan dalam satu tindak balas eksotermik.
Experiment I
Eksperimen I
Reaction between 25 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid, HCl and 25 cm3 of 2.0
mol dm-3 sodium hydroxide solution, NaOH .
Tindakbalas antara 25 cm3 asid hidroklorik, HCl 2.0 mol dm-3 dan 25 cm3 larutan
natrium hidroksida, NaOH 2.0 mol dm-3.


Stirred Polystyrene cup

Polystyrene cup
Dikacau Cawan

Initial temperature of the mixture : oC

Suhu awal campuran :
Highest temperature of the mixture : oC
Suhu tertinggi campuran :
Change in temperature : oC
Perubahan suhu :

Experiment II
Eksperimen II
Reaction between 25 cm3 of 2.0 mol dm-3 hydrochloric acid, HCl and 25 cm3 of 2.0 mol
dm-3 ammonia solution.
Tindakbalas antara 25 cm3 asid hidroklorik, HCl 2.0 mol dm-3 dan 25 cm3 larutan
ammonia 2.0 mol dm-3.


Stirred Polystyrene cup

Polystyrene cup
Dikacau Cawan
Initial temperature of the mixture : oC
Suhu awal campuran :
Highest temperature of the mixture : oC
Suhu tertinggi campuran :
Change in temperature : oC
Perubahan suhu :

Diagram 1/ Rajah 1

(a) Write the initial and the highest temperature of the mixture and the change in temperature for Experiment I and II
in Diagram 1.
Tulis suhu awal dan suhu tertinggi campuran serta perubahan suhu untuk Eksperimen 1 dan II dalam Rajah 1.
[3 marks]

(b) Based on the results in Diagram 1, state the relationship between the temperature change and the type of alkali that
react with hydrochloric acid.

Berdasarkan keputusan dalam Rajah 1, nyatakan hubungan antara perubahan suhu dengan jenis alkali yang
bertindak balas dengan asid hidroklorik.


[3 marks]

(c) State one hypothesis for both experiments.

Nyatakan satu hipotesis bagi kedua-dua eksperimen.


[3 marks]
(d) Based on the experiment, state
Berdasarkan eksperimen, nyatakan

(i) the manipulated variable.

pemboleh ubah yang dimanipulasikan.


(ii) the responding variable.

pemboleh ubah yang bergerak balas.


(iii) the constant variable.

pemboleh ubah yang ditetapkan.

[3 marks]
(e) State the operational definition for exothermic reaction.
Nyatakan definisi secara operasi untuk tindak balas eksotermik.


[3 marks]

(f) Based on the temperatures in Experiment II, predict the change in temperature if hydrochloric acid is replaced by
ethanoic acid.
Berdasarkan suhu dalam Eksperimen II, ramalkan perubahan suhu jika asid hidroklorik digantikan dengan asid

[3 marks]


(g) Construct a table to show all the data in each of these experiments.
Bina satu jadual untuk menunjukkan semua data dalam setiap eksperimen ini.
[3 marks]

(h) Based on the data from experiment I, calculate the :

Berdasarkan data dari eksperimen I, hitungkan :

(i) number of mole

bilangan mol

(ii) heat release

haba yang dibebaskan

(iii) heat of neutralisation

haba peneutralan

[3 marks]
(i) State three different observations and the corresponding inferences from Experiment I or
Experiment II in Table 1.1.
Nyatakan tiga pemerhatian yang berbeza dan inferens yang sepadan dari Eksperimen I
dan eksperimen II dalam Jadual 1.1

Observation Inference
Pemerhatian Inferens

1. 1

2. 2

3. 3


(j) The following chemical equation represents a neutralisation reaction.

Persamaan kimia berikut mewakili satu tindak balas peneutralan

HCl(aq) + KOH (aq) KCl(aq) +H2O(l) Heat of neutralisation, H = -57 kJmol-1

If hydrochloric acid is replaced by sulphuric acid of the same concentration, predict the volume of sulphuric
acid needed to achieve the same value of heat of neutralization, H = -57 kJmol-1 ?
Jika asid hidroklorik digantikan dengan asid sulfurik yang berkepekatan sama, ramalkan isipadu bagi asid
sulfurik yang diperlukan untuk mencapai nilai haba peneutralan yang sama. H = -57 kJmol-1

[3 marks]
[3 markah]

(k) After the highest temperature in Experiment I is taken, leave the mixture for the while.
Then read the temperature again. What will happen to the temperature of the mixture? Explain why.
Selepas suhu tertinggi dalam Eksperimen I di ambil, campuran di biarkan seketika. Suhu
diambil semula. Apakah yang akan berlaku pada suhu campuran itu? Terangkan jawapan.


[3 marks]
[3 markah]

(l) Classify the reactions in our everyday life below as either exothermic reactions or endothermic reactions.
Kelaskan tindak balas tindakbalas dalam kehidupan harian di bawah sama ada tindak bala eksotermik atau
Nuclear fission
Pembelahan nuklear
Rusting of iron
Pengkaratan besi
Melting of ice cubes
Peleburan ketulan air batu
Water evaporation
Penyejatan air
Exothermic reaction Endothermic reaction
Tindak balas eksotermik Tindak balas endotermik

[3 marks]
[3 markah]


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