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Generation of DSBSC Waves

Aim: To generate DSBSC wave and observe the waveform using IC1496.

Components required:

Sl. No Components Specification Quantity

1 IC LM1496 1
2 Resistors 10 k ,1k,3.9k,6.8 2-3-2-1-4
3 Potentiometer 1 k 1
4 Capacitors 0.1 0.47 3 2-1-1


Circuit Diagram:

1. Connections are made as shown in figure.
2. Apply c(t) with frequency fc and m(t) with fm such that fm<fc.
3. Observe the output at pin number 6 to get DSBSC waveform by adding frequency and
amplitude of c(t) and m(t).
4. To get trapezoidal pattern m(t) i.e. x and plot the output Vo i.e. y.
5. Preusing of x-y button in CRO gives trapezoidal waveform.

Result: The DSBSC wave is generated by balanced modulator using IC 1496.

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