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After an unsuccessful upgrade, I was forced to completely remove HDP 2.

4, Ambari
2.5 and install HDP 2.6. I wanted to avoid reinstalling the OS, so I took advantage
of this instruction. Unfortunately, it is not complete. For the problem-free
installation of HDP 2.6, you also need to do things like removing service users,
cleaning the cron.

So here is my plan of action:

1. Stop all services in Ambari or kill them. In my case, Ambari damaged his
database during downgrade and could not start. So I manually killed all the
processes on all nodes:

ps u hdfs (see list of all services below)

kill PID
2. Run python script on all cluster nodes

python /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/ambari_agent/ --silent

3. Remove Hadoop packages on all nodes

yum remove hive\*

yum remove oozie\*
yum remove pig\*
yum remove zookeeper\*
yum remove tez\*
yum remove hbase\*
yum remove ranger\*
yum remove knox\*
yum remove storm\*
yum remove accumulo\*
yum remove falcon\*
yum remove ambari-metrics-hadoop-sink
yum remove smartsense-hst
yum remove slider_2_4_2_0_258
yum remove ambari-metrics-monitor
yum remove spark2_2_5_3_0_37-yarn-shuffle
yum remove spark_2_5_3_0_37-yarn-shuffle
yum remove ambari-infra-solr-client
4. Remove ambari-server (on ambari host) and ambari-agent (on all nodes)

ambari-server stop
ambari-agent stop
yum erase ambari-server
yum erase ambari-agent
5. Remove repositories on all nodes

rm -rf /etc/yum.repos.d/ambari.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/HDP*

yum clean all
6. Remove log folders on all nodes

rm -rf /var/log/ambari-agent
rm -rf /var/log/ambari-metrics-grafana
rm -rf /var/log/ambari-metrics-monitor
rm -rf /var/log/ambari-server/
rm -rf /var/log/falcon
rm -rf /var/log/flume
rm -rf /var/log/hadoop
rm -rf /var/log/hadoop-mapreduce
rm -rf /var/log/hadoop-yarn
rm -rf /var/log/hive
rm -rf /var/log/hive-hcatalog
rm -rf /var/log/hive2
rm -rf /var/log/hst
rm -rf /var/log/knox
rm -rf /var/log/oozie
rm -rf /var/log/solr
rm -rf /var/log/zookeeper
7. Remove Hadoop folders including HDFS data on all nodes

rm -rf /hadoop/*
rm -rf /hdfs/hadoop
rm -rf /hdfs/lost+found
rm -rf /hdfs/var
rm -rf /local/opt/hadoop
rm -rf /tmp/hadoop
rm -rf /usr/bin/hadoop
rm -rf /usr/hdp
rm -rf /var/hadoop
8. Remove config folders on all nodes

rm -rf /etc/ambari-agent
rm -rf /etc/ambari-metrics-grafana
rm -rf /etc/ambari-server
rm -rf /etc/ams-hbase
rm -rf /etc/falcon
rm -rf /etc/flume
rm -rf /etc/hadoop
rm -rf /etc/hadoop-httpfs
rm -rf /etc/hbase
rm -rf /etc/hive
rm -rf /etc/hive-hcatalog
rm -rf /etc/hive-webhcat
rm -rf /etc/hive2
rm -rf /etc/hst
rm -rf /etc/knox
rm -rf /etc/livy
rm -rf /etc/mahout
rm -rf /etc/oozie
rm -rf /etc/phoenix
rm -rf /etc/pig
rm -rf /etc/ranger-admin
rm -rf /etc/ranger-usersync
rm -rf /etc/spark2
rm -rf /etc/tez
rm -rf /etc/tez_hive2
rm -rf /etc/zookeeper
9. Remove PIDs on all nodes

rm -rf /var/run/ambari-agent
rm -rf /var/run/ambari-metrics-grafana
rm -rf /var/run/ambari-server
rm -rf /var/run/falcon
rm -rf /var/run/flume
rm -rf /var/run/hadoop
rm -rf /var/run/hadoop-mapreduce
rm -rf /var/run/hadoop-yarn
rm -rf /var/run/hbase
rm -rf /var/run/hive
rm -rf /var/run/hive-hcatalog
rm -rf /var/run/hive2
rm -rf /var/run/hst
rm -rf /var/run/knox
rm -rf /var/run/oozie
rm -rf /var/run/webhcat
rm -rf /var/run/zookeeper
10. Remove library folders on all nodes

rm -rf /usr/lib/ambari-agent
rm -rf /usr/lib/ambari-infra-solr-client
rm -rf /usr/lib/ambari-metrics-hadoop-sink
rm -rf /usr/lib/ambari-metrics-kafka-sink
rm -rf /usr/lib/ambari-server-backups
rm -rf /usr/lib/ams-hbase
rm -rf /usr/lib/mysql
rm -rf /var/lib/ambari-agent
rm -rf /var/lib/ambari-metrics-grafana
rm -rf /var/lib/ambari-server
rm -rf /var/lib/flume
rm -rf /var/lib/hadoop-hdfs
rm -rf /var/lib/hadoop-mapreduce
rm -rf /var/lib/hadoop-yarn
rm -rf /var/lib/hive2
rm -rf /var/lib/knox
rm -rf /var/lib/smartsense
rm -rf /var/lib/storm
11. Clean folder /var/tmp/* on all nodes

rm -rf /var/tmp/*
12. Delete HST from cron on all nodes

0 * * * * /usr/hdp/share/hst/bin/ sync
0 2 * * 0 /usr/hdp/share/hst/bin/
13. Remove databases. I remove the instances of MySQL and Postgres so that Ambari
installed and configured fresh databases.

yum remove mysql mysql-server

yum erase postgresql
rm -rf /var/lib/pgsql
rm -rf /var/lib/mysql
14. Remove symlinks on all nodes. Especially check folders /usr/sbin and

cd /usr/bin
rm -rf accumulo
rm -rf atlas-start
rm -rf atlas-stop
rm -rf beeline
rm -rf falcon
rm -rf flume-ng
rm -rf hbase
rm -rf hcat
rm -rf hdfs
rm -rf hive
rm -rf hiveserver2
rm -rf kafka
rm -rf mahout
rm -rf mapred
rm -rf oozie
rm -rf
rm -rf phoenix-psql
rm -rf phoenix-queryserver
rm -rf phoenix-sqlline
rm -rf phoenix-sqlline-thin
rm -rf pig
rm -rf python-wrap
rm -rf ranger-admin
rm -rf ranger-admin-start
rm -rf ranger-admin-stop
rm -rf ranger-kms
rm -rf ranger-usersync
rm -rf ranger-usersync-start
rm -rf ranger-usersync-stop
rm -rf slider
rm -rf sqoop
rm -rf sqoop-codegen
rm -rf sqoop-create-hive-table
rm -rf sqoop-eval
rm -rf sqoop-export
rm -rf sqoop-help
rm -rf sqoop-import
rm -rf sqoop-import-all-tables
rm -rf sqoop-job
rm -rf sqoop-list-databases
rm -rf sqoop-list-tables
rm -rf sqoop-merge
rm -rf sqoop-metastore
rm -rf sqoop-version
rm -rf storm
rm -rf storm-slider
rm -rf worker-lanucher
rm -rf yarn
rm -rf zookeeper-client
rm -rf zookeeper-server
rm -rf zookeeper-server-cleanup
15. Remove service users on all nodes

userdel -r accumulo
userdel -r ambari-qa
userdel -r ams
userdel -r falcon
userdel -r flume
userdel -r hbase
userdel -r hcat
userdel -r hdfs
userdel -r hive
userdel -r kafka
userdel -r knox
userdel -r mapred
userdel -r oozie
userdel -r ranger
userdel -r spark
userdel -r sqoop
userdel -r storm
userdel -r tez
userdel -r yarn
userdel -r zeppelin
userdel -r zookeeper
16. Run find / -name ** on all nodes. You will definitely find several more
files/folders. Remove them.

find / -name *ambari*

find / -name *accumulo*
find / -name *atlas*
find / -name *beeline*
find / -name *falcon*
find / -name *flume*
find / -name *hadoop*
find / -name *hbase*
find / -name *hcat*
find / -name *hdfs*
find / -name *hdp*
find / -name *hive*
find / -name *hiveserver2*
find / -name *kafka*
find / -name *mahout*
find / -name *mapred*
find / -name *oozie*
find / -name *phoenix*
find / -name *pig*
find / -name *ranger*
find / -name *slider*
find / -name *sqoop*
find / -name *storm*
find / -name *yarn*
find / -name *zookeeper*
17. Reboot all nodes


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