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District 6 Fall Meeting, Seminole High School

August 12, 2017, 10:00am

I. Introduction of Membership

II. FMEA/FSMA Membership

A. Deadline for membership to be eligible for allstate is September 1st
B. Directors must be members of FMEA and FVA
C. Schools must be members of FSMA (check with your county)

III. Allstate auditions and FMEA conference information

A. Musicianship/ SR testing - September 23rd - Markham Woods Middle School,

(Lake Mary)
1. Directors meeting at 8:00am
2. Testing begins at 9:00am
3. What do we need to bring to assist with testing? Keyboards, Cd players, etc?
(Rock Lake MS, etc.)
Deadline for registration:
a. Online - September 13th at 5:00pm
b. Postmarked (paper applications/payment) September 13th
c. Payment is 15.00 per student
d. The FMEA student contract must be printed from MPA online and submitted to
the District Chair before testing. The FVA contract can be printed on the back and will
be available to print in MPA online as well. Please plan for extra time for this to be
accomplished! Make sure that you register your students for All-state first, then
generate a FMEA contract for them. FMEA on one side, and FVA on the other
side, only 1 piece of paper. Your school must pay for any student registered after
the deadline! Make sure computer code is clear!!
e. READ and REVIEW the FVA handbook and Allstate omnibus for policies,
procedures and limits on the number of students you may bring! (All State auditioners
MAY sing/tap/etc. during the practice time. MS: Adds 6/8 measures for SR.)
B. Vocal Quality Audition
1. October 21st Seminole High School
a. Director meeting - 8:00am
b. Testing begins 9:00am
c.. Make sure your students have original music and
check for music that may need to be downloaded for your students!
d. PLEASE come to the audition with the ability to record.
Please bring microphones for recording they are required.
PLEASE REVIEW THE ALLSTATE OMNIBUS! It has been updated and includes
everything you need to know!
C. Conference Information
1. January 10 - 13 in Tampa, Fl
2. Pre register online for the conference! Pre registration ends December
5th. Hotels will take reservations starting September 23rd at 9:00am. If
you cancel after November 11th you will be charged for one night in each
room you reserved. (any problems with hotel discrepancies need to be
sent to Val Anderson Westin is now named Westin
Tampa Waterside.
3. Sign up to monitor rehearsals at Allstate! This is required of all teachers
with allstate students! Monitoring is an important responsibility of our
district. Please see Jason Ernst for an assigned time.
4. CHAPERONES - Only badged chaperones will be permitted in
conference areas and only if space permits. PLEASE remind chaperones
about the expectations for their time in Tampa. Children who are not all
state students should not be in attendance at allstate.

IV. Solo and Ensemble MPA February 2 - 3 Lake Brantley High School
Deadline January 15th at 5:00pm (registration will open in Dec.; Fees will be
posted on the
1. If any student performs at S & E in any category then they must perform at
choral MPA
2. Schools who miss the deadline will be locked out of registration until the late fee
is paid. Please inform your students of both dates and have them keep those
days open until the schedule is complete.
3. Plan to arrive 30 minutes before your first entry begins.

V. Choral MPA
A .HIgh and Middle School choral MPA - March 6, 7 and 8th at First Baptist Church in
Deadline for registration: Feb. 6th - 5:00pm.
March 9th is being considered for a Seminole county Site (Volusia and Flagler are on
spring break.) Suggestions? Seminole State? Or Saturday in Seminole? TABLED
Affordable bus option: Erin/Lori 4072540440 Drop
Off/Pick Up)

B. Audio recordings will be provided. Schools may choose one representative to video
and they will be assigned a designated area that will not disturb the process.

C. Make sure you are familiar with all sight reading procedures.

VI. State MPA (High School Only) State information for 2018 is available NOW on

X. Judges
a. All 3 judges must be board approved for MPA. If you have a contact for a judge,
please send me the email and contact information.

b. District fees for fva activities will be listed on the District 6 website and they will be
updated if changes need to be made. They will also be sent to you as registration
becomes available.

XI. Student Opportunities

A. FVA Elaine McNamara Scholarship
B. FVA composition Contest

XII. Chair elect and leadership volunteers.

a. Nominations and election of District Chair elect.
i. Nomination: Ashley Lewis (motioned by Leslie Antmann, 2nd by Mary
Morrow). Elected by acclimation (motioned by Carlton Kilpatrick, 2nd by
Tiana Sand)

Friday, May 4th - Spring Meeting

Amelia (Amy) Fulmer, Chair, 386-338-5388
Mark Hardin, Secretary
Leslie Antmann, Treasurer (
Jason Ernst, Allstate Coordinator

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