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99% of What I Learned from Tony

Takeaways & Distinctions (in no specific order)
Hello! This document is for people looking to better understand the perspectives and
ideologies of Tony Robbins. I had the pleasure of working as a speaker for Tony Robbins and
found a lot (but not all) of his information useful. For those who want to turn YouTube Audiobooks
(links below) into MP3 files - this website works with large files every time Listen To
YouTube. Here are some of the biggest takeaways from Tony Robbins and his Unleash the
Power Within event. Enjoy!

1. Emotions are just patterns.

2. There are 80 muscles in your face most of them are unemployed.
3. Your blueprint became what has been told to you - make the choice to change your blueprint.
4. Life is too short to suffer.
5. There are two types of states beautiful states and suffering states.
6. All you are after is a feeling / emotion.
7. Energy is not about chronology it's about psychology and physiology.
8. To influence people you need to know what already influences them.
9. Life is not about me it's about we.
10. You can change what triggers you (neuro associations).
11. If you can feel bad for no reason you can feel good for no reason!
12. Playing small never did anything for anyone.
13. Celebrate for no good reason.
14. As humans, our competitive advantage is love.
15. It is not about the goal - it is about who you have to become to achieve the goal.
16. People that are truly successful feel fulfilled.
17. We either use fear, or fear uses us.
18. Don't achieve to be happy happily achieve.
19. Change is never a matter of ability it's always a matter of motivation. Daniel Pink's TED Talk - The
Puzzle of Motivation (Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose).
20. When there is no vision people perish.
21. Don't wait for someone to give you the answers take it.
22. Dont ask for permission, ask for forgiveness
23. It's not about fixing anything it's about going on a journey.
24. You must condition your mind and body by engaging your physiology - create triggers.
25. If you cut out all pain youll lose motivation. Pain is a necessary part of life. Without pain there is
no growth (mentally, physically, and emotionally).
26. Life is not happening to you it's happening for you.
27. Your life is controlled by - your state and your blueprint.
28. Biography is not destiny.
29. Letting the external world dictate your internal world will have a negative impact on your state.
30. New choices = new life.
31. You are not broken you just need to let someone else be in charge (the best version of yourself).
32. Love is the oxygen of life.
33. You are more than anything that's happened to you.
34. Fear = false expectations appearing real - or - fuck everything and run!
35. Your brain is not there to make you happy it's there to make you survive.
36. Divorce the story and marry the truth the story is the bullshit you keep telling yourself on why you're
not creating the results you really want the truth is you're better than that BS story!
37. You only suffer when you obsess about yourself.
38. Success = good decisions = experience = bad decisions
39. If we cannot fail - we cannot learn.
40. Progress = happiness
41. Use your mind - do not let your mind use you.
42. The truth will set you free!!!
43. Your emotional home is your homeostasis.
44. Everyone has multiple versions of themselves (Olga - Star - Sunshine).
45. Emotions and feelings are controlled by the meaning you give things (the triad - physiology - focus -
46. Your brain is the most powerful computer in the world - every once in awhile it needs a software
47. If an activity satisfies 3 of the 6 human needs - it will create a habit! Tony Robbins TED Talk
(explaining the 6 human needs).
48. Instead of fighting the fear - align with the fear.
49. All I need is within me now!
50. Find the strongest part of yourself and put it in charge
51. Enter the elevator - i'm sure you're wondering why I gathered you here today. LOL
52. Your questions will change the quality of your life.
53. New cool word - unfuckwithable.
54. Change your language change your life.
55. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer, the depressed get more depressed that is
momentum. Newtons law of physics
56. Your mind didn't allow you to see the damn salt shaker!!!
57. Don't smile it'll fuck up your depression!
58. Dance with the fear of life.
59. The strongest force in the human personality is the need to stay consistent with how we define
60. Suffering is a choice.
61. Being uncomfortable = growth = progress = happiness = success = fulfillment
62. All of your problems are relative, if you put your problems in a pile with everyone else's - you would
probably take yours back.
63. Live life in a beautiful fucking state.
64. People will not do the right things they will fuck up, don't let your happiness hinge on others
65. You can experience pain without suffering.
66. The 3 roads to suffering - I'll lose something - I'll have less of something - I'll never get something.
67. Have an attitude of gratitude.
68. End the suffering by deciding you are in control.
69. To commit is to make a decision to cut off from all other choices ---- take over the island, burn the
ships, and never look back!!!
70. We only get what we tolerate.
71. The secret to living is giving.
72. The science of achievement and the art of for fulfillment - Robin Williams story :(
73. 3 things that end suffering - appreciate and enjoy - learn and grow - love, give and be grateful.
74. Trade your expectations for appreciation.
75. Knowledge is potential power execution is real power. The 48 Laws of Power Audiobook FREE
76. One of the most important choices you will ever make is the decision to end suffering.
77. You may have given them everything they wanted, but did you give them what they needed.
78. How we define our beliefs, and values are what separate people.
79. You have to meet someone's needs based on their blueprint.
80. Lack of growth = emotional death. Everyone knows someone who has been emotionally dead for 15
81. You can influence people - but you can't control them.
82. We live in a significance culture.
83. Successful people are driven by high standards. Michael Jordan didnt make his high school
basketball team because he had low standards!
84. Too much certainty = lack of growth. We need uncertainty.
85. Either you fit in or you stand out the more you stand out, the bigger the target on your back.
86. People will give up what they value most to hit their needs.
87. If I can't then I must!
88. You feel like 1 million bucks when you're being yourself.
89. A coward dies 1000 times the courageous man only once.
90. The only thing keeping you from what you want is the STORY.
91. You are fulfilled when you end suffering.
92. Complexity is the enemy of execution.
93. 3 levels of mastery - cognitive (I understand it) - emotional (I feel it) - physical (I do it consistently)
94. Simon says stop complaining and put your big girl panties on. JUST DO IT!
95. Your problems will either help you grow - or help you die.
96. It's only failure when you give up.
97. Knowing and understanding information is completely different from using it.
98. Repetition is the mother of skill.
99. We are defined by how we associate pain and pleasure.
100. Condition your mind like you condition your body.
101. John Grinder and Richard Bandler are the co-creators of NLP.
102. Give a man a fish he eats for a day teach a man to fish he eats for a lifetime.
103. If you're driving and looking in the rearview mirror you will never get what you want out of life.
104. Walt Disney went to over 300 banks to get his first loan!
105. Change doesn't happen unless you know exactly what you want and WHY you want it. Simon
Sinek TED Talk - Start With Why (one of the top 5 all time).
106. Progress comes from breaking patterns patterns change in a moment.
107. We all have free choice.
108. What is a goal, dream, desire that you have given up on? Why?
109. Get the person to believe the changing now equals massive and immediate pleasure.
110. Get the person to believe that changing now will cause unbearable levels of pain.
111. Lasting change is based off momentum. You must get leverage and interrupt the pattern before
creating a new empowering pattern.
112. SWISH Patterns (making the bad image smaller and the good image bigger) how Tony creates
neuro associations that empower you.
113. Celebrate the fact that you tried who cares if you failed?
114. As we move our bodies so our lives go.
115. Don't welcome people back welcome people forward!
116. If you don't turn on your phone it won't work the same goes for your body.
117. Expectations set outcomes
118. Hi-5 yourself and jump. It feels great.
119. New habit - hug yourself for 2 minutes every morning. It feels great!
120. Momentum is forward motion with energy.
121. Human momentum is forward motion with emotion. Emotion = state.
122. Success leads to more success momentum.
123. Success leaves clues.
124. It's never too late to have a happy childhood change the meaning.
125. Decide - yes I'm going to do it.
126. Commit - it will happen no matter what.
127. Resolve - it's already happened .
128. 99% of the world would die to live the life that you live.
129. The most important decision is who you decide to spend time with.
130. To decide is to do something to be something to create something to love someone to quit
something just make a decision.
131. It's in our moments of decision that our destiny is shaped.
132. Skills are pathways of nerves Myelin.
133. Life will pay whatever price you ask for it.
134. Reticular activation system - like a filter between your conscious mind and your subconscious
mind. It takes instructions from your conscious mind and passes them on to your subconscious. you
can deliberately program the reticular activating system by choosing the exact messages you send
from your conscious mind. For example, you can set goals, say incantations, or visualize your goals.
(Priming works great!)
135. We don't get what we want we get what we are committed to AND we get who we believe we
136. There has never been a time when you were about to take a breath when it wasn't there that is
abundance it will be there when you want it.
137. Be the person today that you want to be in 10 years the person you have to become to achieve
the results.
138. Push motivation vs pull motivation Psychology Today Article
139. You can live a normal life - or you can create a magical moment (story about Chris in the
140. Good timber does not grow with ease the stronger the wind, the stronger the trees.
141. Find a team that will challenge you not support you.
142. Wealth takes caring and creativity.
143. Give yourself a gift (experience).
144. What is one of the most beautiful moments of your life? Something that you never want to forget?
What makes you feel alive?
145. Power moves to those who are completely committed to serving.
146. Serving people is about finding the gap from where they are to where they want to go fill the
147. There is no joy or peace without forgiveness forgiveness ends suffering.
148. Stop focusing on yourself.
149. 75 years of Harvard research shows that quality relationships are the key to happiness. Here is
the epic TED Talk to prove it!
150. When you serve without expectation anything can happen,
151. Money magnifies who you are,
152. Loving is not about trading it's about giving,
153. You can only meet basic needs by only serving yourself.
154. When you become comfortable you become complacent it stops people from wanting to grow.
155. Who is on your team?
156. What you put out comes back tenfold.
157. Love your family choose your peers.
158. I want to recruit your soul.
159. You know you are successful when the worst day of your life becomes the best day of your life.
160. Who you spend time with is who you become
161. You make three decisions at any point time What will I focus on? What does this mean?
What am I going to do?
162. Peoples lives are a direct reflection of the expectations of their peer group
163. Four levels of love you demand love you give love to get some back you whore you love
because that's who you are you love everyone (even those who try to hurt you).
164. Proximity is power.
165. Your relationship with yourself is the most important one.
166. You have more conversations with yourself than anyone on the planet.
167. The secret to living is giving.
168. The 50 foot rule smile at anyone within 50 feet of you.
169. Do as they do you'll feel as they feel that is matching and mirroring.
170. Rapport is power creates a feeling of commonality.
171. Questions are tools. Here's 30 questions to ask yourself (to get the ball rolling).
172. When you put intention and attention on others energy moves and a connection is made.
173. The 2 mm rule - move that chest!
174. Life is much simpler than we are led to believe.
175. Make two decisions live in a beautiful fucking state take 100% responsibility.
176. Priming I don't hope I feel good I make myself feel good! Link to Guided Priming Exercise :)
177. Transformation happens in an altered state.
178. Our environment becomes the source of priming create your environment.
179. Deep practice pushing yourself beyond the edge.
180. Become a professional create a regimen / system / habit / pattern.
181. Find your flow state.
182. When learning - aim to compress decades into days (immersion coaching).
183. Be happy for no good reason.
184. The training effect training never stops!
185. The brain is not designed to make you happy it is designed to make you survive.
186. Most people have a highway to pissed off and a dirt road to happy change it!
187. Everything you want comes from within your nervous system.
188. Decisions are not made consciously they are made subconsciously (how you are primed).
Great 4 minute video on conscious vs subconscious (by Bob Proctor).
189. Get a coach - daily reinforcement - prime daily!!!
190. Know the buttons to your brain.
191. Success is about more than beliefs and patterns it's about standards.
192. You can't change something you can't measure.
193. When shit hits the fan victory is near!
194. Ignorance is not bliss it's pain.
195. The few who do versus the many who talk.
196. Good is the enemy of great. 4 Minute summary of the book Good to Great (a MUST for any
business owner).
197. Lead with your chest like something is lifting you up.
198. Create a feeling of certainty vs a feeling of hope.
199. Nothing is impossible if you want it bad enough.
200. Change is a moment in time
201. Sometimes you do something for one reason then realize you're doing it for another.
202. What has to happen in order to feel successful?
203. Model someone outstanding!
204. When your team encounters a problem say - "MOVE - I'll fucking handle it."
205. A man with one watch knows the time a man with two watches is never sure.
206. Rewire the triggers using neuro associative conditioning and SWISH patterns.
207. Most people tolerate their lives you get what you tolerate.
208. Raise the roof of your standards.
209. Standards poor good excellent OUTSTANDING!!!
210. Outstanding is not a skill it's a standard.
211. Perfect is the lowest standard.
212. You fucked up vs I will fuck you up completely different meanings.
213. The path of least resistance will never make you proud.
214. You will only find your purpose when you're in a beautiful state.
215. Values and beliefs different strokes for different folks.
216. There are should items and must items. DO THE MUST ITEMS! 4 Hour Work Week Audiobook
Free (YouTube).
217. To change your life change your associations (pain and pleasure).
218. People will do more to avoid paying than to gain pleasure.
219. There are no victims only volunteers.
220. Direction determines destination.
221. My belief life is an opportunity and a blessing.
222. No one can injure you only a limiting belief can.
223. How you value things determines your beliefs.
224. Limiting believes allow us to dish accountability it puts life out of our control.
225. When shit hits the fan - look in the mirror and take accountability. When you win - look out the
window and be appreciative of all those that helped you.
226. All beliefs carry with them consequences.
227. Your brain was hijacked as a child most of your beliefs were imposed on you. You had no
228. The wall that protects you also in prisons you.
229. You are not arguing with someone you are arguing with their rules.
230. Seek and you shall find.
231. Anticipation is the ultimate power.
232. Leaders anticipate losers react.
233. Hunt for humans that are fucking outstanding.
234. Find ways to get more energy.
235. Figure out how to make more money when you sleep then when you are awake.
236. A relationship without intimacy is a friendship.
237. You must own your identity - name it - and train it to come when you call it.
238. Capability is defined by identity.
239. Your life is a direct reflection of the expectations of your peer group. If your peer group doesn't
expect much - it's only a matter of time before you'll be not expecting much from yourself.
240. What if problems were always gifts... what if every problem you ever had was life was happening
for you not to you... what if everything in our lives is guided?
241. If you want to master something~ you need to immerse yourself in it.
242. Anything you have to change requires a higher level of energy ---- Low energy - you'll know what
to do and you won't do it!
243. You can't be grateful and fearful at the same time, so focus on gratitude.
244. Change your expectations for appreciation and your life will change forever.
245. Leadership is about creating certainty for others - and that certainty has to come from within you.
246. Change is really about about changing what we associate with things. Change it deep in your
nervous system.
247. Put your goals 10X higher than you think you should. Standards define you. FREE 10X
Audiobook by Grant Cardone (YouTube).
248. Your values are your targets, what you either move towards or away from.
249. The challenge is that we often have contrary values which create inner conflict.
250. If love is one of your 'towards' values, but rejection is one of our 'away from' values, well, it's not
possible to go towards love without the possibility of rejection. That's going to cause some major inner
conflict which will express in all kinds of behaviors. (this goes for any category in life).
251. What are the conflicting beliefs you have? No strategy in the world will work unless we resolve
our inner conflicts.
252. We all have global beliefs and if/then Rules.
253. We go in and out of emotion all day long. We can focus on which emotions we want to stay in and
harness them to create momentum.
254. Closing the gap from where you are to where you want to be is 20% technique and 80%
255. In other words, the 'how' to do it will only get you so far. Figure out 'why' you do it (or don't do it) if
you want results.
256. And, when you want to take the island, you've got to burn your boats! (again lol)
257. Stress is just the overachievers code word for FEAR.
258. Our 2 major fears - we're not enough in some way - or - that we won't be loved.
259. Change your physiology, change your state.
260. We are made to love others.
261. The more you care, the more you grow.
262. The basis of your relationship with a person may have nothing to do with the person.
263. People like people who are like them - or who they want to be.
264. Fear and anger cannot coexist with gratitude.
265. The path of least resistance will never make you proud.
266. The rewards you get in public are from things you practice in private.
267. If we don't grow, we die.
268. Sales is a transfer of emotion. Life is a transfer of emotion. Moving a customer from the state
they are currently in - to the state they need to be in to buy. The same goes for any relationship.
269. My past does not have to equal my future unless I live there.
270. All of our beliefs either empower us or limit us.
271. Your beliefs are the ceiling on your life.
272. Resources are not the problem, it is resourcefulness.
273. Recommended book - Think and Grow Rich Audiobook FREE (YouTube).
274. Assassinate your limiting beliefs by first getting LEVERAGE.
275. Dont forget to SHAKE THAT ASS!!!

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