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EBV causes mononucleosis

ds DNA virus
transmission- saliva
Fever, tender lymphadenopathy in post. Cervical region or generalized lymphadnopathy-
Reactive lymphocytosis- CD8 T cell- Downey, or atypical cells seen in blood smear
Splenomegaly and hepatomegaly
Virus enters and targets CD21 B lymphocytes
Lays dormant in B cells
CD21 binds CD3 on T cells
Pharyngitis with tonsillar exudates
Severe sore throat- if treated with amox of ampicilicinthey develop maculopapular
Penicillin is not the treatment for this problem
B cell lymphoma- Hodgkin lymphoma and Non Hodgkin lymphoma
Hodgkin is associated with owl eyes reid Sternberg
Non-hodkins Burkitt lymphoma t(8:14)- large lesion in jaw with swelling- Africa
Developes in illeocecum in non africans
Nasopharyngeal lymphoma older Asian males
Oral Hairy leukoplakia pts with HIV- non cancerous lesion
Lesions occur on lateral portion of the tongue
dx- during acute infx- has agglutination of sheep or horse RBCs
Example of the test is the monospot test
Treat-avoid contact sports due to risk of splenic rupture

Fever (3-4 days) then diffuse macular rash that spares the face
Fever last 4 days Febrile seizures
Infect CD4 T cells
dsDNA virus
Kills CD4 cells immunosuppression
Herpes virus
Exanthem xubidum
6 months- 2 years of age
No FDA approved treatments

Dermatophytes skin plants

Cause Tinea (ring worm)
3 types of dermatophytes
Dermatophytes include: Trichophyton, Epidermophyton and Microsporum
Tinea capitis- head and scalp
Tinea corpus- body
Tinea Cruris- groin jock itch
Tinea Pedis- foot- athletes foot
Transmitted through animals
Pruritic lesions
Confirmed by seeing Hyphae on KOH prep skin scraping
Woods land is only used to diagnose Microsporum
Treatment with Azoles like clotrimazole
Onychomycosis: dermatophyte infect the nails
Treat with Terbinafine or oral griseofulvin for more difficult dermatophyte infections
Griseofulvin SE: GI discomfort

Aspergillus FUmigatus
Catalase +
Leads to more pyogenic infections
Aspergillus flavus produces aflatoxins carcinogenic hepatocellular carcinoma
Hype form acute angles less than 45 degrees
ASpergillus- A= acute S= septate
Form conidiophores with fruiting bodies
Transmitted by inhalation of the conidiophores
Can cause three types of infection
1. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (Type I hypersensitivity) migratory
pulmonary infiltrate, fever, associated with asthma wheezing. Blood test shows
increased IgE
2. Aspergillomas fungus balls. Associated with TB cavities
Aspergillomas will be at the bottom of the lungs
3. Angioinvasive aspergillosis seen in immune compromised people with neutropenia
from leukemia or lymphoma. Invaded BV and disseminates throughout the body. Show
fever, cough and hemoptysis. Because it disseminates, it affects other organs too. Affects
kidney, head and heart.--> kidney failure, endocarditis and ring enhancing lesions in the
brain seizure and focal neural deficits can also spread to nose and cause necrosis
(paranasal sinus)
Treat with voriconazole for less serious infections
Also treat with Amphotericin B for the angioinvasive one


Galacto Baby


Helicobacter Pylori

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