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1. Which of the ff. statements correctly === the surface 13. Rapid y descent of the jugular venous pulsation is a
projection of the heart and the great vessel? finding in:

A: In supine patients, diameter of the PMI is A: Tricuspid regurgitation

approximately 1-2.5
14. Wall stress is increased in:
2. Paradoxical splitting of the 2 heart sound is:
A: Dilatation [Law of Laplace]
A: Splitting of the 2 heart sound during expiration
[physiological/normal splitting = inspiration] 15. True statement regarding heart failure:

3. Which of the ff. statements is correctly === relation of A: Volume overload causes diastolic wall stress
auscultatory findings to the chest wall?
16. Diastolic heart failure is predominant in
A: Murmurs arising from the aortic valve may be decompensated:
heard anywhere from the right segment of the costal
space to the apex A: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy [dilated, ischemic =
4. What is v wave in a jugular venous pulsation?
17. A 46-year old maleeasy fatigability for the past 3
A: The rise in the right atrial pressure as it fills up months, complains of associated orthopneaprevious
with blood while the tricuspid valve is closed hospitalization for myocardial infarctionWhat is
thepredisposition of this patient?
5. Loud 1 heard sound is heard in:
A: Coronary artery disease
A: Mitral stenosis [not heard if MS is very severe]
For Qs 18-20:
6. Characteristics of carotid pulsation include: A 26-year old male consulted you for pre-employment
clearance for work in Saudi Arabia. He is asymptomatic
A: A vigorous thrust with single outward component cardiopulmonary-wise but admits to not being a very
athletic person. He has a first cousin who died in his early
7. Irregularly irregular heart rhythm is observed in: 20s while training to be a policeman. Upon examination,
you noted a 3/6 mid to late systolic murmur over the
A: Atrial fibrillation with varying AV block [almost apical area which becomes louder upon Valsalva
always AF] maneuver, there was no S3.

8. Cyanosis is a physical finding in: 18. The murmur in this patient is probably due to:

A: Tetralogy of Fallot A: Systolic anterior motion of the anterior mitral valve

leaflet due to Venturi effect [murmur over apical area
9. Differential cyanosis is a physical finding in: = MV; Dx: HCM especially if patient is young, athletic,
suddenly dies]
A: Patent Ductus Arteriosus with pulmonary
hypertension [most especially if with Eisenmenger 19. The best diagnostic tool for this patient is:
A: 2D Echo
10. Which of the ff. valvular lesions will most likely be
symptomatic with moderate exercise: 20. Advice for this patient:

A: moderate --- [NOT in mild (usually no symptoms) or A: May work abroad but avoid vigorous physical
chronic (has adapted) disease] activity and dehydration [dehydration will decrease
preload and worsen condition]
11. Left ventricular hypertrophy is likely to be found in:
For Qs 21-22
A: [not read but answer is probably Aortic Stenosis; A 56-year old male went to you for consult, he was seen
ASD = right, MS = LA, Acute AR = none] by another doctor due to shortness of breath associated
with orthopnea and bipedal edema, is a known diabetic,
12. Acute mitral regurgitation is likely to be seen in: poorly compliant to his medication, his 2D Echo was with
him and findings were left ventricle end-diastolic volume
A: Angina pectoris [MV prolapse, dilated LV due to of 260cc and systolic volume of 200cc, his
ischemia, MR d/t RHD = chronic] BPHRdistended neck veins

21. [Q not read] 32. What is the hemodynamic hallmark of tricuspid
A: The patients --- isdepressed [EF is a function of
systolic] A: Diastolic pressure gradient between the right
atrium and right ventricle [MS = left side]
22. Computed ejection fraction is:

A: 23% 33. A 45-year old male came to you for heart murmur.
The patient is asymptomatic and very active. On
For Qs 23-24 examination, a continuous murmur at the left upper
A 56-year olduncontrolled hypertension for the past 7 sternal borderWhat is your diagnosis?
years, is symptomatic.
A: Patent Ductus Arteriosus
23. What is the patients heart failure classification?
34. The most common congenital anomaly associated
A: Stage B [Stage A = asymptomatic but with risk with Downs Syndrome?
A: Atrio-Ventricular Septal Defect
24. The best choice of medication for this patient is:
35. What is the most commonof Coarctation of the
A: ACE-inhibitor Aorta?

25. Long-term effect of compensatory mechanism in heart A: Bicuspid

failure include:
36. A 70-year old male presents to you with the ff.
A: Left ventricular remodeling findings: differential hypertension

26. True of dilated cardiomyopathy: A: Rib notching [Dx: Coarctation of the Aorta]

A: Clinically presents as systolic heart failure 37. A 32-year old female came for consult complaining of
[hypertrophic = diastolic HF] difficulty of breathing and shortness of breath. On PE, S1
is soft
27. Which of the ff. will be most likely in a patient with
chronic severe mitral regurgitation? A: Ventricular Septal Defect
A: 3 heart sound 38. Calf pain on walking relieved by rest is:

28. Which of the ff. statements about the natural history of A: Intermittent claudication
severe aortic regurgitation is true?
39. The recommended initial screening test for peripheral
A: [not read] artery disease is:

29. A 53-year old man complains of a heart murmur. He is A: Ankle:Brachial Index [normal ratio: 0.9]
completely asymptomatic and active. He sought consult
at the correctional hospital near Global wherecarotid 40. 0.75which of the following
delay, single S2 and 3/6
A: Moderate
A: Severe aortic stenosis [delayed A2/no normal
splitting because of delayed closure of AoV] 41. Treadmill exercise test is used to provoke clinically
30. Aling Gloria, a 62-year old woman, presents to you
with shortness of breath, no history of heart murmurno A: Peripheral Arterial Disease
history of rheumatic fever2/6 holosystolic murmur at the
apex 42. The most fatal complication of Deep Vein Thrombosis
A: Mild mitral stenosis and mitral regurgitation
A: Pulmonary embolism
31. Rapidly rising water hammer pulse:
43. Outcomes of cardiac rehab training include which of
A: Rapid descent in late systole and diastole the ff?

A: AOTA: improved quality of life, control of

symptoms, improved exercise tolerance [but you
cannot improve survival / mortality rate still the same]

44. Cardiac rehab is indicated in which of the ff: 55. The mechanism on how PET Scan detects myocardial
perfusion abnormality:
A: AOTA: chronic stable angina pectoris, underwent
post-coronary bypass surgery, post-transplant A. Permits the detection and quantification of
surgery [not an indication in acute decompensated exogenous glucose utilization in areas of
HF] hypoperfused myocardium

45. Parameters that should be assessed prior to start of 56. The best imaging modality to rule out aortic
symptom-limited exercise testing: dissection:

A: AOTA a. 2D echo [too short to view the entire heart]

b. chest xray [you only see the silhouette, cannot
46. The current mainstay in the diagnosis of deep vein see the dissection]
thrombosis is: c. nuclear perfusion scan [you see perfusion]
d. CT angiogram (GOLD STANDARD)
A: [not read but answer is probably Venous Duplex
Scan; Segmental Pressure Study is for PAD] 57. What type of cardiac catheterization

47. Lifestyle modification and drug-therapy is indicated A: Coronary angiogram

among patients with BP of:
58. The method of pressure and O2 saturation
A: [not read but answer is probably 140/90mmHg] measurement to screen for intracardiac shunts using
Picks principle is done at the:
48. After initiating lipid-lowering drugs, lipid determination
should be done: A: Right heart

A: After 2 months 59. The method where the catheter is advanced with
fluoroscopic guidance in the central aorta is:
49. Virchows triad includes abnormalities of the vessel
wall, changes in the formed and soluble elements of the A: Coronary angiogram
blood, and blood stasis. This is seen in:
60. Evaluates the rapidity of coronary flow rush of
A: Deep Vein Thrombosis capillary filling into the myocardium is:

50. The most common cause of acute limb ischemia is: A: Angiogram

A: Atherosclerosis 61. The surgical procedure performed to relieve the

angina and reduce death due to coronary artery disease
51. Primary imaging modality for assessment of left using arteries or veins as grafts is:
ventricle cavity size, systolic function and wall thickness:
A: Coronary artery bypass graft
A: 2D Echo
62. Functions of the pericardium include:
52. A 25-ear old female came to you for pre-employment
evaluation. She had a previous history of Rheumatic A: AOTA: mediates interventricular coupling, serves
Fever. Shes still on Pen G. On PE you notice a 3/6 as barrier to prevent spread of local infection, reduce
systolic murmur. You suspect rheumatic valvular heart friction between the heart the surrounding
disease. What would be the best diagnostic modality to mediastinal structures
validate your suspicion?
63. An exaggerated arterial fall in arterial pressure of
A: 2D Echo more than 10 mmHg is (as seen in tamponade):

53. A 43-year old hypertensive female came to you due to A: Pulsus paradoxus
vague, effort-related chest pain. You think that she falls
into intermediate pre-test probability of having coronary 64. The diagnostic tool in pericardial effusion or
artery disease. What would be the best modality to tamponade is:
validate your suspicion?
A: AOTA: ECG [electrical alternans due to its
A: Exercise SESTAMIBI (nuclear myocardial perfusion swinging in pericardial fluid], 2D echo, etc.

54. The ff. is/are the isotopes being used for myocardial
perfusion scintigraphy:

A: Technitium & Thallium [MRI: Gadolinium]

65. The clinical findings in cardiogenic shock is: 78. Angina pectoris is best diagnosed by:

a. S3 gallop [diastolic event which is abnormal; A: History only [angina is only a symptom]
usually seen in acute heart failure]
b. elevated JVP [RA and RV are overloaded due to 79. Which of the following is best for showing perfusion
congestion due to left-sided heart failure] defects due to ischemia?
c. hypotension [decreased CO and SV means HF]
d. A: PET or Nuclear scan

66. Chronic inflammation causing fibrosis and is: 80. What is the probability that a 38-year old female who
has pain that is intermittent, lasting for a few seconds and
A: Pericardium occurring even at rest has ischemia?

67. Most common primary benign tumor of the heart in A: Low Risk [the patient is still in her reproductive years
adult is: (usually older patients will have present with this
symptom) and pain due to ischemia happens during
A: Myxoma activity, not at rest]

68. Most common primary valvular tumor of the heart in 81. In the secondary progression of a coronary artery
adult is: disease, which of the following goals is desirable?

A: Papillary fibroblastoma A: Waist:hip ratio should be 0.9 in females, 1.0 in

69. Most common location of myxoma is:
82. 58-year old male has acute onset of moderate to
A: Left atrium severe chest pain an hour prior to consult related to
ischemia. Which of the following is an appropriate test?
70. Most common malignant tumor of the heart in adult is:
A: Treadmill exercise [males at 40 y/o have an
A: Angiosaroma increased risk for CAD]

71. Most common adult tumor of the heart is: 83. In instances where non-surgical procedures are
preferred for patients with MI, which of the following is
A: Secondary recommended?

72. Which of the following best defines the anatomic A: Streptokinase [reperfuse patient with streptokinase
characteristic of an arteriosclerotic disease? as heparin, statins and aspirin can only prevent
plaque rupture]
a. ECG [electrical properties]
b. 2D echo [peripheral] 84. What is the pathophysiology of coronary artery
c. angiogram [lumen} disease?
d. intravascular ultrasound [defines the walls of
the arteries] A: Plaque rupture

73. Of the following lipoproteins: 85. ECG criteria for left ventricle hypertrophy with wide
QRS complex:
A: HDL [good while LDL is bad]
A: Bundle branch block [this condition delays the
74. [Q & A not read] impulses to the ventricles which causes widening of
the QRS complex]
75. Lipid-lowering with statins may reduce plaque
formation through which of the following? 86. First degree AV block is diagnosed with

A: Decrease in macrophage A: [not read]

76. [Q not read] 87. Sinus bradycardia may be due to the following drugs:

A: Plaque vulnerability A: Beta-blockers

77. Which of the following is true? 88. Old myocardial infarction is diagnosed using p waves
in which of the following
A: 35% of the patients have atherosclerosis
A: [not read]

89. Tracing: Ischemia?

A: a and b: [ST wave depression]

90. Tracing: What is the HR?

A: >100 bpm

91. Tracing: Rhythm?

A: Sinus rhythm [normal, P followed by QRS, regular

RR interval and P wave is upright]

92. Tracing:

A: Sinus tachycardia

93. Tracing:

A: Skip beats

94. Tracing: What is the origin?

A: Ventricular

95. Tracing: What do the arrows point at?

A: [not read]

96-98. Tracings:

A: [not read]

99. Collapsed during walking:

A: Ventricular fibrillation

100. Student was brought to ER after alcoholic binge.

What is the ECG find?

A: Atrial fibrillation/bradycardic [Holiday heart


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