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The relationship

between paid and

unpaid work in
family life is the
new frontier of the
welfare state ...

The Other Glass

The domestic politics of

Hannah Green
Sophia Parker
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First published in 2006
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The Other Glass
The domestic politics of

Hannah Green
Sophia Parker
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Acknowledgements 7
Foreword 9
Executive summary 12
1. Why families matter 21
2. Getting behind the front door: a typology of
everyday family life 32
3. Paid work: what is productive? 51
4. Mum’s the word: the other glass ceiling 63
5. Public value, private responsibility? 77
6. Opening up the scripts of family life:
recommendations 85
7. Endnote: where next for work–life balance debates? 104
A. List of project interviews 108
B. List of attendees at the project seminar 109
C. The research process 110
Notes 112

This publication would not have been possible without the financial
support of Sanofi Pasteur MSD. Munro and Forster have also played a
key role in making this publication happen. We would particularly
like to thank Dave Roberts and Efe Abebe.
We are especially grateful to Gillian Thomas for her invaluable
contribution to the research process and to Celia Hannon for her
exhaustive research, comments and reflections at every stage.
At Demos our thanks go to all our colleagues who helped us to
frame this project. Special mentions should go to Sarah Gillinson for
her help during the course of the research, to John Craig for his
thoughtful comments throughout the process and to Tom Bentley
who gave us invaluable intellectual challenge and insight during the
writing process. Thanks also to Sam Hinton-Smith for his media
work and Julia Huber who saw the text safely through to production
and publication.
We are indebted to many individuals who contributed to our
research through participating in interviews and focus groups,
speaking at seminars and being on hand to offer advice. For a full list
please see appendix A but here we would particularly like to thank
Mary Crowley, Sally Russell, Matthew Horne, Jenny Watson, Kathleen
Healy, Duncan Fisher, Susan Hay, Naomi Eisenstadt and Gwen
Thanks should also go to all the families who helped the research

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The Other Glass Ceiling

by talking to us and filling in diaries and to Sarah Ellis from the

National Day Nurseries Association for recruiting and hosting focus
Finally we would like to thank John and Dave for doing the ‘double
shift’ during this project.
As ever, all errors and omissions remain our own.

Hannah Green
Sophia Parker
April 2006

8 Demos
Jenny Watson

Thirty years on from the Sex Discrimination Act feels like a good time
to take stock of where we are, one generation in, and look at the next
steps of the sex equality journey. There have been some fantastic leaps
forward: women are increasingly economically independent and with
that has come a sense of greater freedom socially and culturally.
But in achieving the amazing things that we have – it is no small
measure of work to make it possible for women to live as men do – a
great part of human existence has been hidden: family activity
(traditionally private) has taken place out of public space, out of
public sight. We cannot truly achieve sex equality unless we refashion
a society which can cope with the whole of that human existence,
which can give space for our important human relationships and the
time, effort and energy that they demand. We need to re-start what
some have described as the stalled gender revolution.
Men’s lives are changing too, with an increasing number of dads –
especially young fathers – expressing the desire to spend more time
with their children. This remains a quiet revolution, easy to miss
because it takes place in people’s homes, behind people’s front doors,
up and down the country. Nevertheless, these shifts represent a
tipping point – where change of a qualitatively different nature
becomes both possible and necessary. It is like moving from a two-
dimensional model which looks at equality between men and women,
and adding an explicit third dimension – that of family and care.

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The Other Glass Ceiling

As this report demonstrates, for families themselves, this third

dimension is at the heart of who they are. It is now urgent for political
parties concerned about their own survival to address these issues and
catch up with the views expressed by the families in this report. In
some polling we conducted at the Equal Opportunities Commission
(EOC), we discovered that 70% of people were concerned about what
family life will be like for their children and grandchildren; nearly half
were very concerned.
Decisions about our home life and how we run it will always
remain private. But these decisions also need to be reflected in public
policy debate – debate about what legal infrastructure, what public
policy levers can best support families of all kinds; about how we
invest in public services that can support every element of the family:
mothers, fathers, children and older and disabled people. Put bluntly,
our own individual choices are decisions we now expect to make in
the context of supportive, enabling public service, and against a more
sophisticated framework of employment rights which recognises that
men, as well as women, want to balance work and home life – and not
pay a poverty penalty for the choices they have made.
What will this involve? I believe the analysis and recommendations
of this report give some strong indications of the kind of approach
that will be required to make the next great leap in debates
about gender equality. The most promising sign – but perhaps also
the most difficult area to debate publicly – is men and women
working together to negotiate about their lives. The suggestion in this
report that gender equality debates need to be strongly connected
to the quality of life agenda is a powerful one: people need to see
that they are not alone in wanting a different way to share home and
The area where there is most to do is the interaction between paid
and unpaid work, what is valued and how. We need to think about a
whole new ideal of care, an ideal that sees care as a positive
contribution to society. This in turn needs to be supported by an
infrastructure designed to help families care, rather than an approach
focused on outsourcing such important work. Our relationships, as

10 Demos

the bedrock of secure families, are crucial, and our public life needs to
be shaped round these, rather than the other way round.
By producing a report grounded in the everyday lives of
hardworking families, rather than abstract statistics or policy
frameworks, Demos has made a crucial and incisive contribution to
the debate. This pamphlet demonstrates that there is more work to be
done than many think. Our challenge is to lift legal and attitudinal
barriers that prevent us, as human beings rather than stereotypically
portrayed men and women, from making the choices that we wish to
make, and being treated with respect and dignity when we do. That is
the challenge we now face. It is a challenge that the EOC is working
hard to address. I do hope many more voices will join us in the
campaign to address the imbalance in value currently afforded to paid
and unpaid work.

Jenny Watson is Chair of the Equal Opportunities Commission.

Demos 11
Executive summary

People always say that the family is never what it once was. For too
long debates about family life and work–life balance have focused on
what families look like, rather than asking a more challenging set of
questions about what families are for and why they matter. Despite
proclamations that the family is in terminal decline, there is evidence
that the aspiration to be a ‘good family’ is in fact becoming more
significant – for individuals, government and indeed society more
In this context, there is a real need to describe and recognise the
fact that the work parents do in raising children does not simply
benefit those individual children; there is a public value to parenting
that so far has remained unrecognised and trapped behind people’s
front doors.
This report examines the everyday life of the ‘hard-working
families’ who have recently become so popular in political debate.
Drawing on original research as well as existing data, we frame a new
agenda for debate about family life: an agenda that argues it is in the
public interest to recognise and strengthen the relationships between
families, state and civil society.
Rather than focusing on moralising arguments about the
significance of changing family structures, this report explores the
many ways in which families work to combine a whole host of
activities – including paid employment and unpaid care work – to

12 Demos
Executive summary

maximise the life chances of their children. This pamphlet does not
endorse a single family type to the exclusion of others. Chapter 1
opens up a debate about why families, whatever their shape or size,
matter. In chapter 2 we develop a typology that describes and analyses
some of the ways in which families adapt to the challenge of
integrating employment and family life. Many families will go
through a number of the types we have identified over the course of
This illustrative typology grew out of our original research. We
began by identifying pinch points in family life, or times that families
found particularly stressful. These included when the first child was
born; when a child had a contagious illness and standard childcare
arrangements broke down; when a child started school; when a
second or subsequent child was born; and when parents took on
additional caring responsibilities, for example looking after their own
Using these pinch points to bring into sharp relief the delicacy of
the support structures that families build around themselves as part
of day-to-day life, we then conducted some in-depth interviews in a
number of families’ homes to enrich our understanding of the ways
in which families are adapting to the challenge of combining paid and
unpaid work.
The typology is not about describing a hierarchy, or ‘right’ and
‘wrong’ ways of organising family life. Rather, it points to the need to
better understand the cast of characters we have identified, in order to
strengthen the connections between the families that exist and
approaches to designing support to help people give their children
the best possible start in life.

The art of motherhood – ‘Mum’s the word’

The mother in this family will dominate the domestic environment
and hold the reins of family life. The father is likely to fulfil a
traditional male breadwinner role; if the mother works she will
probably have a locally based job in the childcare sector. Mums do not
define themselves by their job, instead vesting their identity in

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The Other Glass Ceiling

childrearing and homemaking. This may be because women found

that the jobs on offer to them as mums were less creative and
stimulating than being a mother, or because motherhood was an
active choice. Either way, the allocation of unpaid care falls almost
entirely on the mother, but this is by mutual agreement. Men and
women are seen to be equally important to family life, but their
contributions are different and defined by their gender.

Frustrated feminists – ‘If you can’t beat them, join them’

These families are made up of couples who expected they would be
able to balance the arrival of children with their jobs successfully, but
have been thwarted in their efforts to maintain an equitable split of
unpaid care work. Both parents end up feeling stressed out and tired
as they continue to try to both work hard and be active parents.
Sometimes mothers will ‘opt-out’ of organisations entirely in order to
set up their own enterprises in an attempt to find a more satisfying
balance of home and work. Fathers will often feel uncertain of their
identity as parents, having expected family life to be more
straightforward than it turned out to be, and much as they love their
children, will hark back to the easier life of pre-children years.

Domestic democracy – ‘We’ve come a long way, baby’

These families are unusual and they know it. They self-consciously
and continually negotiate with each other about who does what in
family life. Many will be in careers they enjoy, with good flexible
arrangements; often these families will list their employers as
important sources of support. They are experts at juggling, and will
often outsource elements of childcare or housework in recognition of
the importance of ‘quality time’ both with their children and each
other. Often this state of affairs grows out of some kind of crisis
where families have been forced to challenge the way they do things
and to reassess their priorities.

14 Demos
Executive summary

Everybody needs good neighbours – ‘You want to go

where everybody knows your name’
These families describe themselves as ‘very typical’. Both parents
characterise their work as jobs rather than careers. They live their lives
in narrow but comfortable horizons. The parents are likely to have
met locally and feel a sense of shared history and values. They will
have a strong relationship with where they live and take pleasure from
living near similar kinds of people. They will have a tight-knit
network of extended family and friends close by who form an
important element of family life. Both parents are likely to give and
receive support from this network.

Keep it in the family – ‘The family that eats together,

stays together’
Unlike our ‘everybody needs good neighbours’ families, this type will
see the front door as a firm boundary between family life and the
wider world, which is perceived as potentially disruptive or threaten-
ing to the natural order of things. They see themselves as an
independent unit and are proud of their self-sufficiency. They are
likely to base their family organisation on the way that their parents
did it and fall back on traditional and familiar ideas as anchors in the
face of change. Mothers are likely to play a more active role in family
life than fathers, but both parents will make the effort to spend time
as a family unit on a regular basis.

What money can buy – ‘You can’t buy love, but for
everything else there’s MasterCard’
These families have found a way to balance life at a price that most
people can’t afford – by outsourcing their childcare, cleaning and day-
to-day management of their family home. Unlike the domestically
democratic households, these families are unlikely to list their
employers as sources of support. In other words, this is not just about
straightforward consumerism: time is a commodity for these parents
as well, and this type is interested in ‘buying’ quality time. Parents in

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The Other Glass Ceiling

these families aspire to a certain lifestyle that they are not willing to
sacrifice. But they also want to ensure that their limited time is spent
focusing on their children, for whom they prioritise learning and
development within a structured environment.

The survivors – ‘Getting by matters more than getting on’

These parents are both working incredibly hard to do whatever is
necessary to care for and keep their family going. Many parents in this
category find themselves in ‘flexible’ shift work, although often they
are holding down more than one job to keep food on the table and
the bills paid. Choice is not discussed: parents are focused entirely on
keeping things going. It is not so much the children who suffer from
these arrangements but the parents. Between working and childcare,
shifts and sleep, parents often see very little of each other. Often the
second wage in this family type is negated by the cost of childcare,
meaning that parents are likely to work part-time or on shifts.

These seven family types demonstrate that every household adapts to

the challenge of juggling paid work and unpaid care to meet the
needs of their children in different ways. But families do not organise
the range of resources they have – economic, emotional, social,
cultural, personal and physical – in splendid isolation. Their decisions
about how to bring up their children are influenced by a host of
social, cultural and institutional realities.
Although this report argues that families themselves are in the best
position to judge how to bring up their children, we also explore the
fact that often these external factors constrain the choices parents feel
able to make about how they can best combine paid and unpaid
work. Chapters 3, 4 and 5 explore the dynamic interchange between
these wider factors and patterns of everyday family life. These include
the following.

An assumption that paid work alone is the priority

The norm in modern families is for both parents to work, and to be
working harder than ever before. This is not at the cost of their

16 Demos
Executive summary

children, but at the cost of their own time and time with their
partner. Men and women alike emphasise the equal importance of
paid and unpaid work to family life, but this parity remains
unrecognised by mainstream debate and policy formulation. A
progressive politics for families needs to keep productivity in
perspective by shining a light on the hidden value of the unpaid care
that goes into raising future generations. This unpaid work deserves
equal prominence to questions about making paid work better for
parents in the debate about how best to support families.

Ongoing nature of gendered labour market and the other

glass ceiling
Women continue to take greater responsibility than men for family
and home life. Although gendered roles within the home are
normalised by parents, they are in fact the product of a wider set of
cultural, social and institutional patterns that individual families find
impossible to overcome alone. These patterns thwart the desires of
women, and increasingly men, to allocate family resources in a more
equal and negotiated way. The challenge remains to find ways of
ensuring that it is children’s outcomes and the public value created by
family life that drive the distribution of family activity, rather than
these entrenched gendered attitudes.

A decline in support – both formal and informal – for families

in creating public value
We are expecting families to bring up their children with less and less
support, informal and formal, from wider society. At the same time
parents are feeling under greater pressure to be perfect parents. This
has led to a stalemate: parents are stressed and lonely; the state is wary
of intervening in the subtle dynamics of family life. Yet there are gains
to be won for family, state and civil society if the relationships
between these elements of the social fabric are strengthened. The
challenge rests in casting the relationship in such a way that privacy is
respected, but not at the expense of giving children the best start in

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The Other Glass Ceiling

To fully release the public value that families could create for the
whole of society, new ways need to be found to support families in the
creation of that value, through forms of positive support, and
through efforts to remove some of the barriers to families making
decisions that are based on the best interests of their children.
Chapter 6 maps out what this new landscape of support might look
What makes this agenda more complex is the fact that families
access support from a range of formal and informal sources each day.
In these terms, government cannot ‘deliver’ the public value of
families. Instead, a series of shifts are needed – changes in
institutional patterns, existing public services, the respective role of
employers and the media – to create a culture that recognises the
value that families create for everyone, and a society that proactively
supports people in bringing up their children.
We argue that, in order to achieve this kind of change, ‘public
service’ needs to be reconceived as helping people to help themselves.
Good services need to involve people in conversations to understand
their wants and uncover their needs. Reflecting a long tradition in
progressive politics, the prize is less about creating a perfect set of
public service institutions, and more about how services can help
people to transform their lives and, ultimately, themselves. State, civil
society and families need to work together to co-produce the kinds of
goods – health, empowerment, future citizens, social capital – that
bind people together.
In these terms, our recommendations represent a set of ‘design
principles’: aspirations that can be used to drive change at every point
of the systems in which families operate. The recommendations are
therefore applicable to a range of players, from government and
policy-makers to local service providers, voluntary organisations and
This will not be achieved by a single or simple policy intervention.
This agenda demands a different kind of political leadership: one
based on articulating values and vision, even if politicians and policy-
makers alone cannot enact the changes this report argues are

18 Demos
Executive summary

necessary. State, employers and families must learn to work together.

Within this context our recommendations are as follows.

Start with families themselves in designing and delivering

The state cannot remain neutral in family life. However, intervention
does not need to add up to intrusion. The government should
experiment in new mechanisms to encourage a shift in public culture
and to support families in making the best possible choices for their
children in the organisation of family life. Some examples include
investing in ‘family life’ vouchers to provide support for families in
the home, and developing a new framework for the inspection of
childcare based on public value. Employers should also be
encouraged to recast the workplace as part of the extended family
rather than a ‘home-from-home’ to better align with the stated desires
of families. One step would be for employers to fund networks of
childminders in the home, rather than invest in workplace nursery

Open up a public conversation about parenting

The popularity of television programmes such as Wifeswap and
Supernanny have offered a unique opportunity to look inside and
learn from other families. Broadcasters should be encouraged to
develop similar formats, and public services should learn how the
experiences of such television programmes can be transferred into
public policy and used to support family life.

Build negotiating capacity within families through peer

Parents believe that being a parent, not training as an adviser, is what
makes people ‘experts’ in family life. Policy-makers should foster the
development of networks that provide learning opportunities and
enable parents to support each other. These include online
communities such as Netmums as well as other more locally based

Demos 19
The Other Glass Ceiling

Invest in quality relationships

The quality of parental relationships has an impact on children’s lives.
Modern relationships face a challenging range of pressures and yet
support is rarely on offer until a relationship has reached crisis.
Quality advice coupled with work, patience and self-awareness
(rather than the idealised media representation of romantic love) can
be the secret to maintaining success. In the face of weakening
extended family bonds and community networks, government should
increase financial support to organisations working on relationships
and family support, and make private relationship counselling tax

Involve fathers
While dads need to be fully engaged in family life at an early stage,
there remain too few opportunities for men to express their desires
beyond the household. The research conducted for this report
indicates that children’s health is an area where men are getting
increasingly involved. Focusing on areas of family life where men are
already involved is a promising start. Equally, as a further step in the
right direction, all schools should run a ‘take your dad to school’ day
to encourage fathers to play an active role in parenting and learning.
This is about increasing the number of regular, everyday interactions
on offer to fathers, rather than taking a ‘big bang’ approach.

Experiment at work
Enabling people to balance work and home life is one of the most
effective routes to releasing their potential. Employers should be
encouraged to experiment in new ways of enabling flexible working,
so that it means far more than simply working ‘part-time’. There are
also important lessons to be learned from ‘enterprise mums’ – the
growing number of women who have ‘opted out’ to set up their own
businesses, often in the childcare sector, as a way of achieving more
control over the balance between work and life.

20 Demos
1. Why families matter

Families matter, not only to the individuals in them, but also to

society. But society is putting parents under greater pressure, to be
both economically productive and to produce healthy and happy
future citizens. This report focuses on the ‘hard-working families’ so
popular in current debate. Drawing on original research as well as
existing data, we explore the domestic politics of parenting and frame
a new agenda for debate about family life: an agenda that argues it is
in the public interest to recognise and strengthen the relationships
between families, state and civil society.
There has long been a nervousness about intervening or even
commenting on the nature of family life unless parents find
themselves in crisis or their children are at risk. Too often inter-
ventions make assumptions about the relationship between particular
kinds of family formation and the success of parents in raising their
In this pamphlet, we argue that when it comes to families, the focus
should be on function not form. In other words, there should be less
interest in particular family formations or structures, and much more
concern about the extent to which modern families are able to
combine a whole host of activities – including both paid employment
and unpaid care work – to maximise the life chances of their children.
While the right to a private family life is one that should be jealously
guarded, the wariness in talking about everyday family patterns has

Demos 21
The Other Glass Ceiling

skewed the debate. It has hidden the fact that what families do is of
public value as well as of benefit to individuals.
This report aims to refocus the debate on this question of the ways
in which families combine paid and unpaid work. The typology of
family life we have developed in chapter 2 indicates that families have
a range of adaptive responses to the challenge of integrating
employment and family life.
While it is undoubtedly true that every family strives to find
satisfactory ways to organise and manage their shared life, the
foundations on which their decisions are made have not been formed
in splendid isolation. The way families organise themselves is
influenced by myriad social, cultural and institutional factors that
build up a web of family values. As this report documents, it is still
too often the case that family responses are shaped by these cultural
legacies and external drivers, rather than by the best interests of the
children. Chapters 3, 4 and 5 explore the impact of some of these
issues on everyday family life.
To fully release the public value that families could create for the
whole of society, new ways need to be found to support families in the
creation of that value, through forms of positive support, and
through efforts to remove some of the existing barriers to families
making decisions that are based on the best interests of their children.
Chapter 6 maps out what this new landscape of support might look
Families access support from a range of formal and informal
sources every day. Government cannot ‘deliver’ the public value of
family life through a simple or single intervention. Rather, a series of
shifts are needed – in institutional patterns, the way ‘public service’ is
understood, the role of employers and the media – to create a culture
and society that not only recognises the value that families create for
everyone, but also proactively supports people in bringing up their
In starting with the experiences of families themselves, this report
indicates that there is much to be learned from how parents are
juggling all their resources – economic, social, cultural, personal and

22 Demos
Why families matter

physical – to create the best possible life chances for their children.
What our research suggests is that in trying to solve the immediate
challenges of work and family life, people are beginning to generate
some new answers to much deeper questions about what kind of lives
we want to lead. It is these insights, rather than an overly simple focus
on productivity or family structures alone, that need to drive the next
wave of debate around the importance of family life.

The family is dead; long live the family

The lament of every generation – that families aren’t what they were –
is so familiar that it is rendered meaningless. Families are never what
they were. The debate about family life has long been focused on what
families look like, how they are composed and the formal
relationships that bind them together. It’s certainly true that marriage
no longer has the place it once did in family life: people are less
concerned about marriage and they don’t see it as the bedrock of
being a good family. The number of divorces is rising year on year
and the number of children being born outside marriage is
increasing. Two and a half million kids are involved in step-family
life, which is the fastest-growing family form in the UK.
But none of this implies that the aspiration to create a family has
declined. It’s just that ‘family’ is an elastic term. Despite dire
predictions of the ‘back to basics’ observers, the decline of marriage
has not led to the dissolution of social networks and the emergence of
a self-serving and lonely society of individuals.
The focus of the debate on the changing nature of family
structures has eclipsed a much more interesting set of questions.
What are families for? Why do they matter? How can they best be
supported by the state, employers and others? It is these questions
that this pamphlet is focused on. We aim to answer them through
starting with the attitudes and behaviours of families themselves.
The more interesting trends that provide a context for this work
centre on an apparent growth, rather than decline, in the importance
of family life. This growth is played out at individual family levels, in
the focus of policy and indeed in our society, media and culture more

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The Other Glass Ceiling

generally. Increasingly, mothers and fathers are seeking to attain the

goal of ‘perfect parenting’. Yet as parents are bombarded with a host of
‘how to’ guides in books, TV shows and magazines we may well be
witnessing the emergence of ‘paranoid parents’.
Despite more parents working,1 and working more hours, they are
spending longer on childrearing activities each day than ever before.
In 1981 dads with a partner in full-time employment spent an
average of 17 hours a week with their children; by 1997 the equivalent
group were putting in 23 hours of time with their children each
week.2 The time spent by working mothers with their children has
also grown over the last two decades, from less than 40 minutes per
day in 1974–5 to over 90 minutes in 1999. Indeed, working mothers
spend more time with their children now than non-working mothers
did in 1981.3 There has also been a rise in the number of families
eating a home-cooked dinner together every night from 12 per cent
in 1961 to 19 per cent in 2001.4 One British study found that in
affluent two-children families, parents are coordinating an average of
eight to ten activities a week for their offspring.5 So parents are
increasingly making time to spend with their children.
But it is not just individuals who continue to believe in the
importance of the family. In recent years there has been a wider
cultural shift in the way that parenting activity is viewed; it is moving
from being a private family matter to an issue that is a legitimate
subject for public debate. The explosion in parenting programmes –
such as Supernanny, Nanny 911 and Wifeswap – which have replaced
property shows as the must-have format for every channel, combined
with the bewildering array of books, magazines and gurus offering
advice, suggests that parents are working harder than ever to become
‘professional’ parents who know more and more about what good
childrearing is.
Policy is beginning to catch up with this renewed focus on the
importance of family life. Recent developments in education, the
‘Respect’ agenda and the Children Act all reflect a growing interest
within government about the significance of families. There is a
recognition that families could potentially play a pivotal role in

24 Demos
Why families matter

achieving some of the ambitious goals around reducing social

exclusion, and in particular child poverty, and giving everyone an
equal chance in life. The question is how government will translate
this renewed commitment to families into forms of support that are
meaningful and go with the grain of what parents and children want
and need. Although there is not yet a coherent policy story about
families, parenting and children, the renewed emphasis on supporting
‘hard-working families’ reflects a desire in government to find new
ways of achieving some of these goals.

What are families for?

It is often argued by historians and social commentators that the
Industrial Revolution led to a transformation in family life.
Technological changes, coupled with cultural shifts, led to the
emergence of separated ‘public’ and ‘private’ spheres. Men became the
custodians of the worlds of business, commerce and politics; work
was driven out of homes and into the factory, creating new categories
of productive and reproductive work. Women became embedded in a
household focused on reproduction. In other words, modern
capitalism has constructed the modern family as a private realm
closed from scrutiny, a retreat from the world. It also served to
emphasise the concept of ‘childhood’. Rather than children being seen
as potential contributors to the family economy, they were seen as
passive family members in need of nurture, education and love.
There are some indications that family life really is more
privatised. People are spending more time in their homes.6 Children
are taking longer to leave home.7 The 2002 Social Trends survey found
that nearly a third of men aged between 20 and 35 live with their
parents, compared with only one in four in 1977–8. In July 2001, a
study commissioned by Abbey National confirmed this claim, and
pointed out that the proportion of young adults who return home
after initially fleeing the nest has nearly doubled from 25 per cent in
1950 to 46 per cent today.
As we have already noted, parents are spending more time with
their children now than they were 30 years ago – at the expense of

Demos 25
The Other Glass Ceiling

relationship and ‘me’ time.8 The decline in informal and community-

based forms of support to families, explored further in chapter 5,
means that families are increasingly reliant on themselves alone to
bring up their children. As Shirley Burggraf pointed out, ‘no society
until recent times has expected love alone to support the family enter-
prise. To put it another way, parental love has never cost so much’.9
In other words, childrearing, rather than formal relationship bonds
or extended family networks, is the focus of modern families. The
growing diversity of family forms and bonds does not detract from
the fact that the family remains the most fundamental social unit and
is still the most important thing in children’s lives.
For the vast majority of children, families are the places where they
are looked after, protected and fed. Families are the primary site for
the production of values, beliefs and worldviews. They will determine
to a significant extent the ways in which we relate to the world around
In thinking about what families are for, it is possible to group
activities under four headings.

Basic needs
Basic needs include cleanliness, health, shelter and nourishment –
basic physiological needs that children rely on their parents to
provide. Failure to do so would lead to children being taken into care.

Capacity to adapt
The pace of social change makes the capacity of individuals to adapt
to new realities increasingly important. The ability to learn and earn
in constantly evolving landscapes is fundamental now to people’s life
chances. Evidence indicates that families have a more profound
influence on children’s ability to learn than schools; in fact parental
involvement in learning has a significant effect on children’s learning
even after all other factors (social class, maternal education and
poverty) have been taken out of the equation.10

26 Demos
Why families matter

Emotional resilience
In his book Emotional Intelligence11 Daniel Goleman argues that
human competencies like self-awareness, self-discipline, persistence
and empathy are more significant than IQ for people’s life chances
and that children can and should be taught these capabilities. Equally,
feeling in control of life has a greater impact on happiness than many
other factors. For example, workers who have more say over their
working time feel less stressed and are more satisfied with and
committed to their work; over two-fifths of full-time workers thought
they would be more productive if they were given more control over
their time.12
Family life has an impact on the emotional resilience of children.
We know, for example, that incidences of depression are higher for
children whose parents have no educational qualifications, or are on a
low income.13 And as another study has argued, ‘There is consensus
among investigators that warmth, regulation and respect for the
child’s autonomy are important parental characteristics in achieving
optimal outcomes for children.’14

Social exchange
In The Support Economy,15 Shoshana Zuboff and Jim Maxmin argued
that being an individual is fundamentally social. Although people
are increasingly rejecting old-style group membership in favour of
more diffuse communities of interest, this does not change the
human interest in being connected and participating in relationships
with others, whether that’s about being a citizen, or a parent. At its most
basic, people seek relationships that provide trust, love and support.
Families play a vital role in teaching us how to connect and enter
into relationships with others. In 1904, Helen Bosanquet, social
reformer and writer, declared that ‘families are the nurseries of
citizenship’.16 And for many current parents, for all the professional
support and guidance on offer from the wealth of books, TV
programmes and parenting practitioners, they still cite their own
parents as the major influences on how they parent themselves.

Demos 27
The Other Glass Ceiling

I expect a man to do it all . . . because my dad did that.


I do with my kids as my parents did with me.


These basic family roles and responsibilities can be represented as

shown in figure 1.
As we have outlined above, all the indicators suggest that the family
– when compared with other factors and influences such as
schooling, friends and wider society – plays a pivotal role in ensuring

Figure 1 Basic family roles and responsibilities

State of being

Emotional resilience Basic need

Confidence and control Cleanliness/hygiene
Happiness Health
Fulfilment Shelter
Safety Nourishment

Relational Personal

Social exchange Capacity to adapt

Love Learning
Trust Behaviour
Parenting Work
Citizenship Life skills


28 Demos
Why families matter

children achieve these outcomes. So what are families for? One way of
answering this question is to see them as groups of people working
together to help individual children grow up into balanced, happy,
adaptable and social adults.
This was emphasised by Alan Johnson, Secretary of State for Trade
and Industry, in a speech in early October 2005:

Having a child is one of the most momentous events in life. We

need to do more to help hardworking mothers and fathers
balance their work and family commitments so that they can
give their children the best possible start in life.17

What is most notable about this model, however, is that although

the elements of the model – basic need, capacity to adapt, emotional
resilience and social exchange – all convey benefits to individual
children, they are also shared goods with a public value. These goods
can be both personal and immediate, such as the good health of a
child, or collective and future-focused, such as the capacity to be a
good parent or citizen.

The public value of families

Perhaps the greatest social service that can be rendered by
anybody in the country and mankind is to bring up a family.
George Bernard Shaw
Too often, the family is treated as a purely private sphere; the one
place in our lives where we can retreat from interventions and
impositions from others. But while privacy is a right that should be
closely guarded, there is no escaping the fact that what families do is
of public value, as well as benefiting family members as individuals.
Thinking about the ‘basic need’ segment of our diagram in figure 1
helps to illustrate this point. If families fail to provide basic needs for
their children, then they will be taken into care. This has serious
implications for the children in question, but also society at large. We
know that looked-after children are vulnerable to missing out on
education and have lower levels of attainment.18 They are 13 times

Demos 29
The Other Glass Ceiling

more likely to be excluded from school than their peers; young people
who are excluded from school are more than twice as likely to report
having committed a crime as young people in mainstream school.19
Just 1 per cent of children who have grown up in care go on to
university. This has a knock-on effect on the job market – a graduate
is almost four times as likely to be in work and likely to earn twice as
much as a person with no qualifications.20
Equally, considering the ‘personal capacity’ segment, there is a
wealth of evidence to suggest that if parents do not help their children
to develop the capacity to adapt and learn, there will be a significant
impact on their educational outcomes. This can lead to children
performing less well in their GCSEs – an effective pointer to whether
they able to pass the capability threshold that qualifies them for the
world of work at all, and for effective participation in society.21
Similarly, a number of longitudinal studies have found that two of
the prime predictors for future offending are family poverty and poor
parenting.22 Anti-social behaviour in childhood is a better predictor
than parental social class in understanding how much an individual
will ‘cost’ society in adulthood.23
The concept of ‘public value’ has been much discussed in policy
circles in recent years. Mark Moore, author of Creating Public Value,
defines it as:

what the public values – what they are willing to make sacrifices
of money and freedom to achieve.24

There are four elements of public value that are important for our
First, public value offers a way of understanding families as adding
up to more than the sum of their parts. Clearly every person within
the family should be able to recognise the value of their efforts to
create positive family settings for themselves; equally they should feel
able to recognise the importance of belonging to a society which
values families as crucial elements of the social fabric.
Second, public value frameworks attempt to capture the intangible

30 Demos
Why families matter

as well as the measurable value of goods, taking account of the

multiple activities and tasks of bringing up children. Despite the risks
of woolliness or utopianism, ‘public interest’, ‘public service’ and
other related concepts have tremendous symbolic power, and
communicate something valuable, even if we can’t define exactly what
that value is. Bozeman has described this paradox as ‘accruing not
from the veracity of the argument, but from the difficulty in framing
the argument’.25 The point is, it is unlikely that we will ever be able to
quantitatively measure the value of positive family life, but this should
not mean that we refuse to believe it’s important.
Third – and this is a theme to which we return in the concluding
chapters of this pamphlet – public value cannot be created, in today’s
societies, simply by coercing behaviour through instrumental means,
even if the intention is public-spirited. The challenge is to mobilise
and motivate people to create that value themselves. In these terms
the role of the state must be seen as enabling, removing barriers to
public value creation and designing organisational innovations that
enhance people’s capacity to participate in the creation of value
through bringing up their children.
Finally, public value drives a focus on how families themselves
combine the various resources they have to hand to create that value.
Mary Midgley26 has written about the ‘philosophical plumbing’ of
institutions, while Peter Hennessy27 famously described the ‘hidden
wiring’ of the constitutional state. Our argument is that if we want to
understand more about how families can be supported in creating
public value, we have to delve deeper into understanding how families
are really working to create that value in the first place. With that in
mind, the next chapter explores some of the ways in which families
are currently organising themselves for the business of childrearing.

Demos 31
2. Getting behind the
front door
A typology of everyday family life

‘Public value frameworks’ and ‘producing shared goods that are

public’ risk taking the family itself out of family life. To avoid this risk,
we have conducted original research to understand the public value of
families from the perspectives of families themselves. Starting with
families, rather than frameworks, underlines the messiness of day-to-
day life in most households. It’s made up of getting the kids up and
keeping them clean, feeding everyone, making sure there are washed
clothes, filling lunch boxes, taking the rubbish out, keeping the car
running, remembering birthdays, sorting out Christmas presents,
mopping the floor, doing the shopping, and visiting grandparents and
As growing numbers of families have two parents who are
combining employment and unpaid care, the complexity of everyday
family life is more pronounced than ever. Parents are expending
tremendous energy on managing the dual demands of work and
children; however, every family invents and adapts their own
approaches to this juggling act. Arrangements are often precarious, a
patchwork of support knitted together through almost constant
reviewing and negotiation between parents, family, childcare
providers, friends and employers.
There are as many families as there are ways to combine resources
– economic, physical, social, spatial, personal and cultural – to look
after their children and manage the dual challenges of employment

32 Demos
Getting behind the front door

and care. As part of our research to understand family life (see box
below and appendic C for a description of our research process), we
have developed a typology from a series of in-depth interviews and
focus groups with families. This typology describes the many ways
that families combine the full range of resources they have.

The research process

This research project focused specifically on ‘hard-working’ families
– in other words, families where both parents were likely to work,
where they were not in crisis, and where they had at least one
dependent child under the age of 12. Between February and March
2006 we spoke to a range of families from across the socio-
economic spectrum, of different ages and stages in family life, from
different ethnic backgrounds and in various states of employment.
We asked each person to fill in a diary recording how they spent
their time in the days leading up to the interview and used this as a
starting point for the conversations. We spent time in their homes
speaking to family members individually about the characteristics
of their family, how they organised their daily activities and how
they expected things to change in the future. We also worked with
them to complete a series of activities and asked them to point out
important objects in their home, to help us build up a picture of
their family life.

We began by identifying pinch points in family life, or times that

families found particularly stressful. These included when the first
child was born; when a child had a contagious illness and standard
forms of childcare broke down; when a child started school; when a
second or subsequent child was born; and when parents took on
additional caring responsibilities, for example looking after their own
These pinch points helped to bring into sharp relief the delicate
support structures that families build around themselves as part of
day-to-day life and the ease with which it can all fall apart – when a
child needs to be collected from school in the middle of the day or if

Demos 33
The Other Glass Ceiling

the childminder is sick and parents are left in the lurch. Focusing on
these stressful moments enabled us to concentrate on the values and
assumptions on which each family’s approach to managing
employment and unpaid care were based.
This is an illustrative typology rather than a complete topography
of modern family life. We have deliberately focused on ‘hard-working
families’ made up of couples and dependent children as a means of
unpacking the ways in which paid and unpaid work are negotiated
and organised.
Despite not being a map of the full terrain, in the cast of British
families, the characters in our seven family types are people who
should be better understood. The typology is not about describing a
hierarchy or identifying right ways, wrong ways or better ways of
organising family life. Nor is it about fixing people into certain types
– many of the families we spoke to moved through a number of the
types we identified at different stages of their family life. Instead, it is
about describing, analysing and understanding the ways in which
families adapt to meet the dual challenges of paid work and

Typology of twenty-first-century households

The art of motherhood – ‘Mum’s the word’

Frustrated feminists – ‘If you can’t beat them, join them’
Domestic democracy – ‘We’ve come a long way, baby’
Everybody needs good neighbours – ‘You want to go where
everybody knows your name’
Keep it in the family – ‘The family that eats together, stays together’
What money can buy – ‘You can’t buy love, but for everything else
there’s MasterCard’
The survivors – ‘Getting by matters more than getting on’

34 Demos
Getting behind the front door

The art of motherhood

A lot of my friends are a few years younger than me. They are a
bit different. They don’t cook for their husbands, they are not
house-proud, a lot aren’t married. They just iron when they
need it. But I enjoy looking after my house, my children and my

There are lots of women who define themselves first and foremost as
mums and housewives. Choosing to look after their families and
homes is something that they are proud of and feel good about. If
they have a partner, he contributes in a different way to the family
with his role as breadwinner fitting into traditional expectations. But
these families do not describe themselves as traditional – their
defining feature is that the woman dominates the domestic environ-
ment and controls the reins of family life.
These women actively choose to define themselves as mothers. For
some this is an easier decision than others, depending on what other
opportunities are available to them. They may have found the jobs on
offer to them as women with children drastically reduced, with those
jobs that are available offering much less opportunity for stimulation,
creativity and self-esteem than motherhood. But whether it’s about
creating an identity out of something that could have otherwise been
quite negative, or actively choosing motherhood over a career, the
identity of these women rests firmly in the home.

Handing over your child to a stranger is not that appealing

when there’s not much for you at work.

But most families find it hard to pay the bills on a single wage, so
most of these mums work, many of them opting for caring
professions such as childcare, teaching and nursing. Their jobs will be
locally based, providing them with good networks of support with

Demos 35
The Other Glass Ceiling

other mums. These jobs also explicitly value the skills that the women
have developed as parents, and importantly they offer flexible
working. Working around their child’s school hours, or working as a
childminder so that they can look after their own children at the same
time, is crucial. These women take full responsibility for childcare,
which means finding ways of looking after their children themselves.

I made a conscious decision to work with children – you get the

best of both worlds. . . . I wouldn’t be a nursery nurse if I wasn’t
a mum.

But none of these mums would call themselves a ‘working mum’.

Instead they would describe their work as a means to an end, with
their salaries often being used to pay for family ‘extras’ including
holidays, presents and eating out on special occasions. If they found
themselves in a position where their wages were not covering the
childcare bill the decision to leave the workplace would be clear-cut.

I wasn’t a working mother by choice and I don’t see myself as

that – a proper working mother would be high powered and
have a nanny and a cleaner.

Women remain in control of their domain. In many cases this means

doing everything themselves, as their partners do not live up to their
exacting standards. This control means the division of labour stays as
it is; the woman’s power-base is in the home and she is not prepared
to relinquish it.
In these families the allocation of domestic tasks and childcare is
based on the understanding that there are men’s jobs and women’s
jobs. The man’s domestic role is typically outdoors doing the
gardening, DIY and driving with more occasional childcare responsi-
bilities, while the women’s role is focused on household organisation,
chores and everyday childcare.

36 Demos
Getting behind the front door

This allocation is a natural process that is rarely resisted or

negotiated, and the division of activity is often in train before they
have children. It is driven by an implicit but strict understanding of
‘who is good at what’. For many women their partner’s comparative
ineptitude in domestic tasks is a point of amusement, and any tension
is alleviated by appreciation and understanding of her workload.
However, this soon breaks down if she is taken for granted or her
work is not appreciated.

I don’t get as involved at home as my wife. . . . It’s hard, I don’t

know how she copes.

If these families had a motto it would be: ‘Mum’s the Word.’

Frustrated feminists and doubtful dads

We were both fantastically naive and thought we could do the
lot. . . . At the time the big thing was for women to achieve what
men can achieve. We’ve both abandoned proper careers but still
work full time. . . . We haven’t really sorted it out.

Frustrated feminists grew up believing that their path to success was

to follow in men’s footsteps in the workplace. They have dedicated a
significant chunk of their life to their career, but as they have become
mothers have realised that there just isn’t enough time to have it all.
Their partners have found themselves in a similar position – they
grew up expecting that things would be simple with work and family
life easily balanced, but reality has proved much more complicated.
These couples had their first child in their 40s – by the time they
decided to start a family, they were probably older than they
anticipated. But this isn’t just about women. The decision to start a
family is generally a collaborative one and there are a lot of doubtful
dads out there and a growing number of men who are choosing their
bachelor pad over a family home.

Demos 37
The Other Glass Ceiling

These families have struggled to find satisfactory ways to balance

work and family life. On the one hand they are not able to dedicate as
much time or head space as they would like at work, while on the
other they feel that they are missing out on their children growing up.
They tried to have the best of both worlds, but have ended up with an
unhappy medium.

You’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t – there’s no

comfortable way to be a parent these days.

They are likely to be graduates who moved away from home to go to

university and have settled somewhere that is convenient for their job.
Their friends are scattered and they do not have the support of their
family close by. This set-up means that parents use a combination of
formal childcare, whether it’s nurseries and childminders or breakfast
clubs and after-school activities.

My wife wanted children a few years ago, but I kept pushing it

back. When she turned 40 I thought it would be unfair to leave it
any longer.

For the dads, the decision to delay fatherhood might be to do with

‘the right time’, but lack of confidence about what it means to embark
on fatherhood and what it means for dad’s identity may be a
contributing factor, too. Some of these dads talk about choosing to
spend more time at work over spending time with their families as
they either lack motivation or confidence to be further involved.

I kept handing over control but it kept on coming back.


One way these families are responding to the challenge of integrating

family life into a successful career is by setting up their own
businesses, whether that’s in childcare, marketing or consultancy.

38 Demos
Getting behind the front door

I enjoy my work and look forward to getting up and out. It

allows me to be me rather than just a housewife and full-time

Frustrated feminists would not be happy if their identity was fully

bound up in motherhood, and would never feel comfortable saying
‘I’m a full-time mum’.
But being a ‘career mum’ hasn’t worked for them either. Whether
it’s because of the attitude of their partner, their employer or that
their values have changed, they have not been able to find a successful
way of managing the allocation of parenting and working responsi-

If these families had a motto it would be: ‘If you can’t beat them, join

Domestic democracy
These families are an unusual breed and they know it. They are self-
conscious and considered and certainly wouldn’t describe themselves
as typical. They have found ways to balance the web of paid and
unpaid work that makes up family life by challenging traditional
divisions of labour in and out of the home.

I don’t think we’re a typical family, not the amount of stuff that
he does round the house. . . . We’re definitely unusual like that.

Both parents are probably in careers that they enjoy and do not want
to sacrifice. They may well have chosen flexible jobs or sought out
family-friendly corporations to make their aspirations a reality. These
families are likely to count their employers as a main source of family
Their childcare arrangements are likely to be very complex – a
jigsaw of nurseries, childminders, friends and family, flexible working

Demos 39
The Other Glass Ceiling

and part-time nannies. Although nannies are expensive they offer the
kind of flexibility than these families demand.

My husband deliberately doesn’t work five days a week; he looks

after our daughter on Wednesdays not because it’s a duty, but
because he really wants to.

With both parents working they are likely to miss out on most of the
benefits designed for people less well off than them, so feel that they
get a raw deal from the government. They may belong to groups of
parents who share childcare, or join clubs focused around particular
leisure activities and view these as alternative forms of support.
With both parents working one driver of negotiation will be time,
or lack of it. But this isn’t the only basis for their decision-making.
Domestically democratic parents will share a strong set of family
values; while they both want to work they also want to have an equal
input into family life. This shared understanding is something that
they look for and appreciate in each other.

We both want to be involved in family life and that’s domestic

tasks too. . . . We both want to do everything.

They are explicit in their negotiation and the sharing of domestic

tasks and responsibilities, and are expert in juggling household
chores, with childcare, work commitments and socialising. They also
share their parenting responsibilities equally, with dads in these
families as likely to be involved in the emotional side of parenting –
having private talks with children and helping with homework – as

It’s give and take, we support each other. . . . I’ve been through tough
times and she stood by me. . . . We work together. I’m in charge of
upstairs and she cleans downstairs, that’s just how it works.

40 Demos
Getting behind the front door

Becoming a domestically democratic family is no mean feat and

something that these families have worked long and hard to achieve.
This kind of balance often arises after a crisis where families have
been forced to challenge the way they do things or reassess their
priorities. In many cases the mother will have been the driver of
negotiation, challenging accepted roles and responsibilities.

When children came along our routines went up in smoke – now

it’s a rolling development, we get together and divide up the jobs
as they arise. . . . We always talk about it, but she starts the

The parents are likely to have a very honest and open relationship as
they operate through a constant round of negotiation, dialogue and
debate – this relationship between the parents may well be reflected in
the family as a whole, with them discussing big decisions such as
moving house or where to go on holiday with their children.

If these families had a motto it would be: ‘We’ve come a long way,

Everybody needs good neighbours

We’re very ‘average average’. We work normal hours, she works
part time locally and the children go to the local school and
nursery. . . . I love everything here, it’s all on our doorstep, that’s
really important, it’s all on our doorstep.

These families would describe themselves as ‘very typical’. Both

parents will characterise their work as jobs rather than careers. This
isn’t to say that work is not important, but that it is one factor in a
range of elements that makes their family tick. They live their lives
within narrow but comfortable horizons having little urge to break
out beyond what they know.

Demos 41
The Other Glass Ceiling

I don’t really like travelling, we don’t go away much. Even going

to Waterloo was scary, I thought I might get lost.

The parents are likely to have met locally and have a shared history or
strong personal identity in the local area. This shared background will
be an important source of strength in their relationship, and shape
their values as a family.

We share values about childrearing; what they eat, how we want

them to be educated, how they behave. . . . That comes from
similar upbringings, which makes life easier.

These families will have a tight-knit network of extended family close

by with whom they have lots of contact. They probably rely on their
family for childcare, valuing the relationships that their children
develop, as much as the practical and financial benefits of informal
care. They may have even moved to be close to a set of parents, or
never left the area in which they grew up.

I wouldn’t leave my mum; I’d have no babysitter and no family


However, these relationships go beyond practical support; their

family and community are likely to be a main source of emotional
support, a hub of knowledge and a source of learning.

I learnt everything from my mum – I lived at home with the first

one so we just sort of did it together.

They describe their neighbourhood as a place where people look out

for each other and would count the people who live close by as an

42 Demos
Getting behind the front door

important source of support, especially in an emergency. For single

parents, people who have moved away from their family, or parents
whose extended family live overseas this support is even more
important. For some single parents their extended family and local
community are a more consistent and trustworthy source of support
than their partner or the child’s dad.

My dad does night shifts so he can look after the little one – he’s
my saviour, I wouldn’t be able to do it without him.

But, it’s not just about having people nearby; it’s about having every-
thing nearby. These families are likely to shop and socialise locally.
The mum might be part of a coffee morning or attend a local play-
group and the dad might belong to the local football or rugby club.
They will try and send their children to local schools, within walking
distance if possible, and will prioritise meeting them at the school gate.

On this road everyone’s just like us, that’s why we moved here.

So for these families, the boundaries between those who live in their
household and those who are family are blurred – they see their
family as part of a richer network of support and loving relationships.
They are quick to talk about the help that they receive, but are as
likely to be the providers of that support.

If these families had a motto it would be: ‘You want to go where

everybody knows your name.’

Keep it in the family

We don’t get any support. . . . The rest of the family is a waste of
time . . . you have to do it for yourself, especially when times are
tough. Friends might be around but they don’t stay around for
long when you really need them.

Demos 43
The Other Glass Ceiling

These families see themselves as an independent unit, with clear-cut

boundaries around who’s in and who’s out. The way they organise
their family life feels relatively straightforward, as they are echoing
what their parents did. These families are traditional, with Mum as
homemaker and Dad as breadwinner. They have not questioned the
script of marriage, house and children; it just seems like a normal
progression. But the fact that they are traditional is not their defining
feature. It is their aggressive independence and the fact that they draw
strength from their isolation that characterises these families.

It’s how you were brought up isn’t it? I do with my kids as my

parents did with me.

The dad will see it as his responsibility to provide for his family and it
will be through this that he defines himself as a husband and a father.
Mum probably does not work, perhaps feeling that it has a
detrimental effect on family life – she will feel that her responsibility
lies in the home. This isn’t to say that these dads are not involved in
family life, quite the opposite. These families will value the
relationships within the family highly and will make a conscious
effort to talk about issues as a family, and eat together in the evenings.

I think it’s important to eat together, that’s their way of talking

to their dad, at the meal table.

These families probably stick to strict routines in terms of household

activities and tasks. Rather than being negotiated, the division of
labour will have developed naturally, based on their experiences of
family life, and was probably in place before the couple had children.
Although they are aware that other families do things differently, the
parents do not see any need for new ideas or different ways of doing
things. They fall back on tradition and familiar ideas as anchors in the
face of change.

44 Demos
Getting behind the front door

Household jobs are a woman’s job. He’s going to work full time,
bringing in money – everything else is a bonus. . . . It’s how my
parents did it. A man doesn’t need to come home to a house in a
mess and no dinner.

Typically, these families are resistant to outside help – why should

they do it differently from their parents who managed alone? This
resistance is often characterised by a distrust of outsourcing any
activities that are traditionally carried out in the home including
cooking, cleaning and childcare. For single parents the issue of trust
often goes deeper as they alone are responsible for maintaining their
family unit.

It’s worse for single people to find suitable childcare – it’s hard to
find people you trust.

If there is no alternative to both parents working, and they have to use

some form of childcare, these families are likely to use informal
childcare perhaps looking to their parents for some contribution.
Alternatively the mum may have joined the growing number of
mothers who, dissatisfied with the childcare options available, have
chosen to set up their own childminding business at home.
The independence that distinguishes their family unit will be
reflected in the strength of the relationships within the family. These
families are likely to see issues that arise in society not as something
that they are part of or have contributed to, but as issues that will
disrupt family life. Their home is the place that they bring up their
children – they will not see themselves as part of a community or
wider social process and will see any attempt to support them in their
role as parents as unwanted interference.

If these families had a motto it would be: ‘The family that eats
together stays together.’

Demos 45
The Other Glass Ceiling

What money can buy

We have someone living in for the children, and a cleaner as it’s
impossible with the kind of jobs we’ve got. . . . It’s given us our
lives back. Now I can focus on work, enjoy time away and time

These families have found a way to balance work and family life at a
price that most people can’t afford – by outsourcing their childcare,
cleaning and the day-to-day management of their family home. To
have enough money to do this, both parents probably work full-time,
although they might have taken the decision for one partner to stay
home if they have enough money from one wage to live comfortably.

As soon as we had surplus income we had choice for the first

time. . . . My partner has chosen to stay at home as a full-time
mum now – we decided that if we were going to have another
baby we wanted to do it properly.

But this is not about straightforward consumerism; time is a

commodity for these people as well. They feel a tension between
committing time to their jobs and their caring responsibilities – this
means that when they are at home they feel more tired, stressed and
preoccupied. In other words, it is quality-time that suffers, and it is
this that these families are trying to ‘buy’.
Many of them are older parents who may well have imagined that
they would have offspring in their 20s, but whose career, lifestyle or
failure to find ‘Mr or Miss Right’ has meant that they are trying to
juggle family life while reaching the pinnacle of their career. It is not
that these parents are totally career driven or work focused, but that
they aspire to and enjoy a certain life style that they are not willing to
sacrifice. Working for the quality of life to which they have become
accustomed, whether that’s a bigger house, holidays abroad or quality
time as a family or alone, is a priority.

46 Demos
Getting behind the front door

My parents were shocked when I went back to work, as I didn’t

really have to but I’m used to certain standards. . . . I’d probably
rather work part-time but it would be hard getting used to part-
time money!

But, unlike the ‘domestically democratic’ families, these families are

unlikely to count their employers as a source of support. In fact, for
some the work place culture in their organisations has led them to
buy in support rather than try to be flexible themselves.

My employer has family-friendly policies, but it’s just lip service.

The fact that I arranged to leave early to pick up my daughter
from nursery was mentioned twice in my appraisals before we
employed a live-in nanny.

These families will almost certainly have a cleaner, which resolves the
question of who is going to clean the cooker or vaccuum the lounge
after a long day in the office. They may also have a live-in nanny or
use private nurseries that offer a small ratio of adults to children and
provide detailed daily feedback on the emotional and physical
wellbeing of the child. Importantly, they also prioritise individual
learning and development of each child within a structured
environment, which fits in with the emphasis that these families place
on education and experience.

She’s getting more out of it than I could provide at home.


As MasterCard claims, ‘there are some things that money can’t buy’,
or in this context some things that people aren’t prepared to
outsource. Although these families buy their flexibility they see this as
a way of buying quality time as a family not about outsourcing

Demos 47
The Other Glass Ceiling

If these families had a motto it would be: ‘You can’t buy love, but for
everything else there’s MasterCard.’

The survivors
My thinking is, as long as they’ve got food in their tummies,
there’s food in the cupboards and everything’s clean and tidy
then we’re doing alright.

These families do whatever is necessary to care for and keep their

family going. Their priority is ensuring that the bills are paid and
there’s food on the table. They find different ways of sharing the
working and caring load to make this happen. For families where
there are two parents both will be employed, but many of these
families find themselves in jobs with few employment rights.

My first daughter was born at 22 weeks and was really poorly so

had to spend 6 months in hospital . . . but I had to work for the
first 6 weeks to get my maternity pay as I wasn’t entitled yet.

For dads this focus on money often results in very little choice about
their role in the family. Due to a myriad of factors including the pay
gap, job segregation and the high cost of childcare, dad is the primary

I felt crap going to work when Paul was very little. My wife was
exhausted and I knew the day ahead for her was going to be
pretty dull, but I also knew I had to earn.28

But he is unlikely to be the only breadwinner. These families find a

combination of shift work that maximises the amount of hours that
the parents can collectively contribute, with parents working a
number of shifts between them, or one parent doing a number of
jobs. It is not only children who are affected by this way of life.

48 Demos
Getting behind the front door

Between working and childcare, shifts and sleep, parents often see
very little of each other.

We don’t get to spend much time together. . . . We pass in the


However, finding ways to pay the bills isn’t as simple as working

longer hours. For many low-income families a second wage is negated
by the cost of childcare, which is typically £141 a week for nursery
care for a child under two, rising to nearly £200 per week in London.

There’s no incentive to work if your wages go straight to the


For lone parents the situation is even harder as they are caught
between wanting to provide financially for their children and also
wanting to be there for them. If they do go back to work they find
ways to balance work and childcare by relying on a variety of family
members, often grandparents, to help out.

Childcare and affordable childcare is really important. The

government is always saying go back to work. I feel as a mum
that I want to be there for my kids but also you have to provide
for them. Childcare is the most expensive thing – on a par with a

In these families, parents are likely to see their role hampered by a

lack of money, with the mortgage and childcare being the biggest
outgoings, although some will be eligible to claim back the majority
of their childcare costs through the childcare element of the Working
Tax Credit. However, many are either unaware of the support that is
available to them, or just miss out on it.
These families point to lack of financial resources as the main

Demos 49
The Other Glass Ceiling

barrier to their child not reaching his or her potential. This is not just
about money per se; it is also about finding the time and energy to
take part in sports or cultural activities even if they are free.

If these families had a motto it would be: ‘Getting by matters more

than getting on.’

Different folks, different strokes

This typology reflects the tenacity of family life in many different
forms. Whatever way families choose to divide up the tasks that make
up family life, it is busy, complicated and messy. Parents are
expending vast amounts of energy, passion and determination in
making their families work. And no matter how different these
families are, they are all striving to create the best possible environ-
ment they can for their kids.
A common theme across all these family types is the interaction
and relationship between paid work and unpaid work. Culturally,
after 50 years of consumerism and growing individualism, we are
placing greater emphasis on paid work than ever before. Yet unpaid
care work is central to most families’ experiences. How families
navigate this tension is predictably influenced by a set of external
drivers and trends that serve to limit the ways in which families are
able to organise their resources in order to bring up their children
and so create shared goods.
Families do not operate in isolation from the rest of society. What
they do impacts on society and the decisions about how they do it are
shaped by society. The rest of the report takes a look at patterns and
trends in paid and unpaid work, drawing both on our own research as
well as existing data. We explore how families view the relationship
between paid and unpaid work, before considering the extent to
which our seven family types really are free to make their own choices
about the best way of using their resources to create public value.

50 Demos
3. Paid work
What is productive?

The norm in modern traditional families is for both parents to work,

and to be working harder than ever before. This is not at the cost of their
children, but at the cost of their own time and time with their partner.
Men and women alike emphasise the equal importance of paid and
unpaid work to family life, but this parity remains unrecognised by
mainstream debate and policy formulation. A progressive politics for
families needs to keep productivity in perspective by shining a light on
the hidden value of the unpaid care that goes into raising future
generations. This unpaid work deserves equal prominence to questions
about making paid work better for parents in the debate about how to
best support families.

The meaning of paid work for families

The massive growth in women and mothers entering the labour force
is one of the most significant trends for the last 30 years. It means that
for most modern traditional families, a dual income model has
superseded the sole male breadwinner. Seventy per cent of couples
with dependent children both work; 53 per cent of women with
children under the age of five work, and 86 per cent of fathers work
full time.29
Since 1997 the Labour government has introduced a raft of
legislation to support working parents and help them get back into
the workplace: the minimum wage, enhanced maternity provision,

Demos 51
The Other Glass Ceiling

childcare and working family tax credits, higher child benefits and the
New Deal for Lone Parents.
Once parents are in the workplace, they now have greater rights:
the right to ask for flexible working if they have a child under six, the
right to ask for unpaid parental leave for parents of children under
five and unpaid time off to care for dependants, and the right to two
weeks’ paternity leave for fathers.30 When the Work and Families Bill
becomes law (expected in April 2007), women will have a right to
nine months’ paid and three months’ unpaid maternity leave; men
will have the right to three months’ paternity leave at statutory rate
provided the mother has returned to work; and the right to request
flexible working arrangements will be extended to carers.
For many parents, these changes have been a welcome and
important shift towards more family-friendly workplaces. But it has
not led to the hoped-for ‘win–win’ situation where all parents believe
they are able to combine employment with parenting successfully.
There is some evidence that parents – particularly those who are
highly educated31 – are beginning to view family life as an obstacle
to full participation in working life, rather than a life-changing and
lifelong activity. This is borne out in particular for women, for whom
motherhood reduces their earning potential. It is striking that while
the majority of male chief executive officers have children, the
majority of women in similar positions do not.
So there is an important contrast that needs to be drawn out,
between the long, slow and linear extension of existing support to
parents to enter (or re-enter) the labour force, and the degree of
exhaustion, imbalance, stress and exposure that people are
experiencing in seeking to combine work and childrearing.
In the stories that the families we spoke to told about their jobs,
many parents were at pains to differentiate themselves from ‘career
women’ or male breadwinners. Instead, paid work formed part of a
much wider set of activities parents carried out to raise their children.

He has a career, I just earn money.


52 Demos
Paid work

I’m trying to cut down on hours and weighing up what you get
out of it and what the kids get out of it.

People are not working because they ‘want to have it all’; most are
working because they have to. Nearly three-quarters of people
working full-time want to spend more time with their families, and
over a third of full-time and part-time workers are so exhausted when
they get home, all they can do is fall asleep on the sofa in the
evenings.32 The idea that work buys cleaners and live-in nannies is
only true for one in ten of the population.33

Stacking shelves or lego bricks?

Current approaches to work–life balance issues are predicated on the
assumption that getting people into paid work is always the best
option for families. It is true that paid work is the fastest route out of
poverty. However, it is also true that paid work for many people
doesn’t buy them choice; sometimes it doesn’t get them much past
poverty. Many families find that the difference between working and
paying for childcare and not working at all is almost negligible.
Women’s work is still overwhelmingly concentrated in low-paid, low-
status sectors: 75 per cent of working women have a job in one of the
five lowest paid sectors and four in every five part-time workers, 80
per cent of whom are women, work below their potential.34 So for
many parents, particularly mothers, the idea of going out to work for
the minimum wage, in order to pay for someone else to look after
their children, makes little or no sense:

If aliens came down to earth and saw mothers paying other

mothers to look after their children, they’d think we were mad.

There’s no incentive to work if your wages go straight to the


Demos 53
The Other Glass Ceiling

Many of the families we spoke to expressed frustration about the

lack of flexibility of available childcare.

The nursery is good, but it doesn’t fit in with my shifts. If I work

10am–1pm I have to pay for a morning and afternoon session –
on those days I may as well not work.

According to the Daycare Trust, there is currently one registered place

for every nine children under eight.35 The situation is worse in rural
and disadvantaged areas: for example, in one single regeneration
budget area, there was only one place per 27 children. Of the 6000 day
nurseries in England, there are a mere 240 that are ‘not for profit’.
Aside from being scarce, childcare is also expensive, despite
government commitments to creating a free childcare place for every
three- and four-year-old. Typically childcare costs £6000 for a family
with two children, more than is spent on food or housing. According
to the Daycare Trust’s 2005 childcare costs survey,36 the typical cost of
a full-time nursery place for a child under two is £141 a week in
England; that’s over £7300 a year, a rise of nearly 5.2 per cent since
2003 – three and a quarter times the rate of inflation. The current
average award through the childcare element of the Working Tax
Credit is £51.21 a week. There is no extra help for parents with three
or more children.

Static flexibility
That flexibility can be static seems like a contradiction in terms. But
for many of the families we met, that is exactly what it was. Families
have constantly evolving needs and often parents have to shift
between different patterns of work to respond to these needs.
Furthermore, flexibility was still unable to solve the familiar everyday
family problems. Part-time work is neither here nor there if a child
has a contagious illness.
For men in particular, the promise of flexible working rights has
not borne the fruits we might have hoped for. We know that currently

54 Demos
Paid work

Table 1. Who looks after your child if he or she is ill

and has to miss a day from school or nursery?

Fathers (%) Mothers (%)

I would take time off work 23 44

Child’s other parent would take time off work 30 3
I would, I do not work 13 33
Child’s other parent would, they do not work 16 1
Other family member 5 6
Organised formal childcare 2 1
Friend or neighbour 1 1
Other 4 2
No answer 2 5
Don’t know 3 4

Source: GfK NOP polling

women feel in a stronger position to ask for flexible arrangements

than men. Whereas 27 per cent of women are working flexibly, only
18 per cent of fathers are37 and men are more likely to have their
requests rejected by their employer (14 per cent of men compared
with 10 per cent of women).38 This flexibility is borne out in the
realities of family life – in our polling, 44 per cent of mothers say that
they would take time off if their child was ill; only 3 per cent said their
partners would do so (although 23 per cent of men claim they would)
(see table 1).39
This suggests that while the extension of support for parents to
return to work is a positive step, as a route to ever greater equality it is
also finite. A recent Joseph Rowntree Foundation report has claimed
that in less than 18 years, the assumptions in place currently for
ensuring that ‘work pays’ for lone parents will no longer stack up.40

Demos 55
The Other Glass Ceiling

The idea of flexible working is only one step towards a more

equitable and integrated approach to combining employment and
childrearing. For many parents, far from freeing them up to make the
best possible choices about how to raise their children, current
approaches to flexibility leave them teetering on the edge of extreme
stress much of the time.

Work intensification
For modern traditional families, it is now the norm that both parents
work. Not only are parents more likely to work, they are now working
harder than ever: working life has intensified. This trend is reflected
in a number of ways.
First, mothers are not only more likely to enter the labour market
now, they are also likely to enter (or return to it) sooner than ever
before. Sixty-seven per cent of mothers in 2001 returned to work
within one year of childbirth, compared with just 24 per cent in 1981.
The greatest increase in the employment rate over the last ten years
has been among mothers with children under four.41
Second, weekend working is a common feature of modern family
life. Four in ten families with dependent children, in which at least
one parent works, have a parent who regularly works at the weekend.
In single-parent families, it is 28 per cent. Weekend working is
predominantly associated with lower skills and self-employment.
Between 71 per cent and 80 per cent of these (depending on job
category) say they have no choice in the matter; it is a job
There is also evidence of a link between working very long hours
(over 48 hours a week) and working at the weekend – twice as many
working parents who worked at the weekend worked over 48 hours
per week than working parents who did not work weekends (27 per
cent compared with 12 per cent).43
Third, a sense of overwork is prevailing. Nearly a third of workers
now say that they have less time for their caring responsibilities than
they would like (compared with 21 per cent in 1992).44 Fifteen per
cent of the total workforce are dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with

56 Demos
Paid work

their jobs, and 61 per cent want to work fewer hours (split by gender,
this becomes 70 per cent of men and 52 per cent of women).

Relative values?
At the same time as people are working harder, as this report has
already noted, parents are also spending longer on childrearing
activities every day than ever before. So if people are working harder,
and spending more time on childcare, what gives? In a Netmums
survey, 75 per cent of mothers said that a ‘lack of time for me’ was a
source of stress in family life45 and when asked to name one thing
they would do more of if they had the time, physical exercise (32 per
cent of fathers and 30 per cent of mothers) and social life (13 per cent
of mothers and fathers) were the most popular.46 It seems that
parents are investing less time in either themselves or their own
relationships. Many of the families we spoke to were struck by how
little time they spent together as a couple when we asked them to keep
their diaries:

Some weeks it’s like we’re only passing like ships in the night.

It’s not your children who suffer, it’s your relationship . . . you
just become a pair of carers.

As parenting has become a more exclusive activity, so its cultural

significance seems to be on the move. David Buckingham argues that
as this process takes effect, ‘quality time’ becomes a kind of
commodity’ as our ‘What money can buy’ families have found.47 This
commodification of time and family activity is a further pattern
worth noting. It represents one way of dealing with the simultaneous
pressures of more work and a greater emphasis on childrearing for
parents, which we look at in more detail in the next section.

Demos 57
The Other Glass Ceiling

Overworking and outsourcing

Domestic service accounts for almost 10 per cent of the workforce,
and cleaners, nannies and gardeners combined now exceed the
numbers employed in accountancy, water and gas supply or the
railways.48 One in five families say that they employ someone to look
after their children.49 This outsourcing of the core role of modern
families – childrearing – has been satirised in the New Yorker, for
example, which carried a cartoon of an angry parent towering over
their child shouting: ‘Just wait until your nanny gets here.’50
Although nannies and home-based help are the preserve of the
wealthy, as more families have two working parents, they are having
to outsource at least elements of their weekly childcare routine. For
many families juggling jobs and children, this is the only way that
everything can be done within the limited time they have. The quality
of this childcare is of huge importance to families:

We have a really nice childminder – in fact it can be hard to get

my daughter out!

We’re very satisfied with our childminder. . . . She definitely

supports the family and I try to pick up tips from her!

We spent a long time looking for someone local and small. . . .

She’s really happy there.

Recent policy has prioritised choice for families. Parents are offered
subsidised childcare; there is a commitment to free childcare places
for all children aged three and four. A host of organisations like the
National Day Care Association are further extending the offer of
much-needed childcare options. As the comments above indicate, for
many families such childcare provides essential and valued support

58 Demos
Paid work

and opportunities for social interaction for children and parents

However, quality is as important as expansion when it comes to
childcare provision. Current fears about quality – compounded by
well-publicised research that argues formal childcare slows or
damages child development – mean that for many parents, such
childcare arrangements are not the ideal or preferred option.
Every survey that looks at parental attitudes to and demand for
childcare returns the finding that families prefer informal forms of
care – from friends and neighbours to extended family – over the
formal provision offered by childminders and nurseries. The next
most popular options are forms of childcare that take place within the
family home.51 The demand for this type of childcare is reflected in
the growth in salaries of nannies. In London nannies are now earning
a record £28,181, outstripping the pay of newly qualified nurses and
teachers.52 These preferences for childcare in the home have had little
influence on policy-makers, who continue to focus on expanding the
number of childcare places on offer at nurseries, children’s centres
and childminders, rather than thinking about alternative forms, or
how to improve the quality of existing childcare through training and
further funding.
Meanwhile, employers are beginning to expand our options for
outsourcing family life, taking them well beyond childcare. There has
been a rapid expansion in the ‘home life’ market over the last few
years. Many of these new services are being driven by employers keen
to find new ways of keeping their staff focused on the work in hand.
City firms will now sort out your drycleaning, house sale, holiday
plans and plumbing issues. Organisations like Accor claim to ‘satisfy
the employer’s need for greater efficiency, while showing greater
responsibility to the needs of the employee’.53
Although these kinds of outsourcing options are often limited to
the very well-off families, patterns across the rest of our lives reflect a
similar theme. Families may eat a ‘home-cooked’ meal more often
now than they did in 1961,54 but these meals are often ‘home-
assembled’ rather than cooked from scratch. As Arlie Russell

Demos 59
The Other Glass Ceiling

Hochschild has argued, there has been in shift in our personal

symbols from production to consumption. In other words, the value
of being a family now rests in eating the cake with your child on their
birthday, rather than baking the cake.55
Is this outsourcing of family life being done in the best interests of
children? Parental hesitation about many forms of childcare – and the
battle to find arrangements that they are confident in – suggest that it
is an option people take not out of choice but out of necessity.
Employers offering support to families are less interested in the
wellbeing of the children, and more interested in their own
Other families have decided that they cannot achieve the flexibility
or quality of life for their children by combining paid work with out-
sourcing. A growing number of families are, in Albert Hirschmann’s
words, choosing ‘exit as voice’.56 This strategy is explored more in the
next section.

Doing it for themselves: exit as voice

For many people – the mothers in particular – that we spoke to, the
options that are available in the workplace are simply not good
enough and growing numbers are reaching the conclusion that they
cannot achieve the kind of balance they seek between paid and
unpaid work within organisations. Through challenging the
categories of career woman or stay-at-home mums, women are
finding their own ways of integrating work and life in order to meet
their own needs and ambitions.

I was earning money for me, it was time outside the home but it
fitted in at home.

Two patterns underline this search for integration. First, the

expansion of jobs relating to childcare provision has led to a growth
in the idea of mums as childcare professionals. Most childminders are
women with young children of their own, enabling them to combine

60 Demos
Paid work

paid self-employment with staying at home.57 Women are training for

NVQs in childcare, having some kind of professional involvement in
Sure Start or their child’s nursery, and playing an active role in their
child’s school. For many women working at the place where their
child is also being looked after resolves the tensions and demands of
being a working mum; 97.5 per cent of the childcare workforce and
87 per cent of primary and nursery teachers are female.58

I shifted into being a childminder when I had a child, so that I

could stay at home. I feel I made the choice to have a child, and I
needed to be responsible to adjust my life so the child’s needs
were met properly. I’m still a childminder . . . it’s very
demanding but it’s also satisfying because I can see both the
mum and the child are thriving, secure and happy.

Second, as this comment indicates, a growing number of women are

opting for self-employment and run micro-businesses out of their
homes. In a Joseph Rowntree Foundation study of families com-
bining self-employment and family life, almost half the mothers
interviewed (47 per cent) had chosen self-employment mainly for
childcare reasons, compared with a small minority of fathers (6 per
cent).59 Although overall women are less likely than men to be in self-
employment (6.5 per cent of all working-age women in employment
are self-employed compared with 15 per cent of all working-age men
in employment), the rate of female self-employment has more than
doubled over the last 20 years. Women start up one-third of new
businesses and own 13 per cent of all businesses – the majority of
these women are aged over 35. Many have family commitments; just
under half have children aged 16 or under and one-fifth have a child
under the age of five.60

I don’t want to be working for people for the rest of my life; I

want to work for myself.

Demos 61
The Other Glass Ceiling

‘Hard-working’ families?
In the 1970s, EF Schumacher wrote about the dangers of treating the
planet’s resources as infinite when in fact they are finite. He was
uncomfortable with the unerring focus on growth, productivity and
consumption, arguing that ‘the GNP may rise rapidly: as measured by
statisticians, but not as experienced by actual people, who find
themselves oppressed by increasing frustration, alienation, insecurity
and so on’.61
There is evidence that Schumacher’s argument is ringing true for
families in 2006. As the male breadwinner model has evolved into
families characterised by dual income households, parents are facing
a time squeeze that makes the challenge of combining productive and
reproductive work ever greater. The parity parents accord to paid
work and unpaid work is not reflected in the public debates about
work–life balance, which still focus too heavily on employment and
workplace reforms. While work will continue to be a vital part of
most people’s identities, failing to recognise the equal importance of
bringing up the next generation will limit the extent to which it is
possible to value and strengthen the capacity of families to raise
Creating the most appropriate support for hard-working families
must rest at least in part on what they believe to be the best way of
enhancing their children’s outcomes, rather than a single-minded, but
also myopic, focus on the goal of increasing participation in the
labour market.
The domestic politics of parenting starts with the importance of
this dual emphasis on employment and family life that we
encountered during our research. Progressive approaches to family
policy will need to right the balance of current debates by shining a
light on the hidden value of the unpaid care that forms an essential
part of everyday family life. It is this unpaid care, and its distribution
between family members, that the next chapter focuses on.

62 Demos
4. Mum’s the word
The other glass ceiling

Women continue to take greater responsibility than men for family and
home life. Although gendered roles within the home are normalised by
parents, they are in fact the product of a wider set of cultural, social and
institutional patterns that individual families find impossible to
overcome. These patterns thwart the desires of women, and increasingly
men, to allocate family resources in a more negotiated and equitable
way. The challenge remains to find ways of ensuring that it is children’s
outcomes and the public value created by family life that drive the
distribution of family activity, rather than these entrenched gendered

The dual earner model is now so common that is feels part of a

normal description of family life. In the last chapter we explored the
place of paid work in the family and argued that there is currently a
gap between how parents understand that place, and the way that
government conceives of the relationship between paid work and
In arguing that families see paid work as an integral part of family
life – rather than seeing parenthood as an obstacle to be surmounted
in order to participate in the labour market – it is impossible to miss
the gendered dynamics of both paid and unpaid work in family life.
That is what this chapter looks at.
Women currently shoulder a disproportionate amount of the

Demos 63
The Other Glass Ceiling

burden for ensuring that their families are creating the public value
discussed in chapter 1 of this pamphlet. They take greater
responsibility for looking after children, managing the household,
maintaining social networks of extended family or friends.
The significance of this – the other glass ceiling – risks being lost in
the familiarity of the assertion. Noting that women still do the double
shift is almost a truism. Yet what it represents is no less significant
than the barriers to advancement women continue to experience in
the workplace.
Talking to families underlines the dynamic interchange between the
resistant social and cultural realities of gendered labour patterns and
the allocation of unpaid labour in the home. This chapter explores
this in greater depth. Our research indicates that families themselves
are increasingly aware of how gender politics are limiting the scope of
choices they can make in bringing up their families; but this
awareness has proved almost impossible to translate into action when
faced with the systemic nature of gender inequality.

How high is the ceiling?

Survey after survey has confirmed the existence of the glass ceiling in
the home. The most recent Time Use survey published by the Equal
Opportunities Commission shows that on weekdays mothers spend
three times as much time on everyday household tasks as fathers, and
twice as much time at the weekend.62 Women are over 3.5 times as
likely as men to say they did the majority of household tasks, and over
12 times as likely to strongly agree they do most of the childcare.63
Men, if they do help with the family, are more likely to get involved in
activities that are more occasional and focused on achieving a specific
goal, for example, gardening, car-cleaning or DIY – 49 per cent of
men spend at least two hours a week doing DIY, compared with just
25 per cent of women.64 Women on the other hand reported that they
were more likely to manage the everyday activities such as bathing
children, vaccuuming, cooking and washing.
This distribution of chores seems to be set from childhood. Data
collected for NOP Family and the Equal Opportunities Commission

64 Demos
Mum’s the word

Table 2. Other than learning at school, which of the

following do you consider as learning with your child?

Fathers (%) Mothers (%)

Watching TV together 44 39
Reading together 76 76
Shopping 26 32
Playing sport 56 39
Cooking and other home activities 48 68
Visiting friends and family 44 43
Other 2 4
None 3 7
Don’t Know 2 2

Source: GfK NOP polling

shows that the chores that young people do in the home are already
clearly gendered and reflect the tasks that men and women complete
in the home. Girls do chores more regularly than boys and where
boys do help out they only scored higher than girls in mowing the
lawn and gardening, cleaning the car and DIY.65

My partner does help; I think he’s exceptional. But of course

there are some things he doesn’t do; he won’t do cooking,
washing and ironing.

I’m happy with how we do things here; it’s how it’s been since we
were married – he’s happy to take the rubbish out and I don’t
want to.

Demos 65
The Other Glass Ceiling

This gender difference is reflected in the attitudes of mums and dads

towards learning. According to polling carried out as part of this
project by GfK NOP, men are much more likely to regard playing
sport with their child as a learning activity compared with women
(56% of men compared with 39% of women). Conversely, women are
more likely to regard cooking and home activities with their child as a
form of learning (68% of women compared with only 48% of men)
(see table 2).

Attitudes are as important as activities

The glass ceiling at home is as much about attitudes as it is about
activities and how they are allocated. Even where parents proudly
share all unpaid work activities absolutely equally (one family we met
had divided their house in half and each partner took responsibility
for everything in their half), family life across Britain is still shaped by
a sense that women are the ones holding everything together. Women
are taking a proactive role in creating the family that goes far deeper
than allocation of activities.
I just do what I need to as I go along.
I don’t not do it.
I’m a willing but passive participant . . . I just don’t look forward
and see the challenges in the same way, but that doesn’t mean
I’m not interested.
I feel the whole weight of the family rests on my shoulders, even
though my partner does a lot.

In particular this difference in mindset is reflected by the fact that

women carry almost all of the responsibility for maintaining the links
between the family and the wider world. Women buy the birthday

66 Demos
Mum’s the word

cards and presents. They visit the school and develop relationships
with other mums in the local area. They shop for clothes for their
children and know when it’s time for new shoes. They find the
babysitter and they make the shopping list, even if they don’t actually
do the shopping.
For some women, the attitude of their partners is at the heart of
the continued existence of the glass ceiling at home.

I prefer to stay at work till 6; if I get in earlier I’d need to help

with the kids. I feel like I’ve already done a whole day’s work and
I don’t fancy starting again.

His idea was that the woman looked after the children and he
had a brilliant social life!

He has no idea about cooking, if I’m out at teatime the kids

won’t have been fed.

The assumption is that it’s the woman’s fault if the house is

untidy, even when I don’t create the mess. . . . I’ve tried to rebel
against that but I’ve just ended up picking everything up.

These men are likely to be among the 20 per cent of men agreeing or
strongly agreeing that the husband should earn, and the wife should
stay at home.66 But male attitudes alone are not enough to explain
why, despite huge changes in working patterns and broader cultural
shifts around equality and women’s rights, the modern family model
is still based on some very gender-specific roles which locate most
women’s identities primarily in the home and family.

Demos 67
The Other Glass Ceiling

Boys will be boys and girls will be girls

Given the mainstreaming of feminism and equality debates since the
introduction of sex discrimination legislation, there is surprisingly
little anger or resentment about the glass ceiling in the home. Men
and women alike argue that their household arrangements are the
product of a set of individual choices and natural gender differences
rather than any broader societal patterns of discrimination and
gender stereotyping. There is a pragmatism to family life and gender
roles: a sense that life’s complicated enough without fighting about
whose turn it is to change a light bulb.

There are boy and girl jobs – that’s just the way it is.

We didn’t mean to become stereotypical.


The majority of people, men and women, are ‘literate’ in sex dis-
crimination in the workplace. There is a consensus that women
should have equal rights at work, and that if a woman is not
promoted appropriately or treated respectfully this is the effect of
sexist attitudes and discrimination. Yet debates about equality, sexism
and discrimination stop as the front door closes. Once at home,
gender differences suddenly become the product of intrinsic or
‘natural’ gender roles. The fact that, despite working more, women
continue to take responsibility for family life is not described in terms
of inequality.

Household jobs are a woman’s job. He’s going to work, working

full-time, bringing in money – everything else is a bonus.

Men can look after kids – but women do it better.


68 Demos
Mum’s the word

Women – like our ‘art of motherhood’ family type – are as likely as

men to share these views. Rather than raging against discrimination
or fighting for a more equal distribution of responsibility in the
family, women are quite playful about men and their ineptitude
around the house. So when he tidies, he just flings everything in the
cupboard, when he tries to cook she ends up sorting out the mess,
when he does the washing he forgets to separate out the whites and
the colours. The idea of men organising birthday parties, remember-
ing anniversaries or knowing what the store cupboard basics are was
met with gentle teasing in our research.

I just do everything myself because he doesn’t do it properly, and I

have to do it all over again. You just end up going round in circles.

These kinds of attitudes reflect the complexity of women’s feelings

about their identity and their family. Many women simultaneously
feel frustrated by the lack of support from their partners, and quite
possessive of the family space as a site of agency and personal identity.

I find myself trying to control everybody’s lives. . . . I’m a bit of a

I’m there and I’m in touch. . . . I’m a well-known figure around
the school.
I’m a bit of a control freak – there was a time when I had to step
back – and he had to step in – you can allow somebody else not
to come in.

The art of negotiation

Despite these seemingly entrenched attitudes and values around
mother and fatherhood, it was clear from our research that parents

Demos 69
The Other Glass Ceiling

did not always feel comfortable with the distribution of domestic

tasks. Women were often nervous when they realised it looked like
they were doing it all.

It looks so sexist but we don’t live a sexist life, it’s just easier like
When you’re in a relationship and you’re working together it’s ok
but if it’s one-sided it’s really hard. If you’re sharing its much

And men were defensive about the arrangements in their households.

They were keen to underline their willingness to contribute to the
family in other ways, and their aspiration to take on more of the

We did think about me staying at home but we never really

firmed it up.
I would love to stay at home and look after my daughter, but we
couldn’t live on my wife’s wage.

But in the families where this discomfort had led to explicit negotia-
tion as an attempt to find a way to distribute paid and unpaid work,
they faced social, cultural and institutional barriers to sharing the
caring load.

The people who are bending over backwards to make it work

aren’t the employers, it’s the parents.

A quiet revolution?
The work–life balance debate has in part struggled to evolve due to

70 Demos
Mum’s the word

some of the gendered assumptions that underpin it. These

assumptions serve to maintain the divide between family roles of
both men and women. First, by saying ‘parents’ and meaning
‘mothers’; and second, by assuming that the only people who are
trapped are those who are stuck at home and not in paid work. Yet
men and women alike talked about the levels of stress associated with
being the main or sole breadwinner in the family.

When I lost my job and my partner was pregnant, I felt really

stressed; I felt more vulnerable because I felt it was my role to
look after and support my family.

I became the breadwinner for a while . . . it was horrendous, very

stressful just thinking about money all the time.

Without wishing to undermine the very real and serious gender

discrimination that women still experience, a vital part of finding
new ways of seeing debates about family life is to look afresh at
fathers and fatherhood. There is a ‘quiet revolution’ among men.
Fathers – particularly younger men – are expressing a greater
aspiration to be more involved in family life. Equal Opportunities
Commission research suggests that eight of ten fathers want to spend
more time with their children. Many men, as well as women, report a
desire to work less, and express regret about not seeing enough of
their family. Ten per cent of the male workforce (compared with 19
per cent of the female workforce) have requested flexible working
practices in the last two years – a massive increase on previous
figures.67 We heard comments from mothers and fathers to support
these findings:

I quit my job because I wouldn’t have a family life – and that’s

more important.

Demos 71
The Other Glass Ceiling

He takes Wednesday off – not because he has to but because he

wants to look after our daughter as well.

Gender equality cannot mean gender equality only in public life. As

this report argues, public and private lives are inextricably linked at
the level of the family and on this basis there has to be a renewed
search for how to create greater gender equality in the private sphere
of the family.
However, this is not about finding a universal solution to
inequality; nor is it necessarily about finding new ways of enabling
women to behave more like the traditional male breadwinner whose
identity is heavily vested in his working life. As the last chapter
indicated, families are beginning to question the desirability of this
Instead, the focus needs to be on understanding, and tackling, the
factors that serve to constrain families from making what they feel are
the best possible decisions for their children’s life chances. All too
often men reported that attitudes to men in work mitigated against
their ability to turn their aspirations to be more engaged parents into

Employers don’t care and don’t understand – they’re just

interested in hitting targets.
They just play lip service to family life; they don’t really care as
long as they get 20 hours a day out of you.

That said, even with the most flexible employment practices and
understanding employers possible, the odds of fathers taking on an
equal share of the unpaid workload are still stacked against them.
Many fathers express concerns about ‘getting it wrong’. Parenting
classes and services are designed overwhelmingly on the basis of the
mother being the primary carer.

72 Demos
Mum’s the word

He thinks he can’t do something. . . . He does lack confidence

about being a good dad.

So there remains a lonely quality to many active fathers’ experiences.

This is hardly surprising – there are less than 200,000 stay-at-home
dads in the UK and although this figure is rising it is not doing so
exponentially. Fathers report feelings of exclusion, of ‘being treated as
an outsider’ by schools, coffee groups and parent support services.
In all of the families that we spoke to there was a real sense that the
distribution of the unpaid workload was up for debate, but for many
this was aspirational and not played out in their behaviour. A
significant contributing factor to prevent aspirations translating into
action remains the gendered nature of participation in the labour

Gender politics: the interaction between paid and

unpaid work
Despite the tendency of parents to normalise their own experiences
and see the division of gender roles as natural, there are some familiar
social, cultural and institutional factors that serve to constrain the
extent to which families can genuinely ‘choose’ how best to share the
organisation of family life. These factors, which have been written
about in greater depth elsewhere, make it easy to default to a ‘modern
traditional’ family in its many forms.

Discrimination at work
While more women are working, and working longer hours, they are
still losing out in the workplace in a number of ways. Women are far
more likely to work part-time than men; 80 per cent of part-time
workers are women, and 80 per cent of them are working below their
potential. Women’s work is also lower paid. The pay gap for part-time
women when compared with full-time men is 38.5 per cent, and 27
per cent when compared with a full-time woman. This has hardly
gone down since 1975 when the gap was 41.6 per cent. The pay gap

Demos 73
The Other Glass Ceiling

for full-time women when compared with full-time men remains

stubbornly at 18 per cent, having risen slightly in the last four years.
Women’s median weekly income in 2002/03 was £154 compared with
men whose weekly income was £288.68
Women are also less likely to be found in the boardroom making
up just 8.3 per cent of top judges, 18 per cent of MPs, 30.5 per cent of
secondary school heads, 12.4 per cent of local authority chief
executives. While there has been an increase in the number of FTSE
100 companies with women directors to 78, only 11 of those have
female board members holding executive positions and 22 of the top
FTSE 100 companies have no women on their boards at all.69 A
depressing 30,000 women a year still lose their jobs because they are
pregnant, and half of all pregnant women will experience some form
of discrimination. Women returning to work after starting a family
are around 40 per cent less likely than the average white, able-bodied
man to be offered a post.70

Skills deficit
Focusing on the pay gap often obscures an equally significant pattern
in paid work. ‘Jobs for the boys and jobs for the girls’ remains a
powerful description of the labour market. Women are found
overwhelmingly in five areas – cleaning, catering, care work, clerical
jobs and check-out workers. Four-fifths of skilled tradespeople and
machine operators are male and four-fifths of administrative and
secretarial staff are female. This is a pattern that is likely to continue
given that of the people studying for Modern Apprenticeships women
comprise 97.5 per cent of those in early years and education, and 87.7
per cent in health and social care, compared with 0.6 per cent of those
studying plumbing at this level. The greater the number of women
participating in a sector, the lower the pay.
Women often go into jobs that traditionally offer flexibility
whether in shiftwork, part-time or term-time working: 88 per cent of
nurses, care assistants and home carers; 80 per cent of cleaners and
domestics; and 77 per cent of retail cashiers and check-out staff are

74 Demos
Mum’s the word

Inflexible employment practices

Although there are undoubtedly more flexible working options in
some sectors than there have been, flexibility still varies by levels of
seniority and sector. Despite pockets of excellent or promising
practice, the wider story remains centred on the ongoing inflexibility
of employment practices overall.
This rigidity makes it especially hard for men to be at home: 95 per
cent of firms provide bereavement leave, but just 65 per cent offer
paternity leave.72 While two in three companies currently offer paid
paternity leave, the average length of leave taken is around three days.
From April 2003 fathers were entitled to two weeks’ paternity leave
paid at the Statutory Maternity rate of £100 a week. However, initial
monitoring of the new provision suggests that rates of uptake are
lower than expected: only 19 per cent of new fathers took statutory
paid paternity leave in the first year after the entitlement was
When men want to make longer-term changes to their working
practices, they are more likely than women to be rejected – one in
seven men compared with one in ten women have their application
for flexible working rejected completely by their employer.74 We
begrudgingly let Ruth Kelly clock off at 6pm and leave for home
without the ministerial red box, but the fact remains that if a male
minister did this it would still be complete anathema. The day we
celebrate a woman – let alone a man – opting to work flexibly is still a
long way off.

Children’s needs versus gender politics

All of these factors mean that when it comes to making choices about
who does what in family life, more often than not women will end up
taking a disproportionate amount of responsibility, while men will
struggle to shift out of a pattern of full-time work towards a more
integrated approach to family and career.
That factors like these, rather than necessarily what’s best for
children, are driving the ways in which families organise paid and

Demos 75
The Other Glass Ceiling

unpaid work should be a cause for concern. Families that operate

in the children’s interests are also operating in the interests of society
as a whole.
The question is how can families be better supported in co-
producing the public value they create? And how can families
themselves – rather than existing legacies of inequality and culture –
determine how to allocate their resources to maximum effect? Far
from endorsing a single family type that is seen to be ‘better’ at
childrearing than other formations, these questions demand a
renewed focus on how support can be designed that deals with a
range – and indeed proliferation – of working family arrangements.

76 Demos
5. Public value, private

We are expecting families to bring up their children with less and less
support, informal and formal, from civil society and the state. At the
same time parents are feeling under greater pressure to be perfect
parents. This has led to a stalemate: parents are stressed and lonely; the
state is wary of intervening in the subtle dynamics of family life. Yet
there are gains to be won for family, state and civil society if the
relationships between these elements of the social fabric are
strengthened. The challenge rests in casting the relationship in such a
way that privacy is respected, but not at the expense of the best possible
approach to maximising children’s outcomes.

How families organise themselves to bring up their children is of

critical importance. It not only has an impact on the individual life
chances of each of those children, but also on society more generally.
Families are the sites of children’s first lessons in negotiation, rights
and responsibilities. So, far from being a ‘haven in a heartless world’,75
families are vital sites of production – where the value they are
seeking to create relates to the ‘good society’ as well as to those
individuals within the family.
What is clear from the typology outlined in chapter 2 is that the
vast majority of families are working hard to organise themselves in
order to give their children the best possible start in life. But they are
doing so in a context where the choices people feel able to make are

Demos 77
The Other Glass Ceiling

frequently constrained by a host of factors that lie beyond the

immediate locus of the family.
These systemic and institutional factors matter. They have a
powerful influence on the extent to which families can organise
themselves to genuinely meet the needs of their children. The last two
chapters have focused on two of the factors that limit the degree of
freedom families feel they have in creating public value: first, the
conceptualisation of ‘support’ in the context of a hierarchy of activity
where paid work is at the pinnacle; and, second, the gender dynamics
at play in the interaction between paid and unpaid work.
In this chapter, we argue that there is a third layer of complexity
that prevents families from necessarily being able to bring up their
children in order to maximise their life chances. This is the increasing
isolation and segregation of family life. It is played out both in how
families relate informally to the communities in which they live, and
in how the state currently casts its relationship to families.

Decline in trust and social bonds

Nobody has ever before asked the nuclear family to live all by
itself in a box the way we do. With no relatives, no support, we’ve
put it in an impossible situation.
Margaret Mead76

Families are working to create shared goods in the context of

increasing isolation and lack of surrounding support. Despite being a
relatively content and affluent society, the signs are that mutual
support and neighbourliness have declined in the UK. Longer
working hours and greater mobility have no doubt contributed to this
decline, demonstrated by the fact that a mere 29 per cent of the
population believe now that other people could generally ‘be trusted’.
In the late 1950s this figure stood at 60 per cent; even at the start of
the 1980s, it was at 44 per cent.77 Another Demos report looking at
informal social bonds on mixed-tenure estates found that only 15 per
cent of respondents got to know fellow residents at local shops, and
just 7 per cent did so at the local pub. Even the primary school, often

78 Demos
Public value, private responsibility?

seen as the institution that holds together many social bonds,

succeeded in introducing only a third of parents to each other.78
The transformation of women’s lives over the last 50 years,
compounded by increased geographic mobility, has also had a
profound impact on the nature of the informal support families have
to draw on in producing these shared goods. In the 1950s, Peter
Townsend calculated that three out of five older people in Bethnal
Green belonged to ‘three-generational extended families’ – either by
living with children and grandchildren, or by seeing them every day.
Three decades later, the British Social Attitudes survey of 1998 found
a mere 2 per cent of grandparents living in such households.79 While
our ‘everybody needs good neighbours’ families place huge emphasis
on the importance of locally based networks of extended families, this
is not the general spatial and geographic trend in modern British
family life.

Segregation of families and non-families

This decline in informal support has been accompanied by a wider
cultural shift in how we see families and, in particular, other people’s
children.80 Families are becoming not only more specialised – they
are focused far more on childrearing than they were – but also more
segregated from wider society. As Mary Crowley, chief executive of
the Parenting Education and Support Forum said, ‘for most women
today, the first baby they hold is their own’.81
We don’t like the children of our acquaintances: 57 per cent of us
called them ‘attention seeking’ and 54 per cent of us called them
‘spoilt’.82 Public spaces and shared places are not designed to
accommodate those with and without children together. Fears of
paedophilia and of ‘yobs’ lacking respect have driven the creation of
zoned spaces into which children are shunted, in the interests of
either safety or containment. Housing developments – particularly in
urban areas – focus on either family accommodation or on
apartments for young affluent individuals or child-free couples.
Attitudes to children in public spaces can be summed up by this
comment, made by a restaurant owner:

Demos 79
The Other Glass Ceiling

Children are very welcome as long as they do not cry or shout

and if any other customers complain they will have to be

This is an example of a wider sense that it is socially acceptable to

reject families from public spaces or at the very least to segregate
those with children from others without them.
As we argued in chapter 1, one of the results of this separation
between families and wider society is that families feel that they are
more responsible than ever for creating positive family environments
by themselves, in the absence of supportive networks and state

Paranoid parents
The weight of responsibility for producing public goods rests too
heavily with families, rather than wider society. Parents are feeling
under greater pressure to bring up their children ‘in the right way’ at
the same time as feeling more alone. For example, 42 per cent of
parents now report feeling responsible for ensuring that their child
succeeds – five times as many as those who saw their child’s success or
failure as being the result of an unfair society.84 People are worried
about ‘getting it wrong’ in the context of ever more ‘evidence’ about
what constitutes perfect parenting:

No one teaches you how to look after a baby, just basic stuff
about how to change a nappy and make milk formula. For some
people this just sort of comes naturally, but for others it couldn’t
be further from the truth.
All this health stuff – like Jamie’s Dinners – is stressful . . . I want
to do my best for the boys; I’ve bought his book so I know what to

The levels of concern that people report about their family life are far

80 Demos
Public value, private responsibility?

higher than their concerns about the health service or crime in their
local area. Children’s spare time is now more likely to be spent in the
home watching television or playing video games, as parents feel that
keeping their kids inside the house, supervised, keeps them safe. In
one survey, 66 per cent of parents agreed that children spend too
much time at home because of safety issues.85
So families are retreating into themselves. There are strong
indications that parents specifically have begun to feel the pressure of
creating successful families in the context of declining informal
support and growing isolation. It is estimated that 16 per cent of
parents have mental health problems.86 The number of people feeling
lonely has risen sharply in recent years: nearly half of all calls by
parents to Parentline Plus cite isolation and loneliness as
‘key concerns’.87 According to Young Minds, these feelings are two of
the most significant factors in making parenting difficult.88 The
figures for parents suffering from mental health problems can
effectively be doubled (or more) as their conditions affect family
members too.89
Specifically, levels of postnatal depression have been growing in
recent years. In a survey conducted by Netmums, 52 per cent of
mothers said they have suffered or feel that they may have suffered
postnatal depression, whether it was diagnosed or not. The results for
diagnosed postnatal depression were considerably lower at 27 per
cent but even this is a significant rise from figures for the 1970s,
which show that 11 per cent of mums were diagnosed.90 Forty-two
per cent of mothers felt that loneliness and boredom was one of the
key factors that affected them.

The state and families

It was 100 years ago, during the radical New Liberal administration of
1906, that the state tentatively began to impose on family life. The
aftermath of the Boer War revealed a shockingly high proportion of
the population was living in real poverty. A growing school of
thought argued that this poverty was less an individual, moral or
familial issue, and more a burden on and cost to society. In these

Demos 81
The Other Glass Ceiling

terms, groups like the National Efficiency Movement, and thinkers

such as JA Hobson, Sidney and Beatrice Webb and Joseph Rowntree,
argued that the state had a responsibility and indeed a degree of self-
interest in taking measures to alleviate the abject conditions in which
large numbers of the population were living.
It was during this administration that the state began to reach into
the heart of family life. Compulsory vaccinations, dental inspections
and free school meals were introduced as measures that reflected the
importance to society of healthy children, and the acknowledgement
that some families were unable to create the shared good of future
generations unaided.
Since this time, the state and families have had a complex
relationship. At various points in the last 100 years politicians have
attempted to regulate families and halt the perceived move away from
solid, secure family units made up of children and two parents bound
together through marriage. These have rarely been successful. Marie
Stopes campaigned on birth control in the hope that the working
class would be encouraged to limit the number of children they had,
but instead family planning became the preserve of the middle
classes. John Major’s ‘back to basics’ campaign was met with glee by
journalists, who used it to expose how untypical most cabinet
members’ families were. It seems that families have a predictable habit
of doing things their way, whatever the politicians say.
More recently, moral exhortations about families have become less
acceptable. Families have been held up as the ultimate private sphere,
the one part of people’s lives where interventions are not welcome.
Politicians fear being accused of meddling, of creating an overbearing
state where people cannot escape interventions even in the comfort of
their own homes.
This nervousness about intervening in the private and sacred
sphere, combined with the belief that parents are solely responsible
for their children’s outcomes, has driven a particular approach by this
government. It is an approach where a family needs to be in real crisis
before the state is able to intervene legitimately. The tragic death of
Victoria Climbié demonstrates how bad things have to get before

82 Demos
Public value, private responsibility?

state interventions put children’s welfare before the parents’ right to

This question – about the point at which the rights of children
supersede the rights of parents to a family life – is one that needs to
dominate debates about families and public value in coming years. It
is a complex and controversial set of issues, beset by inconsistencies in
both the legal framework of children’s rights, and in the professional
mores of people working with families across different public
services.91 It is not an issue we can tackle with sufficient depth in this
For now what is important to note is the fact that the state appears
in many cases to be more nervous of intervening in family life than
the families themselves are. The introduction of parenting classes for
families where the child has been issued an Anti-Social Behaviour
Order was controversial. Yet many parents who have attended these
classes simply express relief – and regret that it took some kind of
‘crisis’ to trigger the support for which they had been asking for a
number of years.
Recent research by the Equal Opportunities Commission indicates
that families themselves expect the state to play a role in supporting
family life. Respondents suggested that politicians talking about
family issues stood a good chance of winning more votes, and people
consistently report higher concerns about their family life than they
do about the state of local health services or crime figures.
Perceptions that the state and politicians are not interested in
supporting family life cause anger, frustration and resentment:

There’s no financial reason to stay together as a family, you’re

better off as a single mum [the benefits system] encourages
people to split up.

They don’t encourage you to be a family at all, they punish you

for it.

Demos 83
The Other Glass Ceiling

People see their families as vitally important parts of their lives. They
expect this to be recognised in political discourse; but they also expect
to be respected as experts in childrearing and their own family’s
It is right that government is wary when it comes to attempts to
shape the subtle dynamics that make up everyday family life. But this
is not the same as ruling out any relationship between state and
family at all. As we have argued in this pamphlet, families can be
characterised as groups of people working together to produce shared
or public goods. As such, there is a collective interest in what goes on
in families that legitimates and indeed necessitates some kind of
relationship between state, civil society and families.
Chapter 1 explored this argument in more detail. The point is that
parents cannot always know what is best for children – not only their
own, but other people’s – nor can they necessarily tackle the demands
of family life alone. The range of external factors that determine
family decisions about the allocation of labour indicates that, at the
very least, there is a role for the state in working with parents to
ameliorate some of the constraints imposed by these factors on
decisions about how to balance work and home life. The place of the
state is less about moralising around family structures, and far more
about how we can genuinely value and recognise the importance of
what families do for all of us.
In the final chapter, we take the arguments of this pamphlet and
begin to make some recommendations about the future direction we
believe the work–life balance debate needs to take. These
recommendations consider how support can be designed for all
families, whatever their ‘type’, as producers of public goods. We
consider how such support can be focused on building childrearing
capacity, through helping families to make their own decisions –
rather than external factors driving these choices – about how they go
about producing these goods.

84 Demos
6. Opening up the scripts
of family life

This report has told the story of everyday family life, and has made
the case for understanding families through the lens of ‘public value’.
What families do matters, not only to the children growing up in
them, but to everyone. Bringing up the future generation is as
important as being a productive citizen. Finding ways of recognising
the value created within families, and supporting and enhancing it, is
the focus of these recommendations.
At the heart of the approach proposed here is the recognition that
helping families is a complex challenge. Our focus is on removing
barriers, opening out family scripts and asking what’s the best way of
creating this public value. How can families be supported to use the
emotional, physical, economic, social and cultural resources they have
to maximum effect? How can the everyday activities of family life be
combined and shared out in such a way that every family is creating
the optimal conditions for the co-production of the public goods
described above? How can we ensure that the distribution of
resources within families does not place undue stress on particular
family members?
The following recommendations focus on beginning to answer
some of these questions, and in doing so offer an alternative vision of
the relationship between families, civil society and the state – a vision
that is grounded in the views and attitudes of families, but one that
places the public interest in maximising children’s outcomes at the
forefront of the public policy agenda around families.

Demos 85
The Other Glass Ceiling

As we emphasised at the start of this pamphlet, our focus has been

on the ‘hard-working’ families targeted by current government
ministers, rather than those families in crisis. What we know from our
research is that family life is an intricate balance of support and
negotiation. If one thing goes wrong – like a childminder getting ill or
a parent being unable to start the car – it can send this delicate set of
arrangements crashing to the ground. Clearly, policy will never be
able to clear up this messiness; nor should it aim to. Rather, the goal
should be finding ways of working with that messiness, of accepting
the unintended consequences and complex relationships between
cause and effect that define everyday family life.

1. A new vision of public service and family support

Back in the early 1970s, when the Sex Discrimination Act was first
introduced, government finally acknowledged that the reason for
disparities at work did not rest with individual women and their so-
called limitations, but rather with systemic and institutional barriers.
The raft of legislation around discrimination and equality since then
indicates that the state plays a crucial role in tackling some of those
barriers that stood in the way of women, barriers that could never be
overcome by individuals on their own.
Just as the state recognised its role in tackling sex discrimination in
the workplace 30 years ago, so it must shape a role for itself in relation
to family life today. That role is not one of prescription; nor is it one
predicated on moralising about specific patterns of family life. Rather,
just as the Sex Discrimination Act tried to do, it is about removing
barriers, and offering positive support to families. It is about ensuring
families can make decisions about how they can best combine
employment and unpaid care in order to bring up their kids and
maximise their life chances. This is the domestic politics of parenting.
But recognising that there is a legitimate and vital relationship
between the state and family life does not add up to a call for a series
of direct interventions based on rather crude means of public finance
and compulsion alone. Intervention does not need to add up to
intrusion. Instead we argue in this chapter that re-imagining public

86 Demos
Opening up the scripts of family life

services, and focusing on how state and families can work together to
co-produce the public good of future citizens, is a crucial part of the
next wave of debates around the work–life balance.
Public services – what they are and what they are for – need to be
redefined. Drives to ‘join up’ government, to tackle ‘cross-cutting’
matters such as social exclusion, regeneration and equality issues, all
reflect the recognition that old silo-based models of policy-making
and implementation do not work with the grain of people’s needs.
Much has been learned about how the state might intervene in
complex social issues – including the complicated activities that
constitute everyday family life – even in the period since Labour came
to power in 1997.
Recent debates about public service reform have centred on the
need to personalise services, to start with the people who are supposed
to be benefiting from state provision and design services around their
needs. Implicit within this agenda is the acknowledgement that mass-
produced, monolithic public service institutions are unlikely to serve
modern purposes or to alleviate some of the complex social
challenges we now face. The explosion in social marketing and the
consensus across government departments that the toughest
challenge for administrations rests with changing people’s behaviour
are driving shifts in how the nature of ‘public service’ is understood.
As Andrew Turnbull, former cabinet secretary, said in 2003:

We can’t succeed in improving your health unless we enlist you;

we can’t achieve better standards in schools if families aren’t
with us; we can’t achieve safe neighbourhoods unless we can
mobilise local communities.92

So, public services need to be understood less in terms of deliverables

and more in terms of helping people to help themselves. This reflects a
long tradition in progressive politics; the prize to be claimed is less
about creating a perfect set of public service institutions, and more
about how services can help people to transform their lives and,
ultimately, themselves. The goal is to find ways of supporting

Demos 87
The Other Glass Ceiling

individuals, of providing scaffolding to their lives. The state should

not be trying to do everything itself; making this its purpose would
result in failure.
This shift in the public service model – from ‘do unto’ to ‘working
together’ – remains patchy. Even in its thinking about parents
specifically, this government continues to oscillate uneasily between
empowering parents (for example, the education white paper’s
unerring focus on ‘parent power’) and punishing them for poor
parenting (for example, arresting parents when their children truant).
The current state of play in public policy can be illustrated in the
following way:

Direct intervention Indirect intervention

Problem-centred model Parenting orders93 Anti-poverty measures94

Person-centred model Children’s centres95 Right to flexible working96

Our recommendations focus on how government can get its story

straight about parents, and develop a new relationship with families
that draws on models of public service based on co-production and
user-led innovation.
Co-production is the only model of public services that will unlock
the energy currently being invested with too little effect in debates
about work–life balance and families. Families are complex adaptive
systems whose form is made up and influenced by the interactions of
a whole host of positive and negative dynamics. The goal of
government should be to support the positive forces associated with
the production of the shared goods of family life, and reduce or
minimise the negative ones (eg low income, mental illness, poor
quality relationships).
So what might this look like in practice? Government and other
organisations need to find opportunities to invest in development
and research that investigates in greater depth and clarity the

88 Demos
Opening up the scripts of family life

opportunities for family service redesign. This is less about designing

new institutional forms to meet the needs of families, and more about
reconfiguring existing touch points, intermediary organisations and
channels that families use, to ensure that they reflect more accurately
the needs and interests of those families.
In the meantime we have three examples of how such a ‘service
redesign’ approach to family policy might help government to focus
on helping families to help themselves. As these examples illustrate,
the approach we propose here is based on the government working to
encourage a shift in public culture as much as making direct
interventions itself.

Family life vouchers

What people count as ‘family’ varies massively, making it a
problematic analytical category. Notions of ‘family activity’ are
affected by the subjective use of ‘family’ as a category as well. It would
be easy to assume that at its most basic, families bring up children,
and activities such as feeding, bathing and giving love form core
activities to be carried out within families. But it has always been the
case that families outsource a range of activities to get them done. In
1711, the Spectator ran an article about the growing trend in women
outsourcing that sacred cow of modern motherhood, breastfeeding.
The article commented that ‘the mother who pretends indisposition
will soon persuade the good man to send the child to the nurse’.97 It
was common practice in the eighteenth century to send babies to wet
nurses. Rather than being seen as unpaid reproductive labour,
breastfeeding became a form of paid labour.
As highlighted in chapter 3, trends in outsourcing have continued.
Currently, childcare vouchers enable parents to outsource the most
significant of family activities. We recommend that the purpose of
these vouchers should be expanded, and repositioned as ‘family life
vouchers’. Parents would be free to decide what elements of family
activity they wanted to outsource based on their own values and the
different emphases people place on the whole range of chores and
childrearing responsibilities that make up everyday family life.

Demos 89
The Other Glass Ceiling

Some parents may choose to spend them on cleaning, to give them

more ‘quality time’ with their children. Others may use the vouchers
to cover the costs of transport from their child’s school if they are
unable to get there on time to pick them up. Others still may decide
that the best thing for their family is to put the vouchers towards an
after-school activity or Saturday club that enables their children to get
involved in local sporting or cultural activities. As all these examples
demonstrate, ‘family life vouchers’ would empower parents to make
decisions that are genuinely in their children’s interests, rather than
basing those decisions on expediency, necessity or the impact of
external factors.
This recommendation draws on recent developments in policy
around support for disabled people. Direct payments – in principle at
least – were introduced to give disabled people the funds and power
to commission their own support. Making childcare vouchers ‘family
life vouchers’ would reflect a similar shift in family policy, designed to
empower families themselves in deciding what kind of support to
build around their lives.

Public value inspection framework for childcare

Clearly, many families will continue to choose to outsource elements
of their childcare. Though welcome, the commitment to expand
childcare provision will not provide families with the hoped-for
choice if parents are not reassured about the quality of that provision.
This is particularly true in the context of increasingly shrill debates
about the impact of formal childcare on child development. Debates
have rumbled for many years now about the significance for children
of their mothers’ working, and, while the evidence is inconclusive,
particularly once children have reached the age of 12 months, for
many parents outsourcing childcare is a source of guilt and worry.
We believe that the debate about formal childcare needs to shift in
its focus – from worrying about how it is organised, or how to expand
provision, to emphasising instead the qualities of care that is
provided. Bearing in mind the argument we have made here – about
the primary purpose of families to work together to create public

90 Demos
Opening up the scripts of family life

value – the critical factor in outsourced childcare is the extent to

which it mirrors and supports the creation of these public goods.
A new inspection and assessment framework should be developed
for childcare providers – from private childminders to extended
schools – based on the various elements of the public goods we
identified in chapter 1. For example, to what extent does childcare
nurture, respect and empower children? To what extent does it foster
an eagerness to learn? To what extent does it help children to become
autonomous and self-aware human beings? A public value framework
for childcare, that goes well beyond basic health and safety concerns,
may help to allay parental fears that outsourcing the most precious
element of family life – childrearing – will have long-term
consequences for their children.

Employers re-imagine themselves as ‘extended family’

A universal service to help families help themselves is unlikely to be
effective if there are not strong partnerships between families,
advocacy organisations, state institutions and employers. Therefore
how employers behave is important in re-imagining public services
for families.
Earlier in this report we noted the trend towards employers casting
themselves as ‘home-from-homes’ offering services that both helped
employees sort out difficulties or chores, but also increased efficiency
and productivity overall. There has been a proliferation of work-
based gyms, concierges, subsidised bars and crèches.
We recommend that employers should shift their metaphor. Rather
than positioning themselves as ‘home-from-home’ they should re-
cast themselves as extended family. Seeing themselves as extended
families will ensure that employers are better aligned with the views
families hold both about the place of paid work and their preferences
in childcare. This might mean they don’t invest in a workplace
nursery, but instead fund a network of childminders who look after
children in the comfort and regularity of their own homes or book a
number of places at nurseries where staff live and then offer financial
assistance in meeting the costs of the places if they are taken up.

Demos 91
The Other Glass Ceiling

2. Open up a public conversation about parents

In 2003, a new reality TV format was born with the arrival on our
screens of Wifeswap. As the website claims: ‘The series lifts the lid on
the choices different people make: how they divide up parenting,
shopping and housework, spending priorities and what they want
from their social life.’98 The series, which attracted a record-breaking
six million viewers to Channel 4, offered people a unique opportunity
to look inside other families and understand how other people
prioritised the activities and resources within their homes.
Wifeswap had a ready-made audience. How often do we get the
chance to look inside other people’s families at that level of everyday
life? Our research supports the huge viewing figures for Wifeswap in
suggesting that there is a massive unmet demand for families to
discover more opportunities to learn from one another, looking at
how others juggle the interaction of paid and unpaid care.
Families at the moment remain caught in what we might call the
‘tyranny of relativism’. On the one hand they recognise the public
story that is told about the end of the typically constituted family. On
the other, they call their families ‘typical’ and ‘average’. This apparent
paradox uncovers a nervousness to challenge the norms of family
habits, and a lack of opportunities to learn from other models of
combining and integrating paid and unpaid work.
What Wifeswap offers is the possibility that things could be
organised differently. Simply opening up this sense of possibility
enables parents and families to make their own scripts more explicit,
and to question why they are organising themselves in the way they
do. Increasing negotiation and conversation about how paid and
unpaid work are allocated helps to ensure that the ways in which
families organise themselves are optimised for the co-production of
shared goods.
It is crucial to get the medium as well as the message right. A
public information campaign about family scripts is unlikely to catch
on in the same way that Wifeswap had people glued to their TV
screens. As an object that features heavily in most family days, the

92 Demos
Opening up the scripts of family life

television (which Paul Ginsborg has called the ‘new hearth’)99

represents a powerful and popular medium that connects families to
national and international debates. Seeing Wifeswap as part of the
public service broadcasting quota and imagining ways of
complementing and supporting this format is a first step towards a
broader public conversation designed to open up the scripts of family

3. Build negotiating capacity through peer support

Lots of the families we spoke to hinted that the negotiation of their
roles had been a conversation that had never translated into action.

We did think about me staying at home but we never really

firmed it up.

It causes an argument when he has to do what we’re supposed to

do as parents.

I kept on handing over control but it kept on coming back.


Fear of relationship breakdown and a lack of sense of possibility

about how things could be different are major factors in fixing family
scripts. Finding ways of making these scripts explicit, and enabling
families to interrogate them, question them, and talk about whether
there could be a better way of producing the shared goods of family
life, will be a critical part of helping families to help themselves.
But families are very sensitive about who they are willing to open
up these scripts with. Parents have always believed that they have
most to learn from other parents, rather than professionals.

We don’t need professionals to tell us how to be good parents.


Demos 93
The Other Glass Ceiling

I take more notice of my mum than I do of the welfare. She’s had

eight and we’re alright . . . you’ve got more confidence in your
mother than you would have in the advice they’d give you.100

Investing in peer networks of parents would support families who are

trying to understand how best to bring up their kids. Rather than
advocating for more direct interventions, we recommend that the
state provides support – via schools, advocacy organisations such as
Gingerbread and Netmums for networks of parents to help each
This model of state support recognises that there is no such thing
as an ‘ideal’ parent; in these terms state interventions need to be less
focused on ‘teaching’ parenting and more focused on providing
information and creating learning opportunities.

Case study: Netmums (

Netmums is a family of websites run by volunteer mums living in
the local area. These online forums were set up in 2000 to offer
other parents (including dads) support, and to enable members to
share advice about family life and the community they live in.
There are currently 110,000 members in 80 different towns and
cities in the UK, and members provide much of the content of their
local website. Netmums was established partly to counter the
isolation and uncertainty which many mums experienced in the
absence of an extended family living nearby; according to their
research 61 per cent of mums surveyed don’t see their family
enough or would like to see more of them. Similarly, 67 per cent of
mums said they were more likely to turn to a friend, website or a
book for advice than to a family member.
From recommending family-friendly restaurants to practical tips
on meeting other parents, these websites provide the sort of word-
of-mouth information that mums lacking extensive support
networks have difficulty accessing. Popular features of the site
include the ‘Meet a mum’ message board for parents living in the

94 Demos
Opening up the scripts of family life

same community. Help is also on offer for mums with health

worries, those wanting to return to work and others in search of
local information about organisations like Mind or NCT. This is an
online forum designed by parents for parents in order meet their
Along with signing petitions members respond to wide-ranging
surveys on subjects such as work, wellbeing and postnatal
depression. As a result, Netmums has become an influential
campaigning organisation delivering the views of parents to

It is clear that some families learn the art of negotiation over time:

When we had our second kid, he started to do more, he’s done

his part and I think things will stay like this now we’ve got two.

If I’m going to have another child, I said you’ll need to make an

effort to be around more. . . . Before I left everything up to him,
there was only one boss, one head of family, and now there’s two.

That’s what helps the family to work, when you have

understanding, you both jump around to make things work.

At times it felt like we talked of nothing else.


This is about finding ways of building family capacity to constantly

challenge themselves about the organisation of paid and unpaid
labour. Investing in the peer–parent networks that create the space to
make these challenges is a crucial step in re-energising the work–life
balance debate.

Demos 95
The Other Glass Ceiling

4. Invest in quality relationships

It is the quality of relationships rather than the formal categories they
belong to that matters most for families.101 The costs of poor
relationships are felt in every part of the welfare state infrastructure –
from benefits, insurance, criminal justice, drug and alcohol abuse.102
Supporting people’s capacity to build good long-term relationships
will help to ensure that family units can continue to create the public
value we hope for.
Building good relationships is not about moral exhortation or
coercion, rather it is about recognising that people enter partnerships
with hope and aspirations for a positive future together. The
assumption that people know how to look after their relationships
and their families is misleading: most people learn through making
Yet many people still consider that asking for advice on a
relationship before it has broken down anticipates failure, rather than
maintains success. Fears of paternalism and didacticism have led to
relationship support becoming a sensitive subject. The result is that a
crucial component of family life has been neglected.
As this report has documented, modern relationships face a
challenging range of pressures. Caught between longer hours at work
and ever more demanding parenting standards it is often
relationships that become the casualties of the ‘time squeeze’. For a
growing number of couples these difficulties are compounded by the
particular problems reconstituted families face in housing a range of
different norms under one roof. Step-families are most likely to break
down in the first year when these difficulties are at their most intense.
To tackle the stigma around asking for relationship support, the
dominant cultural model of marriage – that it is based on romantic
love – needs to be countered. The reality is that good quality
relationships need work, patience and self-awareness. Fostering long-
term relationships – particularly when they involve children – is a
complex and skilled job that requires people to learn new skills and
approaches to living with others.

96 Demos
Opening up the scripts of family life

There is some evidence that families themselves are open to

acknowledging this. In the absence of extended family bonds and
community networks couples are more willing to look outside the
traditional sources of advice to mediation services. In our focus
groups we found that the idea of more support was appealing
particularly to women.

People need help with their relationships, sometimes it’s easier to

speak to a stranger than a friend.

However, people can struggle to make contact with these

organisations before already making the decision to separate; all too
often mediation at the point of divorce can represent the first
opportunity to openly discuss and negotiate differences.
People need to be offered as many opportunities as possible to
invest in their relationships. To that end we recommend the

Increase government subsidies for organisations working on

relationships and family support
While there have been some positive developments, relationship
support funding has been moved around government so much and
re-categorised so frequently that it has not had the attention it
deserves.103 Couples need to able to focus solely on their relationship
rather than being spoken to only as parents – family support does not
always equate to relationship support.

Make private relationship counselling tax deductible

A more consistent approach to public funding is vital, and making
private relationship counselling tax deductible would be another
significant move in the right direction. The government needs to
recognise the long-term social benefits of helping relationships in the
early stages; it could be seen as comparable to the committed
investment in preventative family planning of the 1960s.

Demos 97
The Other Glass Ceiling

Introduce supported self-assessment for parents

Rather than telling couples how to conduct their relationships and
deciding on the support that they need, government needs to
recognise that couples themselves are best placed to determine the
help they need, when they need it and how they want it to be
Self-assessment should be introduced so that people are able to
gain access to the right services at the right time. For example, in the
first year following a baby’s birth health support is well established,
but the focus is rarely on the adult relationship, despite the fact it is
often under intense pressure.104 There are good models of support
during this period that can be learned from. An example is the
PIPPIN programme, which is designed to prepare couples for the
emotional strain before they have a child, equipping them with
coping strategies.
Furthermore, relationship support could be embedded in existing
‘touch points’ and frontline services such as GP surgeries, health
visitors, midwives and education so that couples are not required to
search out the help they need.

5. Involve dads
Chapter 3 documented the ‘quiet revolution’ in fathers’ attitudes and
aspirations in relation to family life. As we argued there, systemic and
institutional barriers risk keeping this revolution behind the front
door and locked inside male aspirations within individual families,
rather than being translated into action. There remain too few
opportunities for men to express their desires beyond the household.
We need to engineer a tipping point that involves the state, media and
other civic institutions catching up with what people value, and
finding ways of helping people to enact those values.
In part, this involves the government toughening up its attitude to
male responsibility for care. Its approach so far has rested either on
carrots or a financial stick. Government needs to recognise its part in
creating the system that families are currently constrained by. The

98 Demos
Opening up the scripts of family life

state is not a passive actor: while policy remains predominantly based

on a model where women are the primary carers it is too easy to
assume that work–life balance debates and responsibility for
childrearing are ‘women’s issues’. Of course, as our research indicates,
this is still the case for many families. But part of the state catching up
with the quiet revolution involves it challenging notions of
motherhood and fatherhood.
However, engineering a tipping point is not straightforward; it
does not translate into a simple and single policy intervention.
Instead, the focus needs to be on how existing institutional patterns
and practices could be changed and developed in order to create a
sense of momentum and possibility. As Doug McAdam has argued, ‘It
is there in the existing associational groups of networks of the
aggrieved community that the first groping steps are taken towards
collective action.’105 So what might this approach look like in

Make mums the agitators of the revolution

Research indicates that mothers, more than anyone or anything else,
may be the key intermediaries and agitators in bringing about this
revolution. A study undertaken by the National Centre on Fathers
and Families in the United States concluded that there was a trend for
fathers and father figures to spend more time in Head Start, a pre-
kindergarten programme, if the mother was highly involved.106
Similarly recent research in the UK with the DfES Fathers Advisory
Group found that maternal involvement in learning was a more
significant factor in father involvement than either the educational
qualifications of each parent or the quality of the parental

Design collective activities based on existing patterns

Involving dads will never become a reality while the debate remains at
a theoretical level. The relationship between attitudes and behaviour
is not one way: changing behaviour can shift attitudes as well.
Research by Working Families suggests that fathers are far more likely

Demos 99
The Other Glass Ceiling

to become involved in family life after engaging in collective activities

with other fathers.108 Finding ways of supporting father-focused
activities will be a crucial part of creating a tipping point.
Designing these activities based on existing patterns will also help.
Through our research one area where men genuinely seem to be
equally involved in relation to their children is health. Fathers we met
shared their concerns about their kids getting the right food, doing
exercise and being healthy generally. Parents whose children suffered
from long-term health conditions shared the additional care load
associated with these illnesses. Finding ways of building on these
patterns around the medicine cabinet and sports field will help to
ensure that the involvement of fathers starts with where they are at,
rather than from where policy is at.

Start early and keep dads involved

Rather than a ‘big bang’ approach, the key to unlocking this quiet
revolution is a focus on the small but regular patterns that can be
designed into family life and support services to engage dads. Women
we spoke to felt that the biggest gain from paternity leave was the
opportunity it offered to help fathers understand how much work
goes in to a ‘day at home’. Combined with pre- and postnatal support
services that focus more on building fathers’ confidence, it presents
an opportunity for fathers to learn to make connections across the
different elements of family life, so that parents can learn to share the
mental burden of running a family.
Ongoing engagement will be crucial. Already a handful of
innovative schools are experimenting with ‘dads and lads’ sessions –
often introduced in an attempt to improve boys’ performance in
school, but with the additional result that schools are beginning to
create spaces for fathers to parent together and talk about their
experiences as dads in a ‘safe place’. We recommend that, just as many
workplaces run a ‘take your daughter to work’ day, all schools should
run a ‘take your dad to school’ day as a first step in the right direction.

100 Demos
Opening up the scripts of family life

6. Experiment at work
Earlier in this report we argued that current approaches to flexible
working are too static. Taking a life-cycle or person-centric view of
flexibility highlights the need to focus not only on finding new ways
of getting work done, but also on enabling parents to move between
different working patterns depending on the demands of their
families. Children’s needs change over time and employers should
learn new ways, not only to offer flexible patterns, but also to be able
to move between different patterns at different stages of people’s
careers and family life.
Many employers are yet to be convinced of the ‘business case’ for
offering more flexible working patterns, despite the increasingly
unarguable evidence that enabling people to blend work and life is
one of the most effective routes to releasing people’s potential. The
valuable work of campaigning organisations such as Working Families
in beginning to make this business case cannot be underestimated.
However, we believe that more needs to be done. The two
recommendations put forward here would help to shift and deepen
the debate about flexible working, grounding it in the realities of
everyday family life.

Broaden the repertoire of flexible working

Current flexible working patterns are overwhelmingly confined to
part-time work, with options such as job sharing taking up a mere 2
per cent of the working population who are not full-time staff.109 Yet
many people – whether they are employers or employees – note the
difficulties of getting some jobs done part time. There is an urgent
need to broaden our repertoire of flexibility as part of an approach to
supporting families on their own terms.
The need to experiment with new forms of flexible working is
made nearly impossible, however, by the current climate of ignorance
and fear that surrounds shifts in working patterns on the part of both
employers and employees.110 Highly publicised tribunals and court
cases have created a culture of low risk taking and poor dialogue

Demos 101
The Other Glass Ceiling

about what works between staff and organisations. This is

compounded by a piecemeal and complex set of laws that govern
this area of working life. Workers can request the right to work
flexibly; the employer must consider this request but can still turn it
Solutions would be far more likely to emerge if they could be co-
constructed between the member of staff and the employer. The
current legal framework has created a culture of antagonism between
employers and employees, where honest conversation about what’s
needed for the business, and how these needs could be met in more
creative ways, are little more than a distant dream.
The consequences of such rigidity and confrontation rather than
collaboration should not be underestimated. Growing numbers of
people are reaching the conclusion that they simply cannot achieve
the kind of balance they seek between paid and unpaid work within
organisations; in other words, more people are making personal
choices about work, identity and what it means to achieve success,
and concluding that ‘exit’ is their best option.

Learn from the people who have ‘opted out’

The growing number of people choosing to take less pressurised roles
has thrown into question older formations about how professional
success is defined, and casts new light on the tired debate around
‘work–life balance’. People are seeking to create ‘third-way’ integrated
lifestyles as home-based micro-entrepreneurs, freelancers and
consultants. For many people, this rejection of the old models of
work–life balance is cause for celebration. Sahar Hashemi, one of the
co-founders of Coffee Republic, described in an interview why she
quit her City job to start up her own business:

I wanted work that lets me be myself. . . . There used to be two

options: a career or kids. Either or. In the gap in between is
where the women entrepreneurs are. They’re reinventing work
for women.111

102 Demos
Opening up the scripts of family life

And, as our own research hinted at, it is women leading the way in
this trend. Research carried out by Cranfield School of Management
supports the view that women hold different values and aspirations
from their male counterparts, and are driven by the pursuit of
personal fulfilment and making a difference, rather than job titles, pay
rises or promotions.112 Women, Dame Judith Mayhew has suggested,
‘drop out because they can. We’ve always had more choices, and we
have many definitions of “success”, not just one. In many ways it’s
men who are trapped.’113
Given the ‘quiet revolution’ that we have already documented, it is
a matter of urgency that lessons are learned from this generation of
‘missing women’. Employers need to be encouraged and supported in
thinking about how they can begin to mainstream some of the
working practices that women felt they needed to leave organisations
in order to achieve.

Demos 103
7. Endnote
Where next for work–life balance

People want simplistic explanations and solutions to complex

problems, resulting in pragmatic solutions concentrated on
government legislation and workplace policies.114

The relationship between paid and unpaid work in family life

represents a new frontier of the welfare state. Men and women alike
are reporting a desire to spend more time with their families, while
simultaneously needing and wanting to work for both the income
and the satisfaction jobs can provide. The modern family faces a daily
pattern of negotiating and juggling the full range of activities that add
up to being a family.
Recently the government has started to talk about supporting
‘hard-working families’, in recognition of the fact that levels of
frustration about perceived barriers or lack of support for families
has become a major voting issue. Despite almost daily proclamations
that families are in terminal decline, all the indicators suggest that
people are still investing tremendous energy and hope in creating
family life, in some cases over and over again. As a society, we need
this energy. As demonstrated in chapter 1, the impact of the family
setting on who we become is significant. Helping families to produce
public goods is crucial.
Yet the energy families give to childrearing represents an
unrecognised, undervalued resource.

104 Demos

Care work may be loving, but the work itself has no public
recognition; it is an invisible gift, and many of the men and
women who do it feel they have dropped out of the adult society
of their peers.115

Paid work is at the heart of how we measure productivity and the

health of the economy. Unpaid care work – vital as it is – remains
unrecognised. Family life is best described as a gift economy: people
in families willingly give up their time and energy to love and nurture
one another.
One response to supporting family life is to turn family activity
from a gift economy to a market economy through providing the
kinds of activities and nurture that families have traditionally given
each other through the market; through turning what might be called
reproductive labour into productive labour through expanding the
childcare market and providing more incentives for parents to get
back into paid, full-time work.
For many, this alone is not an appealing option. It eats away at the
heart of family life and assumes that it is possible to put a price on
everything. But what it does highlight – and this has been at the core
of this pamphlet – is that there is no such thing as free care, only paid
and unpaid care.

This pamphlet is not a moral argument about what families should

do. It is a political argument about an approach that enables all
families to flourish on their own terms. Finding ways of recognising
the importance of family life, whatever form it takes, and designing
supportive systems around those families, remains one of the biggest
challenges for twenty-first-century progressive governments.
It is a challenge that is unlikely to be overcome unless the debate
begins by comprehending what things looks like at the level of the
family. Every family will organise itself differently: each of the families
in our typology represent alternative adaptive responses to the
challenge of organising paid and unpaid work. Gaining a deeper
understanding of the cast of British families will be essential in

Demos 105
The Other Glass Ceiling

strengthening the connections between those families, state and civil

society. That has been the focus of this report. The question remains:
where is this agenda going?
We believe that there is much that can be learned from families
themselves. In beginning to solve the immediate challenges of work
and family life, people are starting to generate some new answers to
much deeper questions about what kind of lives we want to lead. The
mothers and fathers we spoke to were clear that care for them was an
investment, rather than a negative balance on the productivity sheet.
They were clear about the connections between home and work,
about the trade-offs and compromises that needed to be made in the
interests of creating a positive family setting.
Frustration, when it was expressed, was not about not being able to
‘have it all’. Instead it was about the need for employers and the state
to share the burden of caring responsibilities with families. Too often,
people felt they were carrying the weight of their family on their own
shoulders while knowing how important good parenting is not only
to their children but also to the rest of us.
There is very little language or vocabulary to explore this
dimension of life. But society needs to adjust its acoustics fast, and
begin to listen to what families themselves are saying about family
life. This will become only more urgent in coming years. The
demographic changes of an ageing population, longer life expectancy
and declining birth rate mean that more and more people will find
themselves caring for elderly relatives and parents. We will be relying
more than ever on unpaid care as a population. Unless the value
of both paid and unpaid work can be knitted together more
effectively, those with caring responsibilities will continue to lack the
necessary support and recognition that such vital and demanding
work deserves.
As Richard Reeves has argued, we are in danger of creating
economy-friendly families, rather than a family-friendly economy.116
Understanding each family’s hopes, aspirations and need for support
might help to right this balance and discover a new narrative about
the relationship between paid and unpaid care. Seven in ten people

106 Demos

believe that men’s and women’s lives are becoming more similar in
terms of the need to balance family and employment.
This represents a potentially new alliance for change, grown out of
the stresses and strains men and women report in keeping their
families going every day. Coupling these feelings with broader debates
about wellbeing, control and autonomy in the face of seemingly
insuperable forces of commercialisation, capitalism and consumerism
may offer a means of rebalancing the significance we accord to paid
and unpaid work. Starting with families themselves will give us a new
language – not one about moral exhortation or political correctness –
about the public value of family life to everyone.

Demos 107
Appendix A
List of project interviews, held 2005–6

17 November Duncan Fisher, Fathers Direct

24 November Mary Crowley, Parenting Education and
Support Forum
25 November Purniam Tanuku, National Day Nurseries
28 November Sally Russell, Netmums
01 December Clem Henricson, National Families and
Parenting Institute
05 December Ros Edwards, London South Bank University
08 December Gwen Vaughn, Gingerbread
13 December Chris Pond and Alison Garnham, National
Council for One Parent Families
10 January Val Gillies, London South Bank University
11 January Kathleen Healy, Freshfields
31 January Deborah Shead, Mediation UK
22 February Martin Williams, Department for Education
and Skills
27 February Naomi Eisenstadt, Department for Education
and Skills
02 March Susan Hay, Bright Horizons / Working
28 March Ray Shostak, HM Treasury

108 Demos
Appendix B
List of attendees at the project seminar –
13 March 2006

Susan Hay Bright Horizons Family Solutions

Naomi Eisenstadt Department for Education and Skills
David Darton Equal Opportunities Commission
Jenny Watson Equal Opportunities Commission
David Pearce HM Treasury
Efe Abebe Munro and Forster
Dave Roberts Munro and Forster
Catherine Wrigley Munro and Forster
Alison Garnham National Council for One Parent Families
Clem Henricson National Family and Parenting Institute
Sally Russell Netmums
Mary Crowley Parenting and Education Support Forum
Tim Kahn Pre-School Learning Alliance
Ed Straw PricewaterhouseCoopers LL
Richard Stubbins Sanofi Pasteur MSD
Julie Tiley Sanofi Pasteur MSD
Veronique Walsh Sanofi Pasteur MSD
Ros Edwards South Bank University
Val Gillies South Bank University
Rebecca Gill Trade Union Congress
Jonathan Swan Working Families
Rebecca Fauth Work Foundation

Demos 109
Appendix C
The research process

Between November 2005 and March 2006 we undertook a series of

interviews with experts across the fields of academia, policy
campaigning and practice; see Appendix A for a full list. These
conversations helped us to clarify the questions that we put to 620
parents to help us to pinpoint our areas of focus and start to clarify
the framework for our in-depth research with parents. The GfK NOP
Random Location Omnibus conducted the survey at 175 sampling
points across the country with quotas for age and sex within working
status, social class, marital status, parental status and age of child.
In the second phase of the research we interviewed a range of 12
families from across the socioeconomic spectrum, of different ages
and stages in family life, from different ethnic backgrounds and in
various states of employment. If there were two partners in the
household we spoke to them separately using a combination of
questions and activities to build up a picture of family life. These
conversations and the diaries that the families filled in, detailing the
activities that made up their day-to-day life, form the backbone of
our findings. We are very grateful to those families who invited us
into their homes and took their time to take part in our research.
We built on the findings from these in-depth interviews with a
series of focus groups, speaking to another 30 mums and dads with
dependent children. We used these focus groups to test our findings
and develop our analysis. The stories and quotes that we have

110 Demos
Appendix C

included have all been drawn from this research and have been
Finally, we held a seminar to share our findings and analysis with
the experts whom we had consulted at the beginning of the project
and other key individuals to help us clarify and sharpen our
argument and recommendations.

Demos 111

1 Equal Opportunities Commission research findings have shown 86% of fathers

and 31% of mothers to be working full-time. Equal Opportunities
Commission, Fathers: Balancing work and family (Manchester: EOC, 2003).
2 Quoted in R Reeves, Dad’s Army: The case for father-friendly workplaces
(London: The Work Foundation, 2002); available at (accessed 2 Apr 2006).
3 K Fisher, A McCulloch and J Gershuny, British Fathers and Children: A report
for Channel 4 ‘Dispatches’ (Colchester: University of Essex, Institute of Social
and Economic Research, 1999); quoted in M Bunting, Willing Slaves: Why the
overwork culture is killing us (New York: Harper Collins, 2004).
4 See
article_display.php?id=183 (accessed 5 Apr 2006).
5 Quoted in Bunting, Willing Slaves.
6 Office for National Statistics, ‘How UK fills its day: mostly sleeping, eating,
watching TV’, 2000 Time Use Survey (London: ONS, 2002); available at (accessed 2 Apr 2006). It shows that
sleeping, eating and watching TV take up more than half the day.
7 Office for National Statistics online, ‘Adults living with their parents: by sex and
age’, Social Trends 34, available at
ssdataset.asp?vlnk=7261 (accessed 2 Apr 2006). In spring 2003 nearly three-
fifths of men aged 20–24 lived with their parents, compared with half in 1991.
For women the proportion of 20–24-year-olds living with their parents
increased from a third to nearly two-fifths.
8 Netmums, ‘A mum’s life’ survey available at
mumslife.htm (accessed 2 Apr 2006). It found that 75% of mums cite ‘lack of
time for me’ as the most stressful part of their day-to-day life.
9 Quoted in A Wolf, ‘Working girls’, Prospect, Apr 2006.
10 C Deforges and A Abouchaar, The Impact of Parental Involvement, Parental
Support and Family Education on Pupil Achievement and Adjustment: A

112 Demos

literature review, Department for Education and Skills Research Report 433
(Norwich: The Stationery Office, 2003).
11 D Goleman, Emotional Intelligence: Why it can matter more than IQ (New York:
Bantam Books, 1995).
12 W Hutton, ‘Employers and work–life balance’, see website for the Work
Foundation on the future of work–life balance at www.employersforwork- (accessed 3 Apr 2006).
13 H Meltzer et al, The Mental Health of Children and Adolescents in Great Britain
(London: The Stationery Office, 2000).
14 S Mahtani and MH Bond, ‘A critical look at parenting research from the
mainstream: problems uncovered while adapting research to non-western
cultures’, British Journal of Developmental Psychology 20 (2002).
15 S Zuboff and J Maxmin, The Support Economy: Why corporations are failing
individuals and the next episode of capitalism (London: Penguin Press, 2003).
16 H Bosanquet, ‘Wages and housekeeping’ in CS Loch (ed), Methods of Social
Advance (1904).
17 A Johnson, speech given in response to the Work and Families Bill, 10 Oct
18 Social Exclusion Unit, A Better Education for Children in Care – Practice
Guides (London: Office of the Deputy Prime Minister, nd), available at (accessed 3 Apr
19 The Equalities Review: Interim report for consultation (London: Cabinet Office,
2006), available at
(accessed 3 Apr 2006).
20 Ibid.
21 Ibid.
22 P McCarthy, K Laing and J Walker, Offenders of the Future? Assessing the risk of
children and young people becoming involved in criminal or antisocial behaviour
(London: DfES, 2004).
23 Quoted in P Diamond, S Katwala and M Munn (eds), Family Fortunes: The new
politics of childhood (London: Fabian Society, 2004).
24 M Moore, Creating Public Value: Strategic management in government
(Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995).
25 B Bozeman, ‘Public value failure: when efficient markets may not work’, Public
Administration Review 62, no 2 (Mar/Apr 2002).
26 M Midgley, Utopias, Dolphins and Computers: Problems of philosophical
plumbing (London: Routledge, 1996).
27 P Hennessy, The Hidden Wiring: Power, politics and the constitution (London:
Fabian Society, 1990).
28 A personal view from a father quoted on
(accessed 3 Apr 2006).
29 EOC, Fathers.
30 For more details see
parental_rights_at_work.htm (accessed 3 Apr 2006).

Demos 113
The Other Glass Ceiling

31 See for example Wolf, ‘Working girls’.

32 Hutton, ‘Employers and work–life balance’.
33 A Jones, About Time for Change (London: Work Foundation, 2003).
34 See (accessed 3 Apr 2006).
35 See (accessed 5 Apr 2006).
36 Ibid.
37 For more details see
Oct.pdf (accessed 5 Apr 2006).
38 C Fagan, A Hegewisch and J Pillinger, Out of Time: Why Britain needs a new
approach to working-time flexibility (London: Trades Union Congress: 2006),
available at (accessed 3 Apr 2006).
39 Polling completed for this research by GfK NOP Random Location Omnibus;
see Appendix C for more details.
40 M Evans and J Eyre, The Opportunities of a Lifetime: Model lifetime analysis of
current British social policy (Bristol: Policy Press for the Joseph Rowntree
Foundation, 2004).
41 Department of Trade and Industry, Work and Parents: Competitiveness and
choice, green paper, Cm 5005 (Norwich: HMSO, 2000), available at (accessed 5 Apr 2006).
42 I La Valle et al, Happy Families? Atypical work and its influence on family life
(Bristol: Policy Press for Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2002).
43 M Barnes and C Bryson, Keep Time for Children: The incidence of weekend
working (London: National Centre for Social Research, funded by The
Relationships Foundation, 2004).
44 R Taylor, The Future of Work–Life Balance (Swindon: Economic and Social
Research Council, 2002), quoted in Bunting, Willing Slaves.
45 See (accessed 4 Apr
46 See (accessed 3 Apr 2006).
47 D Buckingham, After the Death of Childhood: Growing up in the age of electronic
media (London: Polity Press, 2000).
48 M Riddell, ‘Ms Hewitt, you blew it’, Observer, 25 Nov 2001, available at,6903,605567,00.html
(accessed 3 Apr 2006).
49 Jones, About Time for Change.
50 See
y=popular&keyword=nanny&section=cartoons (accessed 5 Apr 2006).
51 See for example
(accessed 3 Apr 2006).
52 ‘Just a nanny? She’s likely to earn up to £28,000 – more than a newly qualified
teachers or nurse’, Times, 19 Jan 2006.
53 See (accessed 3 Apr 2006).

114 Demos

54 See
article_display.php?id=183 (accessed 5 Apr 2006).
55 AR Hochschild, ‘Rent a Mom and other services: markets, meanings and
emotions’, International Journal of Work, Organisation and Emotion 1, no 1
56 A Hirschmann, Exit, Voice and Loyalty: Responses to decline in firms,
organizations and states (New Haven, CT: Harvard University Press, 1972).
57 Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, ‘Study highlights
“unsustainable” fall in the number of childminders’, press release, May 2001,
available at (accessed 5 Apr
2006), relates to A Mooney et al, Who cares? Childminding in the 1990s (York:
Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2001).
58 See (accessed 3 Apr 2006).
59 A Bell and I La Valle, Combining Self-employment and Family Life (Bristol:
Policy Press for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2003).
60 See (accessed
3 Apr 2006).
61 EF Schumacher, Small is Beautiful: Economics as if people mattered (New York:
Harper and Row, 1973).
62 See (accessed 3 Apr
63 Jones, About Time for Change.
64 ‘The Great British Time Survey’, conducted by ICM and commissioned by CSV
Make a Difference Day and Barclays (published Aug 2005), available at (accessed 3 Apr 2006).
65 NOP Family and Equal Opportunities Commission, Young people and sex
stereotyping data, Jan 2001. From 569 interviews with 11–16-year-olds in Great
Britain completed through Young Generations Omnibus. Nationally
representative with quotas set for age, sex, class and region.
66 nVision/FutureFoundation analysis done for the project on the British
Household Panel Survey. Base 1000 adults, UK, 2004.
67 Fagan et al, Out of Time.
68 See (accessed 3 Apr 2006).
69 V Singh and S Vinnicombe, The Female FTSE Index 2005 (Cranfield: Cranfield
School of Management, 2005), see
cdwbl/news.asp (accessed 3 Apr 2006).
70 ‘Mothers’ job prospects are worst of all’, Observer, 19 Mar 2006.
71 Office for National Statistics, Labour Force Survey, spring 2004 dataset
(London: ONS, 2004).
72 Reeves, Dad’s Army.
73 M O’Brien, Shared Caring: Bringing fathers into the frame, Working Paper 18
(London: Equal Opportunities Commission, 2005).
74 Fagan et al, Out of Time.
75 C Lasch, Haven in a Heartless World (New York: Basic Books, 1977).
76 See

Demos 115
The Other Glass Ceiling

77 A Buonfino and G Mulgan, ‘Goodbye to all that’, Guardian, 18 Jan 2006, see,,1688280,00.html (accessed
3 Apr 2006).
78 B Jupp, Living Together: Community life on mixed tenure estates (London:
Demos, 1999).
79 Quoted in B Brown and G Dench, ‘Extended families: the heart of the private
realm’ in A Buofino and G Mulgan (eds), Porcupines in Winter: The pleasures and
pains of living together in modern Britain (London: Young Foundation, 2006).
80 G Thomas and G Hocking, Other People’s Children: Why their quality of life is
our concern (London: Demos, 2003).
81 Interview with Mary Crowley, Jan 2006.
82 Guardian/ICM poll, Aug 2000.
83 See (accessed 4 Apr 2006).
84 Future Foundation, Paradoxical Parents, report for the Children’s Mutual
(London: Future Foundation, 2003).
85 Quoted in Thomas and Hocking, Other People’s Children.
86 R Green, ‘Mentally ill parents and children’s welfare’, Information Briefing
(London: National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, 2002).
87 ‘Isolation and loneliness: features of modern parenting’, 8 Mar 2005; available
(accessed 3 Apr 2006).
88 See (accessed 5 Apr 2006).
89 R Layard, Mental Health: Britain’s biggest social problem? (London: Strategy
Unit, Dec 2004).
90 Survey conducted by Netmums; available at
pndhistory_survey.php (accessed 4 Apr 2006).
91 See, for example, H Lownsbrough and D O’Leary, The Leadership Imperative:
Reforming children’s services from the ground up (London: Demos, 2005).
92 ‘The cabinet chief more West Wing than Yes, Minister’, Telegraph, 12 Dec
93 A total of 5631 orders were made between March 2000 and December 2004.
Quoted in G McNamara, ‘Tackling anti-social behaviour: have we got it right?’,
an NCH briefing paper, 2005; available at
documents/Tackling_anti_social_behaviour.pdf (accessed 4 Apr 2006).
94 The Childcare Tax Credit is being introduced in October. The Treasury
estimates that it will benefit 1.5 million families. It will meet 70% of childcare
costs to a maximum of £100 for one child and £150 for two or more children
under the age of 14. New Deal for Lone Parents and Sure Start maternity grants
reflect other enabling measures introduced in recent years.
95 There is a commitment to create 3500 children’s centres by 2010. A National
Family and Parenting Institute has been set up to coordinate local support for
parents, and a National Parenting Academy has been set up to train
professionals on how to work with parents.
96 The Work and Families Bill is expected to become law in April 2007. We have
discussed its provisions in chapter 3.

116 Demos

97 R Steele and J Addison, Selections from the Tatler and the Spectator, ed A Ross
(London: Penguin Classics, 1997).
99 See (accessed 4 Apr 2006).
99 P Ginsborg, The Politics of Everyday Life: making choices, changing lives (New
Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2005).
100 M Young and P Wilmott, Family and Kinship in East London (London:
Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1957).
101 For example, Mansfield has argued that ‘there is now compelling evidence to
suggest that how parents get on – or don’t get on – has a profound influence on
children’s lives’, P Mansfield, ‘The missing link in parenting education and
support’, The Bulletin 8, no 2 (May 2004). One meta-analysis of 68 family
studies consistently found that good parenting is less likely to occur when the
parents’ relationship is troubled, O Erel and B Burnman, ‘Interrelatedness of
marital relations and parent–child relations: a meta-analytic review’,
Psychological Bulletin 118, no 1 (1995). Both are quoted in ‘Relationship skills:
the missing link in parenting education and support’, available at
(accessed 4 Apr 2006).
102 In Demos pamphlet Relative Values, Ed Straw estimated that the cost of ‘broken
homes’ to society was £4 billion in 1998. E Straw, Relative Values: Support for
relationships and parenting (London: Demos, 1998).
103 In 2002 the government produced ‘Moving Forward Together’, which identified
existing problems with provision (‘too little, too late’) and proposed a
government strategy for supporting relationships. Funding for relationship
support, formerly known as MARS, stood at £3.2m in 2000 and had risen to
£4.9m by 2005. In 2006 five existing grant schemes were combined into the
Children, Young People and Families Grant Programme under which £17m will
be allocated in 2006/07.
104 See for example ‘The Relate Manifesto for strong couple and family
relationships’ available at
Relate%20Manifesto.pdf (accessed 4 Apr 2006). Anecdotally, they believe that
over 75% of their clients first found their relationship in difficulty after the
birth of their first child.
105 M Diani and D McAdam (eds), Social Movements and Networks: Relational
approaches to collective action (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2003).
106 National Centre on Fathers and Families, see
(accessed 5 Apr 2006).
107 R Goldman, Fathers’ Involvement in their Children’s Education (London:
National Family and Parenting Institute, 2005).
108 Comment from Jonathan Swan, Working Families, at project seminar, see
Appendix B.
109 See (accessed 4 Apr 2006).
110 For example, when Working Families took over Maternity Alliance’s helpline,
calls to the number tripled. This illustrates the lack of clarity and degree of
concern people have about rights they are entitled to.

Demos 117
The Other Glass Ceiling

111 M Rice, ‘The way women work’, Observer Magazine, 14 Dec 2003.
112 Interview with S Vinnicombe, Cranfield School of Management, 2004,
undertaken as part of the research for H McCarthy, Girlfriends in High Places:
How women’s networks are changing the workplace (London: Demos, 2004).
113 See (accessed 5 Apr 2006).
114 S Lewis, R Rapoport and R Gambles, ‘Reflections on the integration of paid
work and the rest of life’, Journal of Managerial Psychology 18, no 8 (2003).
115 R Sennett, New Cultures of Capitalism (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press,
116 Reeves, Dad’s Army.

118 Demos

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2. Fair Use Rights. Nothing in this licence is intended to reduce, limit, or restrict any rights arising from
fair use, first sale or other limitations on the exclusive rights of the copyright owner under copyright
law or other applicable laws.
3. Licence Grant. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Licence, Licensor hereby grants You a
worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual (for the duration of the applicable copyright) licence
to exercise the rights in the Work as stated below:
a to reproduce the Work, to incorporate the Work into one or more Collective Works, and to
reproduce the Work as incorporated in the Collective Works;
b to distribute copies or phonorecords of, display publicly, perform publicly, and perform publicly
by means of a digital audio transmission the Work including as incorporated in Collective Works;
The above rights may be exercised in all media and formats whether now known or hereafter
devised.The above rights include the right to make such modifications as are technically necessary to
exercise the rights in other media and formats. All rights not expressly granted by Licensor are hereby
4. Restrictions. The licence granted in Section 3 above is expressly made subject to and limited by the
following restrictions:
a You may distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, or publicly digitally perform the Work only
under the terms of this Licence, and You must include a copy of, or the Uniform Resource
Identifier for, this Licence with every copy or phonorecord of the Work You distribute, publicly
display, publicly perform, or publicly digitally perform.You may not offer or impose any terms on
the Work that alter or restrict the terms of this Licence or the recipients’ exercise of the rights
granted hereunder.You may not sublicence the Work.You must keep intact all notices that refer
to this Licence and to the disclaimer of warranties.You may not distribute, publicly display,
publicly perform, or publicly digitally perform the Work with any technological measures that
control access or use of the Work in a manner inconsistent with the terms of this Licence
Agreement.The above applies to the Work as incorporated in a Collective Work, but this does not
require the Collective Work apart from the Work itself to be made subject to the terms of this
Licence. If You create a Collective Work, upon notice from any Licencor You must, to the extent
practicable, remove from the Collective Work any reference to such Licensor or the Original
Author, as requested.
b You may not exercise any of the rights granted to You in Section 3 above in any manner that is
primarily intended for or directed toward commercial advantage or private monetary

120 Demos

compensation.The exchange of the Work for other copyrighted works by means of digital file-
sharing or otherwise shall not be considered to be intended for or directed toward commercial
advantage or private monetary compensation, provided there is no payment of any monetary
compensation in connection with the exchange of copyrighted works.
c If you distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, or publicly digitally perform the Work or any
Collective Works,You must keep intact all copyright notices for the Work and give the Original
Author credit reasonable to the medium or means You are utilizing by conveying the name (or
pseudonym if applicable) of the Original Author if supplied; the title of the Work if supplied. Such
credit may be implemented in any reasonable manner; provided, however, that in the case of a
Collective Work, at a minimum such credit will appear where any other comparable authorship
credit appears and in a manner at least as prominent as such other comparable authorship credit.
5. Representations, Warranties and Disclaimer
a By offering the Work for public release under this Licence, Licensor represents and warrants that,
to the best of Licensor’s knowledge after reasonable inquiry:
i Licensor has secured all rights in the Work necessary to grant the licence rights hereunder
and to permit the lawful exercise of the rights granted hereunder without You having any
obligation to pay any royalties, compulsory licence fees, residuals or any other payments;
ii The Work does not infringe the copyright, trademark, publicity rights, common law rights or
any other right of any third party or constitute defamation, invasion of privacy or other
tortious injury to any third party.
7. Termination
a This Licence and the rights granted hereunder will terminate automatically upon any breach by
You of the terms of this Licence. Individuals or entities who have received Collective Works from
You under this Licence, however, will not have their licences terminated provided such individuals
or entities remain in full compliance with those licences. Sections 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8 will survive any
termination of this Licence.
b Subject to the above terms and conditions, the licence granted here is perpetual (for the duration
of the applicable copyright in the Work). Notwithstanding the above, Licensor reserves the right
to release the Work under different licence terms or to stop distributing the Work at any time;
provided, however that any such election will not serve to withdraw this Licence (or any other
licence that has been, or is required to be, granted under the terms of this Licence), and this
Licence will continue in full force and effect unless terminated as stated above.
8. Miscellaneous
a Each time You distribute or publicly digitally perform the Work or a Collective Work, DEMOS offers
to the recipient a licence to the Work on the same terms and conditions as the licence granted to
You under this Licence.
b If any provision of this Licence is invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, it shall not affect
the validity or enforceability of the remainder of the terms of this Licence, and without further
action by the parties to this agreement, such provision shall be reformed to the minimum extent
necessary to make such provision valid and enforceable.
c No term or provision of this Licence shall be deemed waived and no breach consented to unless
such waiver or consent shall be in writing and signed by the party to be charged with such
waiver or consent.
d This Licence constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the Work
licensed here.There are no understandings, agreements or representations with respect to the
Work not specified here. Licensor shall not be bound by any additional provisions that may
appear in any communication from You.This Licence may not be modified without the mutual
written agreement of DEMOS and You.

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