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Professor: Disciplina: Ingls

Aluno(a): Data: Turma: 2V

Seeds of Speech
In the near future, 1.5 billion people a quarter of the worlds population will speak English. For 1.1 billion, it
will be a second or third language. English is rapidly becoming a language for business, science and popular culture.
Three quarters of the worlds mail and 80% of the electronic mail on the Internet use English.
There arent linguistic reasons for this global dominance of English. The grammar is difficult, the pronunciation
eccentric, and the spelling peculiar. Maybe the reason is the flexibility of the English language which incorporates
words from more than 150 different languages.
As English spreads across Australia, Asia and Africa, it will invariably be transformed even subverted. Perhaps
English will fragment into different languages as Latin fragmented into French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and other
language 1.500 years ago.

1) De acordo com o texto:

a) O ingls ser a primeira lngua de 400 milhes de falantes.
b) 25% da populao mundial falar Ingls como alternativa.
c) A lngua inglesa j falada em do globo.
d) Mais da metade da correspondncia mundial ser em Ingls.
e) O Ingls a lngua mais gil para o comrcio, a cincia e a cultura popular.

2) Segundo o texto, a lngua inglesa:

a) pouco diferente de outras lnguas.
b) Tem peculiaridades gramaticais.
c) Possui caractersticas lingusticas inexplicveis.
d) Apresenta excentricidades na escrita e na fala.
e) No muito fcil.

3) Leia as afirmaes abaixo:

I. H uma grande influencia de outras lnguas no Ingls.
II. Tal como o latim, o Ingls ir desaparecer.
III. semelhana do latim, o Ingls poder ser fragmentado em diversas outras lnguas.

Est (o) correta(s) a(s) seguinte(s) afirmao (es):

a)I. c) II. e) I e III.
b)II e III. d) I e II.

4) Outro ttulo adequado para o texto seria:

a) Will Latin repeat English?
b) What language will the world speak?
c) Is English going to change the world?
d) The global dominance of the languages.

e) A language of inflexibility.

5) Como ficaria por extenso 80% e 1500?

a) Eighty for cent; one thousand and five hundreds.
b) Eighty by cent; one thousand and five hundreds.
c) Eighty per cent; one thousand and five hundred.
d) Eighty to cent; one thousand and five hundred.
e) Eighty by center; one thousand and five hundred.

6) Em As English spreads across Australia a palavra across no pode ser substituda por:
a) Over.
b) All over.
c) Through.
d) Between.
e) Throughout.

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