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8/28/2017 jsTree


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What is jsTree?

jsTree is jquery plugin, that provides interactive trees. It is absolutely free, open source ( and distributed under the
MIT license ( jsTree is easily extendable, themable and configurable, it
supports HTML & JSON data sources and AJAX loading.

jsTree functions properly in either box-model (content-box or border-box), can be loaded as an AMD module, and has a built in mobile theme for
responsive design, that can easily be customized. It uses jQuery's event system, so binding callbacks on various events in the tree is familiar and

Just a few of the features worth noting:

drag & drop support keyboard navigation inline edit, create and delete tri-state checkboxes fuzzy searching

customizable node types

Chrome 14+, Firefox 3.5+, Opera 12+, Safari 4+, IE8+

older versions may work, but are not tested

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Root node 1
initially selected
custom icon URL
initially open
Another node
Custom icon class (bootstrap)
Root node 2 (//

Overview (/) Configuration (/docs/config) HTML data (/docs/html) JSON data (/docs/json)

Events (/docs/events) Interaction (/docs/interaction)

Getting Started - everything at a glance

1. Download jsTree ( or use CDNJS

If you choose to download - all the files you need are in the dist/ folder of the download

2. Include a jsTree theme

Themes can be autloaded too, but it is best for performance to include the CSS file.
If hosting the files yourself:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/themes/default/style.min.css" />

If using CDNJS: 1/2
8/28/2017 jsTree

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

3. Setup a container
This is the element where you want the tree to appear, a <div> is enough. This example has a nested <ul> as there is no other data source
configured (such as JSON).

<div id="jstree_demo_div"></div>

4. Include jQuery
jsTree requires 1.9.0 or greater in your webpage. You can use a CDN version or include a local copy.

<script src=""></script>

5. Include jsTree
If hosting the files yourself: for production include the minified version: dist/jstree.min.js , there is a development version too:

<script src="dist/jstree.min.js"></script>

If using CDNJS:

<script src=""></script>

6. Create an instance
Once the DOM is ready you can start creating jstree instances.

$(function () { $('#jstree_demo_div').jstree(); });

7. Listen for events

jsTree uses events to notify you when something changes while users (or you) interact with the tree. So binding to jstree events is as easy
binding to a click. There is a list of events (/api/#/?q=.jstree%20Event) and what information they provide in the API documentation.

$('#jstree_demo_div').on("changed.jstree", function (e, data) {


8. Interact with your instances

Once an instance is ready you can invoke methods on it. There is a list of available methods (/api/#/?q=() in the API documentation. The three
examples below do exactly the same thing

$('button').on('click', function () {
$('#jstree').jstree('select_node', 'child_node_1');

show the complete code

click here for the old site (v.1) (// 2/2

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