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Chapter I

The state of early pregnancy is common to female teenagers

almost yearly. Factors are being considered why teenagers engage in

relationship and eventually turned to enter early pregnancy.

Early pregnancy is the state of being immature mother. Its a

mother that lacks the essence of responsibility towards her new born

baby, is isnt enough for a parent.

In the school Pangpang National High School, early pregnancy is

most commonly happened to teenager now a days due to reasons or
factors that affect the condition or situation in life of every teenager

in their family that could not escape from what reality of life is .It is

in the state of mind of the parent to inculcate the value of advantage

and disadvantage of early parenthood and just leaving poor
teenagers the risk struggle for the rest of life because of one mistake,

teenage pregnancy.

Nowadays, early pregnancy among teenagers is rampant.

Researchers coming from different institutions commonly focus

researches on reasons why teenagers enter early pregnancy.

Findings show that lack of proper education is the main reason .

Some factors were also considered. These include family

mismanagement. With poor parental guidance, teenagers were

deemed to have insufficient or poor judgement. This leads on

engaging to premarital relationship that eventually leads to early

parenthood. Peer pressure is sometimes sees upon being a reason.

Running into fellow teenage which have engaged already to such

situation might be a pursuant. Sex may be a topic among of

teenagers. Without enough knowledge and pressure from fellow

teenagers could lead to an undesirable outcome such as early

pregnancy. With the desire only in mind and no proper guidance,

more teenagers become eager to engage in this thing . Several

reasons might have yet to be discovered. These reasons lie to each

teenager way of living and thinking.

The research will focus on teenage pregnancy. The researcher

will obtain data on topic regarding on how it can affect young

teenagers. The research will show the reasons for the teenagers to

engage in teenage pregnancy or teen pregnancy. The research will

also discuss the other factors including the society and environment

on teenage behaviours. The research will also show teenagers

outlook towards living and the reasons in obtaining decisions.

Common ideas regarding teenage pregnancy will also be gathered

and discussed.


What are the factors or reasons of teenagers committing
teenage pregnancy?


The study will only focus on reasons or factor affecting teenage

on engaging teenage pregnancy. Pregnant teenagers and those

mothers that experienced being a pregnant teenager will be part of

the study as the respondents. The survey will be only limited to five

reasons which will be validated and chosen by each respondents.

The study will only focus on the reasons and factors in order see
through the real problem and be able to help formulate solution or

prevention for the said problem.

Chapter II
Teenage pregnancy is among the most significant and alarming

issues today. Teenage pregnancy, also known as teen pregnancy,

happens once a girl becomes a mother before she is an adult as

started by the law. The pregnancy occurs depending on several

factors. Any society and ethnic groups celebrate teen pregnancies

since they give proof that a girl is fertile and can bear children.

However, in most developed countries such teenage pregnancies are

considered a social disgrace.

Regardless of what other peoples reaction maybe to a teen

getting pregnant, this situation is normally dangerous for both the

child and the mother. The teen is normally vulnerable and shes only

growing into becoming a woman. The body is still fragile and her

reproductive system is just beginning to function properly. At such

point, bearing a child and giving birth can be both physically and

mentally depressing to her. (Family, Family Portal)

Even with a steadily declining adolescent birth rate, 2 in 5

young women will become pregnant before age 20, and 4 out of 5 of
those pregnancies will be unintended, including about half of those

among married teenage girls. Whatever the circumstances, though,

the news that they are pregnant usually comes as a shock and often

not welcome one.(Caring For Your Teenager)

Chapter III

The researchers come up with a descriptive study. As a

descriptive research, the study will describe characteristics of a

population or phenomenon being studied. It does not answer

questions about how/when/why the characteristics occurred. The

respondents will include pregnant teenagers and mothers that had

been a pregnant teenager. The research will use computer units,

tabulations, notes, pen/pencil and papers. Survey forms will also be

used in gathering data. The survey forms will be distributed among

20 selected respondents. The respondents will choose among the

choices provided in the survey form of what is the main reason in

entering teenage pregnancy. After being filled by the respondents,

the survey will be returned to the researchers for filling and

tabulation. A table will be made. The researchers will tally the

number of respondents that chose each reason. After tallying and

tabulations, the reasons will be ranked according to the number of

respondents each reason has. The discussion, summary and

recommendation will be based from the final data gathered.



Direction. Choose only one reason which you deemed to be the

greatest reason why teenage pregnancy is occurring. Put a check

before the number.

__1. Sexual Desire

__2. Poor Parental Guidance

__3. Peer Pressure

__4. Lack Of Education

__5. Social Interest


Sexual Desire 6

Poor Parental Guidance 4

Peer Pressure 3

Lack Of Education 7

Social Interest 0

The table shows that lack of education chosen by 7

respondents. Sexual desire follows having 6 respondents. Next is

poor parental guidance having 4. Then peer pressure with 3

respondents. Lastly, social interest without a respondent.

The result shows that lack of education is the primary reason of

teenage mothers or mother to be in committing teenage pregnancy .

Rank next is sexual desire followed by poor parental guidance, then

peer pressure and lastly social interest.

Most teenagers see that lack of education is the primary reason

into teenage pregnancy. For teenagers without any knowledge

regarding pregnancy would be very difficult, does not knowing the

consequences of being a pregnant teenager. Lacking of education

regarding sex or sex education may also contribute. Parts of sex

education are contraceptives and discussions of harm of premarital

sex. Knowing such knowledge could prevent teenage engaging in


With education teenagers might also prevent the urge coming

only from the desire of having sex. Knowing first the consequences

could stop the sexual desire. Teenagers could have think wisely

before acting. As well as to the parents being educated giving the

proper guidance to teenagers. Giving adequate or proper guidance

can keep teenager in committing teenage pregnancy. Rebellious

teenagers see pregnancy to get away from family or for revenge.

Peer pressure is for those that see sex as fun and dont know what

are the pros and cons beyond that. The group where a teenage

usually belongs gives pressure such as forcing the teenager do things

that fellow can do. Not realizing a big mistake after doing such thing

because the teenager just focuses on giving delight to the group and

keeping as a part of the group.

Being a problem, teenage pregnancy also has a solution. With

everyones effort teenage pregnancy can be prevented . The solution

starts at home. Parents as the first educator should give teenager

some wholesome advice. Teenagers usually prefer a good approach

rather than authoritative. Parents should know children better.

School is the next ground for the cure. In school teenagers

mould character, values and personality together with different

people such as teachers, friends, groups and fellow students. Each

could become an educator of advocacy against teenage pregnancy.

Better to start now than to pay the prize later.









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