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Document for Approval stamp


Employers Representative

contractors consultant

sub contractors consultant

Name Sig. Date 200 GEN - RD D 253PZ
Draftd. 1256CO1 2198294PZ
Check.Michenko 07.11
Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam project
Appr. Kucenko 08.11
Dept. Diversion culvert Stage Sheet Sheets

L 1 1 9
Procedure of lining installation when
left-bank production and assembly base is JDB
ready in March 2013 ADDIS-ABEBA
Explanatory note

Project Babych

1 General
2 Versions of installation.
3 Brief description of lining installation for version 1, (see dwg. 200-GEN-RD-D-253VO,
project 1256CO1).
4 Distinctive features of installation of sections L1 of central sectors of penstocks 3 and
4 version 1 without large-sized assembly at on-site area.
5 Distinctive features of installation of large-sized sections of lining on all penstocks for
version 3, when left-bank production and assembly base is not prepared.
6 Comparative analysis of duration time of lining installation by three versions.
7 Conclusion

200 GEN - RD D 253PZ

1 General

1.1 The present procedure of mounting order as for lining the diversion culvert is
determined by the following terms and conditions:
a) before the beginning of lining installation in January 2013 there is not yet prepared
left-bank production and assembly base with technological equipment the main purpose of which is
enlargement of lining in large-sized sections; the readiness of base is designed as necessary in March
b) to the beginning of lining installation the factories have already manufactured and
supplied the number of panels of lining;
) to the beginning of lining installation at on-site area there should be supplied and
installed non-standard technological equipment for large-sized assembly, pre-assembly preparation
and assembly of sections L1 of penstocks 3 and 4;
d) to the beginning of installation at site there should be delivered two pneumatic tired
cranes of type KS-8362D, one of which to be in operation on large-sized assembly and pre-assembly
work and the next one directly during installation; near the outlet of penstocks there should be
provided on-site area with dimensions of 3270m for large-sized assembly of sections, their delivery,
unloading and pre-assembly preparation;
e) to the beginning of installation there is completely concreted the plate of diversion
culvert up to necessary level in order to perform installation works.
1.2 In given Explanatory note are given:
Brief description of installation procedure of lining;
Comparative analysis of order and time of installation of lining three versions
stated in chapter 2.

2 Versions of installation.

2.1 Version 1.
2.1.1 Directly after finishing of concrete placement of plate it is necessary to perform

assembly of sections L1 for central parts of penstocks 3 and 4. the preliminary
calculation (see chapter 6 of given Explanatory note) the duration of installation of those sections
including of large-sized assembly at on-site area is about 3 months.
2.1.2 To the time of finishing of assembly of sections L1 there should be prepared left-

bank production and assembly base without arrangement of equipment relating to the sections L1,
and installation at site of tower crane MD 900 B along the axis of penstock 2. Sheet
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2.1.3 Installation of lining of inlet and outlet sections of penstocks 1,2, 3 and 4 as
well as central sections of penstocks 1 and 2 is performed by large-sized sections preliminary
assembled on the base.
2.2 Version 2 (as a project), when production and assembly base is ready in December
2.2.1 Installation of lining is performed on all four penstocks by sections preliminary
assembled on base.
2.2.2 This version is earlier developed project 1256.
2.3 Version 3, if production and assembly base is not ready in the period of lining
installation on all four penstocks the construction time schedule.
2.3.1 Installation of lining on all four penstocks is performed without large-sized assembly
on production and assembly base.
2.3.2 Possible enlargement of lining is performed at on-site areas.

3 Brief description of lining installation for version 1, (see dwg. 200-

GEN-RD-D-253VO, project 1256CO1).

3.1 On-site area 1 is preliminary equipped with the following:

Two jigging fixtures for assembly of sections L1, on which four sections can be
assembled simultaneously;
Two rack-stands for assembly of bottom panels from dispatched units;
Rack-stand for tilting and final welding of bottom panels;
Rack-stand for storage of delivered bottom units;
Tilter with technological frame for tilting of sections L1 at 180 before delivery to
All above mentioned equipment is developed in project Level 2 of production and assembly
base (dwg.200-RD-D-012, project 1258CO).
3.2 Main purpose of works at on-site area 1 large-size assembly of sections L1 from
dispatched units (the same as stated in dwg. 200-RD-D-022, project 1263).

3.3 The works at on-site area 1are performed by means of crane 1 KS-
8362D L.c. 100t.
3.4 Installation of sections L1 of penstocks 3 and 4.
3.4.1 After large-sized assembly, welding of anchors and reinforcement membranes, each

section L1 is tilted by crane KS-8362D 1, then it is placed on trailer and delivered to the area of
operation of crane S-8362D 2. Sheet
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3.4.2 By means of this crane the sections one by one are installed in designed position
resting on special structures which are ordered in dwg. 200-RD-D-028 (project 1256).
3.4.3 Each section L1 is checked and aligned and then joined to the foregoing one after
which the welding of joint is performed.
3.4.4 Sections L1 are installed for the whole length of central parts of penstocks 3 and
3.4.5 After finishing of installation or during the process of installation it is possible to
make formwork and concreting.
3.5 For the next installation of lining there should be put into operation in March 2013 the
left-bank production and assembly base (except installation of equipment for assembly of sections
3.6 Inlet sections of penstocks can be installed by two versions:
3.6.1 Version 1. In case of before beginning of those works the tower crane will not be put
into operation, so the installation should be performed only by crane S-8362D; the direction of
sections installation in such a case: from central sections to the entrance; delivery of sections it is
reasonable to perform from upstream side.
3.6.2 Version 2. In case of putting into operation of tower crane before installation works,
so with this crane it is possible to install the sections of penstocks 3, 2 and 1; with this crane
the sections can be delivered from on-site area; the direction of installation by tower crane from
central sections to the inlet; sections of penstock 4 in the direction from central sector to the inlet
are installed by crane S-8362D 2 with their preliminary delivery by tower crane.
3.7 For both alternatives the pre-assembly preparation of delivered sections from base is
performed at on-site area 2.
3.8 Sections L2 of central part of penstocks 2 and 1 are installed by tower crane
the scheme stated in dwg.200-RD-D-028 (project 1256). Pre-assembly preparation of enlarged
sections on base is performed at on-site area 2 (unloading, tilting etc.).
3.9 Sections of outlet sectors of penstocks 1,2,3 are installed by tower
crane the schemes stated in dwg. 200-RD-D-028 ( project 1256), and
outlet sector of penstock 4 by crane S 8362D 2 with their preliminary delivery by

tower crane.

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4 Distinctive features of installation of sections L1 of central sectors of
penstocks 3 and 4 version 1 without large-sized assembly at on-site

4.1 At on-site area there should be installed and put into operation in advance the following
equipment and communications:
Rack-stands for storage of dispatched units for large-sized assembly of bottom panels
and for tilting of large-sized panels;
two jigging devices for panels assembly, welding and installation of anchors
simultaneously of four sections L1;
technological framework for tilting of sections;
Note. Above mentioned equipment was provided for production and assembly base (project
Welding stations, air-supply, facilities of checking of weld-joints.
4.2 On-site area serviced by crane KS-8362D 1.
4.3 Installation of sections is performed only by mobile crane with sections delivery by
transport vehicle. In this case there should be provided its travelling on the concrete of diversion
culvert plate.
4.4 Installation support of sections is provided by special structures manufactured before,
ordered in dwg. 200-RD-D-028 (project 1256).
4.5 the calculation, the time used for large-sized assembly and welding of one
section L1 at on-site area as well as its installation including the welding of joint with previous one is
4,5 days.
4.6 Total lost of time for large-sized assembly and installation of sections L1 of penstocks
3 and 4 at dual shift work is about 3 months.
4.7 The question of time and the procedure of concreting of penstocks 3 and 4
shouldbe considered and discussed together with company Salini. It is reasonable with the purpose
of integrity and geometrical parameters of lining to perform concreting after installation of three or

four sections as minimum.


200 GEN - RD D 253PZ

5 Distinctive features of installation of large-sized sections of lining on all
penstocks for version 3, when left-bank production and assembly base is not

5.1 List of equipment necessary for carrying out of partial large-sized assembly of sections
at on-site area.
5.1.1 Equipment stated in the dwg. 200-RD-D-012 (project 1258). Jigging device for assembly and welding of bottom sections L1 and L2 -4 pcs. (for
8 units). Technological frame for tilting of bottom sections L2 and sections L1 -2pcs. Tilter for bottom sections L2 and sections L1 1pc. Rack for assembly of dispatched elements of bottom panels, ceiling and walls1pc.
5.1.2 New equipment. Jigging device for assembly of ceiling sections L2 2pcs. Jigging device for assembly of bottom and ceiling sections of diffusers and nozzles
-2pcs. Rack stands for intermediate storage of accepted dispatched factory-made units of
lining. Welding equipment, provision of compressed air, power and water supply.
5.2 Above mentioned equipment is necessary for carrying out of large-sized assembly
because element by element installation will appear as very labour-intensive with a large number of
auxiliary structures as well as time consuming.
5.3 Location of such equipment is impossible because of limited on-site areas from the
downstream side of diversion culvert.
5.4 Main procedure of installation of lining without its enlargement on base into large-sized
5.4.1 Assebly, tilting and delivery to the place of installation of bottom section.
5.4.2 Installation of bottom on to mounting supports, alignment and fixation.
5.4.3 Installation of scaffolding on the bottom. Assembly, fixing and alignment of wall

5.4.4 Welding of joints of wall panels and bottom.
5.4.5 Installation of ceiling.
5.4.6 Installation of additional scaffoldings, welding of walls and ceiling joints.

5.4.7 Dismantle of internal scaffoldings.

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5.4.8 Verification and alignment of section geometry, installation of reinforcement
5.5 the calculation performed, the time used for carrying out of all operations,
duration time of element by element installation of one section L2 of lining of penstocks 1 and 2
is 11 days at dual shift work for all sections 8 months, and taking into account the lining of inlet
and outlet sectors 16 months.

6 Comparative analysis of duration time of lining installation by three


6.1 By version 1.
6.1.1 Duration time for installation of lining of central sectors of penstocks 3 and 4
before putting into operation of production and assembly base is 3 months (January-March 2013.);
For this period of time there should be put into operation the left-bank production and
assembly base, on the axis of penstock 2 crane rail tracks installed, as well as installed and tested
tower crane MD 900B L.c.50t.
6.1.2 Duration time for installation of lining of other sectors with large-sized sections is
3,4 months.
Total by version 1 192days (6,4months).
6.2 By version 2.
6.2.1 Installation of lining on four penstocks with large-sized sections preliminary
assembled at base and installation of tower crane from the beginning of installation works (1258O,
Duration time of installation by version 2 150days (5months).
6.3 By version 3.
6.3.1 Installation of lining on all penstocks without large-sized sections.
Duration time of installation by version 3 480days (16months).
6.4 During calculation of duration time of lining installation by three versions there were
taken into account the following factors and specific features.

6.4.1 The works on particular large-sized assembly and installation to be performed in two
6.4.2 The speed of welding of panel joints in one section and assembly joints between
sections with thickness of sheets 25mm is accepted as 34 meters per hour. With such intensity of

welding there should be provided necessary number of equipment.

6.4.3 For version 3 there will appear the following specific features stated below.
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8 Bottoms, ceilings and panels of sections obligatory must be enlarged at on-site area
with the purpose of quick installation and decrease of the number of fixture elements and scaffolds. For large-sized assembly at on-site area it is unavoidable installation of jigging
devices, rack stands and other equipment. For this purpose it would be necessary their manufacture
as well as areas for their installation including access ways, passage ways etc. For such method of installation it would be necessary to use at least 4 lifting cranes
with lifting capacity 1625t: 2pcs. at site of installation, one at assembly area and one for
intermediate works.
6.5 Total duration time of lining installation by versions:
- by version 1 6,4months.
- by version 2 5,0months.
- by version 3 16,0months. Putting into operation of diversion culvert in November
2013 is impossible.

7 Conclusion

7.1 Company Zaporozhgidrostal considers, that the whole technological cycle of

manufacture, assembly and installation of the lining is the most acceptable by versions 1 and 2, that
is in accordance with the terms stated in time schedule of construction.
7.2 Installation of lining by version 3 without preliminary maximum possible enlargement
is not acceptable by terms and labour intensity.
7.3 Earlier mentioned the production and assembly base for large-sized assembly of
diversion culvert lining (1258O) later on will be reequipped for manufacture of pipelines and
linings of left-bank HPP with recurrent use of some part of equipment, foundations, buildings,
structures, gantry cranes etc.
After finishing the construction of HPP GERDP the equipment of production and assembly
base can be successfully used on other hydropower objects of Ethiopia.

200 GEN - RD D 253PZ

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