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FD A Peek at Our week EB

Whats Happening in Room 170 for the Week of 9/4/17

From Mrs. Schaller: I hope everyone had a wonderful, relaxing holiday weekend. We
are back in full swing today for week two! Monday folders will begin next week. Please be sure to check
your childs red alert folder and assignment book daily. Have a great week!

Language Arts p Writing THIS WEEK:

Whole Group: Students are working on paragraphs for Mon 9/4 Labor Day, No
This week we are working together to build a their Summer Posters this week. Once School!
community of readers. We will talk about our own the writing is complete, students will add in PTO Welcome
reading life, genre, authors purpose, active reading Tues 9/5
the photographs and clipart, with the final Back Social 6-
strategies, and setting goals as readers. Students will Day 1
product due on Friday. This will take place 8pm
also work on building stamina with their own Summer Poster
in school. I am enjoying hearing about all
independent reading. It is extremely important for Wed 9/6
of the wonderful things that everyone did Items Due
your child to have his/her independent reading book in Day 2
this summer! Mini-Lessons will include:
school each and every day!
transitions and descriptive word choice. Thurs 9/7 PE-Sneakers!
Day 3
Learning Target(s):
Learning Target(s): Fri 9/8
I can ask and answer questions about a
I can write a complete sentence Day 4
variety of texts.
with capitals and punctuation.
I can write a complete paragraph
SGDI (Small Group Differentiated Instruction):
This week we will continue to establish routines for
with a topic sentence, 3+ detail UPCOMING
sentences, and a closing sentence.
the Daily 3 portion of our language arts block.
I can add sensory details to my
writing. 9/14- PTO Meeting
9/21- No School
9/28- Picture Day
9/29- Color FUND Run
Next week we will begin our language/
grammar mini-lessons.

Learning Target(s): Specials

4+6=10 Mathematics Within the context of reading and
writing, I can apply the grammar
and language expectations for Day 1- Day 2- Music
This week we are working in Chapter One. Students
my grade level. Art
will complete Lessons 1.1 and 1.2. There will be a
vocabulary quiz next week. Students have their
vocabulary glued in their notebooks and it is posted
on the class website. It is their responsibility to
Day 3- Day 4-
study! Each chapter will have a vocabulary matching PE Library
quiz. Our Chapter 1 Assessment is tentatively set for BdSci./S.S.JV
next Friday, September 15th.

Learning Target(s): We are beginning the year with Science,

I can write numbers up to 100,000 in specifically a unit on The Scientific Method.
standard form, word form, and expanded Students will become familiar with the parts
form (1.1) of the scientific method and the coordinating
I can compare and order numbers to vocabulary. We will conduct several small
100,000 (1.2) experiments that allow the students to work
I can identify how much more or less one
through the steps. There will be a vocabulary
number is than another number (1.2)
quiz next week. A study guide will come home
I can find the rule in a number pattern (1.2)
in their notebooks and will be attached on the
website once passed out.
You can access the extra practice pages on our class Learning Target(s):
website under homework and as an attachment with I can generate questions about
this newsletter. objects, organisms, or events that
can be answered through scientific
Visit us on the web: I can observe and record change by using time and measurement.

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