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Adaptive AR Channel Model Identification of

Time-varying Communication Systems

Zarko B.Krusevac Predrag B. Rapajic
Australian National University University of Greenwich at Med. Pemb.
Canberra, ACT 2052 Australia KENT ME4 4TB United Kingdom

Abstract This paper implements an adaptive identification neither by Kalman state (process) equation nor by observation-
of autoregressive AR model coefficients for model-based filter- only adaptive algorithms used for the channel estimation [4].
ing over time-varying communication channels. The presented However, capturing the dynamics of channel time variations
approach does not require a-priori knowledge of the dynamics
of the system which overcomes the issue of determining model by the Kalman process (state) equation is essential for the
coefficients that capture the dynamics of unknown time-varying overall performance of the system [4].
channels. Simulation MSE performance analysis in a multiuser Since the channel output observation equation is linear in
environment shows superior experimental performance of the the state process, assuming a known input sequence (training
AR(2) model-based adaptive algorithm with adaptive model sequence during the training period or sequence of tentative
identification, comparing to the AR(1) model-based adaptive
algorithm with adaptive model identification, the same algorithm decisions in decision directed mode), the Kalman filtering
with fixed model coefficients and standard observation-only- problem can be directly formulated for channel process estima-
based LMS and RLS adaptive algorithms. tion of an unknown time-varying channel [6], [10], [11]. Given
that the Kalman process equation is the channel state equation,
I. I NTRODUCTION the dynamics of the channel time variations are explicitly
Background and Motivation - Model-based adaptive al- incorporated into the structure of the algorithm. However
gorithms exploit additional information of the propagation this approach assumes separate explicit channel estimation
conditions, in the form of a predetermined model, to improve followed by equalization and data detection, which may not be
tracking performance over time-varying channels [1]. The dy- optimal in terms of information rate in the presence of channel
namics of the channel time variations are generally described noise [12].
in state equation form, in addition to the observation equation A specific approach to the Kalman equalization, originated
[2], [3]. from [7] and named the Godard-Kalman approach [9], uses
If the model captures the dynamics of the propagation the state vector to be the true (optimal) tap weights of
conditions, the model-based adaptive algorithms can provide the equalizer. Optimal tap weights are calculated to minimize
very good performance in non-stationary environments [4]. the expected mean squared distortion of the filter output [7].
A stochastic modeling of time-varying channels helps to Since time-invariant channels are considered in [7], the optimal
overcome the complexity of the real propagation environment, tap weights are constant in time and the state transition
provides a focus on the critical broad attributes and tends to matrix is the identity matrix. However, if the channel is
average out nuisance parameters. Finite AR models [5], [6] time-varying then the optimal tap weights are time-varying
are often considered as proper stochastic description of the as well. Therefore, the Godard-Kalman approach can be
channel dynamic in the form of linear difference (differential) extended to time-varying channels by defining properly the
state equations. optimal tap weights transition matrix to implicitly capture
The model-based approach to adaptive filtering usually the dynamic of the time-varying channel process [4]. This
lends itself to a Kalman filter formulation or the problem approach enables adaptive model-based (Kalman) equalization
of jointly solving the process and measurement equations without prior separate channel estimation. However, the issue
[3]. However, the direct Kalman problem formulation for of determining model coefficients to capture the dynamics
the adaptive equalization over an unknown channel with ISI of the optimal weights time-variations still remains. In this
requires information of the channel [7]. This can be achieved paper, an adaptive identification of AR model coefficients is
by using observation-only based adaptive algorithms such as performed to overcome this issue.
LMS or RLS to provide the required channel estimate [8], This paper extends and generalizes the Godard-Kalman
[9]. In [8] this technique is extended to adaptive equalization model based adaptive approach [7] to adaptive filtering over
over non-stationary communication channels. Even though the time-varying communication channels. The extended Godard-
model-based Kalman filtering theory is used and the system Kalman approach presented here utilizes RLS-based adaptive
is adaptive, the whole approach has the crucial drawback identification of AR model coefficients. The adaptive model
of not recognizing the dynamics of time-varying channels, identification, for a given model order, enables adaptive model

978-1-4244-2204-3/08/$25.00 2008 IEEE 618

based equalization without any a-priori information of fading III. G ODARD -K ALMAN A DAPTIVE A LGORITHMS FOR
conditions. Simulation analysis in a multiuser environment T IME - VARYING C HANNELS
shows the superior experimental MSE performance of Godard- A. Godard-Kalman approach
Kalman algorithm with adaptive model identification com-
A direct Kalman formulation for the adaptive filtering
pared to one with fixed model coefficients and to standard
for the communication system (1) (solution in xn ) over an
observation-only-based LMS and RLS algorithms.
unknown time-varying channel with ISI is not possible due to
II. A DAPTIVE M ODEL - BASED (K ALMAN ) F ILTERING non linearity of the observation equation (1a) in channel input
T HEORY xn . The straightforward solutions requires information of the
channel (channel estimation).
A. Model-based Design Alternatively, the Godard-Kalman approach [7] to the
The main idea behind the model-based adaptive algorithm Kalman equalization [9] uses the state vector to be the true
design is to use the information of the propagation conditions (optimal) tap weights of the equalizer. Optimal tap weights are
to stochastically describe the time-varying channel process calculated to minimize the expected mean squared distortion
using the channel state equation [2][4]. The observation equa- E[|e(n)|2 ] of the filter output x
n [7], where
tion and the state equation define a state-space formulation en = xn x
n , (2)
of a communication system over time-varying communication
channels. A discrete time, state-space model can be expressed and
as follows n = H
x n yn . (3)
Vector n in (3) is the vector of the adaptive filter coefficients,
y n = Sn xn + nn (1a)
y n is the observable output of the communication system/the
Sn+1 = Hn Sn + Qn (1b) filter input sequence and xn in (2) is the training sequence
where y n is the observable output of the channel, Sn is the (or sequence of tentative decisions), a priori known to the
channel process matrix, xn is the input of the channel, nn is receiver.
observation noise and Qn is channel process noise matrix, all We use opt
n to denote the optimal (true) filter coeffi-
at the time instant n. Furthermore, Hn is the channel transition cients, which minimize the E[|en |2 ] of the error (2). While in
(system) matrix. time-invariant environments the optimal coefficients opt n =
The observation (measurement) equation (1a) describes the opt are constant in time [7], if the channel is time-varying,
observation vector and relates the observable output of the then opt
n becomes time-varying as well.
channel y n to the channel process matrix Sn . The channel The main reason for adopting the Godard-Kalman algorithm
process matrix Sn is defined as the minimal set of data for adaptive model-based equalization over time-varying chan-
that is sufficient to uniquely describe the unforced dynamical nels is the possibility to use the information of the propagation
behavior of the channel by the state (process) equation (1b). conditions to describe how true filter coefficients optn vary
with time. Here we assume vector AR stochastic model for
B. Statement of the Kalman Filtering Problem the time-varying true coefficients opt

The Kalman filtering problem is the problem of jointly opt opt

n+1 = H n n + q n (4)
solving the state (process) and observation (measurement) where Hn is a system (transition) matrix, q n is a white noise
equations for the unknown state matrix in an optimal manner sequence with var(q) = q2 I.
[2], [3]. The filter output observation equation is given by
The Kalman filtering problem may be formally stated as
follows [3]: Use the entire observed data y 1 ,..., y n to find, for
each n 1, the minimum mean-square estimate of the state at n = H
x n y n + n (5)
the time i. The problem is called filtering if i = n, prediction where n = xn ( opt H
n ) yn is the true noise with the
if i > n and smoothing if 1 i < n. variance 2 .
The concept of state is fundamental for the Kalman filtering The observation equation (5) and the state equation (4) form
theory formulation [3] and it is not necessarily related to the the state-space model for the Kalman filtering problem state-
channel process Sn in (1). For instance, the Godard-Kalman ment. The iterative solution can be derived in the following
formulation [7] defines the state as the vector of optimal filter form [4]
coefficients which are calculated to minimize the expected n+1|n = Hn n+1|n + Kn n
mean squared distortion of the filter output. Furthermore, the
use of Kalman filtering presupposes that the system under n = xn y n n|n1
consideration is described by a set of linear difference (differ- Hn Pn|n1 y Tn
Kn = 2 (6)
ential) equations [7]. However, the observation equation (1a)  + y n Pn|n1 y n+1
is not necessarily linear in channel input xn . Thus, the state- 
Pn+1|n = Hn Pn|n1 HnT
space formulation (1) is more general than the Kalman filtering 
formulation. Kn (2 + y n Pn|n1 y Tn )KnT + q2 I

where where 0 = 1 is the forgetting factor. The time constant
for convergence is given by [2], [4]
n+1|n = E( n+1 |yn , yn1 , ..., y1 ) (7)
and = . (11)
log |1 0 |
Pn+1|n = E( n+1 n+1|n )( n+1 n+1|n )T (8)
The convergence criterion (10) and the time constant for
with initial conditions given by P (0) = P0 . convergence (11) do not depend on filter input y(n) statistics.
The main advantage of the Godard-Kalman adaptive ap- Consequently the RLS is near-far resistant. As a Newton
proach is adaptive filtering (equalization) without prior sepa- method algorithm, the RLS provides a fast initial convergence.
rate channel estimation. However, in non-stationary environments, this fast initial con-
vergence usually has to be traded-off to improve stability and
B. Adaptive Model Identification for the Kalman-Godard Fil- tracking, as it is shown in simulations, Section V.
2) Second Order Stability and Tracking Analysis: The
While the Godard-Kalman adaptive approach implicitly relative steady state excess MSE or misadjustment for the RLS
captures the dynamics of time-varying channels, the issue of algorithm with time-varying true weights is [2], [4]:
determining model coefficients still remains.
E 2 p 0 2 2 y2 p
Mtot = = + + O(20 )
yk (n) xk (n)
2 2 0 2 2
Adaptive Decision
receiver device = Mnoise + Mlag + O(20 ) (12)

where E = limn E[|e(n)|2 ]; p = tr(Ry )/y2 ; y2 is

the variance of y(n); tr(Ry ) = trace(Ry ) is the sum of
AR(p) the eigenvalues of Ry = E[y(n)y H (n)]; 2 = q2 / 2 ; and
adaptive = I H is true speed of change of the time varying
algorithm true weights. The expression Mnoise in (12) is the excess
Adaptive AR(p) xk (n) MSE due to noise adaptation and Mlag is the excess lag
model coefficients Training
identification sequence terms due to the time-varying optimal weights.
The second order stability requires [2], [4]
Fig. 1. AR(p) model-based filtering with adaptive AR(p) coefficients 1
Mtot = Mnoise + Mlag < (13)
identification 3
In Fig. 1 we propose the Godard-Kalman filtering with Furthermore, 0,opt and Mopt can be found to be [2], [4]
the adaptive model coefficient Hn identification. Due to the y y
physical foundation of the channel process time-variations and Mopt = p for 0,opt = (14)
mass inertia effects, time variations of the system matrix Hn
are usually slow enough (at the time-scale of the higher rate B. Model-based Algorithm Performance Analysis
data). As shown in [4], the RLS algorithm is well suited 1) Convergence: Following [2], [4], the first order conver-
to adaptively estimate only very slow time-invariant system gence criterion is given by
matrix Hn , Fig. 1, as follows 1
0 < max
<2 (15)
Hn+1 = Hn + Kn n
n = xn (Hn n1 )H y n (9) where = 2 /2 and max = max (Ry ) is the maximum
eigenvalue of Ry .
1 Pn1 y n
Kn = The time constant for convergence for convergence is given
1 + 1 y H
n Pn1 y n by
Pn = Pn1 Kn y H
1 1
n Pn1 1
=  12 1  (16)
We emphasise that the RLS algorithm is ill-suited to adapting log 1
2 +1
(time-varying) opt
n , but through the state-space formulation
well-suited to adapting the very slow time varying system where = max /min is condition number of Ry and min is
matrix Hn . the minimum eigenvalue of Ry . Time constant for convergence
(16) depends on eigenvalue spread but much more weakly
than for LMS. For example, for for conditional number =
A. RLS Performance Analysis max /min = 16, the LMS time constant is equal to 8 [4] and
1) Convergence: The first order RLS convergence criterion the model-based algorithm time constant (16) is 3. Thus, the
is given by [2], [4] model-based adaptive algorithm is much less near-far sensitive
0 < 0 < 2 (10) than LMS.

2) Second Order Stability and Tracking Analysis: Again
Adaptive MMSE receivers bank
following [2], [4], the relative steady state excess MSE or
misadjustment for the model-based adaptive algorithm with
time-varying true weights is receiver 1

E 2 p cy p cy 2
Mtot = 2
= + + O(2 )
 2 2 2 Adaptive Decision
= Mnoise + Mlag + O(2 ) (17) receiver 2
where cy = tr(Ry )/p and = 2 /2

Furthermore, k,opt and Mopt can be found

receiver K
Mopt = p cy for k,opt = . (18)
x sequence
The second order stability requires Mtot = Mnoise +Mlag <
1 AR(p) model-based algorithm
3 [2]. In addition
p p adaptive AR(p) coefficients estimation
x sequence
1 1 1  1 1  1 1 2 2
cy = tr(Ry )=
u2 p=
p x =x (19)
p p 1 p 1 p
Fig. 2. AR(p) model-based adaptive multiuser receiver with adaptive AR(p)
model coefficients estimation
leads to Mopt (Kalman) Mopt (RLS), (and
Mopt (Kalman) Mopt (LMS) [4]) and which means
that model-based adaptive algorithm offers superior tracking where y k,n is discrete time received samples of kth user at
to RLS [4]. the time n, k,n are the adaptive filter coefficients of kth user
at the time n.
V. S IMULATION S TUDY The coefficients are obtained adaptively during the train-
A. System Model for Simulation Study Adaptive MMSE Mul- ing period, by minimizing the MSE, E[|ek,n |2 ],
tiuser Receiver
ek,n = xk,n x
k,n , (22)
The adaptive MMSE multiuser receiver structure Fig. 2,
presented in [13], [14], consists of a bank of adaptive MMSE where xk,n is the kth user training sequence at the time n, a
FIR filters along with the centralized (ML) detector part of the priori known to the receiver.
receiver for data detection. The number of users in the cell of B. Simulation results
interest K is assumed to be known. However, the number
KI of intercell interferers (I1 , I2 , ...IKI in Fig. 2) is unknown
[14]. h=[1 0.25 0.5 0.125] RLS
While the non-linear centralized ML detection improves 2 LMS
significantly the performance of the adaptive MMSE multiuser
receiver [14], it does not influence the tracking performance Number of users:6
of the adaptive filters during the training period (the training 10
Experimental MSE

Adaptive ident.
sequence is a priori known at the receiver). Since we focus on AR(2) GK
the tracking performance of adaptive algorithms assuming an
a priori known input sequence, without loss of generality, we
consider only the bank of adaptive MMSE filters (the linear 2
front-end of the receiver).
The discrete-time received sample vector or the observation
of adaptive filter inputs at time n, y n can be expressed as
6 5 4

y n = Fn xn + nn
10 10 10
(20) Normalized fading rate fDTs

where Fn is the matrix of sampled system signatures which Fig. 3. Experimental MSE performance for AR(2) model-based algorithm
includes spreading sequences and channel signatures, nn is with adaptive model coefficients identification and observation-only based
AWGN and xn contains the transmitted symbols. LMS and RLS algorithms
The output of the MMSE filter for the kth user, k = 1, ..., K We use the MATLAB multiple path fading channel
at the time n is rayleighchan.m, 6-users, spreading gain of 6. The multi-
k,n = H
x k,n y k,n (21) path channel consists of four-spaced channel taps with initial

values h = [1 0.25 0.5 0.125]. The channel noise variance confirms the superiority of the model-based approach with
is given by n2 = 0.25. The feedforward filter for each user adaptive model identification over the same approach with
consists of 24 taps. User k = 1 is the user of interest. fixed model parameters for a range of fD TS . At medium
Simulations are performed for a range of normalized fading fading rate fD TS = 5 104 , the adaptive approach with
rates fD TS . a fixed model parameters H1 = I; = 0.85 provides
Fig. 3 based on the average square error performance (ex- some performance improvement comparing to slow and high-
perimental MSE) corroborates the theoretical performance medium fading rate conditions, since the model is better suited
analysis provided in Section IV. The AR(2) model-based for particular fading conditions. However, the model-based
adaptive algorithm with adaptive model identification provides approach with adaptive model identification does not use any
superior tracking performance to LMS and RLS, especially for a-priori information of the fading conditions.
the medium speed fading conditions and the LMS algorithm R EFERENCES
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