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SMP 301 2017


Surname and Initials: Student Number:

The purpose of this experiment is to determine the nozzle efficiency and study the variation of the efficiency with change in
back pressure as the air flows through a convergent divergent nozzle.


Nozzle Performance Test module F300A 0614573397 DETERMINATION OF NOZZLE EFFICIENCY


Nozzle no 3: - convergent-divergent
- diameter at the throat =2.0 mm
- Exit area/Throat area = 1.4
- Designed pressure ratios= 0.185


1. Close the air inlet throttle valve

2. Ensure that the Micrometre contacts are clean, and that the impact head is fitted into the end of the cantilever in the
Nozzle Efficiency configuration.
3. Ensure that the micrometre dial has been correctly zeroed
4. Unscrew the knurled nut on the right hand end of the chamber and withdraw the nozzle housing
5. Rotate the micrometre screw until the contacts are just made- this is indicated by the lamp. Greatest sensitivity is
achieved when the micrometre is adjusted until the lamp just flickers at half brightness.
6. Set the indicating dial to zero by slackening the clamping screw (Underneath) and rotating the disc on its spindle.
7. Select an inlet pressure, 600 kPa to 700 kPa gauge by adjustment of the pressure regulator and by adjusting the inlet
throttle valve. Fully open the back pressure valve and then adjust the micrometre screw until the lamp just illuminates
indicating contact with the beam. Record the inlet pressure, back pressure (in this case 0 kPa) and the micrometre dial
8. Slightly close the back pressure valve to increase the back pressure to approximately 100 kPa and adjust the
micrometre screw and repeat the observations.
9. Repeat with similar increments of outlet pressure until Po = Pi

Barometric pressure, mmHg P atm

Observation no. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Inlet gauge pressure, kPa Pi

Inlet temperature, C ti

Back pressure, kPa po

Dial reading

Outlet temperature, C to Change in temperature to ti = 2 C

2 2
h1-h2 = actual enthalpy change =
1 1

h1-h2s = isentropic enthalpy change = [1 ( ) ]= [1 ( ) ]
1 1

Co =


Observation no. 1 2 3 4 5 6
pi abs [kPa]
po abs [kPa]
Ti [K]
To [K]
F** [N]
Actual enthalpy
Isentropic enthalpy
Nozzle efficiency
** F is determine from the micrometre load calibration provided

Plot the relationship between pressure ratio and nozzle efficiency.

Marking criteria

Objective/Introduction Clearly state the objective of the experiment and 10
give a brief introduction about nozzles
Assumptions Clearly state assumptions that are made 5
Apparatus Describe in your own words the apparatus 5
Calculations Show calculations for one observation only 10
Results and graph Tabulate results and draw the graph 20
Conclusion Draw the conclusion 10
References/appendices Use numbering stile for referencing 5
Attach to the report any other relevant
Report formatting, Report should have a cover page, should be 5
presentation, neatness typed, well formatted and presented
Total 70

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