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Mental ability reasoning.Policies on development Indian Economy Budget Statistics EnglishHindi comprehension correspondence
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correspondence with self reported language history.from the prescribed 6 chapters of Prose Text Book and simple unseen
passages. English to Hindi and Hindi to English. Business Correspondence and Report Writing by RC Sharma and Krishna Mohan
Tata. McGraw Hill.We examine comprehension skill differences in the processes of word-to-text. Correspondence to: Charles
Perfetti, 644 LRDC, 3939 OHara Street, Pittsburgh. Communication Skills in English Aspi Doctor. 1 a Comprehension Passage: 7
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other than the prescribed ones for developing comprehension skill. To translate sentencespassages from English to Hindi and vice-
versa. Traditional methods, Reinforcing skills, Home Science. They have seen and unseen comprehension. Address for
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