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Try and include actions and work in your internship as well as your PORs/extra academics which demonstrate the

following qualities in you in an implicit manner:

Analytical problem solving
Team Work
Diversity in the kind of people you have interacted with and atmospheres where you have worked in.

Few pointers for resume making:

Start from scratch always - Blank word document /latex. DO NOT edit from someone else's/ your own old
Do not use font size below 10 (11 is better) anywhere on your CV. Use true fonts like Arial, Times new
roman or Calibri.
Be consistent in your font and bullet styles throughout the resume. You may use two different fonts for
section headings and content - no more than two fonts should be there on the resume.
Insert one single table for your entire resume - you can remove/add rows, columns, borders, shading, width
and height as per your requirements. A single table keeps formatting and other stuff consistent.
Start from Top and Left - Most important things relevant to you and your resume should be in the left and at
the top (except CGPA which you generally write on the right) - be it within or across sections.
Demonstrate the impact of your work. Firms are interested in what you delivered and how and not the
minute details of your work. E.g. It is better to write the monetary or man-hour savings your project lead to
than writing about the number of research papers you read on a topic.
Start all sentences with action verbs as a rule- choose action verbs that make impact like collaborated,
delivered, saved, optimized, led, rather than passive words like was a part of, worked, completed (You
can get a list of them by simple google search)
Follow the following sentence structure as much as possible: Action Verb + Impact of the work + how/by
what way you achieved it. e.g. Conceptualized a new logistics setup with potential savings of 12 lakhs
by introducing a new assembly chain (especially relevant for the POR/Internship section)
Include numbers to quantify your work but do not do it unnecessarily if your work/project doesn't permit you
Use Bold, Italics and Underline judiciously --Just see for yourself how out of place the previous sentence
looks. Bold should be words which you definitely want your reader to read and make your resume unique.
Use these three things to highlight unique things on your resume
Fold your CV to hide the right half of the page - no one has the time to move to the right half, hence all the
important stuff should be present in the left half itself
Make every ink drop on your resume count - every word on your resume should make a difference in a way
that if it's not present there would be something lacking
Dont use shadings or borders in the resume unnecessarily (Personal opinion some people find them
Double check all spelling errors, grammatical, formatting or alignment mistakes. Triple check all
spelling errors, grammatical, formatting or alignment mistakes It is a cardinal sin to make such
mistakes on your resume
Try and customize your resume to the requirements of the firm you are applying to and what matters to it
the most

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