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Mengubah Kalimat Aktif Menjadi Pasif dalam 16 Tenses #part 1

Mengubah Kalimat Aktif Menjadi Pasif dalam 16 Tenses

Cara mengubah kalimat aktif menjadi pasif itu tidak sulit. Tinggal letakan saja
objek dalam kalimat aktifnya yang biasanya ada di akhit kalimat menjadi di awal
kalimat. Selai itu, 1 hal yang harus kalian ingat adalah kata kerja utama yang ada
di kalimat aktif harus diubah menjadi bentuk ketiga dan didahului dengan to be.
KATA KERJA BENTUK TIGA (past participle) tersebut pada kalimat pasif tidak
akan berubah, tidak peduli dalam tense apa kalimat pasif tersebut.

V1 / V2 / V3 => tobe + V3

Misalkan : eat menjadi is/are eaten

Setelah kalian ingat dengan hal di atas, maka langkah kedua kalian harus
memperhatikan tense dari kalimat yang ingin kalian ubah ke pasif. Berikut cara
mengubah kalimat aktif ke pasif dalam 16 tense bahasa Inggris :

A. Present

. Simple Present

Aktif : S + V1 + O

Pasif : O + tobe + V3


a. I eat that cake. => That cake is eatean (by me).

b. She breaks the vase. => The vase is broken (by her).

*kata dalam kurung boleh digunakan atau tidak.

2. Present Future

Aktif : S + will + V1 + O

Pasif : O + Will + be + V3

Contoh :

a. I will do the homework. => The homework will be done (by me).

b. My boss will accept my plan. => My plan will be accepted (by my boss).

3. Present Perfect

Aktif : S + Have/Has + V3 + O

Pasif : O + Have/Has + been + V3

Contoh :

a. You have taken the pencil. => The pencil has been taken (by you).

b. He has written a letter. => A letter has been written (by him).

4. Present Continuous

Aktif : S + tobe + V-ing + O

Pasif : O + tobe + being + V3

Contoh :

a. They are destroying that big building. => That big building is being

b. He is eating a huge cake. => A huge cake is being eaten.

5. Present Future Perfect

Aktif : S + Will + Have + V3 + O

Pasif : O + Will + Have + been + V3

Contoh :

a. We will have finished all the tasks. => All the tasks will have been
finished (by us).

b. Next month, he will have finished his paper. => Next month, his paper will
have been finished (by him).

6. Present Future Continuous

Aktif : S + Will + Have + been + V-ing

Pasif : O + Will + Have + been + being + V3

Contoh :

a. I will have been cooking the dinner soon. => The dinner will have
been being cooked soon (by me).

b. Im sure my boss will have been firing me. => Im sure I will have
been being fired(by my boss).

7. Present Perfect Continuous

Aktif : S + Have/Has + been + V-ing + O

Pasif : O + Have/Has + been + being + V3

Contoh :

1. I have been fixing your phone. => Your phone has been being fixed (by me).

2. She has been eating all cakes. => All cakes have been being eaten (by her).
8. Present Future Perfect Continuous

Aktif : S + Will + Have + been + V-ing + O

Pasif : O + Will + Have + been + being + V3

Contoh :

1. They will have been killing me. => I will have been being killed (by them).

2. She will have been telling me the truth. => The truth will have been being
told (by her).

B. Past

9. Simple Past

Aktif : S + V2 + O

Pasif : O + tobe + V3

Contoh :

a. I broke the glass. => The glass was broken (by me).

b. My mom told me. => I was told (by my mom).

10. Past Future

Aktif : S + Would + V1 + O

Pasif : O + Would + be + V3

a. I would spend the money. => The money would be spent (by me).

c. His father would hit him. => He would be hit (by his father).
11. Past Perfect

Aktif : S + Had + V3 + O

Pasif : O + Had + been + V3

a. You had eaten that food. => The food had been eaten (by you).

b. Her sister had called me for some help. => I had been called (by her
sister) for some help.

12. Past Continuous

Aktif : S + tobe (was/were) + V-ing + O

Pasif : O + tobe (was/were) + being + V3

a. I was drinking a cup of coffee. => A cup of coffee was being drunk (by

b. His mother was cooking meal for breakfast. => Meal for breakfast
was being cooked (by his mother).

13. Past Future Perfect

Aktif : S + Would + Have + V3 + O

Pasif : O + Would + Have + been + V3

Contoh :

a. They would have watched that movie. => That movie would have been
watched (by them).

b. Our teacher would have taught us for 1 year. => We would have been
taught (by our teacher) for 1 year.
14. Past Future Continuous

Aktif : S + Would + be + V-ing

Pasif : O + Would + be + being + V3

Contoh :

a. We would be cleaning the house. => The house would be being cleaned (by

b. She would be fixing your life. => Your life would be being fixed (by her)

15. Past Perfect Continuous

Aktif : S + Had + been + V-ing + O

Pasif : O + Had + been + being + V3

Contoh :

a. My cat had been eating your fish. => Your fish had been being eaten (by
my cat).

b. He had been changing my life. => My life had been being changed (by him).

16. Past Future Perfect Continuous

Aktif : S + Would + Have + been + V-ing + O

Pasif : O + Would + Have + been + being + V3

Contoh :

a. My wife would have been driving the car. => The car would have been being
driven (by my wife).

b. My husband would have been climbing the wall. => The wall would have
been being climbed (by my husband).
Passive Voice: Simple Future Tense

Rumus dan Contoh (Kalimat Positif)

Rumus : Subjek + will/shall + be + Verb III

Contoh :

I will give you a writing assignment in Japanese tomorrow (aktif)

You will be given a writing assignment in Japanese tomorrow (pasif)

Security officer will ask to show our identification (aktif)

We will be asked to show our identification by security officer (pasif)

Passive Voice

Dalam bahasa Inggris, kata kerja transitif memiliki dua ragam gramatikal, yaitu
aktif (active voice) dan pasif (passive voice). Kalimat aktif merupakan suatu
bentuk kalimat dimana orang, binatang atau benda yang ditunjuk sebagai subjek
dikatakan melakukan sesuatu pada yang lain. Sebaliknya, kalimat pasif adalah
orang, binatang atau benda ditunjuk sebagai objek atau dikatakan menderita
sesuatu dari sesuatu yang lain. Di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kalimat aktif
lebih sering digunakan dibandingkan dengan kalimat pasif.

Kalimat pasif dapat dibentuk dari tiga tenses utama dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu
present tense, past tense dan future tense. Pada artikel ini akan dijelaskan
mengenai rumus serta contoh yang digunakan dalam membentuk kalimat pasif
pada simple future tense. Penjelasan akan terbagi menjadi tiga, yakni kalimat
pasif dalam bentuk kalimat positif, kalimat negatif serta kalimat pertanyaan.

Rumus dan Contoh (Kalimat Negatif)

Rumus : Subjek + will/shall + not + be + Verb III

Contoh :

He will meet them next Sunday at Tebet (aktif)

They will not be met by him next Sunday at Tebet (pasif)

The farmers will harvest the crops next month (aktif)

The crops shall not be harvested by the farmers next month (pasif)
Rumus dan Contoh (Kalimat Pertanyaan)

Rumus : Will/shall + subjek + be + Verb III

Contoh :

They will buy a bike for her next week (aktif)

Will a bike be bought for her by them next week? (pasif)

The waitress will serve them (aktif)

Will they be served by that waitress? (pasif)

Pengertian Passive Voice

Passive voice adalah suatu grammatical construction (bentuk gramatikal) dimana

subject kalimat tidak melakukan aksi, melainkan menerima aksi atau
ditindaklanjuti (receiver of action) oleh agent lain (doer of action) baik
disebutkan ataupun tidak. Sebaliknya, pada konstruksi active, subject
berhubungan langsung dengan verb dengan bertindak sebagai pelaku aksi. Kalimat
aktif dapat ditransformasi menjadi pasif, namun hanya transitive verb
(diikuti direct object) yang dapat diberlakukan demikian.

Rumus Passive Voice

Rumus passive voice adalah sebagai berikut di bawah ini.


Auxiliary verb dapat berupa primary auxiliary verb be (is, are, am, was, were, be,
been, being), kombinasi antara dua primary (is/are being, was/were being,
has/have been) atau antara primary dan modal auxiliary verb (will be, will have
Past participle yang digunakan berupa kata kerja transitive.

Contoh: She cant drive a car. (active voice, transitive), He always come on time.
(active voice, intransitive)

Perubahan bentuk dari base form ke past tense dan past participle secara
regular atau irregular.

Contoh: play (base form) > played (past participle), sing (base form) > sung
(past participle)

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice pada Auxiliary Verb be:

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice
Subject be PP

I am paid in dollars.
I am paid
(Saya dibayar dalam dollar.)
The red velvet recipe is used by many people.
the red velvet
is used (Resep red velvet tsb digunakan oleh banyak

All of my shoes are washed every month.

all of my shoes are washed
(Semua sepatu saya dicuci setiap bulan.)

Large amounts of meat and milk are

large amounts of consumed by many people in the countries.
are consumed
meat and milk (Sejumlah besar daging dan susu dikonsumsi
oleh banyak orang di negara-negara tsb.)

The book was edited by Beatrice Sparks.

the book was edited
(Buku tsb disunting oleh Beatrice Sparks.)

The books were edited by Beatrice Sparks.

the books were edited (Buku-buku tsb disunting oleh Beatrice

Pengecualian pada Transitive Verbs

Tidak semua transitive verb, kata kerja yang memiliki direct object, dapat
dipasifkan. Beberapa kata kerja tersebut yang antara lain: have, become, lack,
look like, mean, dll akan terdengar tidak wajar maknanya ketika dipasifkan.
Beberapa contoh kalimat dari kata kerja tersebut adalah sebagai berikut.


I have a great new idea. > tidak dapat dipasifkan dengan: A great new idea is
had by me.
The snack contains aspartame. > tidak dapat dipasifkan dengan: Aspartame is
contained by the snack.

Rumus dan Contoh Passive Voice pada Tenses

Auxiliary verb untuk membentuk konstruksi pasif pada tenses dapat berupa
auxiliary be (is, are, was, were), kombinasi antara dua primary auxiliary (is/are
being, was/were being, has/have been), atau antara primary auxiliary dengan
modal verb (will be, will have been). Auxialiary tersebut kemudian dipadukan
dengan past participle untuk membentuk passive verb form.

Rumus dan contoh passive voice pada beberapa macam tenses dapat dilihat pada
tabel sebagai berikut.

Tenses Rumus Contoh

am/is/are + past
Simple The crafts are made of wood.
am/is/are + being + past
Present Continuous The room is being cleaned.
has/have + been + past Your requests have been
participle approved.
Simple was/were + past participle The mansion was built in 1990.
was/were + being + past
Continuous Your gown was being washed.
Past participle
had + been+ past The fence had been painted in
participle green.
The packet will be sent
Simple will + be + past participle
will + have + been + past The article will have been read
participle ninety times.


Bentuk pasif dari perfect continuous sebaiknya dihindari karena rumit dan tidak

Passive Voice pada Infinitive

Bentuk pasif dari infinitive phrase dapat berperan sebagai subject, object,
maupun modifier pada suatu kalimat. Rumus dan contoh bentuk pasif pada
infinitive adalah sebagai berikut.

(to) be + past participle


To be accompanied with him is a bad idea. (Subject)

Everyone needs to be loved. (Object)
He is the man to be trusted for all the things. (Modifier)
Passive Voice pada Gerund

Bentuk pasif pada gerund dapat berfungsi sebagai subject, object, maupun
object of preposition dalam suatu kalimat. Berikut rumus dan contoh bentuk
pasif pada gerund.

being + past participle


Being accompanied with him is a bad idea. (Subject)

My brother enjoyed being taken to the beach. (Object)
My brothers happy of being taken to the beach. (Object of preposition)

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