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A: A fruit that can be red, green or yellow APPLE

B: This is on the classroom wall and the teacher writes on it BLACKBOARD

C: It is sweet and you eat it in your birthday CAKE

D: You go to this person when you have toothache - DENTIST

E: You have two of these and you use them to see EYES

F: Birds do this to move from one place to the other FLY

G: This is the tallest animal in the world. It lives in Africa and this is the
animal with the longest necks GIRAFFES

H: Part of the body that you use to write and to say hello and goodbye HAND

I: The opposite of outside INSIDE

J: If someone tells you one, you usually laugh JOKE

K: You need this to open doors that are closed KEY

L: You go to this building to read and borrow books LIBRARY

M: You look at these to find roads and rivers and towns MAPS

N: Part of the body that is in the middle of your face NOSE

O: It is a color and a fruit ORANGE

P: People invite their friends to this on their birthday PARTY

Q: The wife of the king QUEEN

R: When you make a mistake with your pencil, you need this RUBBER

S: You can eat or drink this from a bowl or from a cup SOUP

T: This is how you call a finger in your foot TOE

U: The opposite of beautiful UGLY

V: Carrots, beans and lettuce are this type of food VEGETABLES

W: The opposite of right WRONG

X: It is in the air and you need it to live OXYGEN

Y: The opposite of old YOUNG

Z: Place where you visit animals - ZOO

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