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Questions 5 to 7.
Questions 1 to 4.
In this part of the test, you will hear some incomplete
Directions: dialogues spoken in English, followcd by four responses,
In this part o f the test, you will hear some dialogues and also spoken in English. The dialogues and the responses
questions spoken in English. The questions and The will be spoken twice.
dialogues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in They will not be printed in your test book, so you must
your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand
listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying,
what the speakers are saying.
You have to choose the best response to each question.
After you listen to the dialogue and the question about it,
read the five possible answers and decide which one would Now listen to a sample question.
be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now Man : Where are we going to stay?
listen to a sample question. Woman : At the Sun Hotel, near the beach,
You will hear: Man : Why there?
Boy : Do you use the internet very often?
Woman : ....
Giri : Yes, I do. I use it for communication.
Boy : How do you communicate with it? What will the woman most likely reply?
Giri : I send and receive emails, and 1 speak with my A. Stay there.
friends using voicc mail. B. It provides excellent Service
What is the main topic of the conversation? C. Theres a hotel there.
A. How to use email. D. Its on the beach.
B. Internet usage. The best answer to the qucstion is choice B It provides
C. Rcceiving emails. excellent Service. Therefore, you should choose answer B.
D. Voice mail 5. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
E. Communication. 6. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
The best answer to this question is Internet usage, 7. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
Therefore you should choose answer (B)

1. A. She is proud ofhcr father. PART III

B. She is angry with her father.
C. She is very sad. Questions 8 to 11.
D. She is very curious.
E. She is grateful to her father.
In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or
monologues spoken in English. The dialogues or
2. A. Have lunch with the man.
monologues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed
B. Come to a steak house.
in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand
C. Treat the man.
what the speakers are saying. After you listen to the
D. See the manager.
dialogue or monologue and the question about it, look at the
E. Give her opinion.
five pictures provided in your test book, and decide which
one would be the most suitable with the dialogue or
3. A. To fiil the fuel.
monologue you have heard.
B. To borrow the car.
C. To get to the Service center.
D. To forget what happened.
E. To ask permission to her father.

4. A. Bali, bccausc its beautiful at this time of year.

B. A place that has a cooler elimate than Bali.
C. Puncak.
D. Ciwidey
E. Yogyakarta

Question 12 to 15.
In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues.
Each monologue will be spoken twice. They will not be
printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to
understand what the speakers are saying.
After you hear the monologue and the question about it,
read the five possible answers and decide which one would
be the best answer to the question you have heard.
12. A. the advantages of living in the city
B. thc disadvantages of living in thc city
C. jobs available in thc city
D. city lovers.
E. transportation in thc city
13. A. The city is polluted and noisy.
B. Because there are a lot of public facilities which
make life easier.
C. The city is crowded.
D. The city is not deserted.
E. People can go shopping whenever they like.
14. A. Because we can find a lot of trees in the forests.
B. Because they spread along the islands in
C. Because they have roots.
D. Bccause we can find many kinds of fauna in the
E. Becausc they are very important for our lives.
15. A. To make the air fresh and pure.
B. To cause erosions on the ground.
C. To store water before it is supplied to people.
D. To absorb and reserve the rain under the ground.
E. To purify polluted the air.
The following text is for Qucstions 16 and 17, Madrid (Reuters) Spains most wanted thief. The
To : Hrika^ I.oner. saw himsclf as a Robin Hood -style ftgurc and said
Cc : hc rohbcd banks only bccausc they stole money from the
public, his lawycr said Thursday.
Subject: Accused of killing three policcmen and holding up
Birlhday Dear more Ihan 30 banks. Jaimc Jimencz Arbe vvas planning to
movc on to insurance companics vvhen he was arrestcd last
month. Spanish media reported, citing lawycr Josc Mariano
Ncxt May 27lh is Azuchis birlhday. My husband and Trillo Eigueroa.
1 arc planning to celcbrate it with a small party vvilh kids in T am not a killer and if I vvas obligcd to shoot at
an orphanagc. We want to sharc happiness and care vvilh offieers of the lavv. it was ahvays againsl my will and in
olhcrs who necd it the most. The orphanagc we pian to visit order to avoid heing arrestcd.'* Jimencz said in a letter
is Mekar Sari Orphanagc vvhich is located in Serpong rcproduced on the vvcbsites of ncvyspapers El Pais and El
Tangerang. Banten. Mundo. Trillo-Eigucroa said Jimencz. who rohbed the
Besides cclebrating Azuchis birlhday, we also plan banks disguiscd in a falsc beard and a wig, thinks of himsclf
to givc donalion to the orphanagc. We arc going to give as Curro Jimencz. a Spanish 1970s television bandit in the
elothes, toys, rice. cooking oil, child/baby milk. I think you style of Robin Hood.
may iike to givc donation too! So please contact me soon if The Eoncr was arrestcd in Portugal, armed with a
submachine gun in preparation for anolher bank robbery
you havc dccided to do so! Reuters.
Angel 20. What is the text about?
A. The wcbsitc of newspapcr El Pais and El Mundo
16. Who nccd the happiness and care most according to B. Spanish media reporter, Jose Mariano Trillo
Angel? Figucroa
A. Krika. C. The arresting of Spains most wanted thief in
B. A/.uchi. Portugal
C. Orphans. D. A submachine gun in preparation for another
D. AngcTs friends. bank robbery
E. Angels husband. E. A Spanish 1970s television bandit in the style of
17. What does Angel ask Erika to do? Robin Hood
A. Cclebrate her sons binhdav. 21. The rcason vvhy The 1 ,oncr robbcd banks is
B. Join giving donation to the orphanagc. bccausc
C. Plan a birlhday party for A/.uchi.
D. Visit Mekar Sari Orphanagc. A. his lawycr helped hirn
H. Sharc happines and care. B. hc was the most wanted thief in Spain
Read the following advertisement to answer questions 18 C. hc was accuscd of killing three policcmcn
and 19. D. hc helieved that the banks stole money from the
VACANCY ! li. he saw himsclf as a Robin I lood-stylc figure
Nativc speaker Hng Teachcrs ! 22. Trillo-Eigucroa said Jimencz, who robbcd the banks
Rcquired Exp/C TEEE preferred f disguiscd in a J'aJsc beard and a wig ... (Paragraph 3)
Ph Lois 854791 92, 8 a .m. # 8 p.m. j | The word disguiscd means ....
Monday to Saturday __________ j A. changcd appcarance
18. Which qua1ification must the tcachcr candidate havc? B. rcduced confidcnce
A. Explicit C. damaged reputation
B. Hxpircd D. cxposed to view
C. Exprcssive E. made known
D. Experiencc The following tcxt is for qucstions 23 to 25,
d H. Expcnsive Laslycar 1 joined the Chicago Murathon. my First
19. The word *Required is similar in meaning to .... marathon.
A. callcd I had to run 26. 2 miles to eomplete it. It was hard but I
Icarncd valuable ihings from joining il.
B. helped At first, 1 jusi wanted to get the cxperiencc of joining
C. traine a marathon. 1 thought it would be one lifelime expcricnce.
d 1). Afler finishing it. 1 changcd my mind. I wanted to join
necdcd another one. I was interested to eomplete at least one more
E. indced marathon and improve my time. 1 also cxpcricnced a good
This text is for questions 20 to 22. feeling bctwecn partieipanls and the spcctators, that made
me happy. It vvas a very vvonderful thing for me. So 1
Spanish thief saw himsclf as Robin Hood-iikc bandit dccided that I had to join another marathon the following
ycar. bccausc I was not satrsficd with this first one.
23. When di d the writcr changc his/hcr mind about 26. Wc can tastc any kind of food becausc o!
marathon? A. thc good smcll of food
A, Whcn prcparing for ihc racc. B. thc four main kinds of tastc
B. During thc racc. C. the taste-buds in thc tonguc
C, Bcfore thc racc. D. thc senses of smcll and sight
D. Aftcr fimshing thc racc. E. thc taste-buds round thc tip of thc l<
H. In thc next marathon. 27. Whcn wc cat very hot or cold food,....
A. thc food will lose its tastc
24. What is thc main idca of thc sccond paragraph?
IT thc food wont smcll good
A. The writcr found that marathon was enjoyablc so
C. thc tastc of thc food incrcascs
hc wanted to jpin again.
D. thc taslc-buds will be sensitivc
B. Aftcr compicting thc 26,2 milcs, thc writcr fclt
E. thc taste-buds will be very responsi
28. fhc senses of smcll and sight .....
C. The wjiter thought marathon was hard so hc
A. incrcasc thc tastc of thc food
stopped it as soon as possiblc.
B. affect thc tastc of thc food
D. The writcr fclt tired whcn hc had to run at 26,2
C. make food more delicious
D. make the food look
H. The writcr was not satisficd with thc marathon.
good B. make thc food
25. Why did thc writcr want to join another marathon? atlractive
-A. To leam valuablc things. Rcad thc tcxt and answer qucstion$ 29 to 3
B. To improvc his time. Maybcyou vvflJ be fruslraled j f yon do
C. To participatc in thc event. not vva day. No wonder, television is
D. To cxpcricnce an interesting racc. considercd as the m sourcc of enlcrtainment
K. To changc his mind. and information.
This text is for qucstions 26 to 28. If wc ask children why thev like to wateh
T\ give significanl reasons.
The sense of taslc is one of a person's five senses. Wc
They say that they wateh TV becausc the
tastc with thc help of taslc-buds in the tonguc.
pr good: the programmes are fun and the
There are four main kinds of tastc: swcct, sour. salty,
programme The aetor or actress on TV very
and bitter. All other tastes are just mixturcs of two or more
often could 1 the children. They will act in the
of these main types.
same or a simi thc model is a good characler.
fhc surface of thc tonguc has more than fiftecn
thousand taslc-buds (or cclls). These are conncctcd to the shc or hc will hel grow into good children as
brain by spccial nerves which send thc so-calicd 'tastes wdl. On the contran is a bad characler. shc or
messages/ he could be dangerous. 1 they can influcnce
Whcn the tonguc comes into contact with food of any the behaviour of the childrc should be very
kind. thc taslc-buds will pick up the taste. The nerves then caulious regarding thc cffect o television.
send a message to thc brain. This will make us awarc of thc They have to help their children choosc
taste. All this happens in just a fcw scconds. programmes. and avoid the bad programmes.
There are four kinds of taste-buds. each of which is Lt but only i f the programmes are good to
sensitivc to only a particuiar taste. These four groups are wateh. ________________ Source: Children c
located in differcnt parts of the tonguc. 29. The purpose of thc Cext rs to show peop
The taste-buds for salty and svveet tastes are found A. watehing television is not good
round thc tip of the tonguc and along its sides. Sour tastes children but also for parents.
can be pieked up only at the sides of the tonguc. The B. watehing television is not importar
taste-buds for the bitter taste are found at thc innermost children but also for parents.
cdge of thc tonguc. There are taste-buds at the centre of the C. they should ask their children to
tonguc. television programmes in order to
fhc senses o f smell and sight can affect taste. The b<
good smcll of food incrcascs its tastc. Similarly, atlractive
D. as parents, they shou Id guide their
colours can make food appear tastier and more delicious. If
food docs not smcll good or is duli-coloured. it will nol eh i suitablc television programmes
look tasty and mav not tastc good at all. for th
Very hot or cold sensations can make the taste-buds H. TV programmes are fun and exciti
insensitive. Food that is too hot or too cold, whcn placcd in 30. What are thc advantages of watehing tc
the mouth, will have no tastes at all. __________ A. To gel information and entertainm
B. To knovv information and new mo
C. To becomc a model of doing good
31. The text shovvs that watehing television .... in a song Hate Me.
A. can give a bad and good influcncc. The underlincd word is opposite to
B. is the only entertainment for pcople.
C. is not nccdcd for parents and childrcn.
D. is the only source ofknowledge for childrcn.
K. is dangerous.
32. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
A. Its better for childrcn not to wateh television at
B. Childrcn still nced to wateh television without
C. Themost importantthing for childrcn is watehing
D. Parents should guide their childrcn when
watehing TV programmes.
K. TV is the only entertainment for childrcn.
The text is for qucstions 33 to 35.
Artist : B 1,1 J B OCTOBKR
Album : Poiled
Genre : Rock
Cool Traeks : Tlate MeT Congratulations Let it GO:
Label : UM1
What do you say to a lovc song that eontains an
1-word? Vulgar? Inappropriate? Somehow, Blue Oetober
can convcy the gloomy mood perfectly in such song "Hcite
Me." You will appreciatc the depth of the lyrics, as they
sound great and havc truiy somcthing to say. This band is
headcd by brothers Justin and Jeremy lurstcnfcld. Justin is
the vocalist with a voiec similar to Michael Hutchcnces of
INXS. Jeremy handles the drums. CB liudson and Mati
Noveskey play the guitar and bass, rcspectively. Listening
further to other songs. you will rcalize they will go to any
length to make the songs sound uniquc. Therc is a wailing
sound ala LINKIN PARK. Britpop influcncc ala PULP,
choir-like background voeal, erno lyrics, solo violin, and
some disco beat here and therc. in 44Congratulationsa
femaic voiec (by singer Imogen lleap) gives a rcfrcshingly
diOerent color.
Ovcrall, the songs on this album arc very cool to listen
to and analy/.c. Try this album, and you'wonT get loiled.
33. The tcxt is mainly about
A. a synopsis of a film
B. a manuseript of a play
C. a preview of a book
D. a review of an album
H. an outline of movic
34. Blue Oetober can convey the gloomy mood perfectly
A. sad
B. angry
C. checrful
D. gorgeous
E. cmotional
35. Which of the following is NOT TRUK according to
the text?
A. The songson this album arc very cool.
B. The songson this album are unique sounds.
C. The songson this album arc inappropriate.
D. The songson this album have a wailing sound.
E. The songson this album will give you
This text is for questions 36 to 39.
Two students were diseussing the schoofs new rule that all
the students must wear a cap and a tic. One of them showed
her annoyance. Shc said that vvearing a cap and a tic was
only suitable for a flag rising ccrcmony. So. shc was against
the rule. Contrary to the girfs opinion. the other student was
glad with it. Hc said that he didnt mind with the new rule
becausc wearing a cap and a tic will make the students look
great and like real educated persons. The first student gave
the rcasons that they vvould feci uneomfortable and hot.
Moreover. the classrooms were not air condilioned. The
sccond said it vvasnt a big problem, i le was sure that the
students vvould wear them proudly. They vvould surely be
uscd to it anywav.
36. The two students are diseussing ....
A. the facifilics in school
B. their homework
C. their uniform
D. their friends
E. their family
37. The boy said that he agreed with the new rule in his
Which statement shows his agreement?
A. 1 le was not annoyed.
B. I le would not obey the rule.
C. Hc didnt care of the rule.
D. He didnt like wearing a cap and tie.
E. He didnt mind wearing a cap and tic.
38. The boy believed that all students would ....
A. have a high spirit to study
B. solvc their own problems
C. care for their cnvironmcnt
D. follow the new rule
E. feel uneomfortable
39. 4kOne of them showed her annoyance. ( l i n c 3)
The underlincd word is elose in meaning to ....
A. responsibility
B. displcasurc
C. agreement
D. applausc
E. response
This text is for qucstions 40 to 43.
Ciroyom Markct
Ciroyom market is a popular markel in Bandung. It is
the cheapest and the mosi complcte markct. They scll fresh
food. vegetablcs. fruits. meat, cggs. coflee. sugar. ctc.
Pcople can bargain before they decide to buy anything.
The location is convenient. Pcople can park casily building?
and it is safe, Nobody tries to stcal your monev or goods. A. Five.
Usually there arc young poricrs who oflfer to carry your B. Four.
shopping to the nearest bus stop. The sellers are kind and C. Three.
helpful. They are alvvavs patient to serve peoplc even D. Two.
though they kecp bargaining.
E. One.
Pcople can see why the Ciroyom market is very
Thats whyin peoplc
Bandung.likeI*he prices
to shop arc reasonable and the
there. 45. From the text we know that....
products are good. A. employees arc aliowcd to smokc in ccrtain piacc
40. The main idea of the third paragraph is B. employees are not aliowcd to smokc in the
A. The sellers arc kind and helpful. building
B. The location of the market is convenient. C. only visitors arc aliowcd to smoke in the
C. The sellers sell fresh food, vegetables, fruit, building
meat, etc.
D. nobody is aliowcd to smokc in the building
D. Ciroyom market is a popular market in Bandung.
E. There arc reasons why pcople like to shop in E. stafTare aliowcd to smokc in the building
Ciroyom market. The following text is for qucstion 46.
41. Peoplc like to shop at Ciroyom market because

A. it is easy to park
B. there are young porters
C. the prices are expcnsive
D. il is the most complctc market
E. the sellers are not patient to serve
42. Which of the following items are NOT sold in
Ciroyom market?
A. Meat.
B. Apples.
C. Fumiture.
D. Tomatoes. Fresh food.
E. 46. Who dicd at the age of 75?
43. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE A. Dinda.
B. David,
according to the text? C. Laura.
A. Pcople can park casily. D. Unclc Jack.
B. There are no pickpockets. E. George.
C. The location is convenient.
47. Arrangc the following scntences into a good
D. The prices are very cheap.
E. The goods arc sold with fixed pricc. paragraph!
1. It all happened very quick!y\ peoplc just stood
This tcxt is for questions 44 and 45.
and waichcd.
Announcement 2. A car stopped outside the shop, and two men got
To: All employees, statis and visitors out.
We provide some places for smoking in this building. 3. He threw the brick at the window and smashed it.
# On the firsl floor 4. They had masks on.
il is beside the display room. 5. One of them held a brick in his hand.
* On the sccond floor 6. One man took the coats from the window and the
it is at the comer near the cmcrgcncy strairs. other put them in the back of the car.
On the third floor A. 2-3-4-1-6-5
it is next to the toilet.
B. 2-4 53 61
On the fourth floor C. 2-4-6 3 l 5
it is near the pantry. D. 3-4-5-6 2-1
There is also one outside the officc. It is behind the security
room. E. 3-5-2- 1 -4-6
Thank you
The stafT management

44. How many smoking areas arc availablc in the officc

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