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Who made who and who made YOU.

By Trevor Ward

ave you noticed life has become very complex, that government officials lie and misrepresent the
truth? You find history taught to you is only partly true and important details left out or explained
away. That the media fails to ask the hard questions or reports only what they want you to hear.
As the destruction of the Twin Towers showed, that something was terribly wrong with reality. The
changing narratives, the subsequent cover up by the government and media and the invasion of
Afghanistan and Iraq on a faulty pretext are all part of this Matrix.

Before we continue, a disclaimer is necessary. I am not a legal expert on the workings of the Matrix, but
a spiritual being and master of a vessel having a human experience.

The subtitle for this article is from a song by hard rock band AC/DC - Who Made Who. The songs
chorus says in part, Who made who, who made you. Who made who, ain't nobody told you. If you made
them and they made you. Who picked up the bill, and who made who. The choice of this song and lyrics
will become much clearer as you read on. The You Tube music video link is in the References.

What is a matrix? Usually described as a set of conditions that provides

a system in which something grows or develops. However, the Matrix I
am referring to is somewhat pernicious and not about assisting our
growth or development.

To determine who made who, a few things need defining. A corporation

is a legal construct with many of the rights and obligations of a living
being and called a legal person. A corporation conducts commerce in
the Public domain. While a living person resides in the Private domain.
To engage in commerce, the living person on the private side must cross
to the public side. However, if we look at the word corp-oration we find
it is Latin for a body that speaks in public and a corpse that can only speak for or to the dead.

The truth about this division is the living person on the private side has unlimited liability and the public
side limited liability. While that is inequitable, the point is, you have a higher status. Because the living
person has unlimited capacity while the public side has a limited capacity. (In fact, it cannot exist
without you).

Already we can see a major distinction between corporations and living beings in that, corporations have
most of the rights, but not the same obligations as living persons. For example, only a live person goes
to jail, has voting rights and can create life. To create is a critical point, because everything a person
does is in the present moment. A legal person (corporation) is not present because it is not alive. In
occult terms it is the reverse of live = evil. If we re-arrange the words of live and evil, we come up with
veil that sits between the two words (worlds). It then becomes the corporate veil, where actions are
justified as on behalf of the corporation, implying it is not personal. Try telling that to whistle-blowers
when the system turns on them.

This reveals one of the major pieces to the puzzle, private versus public. However, the Matrix has
multiple layers all designed to mask how life and commerce works. The design of the system protects
those behind the administrators, like a firewall from karmic retribution for the lie that YOU need
administering, because you unknowingly used the property/trademark held in trust. You accept this
karma (burdened by debt) as a slave to the system, which will be discussed further.

The Matrix runs on occult (hidden) lines containing ritual and magic, in that words with common usage
have special powers and meanings when scribed in statutes.

Let me demonstrate how ritual and magic in commerce is applied to your birth and how your status
changes in this artificial Matrix.

According to many Births, Deaths and Marriages Acts you were born as a child by expulsion or
extraction from your mother. The Acts go on to define a child simply as, includes a still-born child.
A curious description, as there are only two conclusions you can draw from this. A stillborn can act as a
child, but a child cannot act as a stillborn. Yet in Blacks Law 4th edition, the word includes has a special
meaning and in Latin is Inclusio Unius Est Exclusio Alterius. It means the inclusion of one is the
exclusion of another. That precise designation of one person is an absolute exclusion of all others. Yet a
child is in reality an infant under the age of seven years and a minor under the age of majority. The
unanswered question then, is the legal child alive or dead?

This is only one of the ways tying you to the Matrix at birth because of your
legal status. Following your birth, your mother registers you under her maiden
name, acting as the informant to your birth. The witnesses to a live birth are
the Hospital staff, not the father and he has no role in the registration process.
Your mother creates the Estate and forms a Trust with you as the beneficiary.
However, the manner of registering the birth renders you as that of a legal
bastard, with no inherited bloodline and no estate ascribed, as there is no
paternal holder of your estate.

This is an 1Alchemic process that permits the State/Crown to claim the Estate as
you are legally dead and without capacity. So you are resurrected as YOU when
the State/Crown commercialises your name creating an artificial entity in such a way that your name
(you) is capitalised and becomes a corporate entity and their intellectual property as (YOU). Note the
word capitalise means to diminish (ie: capitalise on someones misfortune). The status of you has
become upper case YOU, a trademark that has monetary value.

In Greek mythology, crossing the river Styx divided the land of the living from
the world of the dead. In order to cross, souls must pay Charon the ferryman to
get to the underworld. Legally, you have crossed the river Styx to become
YOU on the public side, land of the dead where commerce takes place. The
corporation is not in the land of the living. Is this not occult ritual magic? This
horror story is the reverse of the 1931 Frankenstein movie and its sub title:
The Man Who Made a Monster.

The rituals continue in court, notice how all the actors in court wear black
robes. Does that not tell you theyre part of the world of the dead? That the
role of the court is to get you the living person to cross the river Styx to the
world of the dead, so that commerce can take place and induce you to confess
the sins of the legal YOU and pay penance, similar to the workings of the
Spanish Inquisition. Therefore, the courts use a mixture of Common law, Charon
Maritime (Admiralty) Law, Commercial law (2UCC) and Canon (Church) Law,
for the purpose of commerce, when a statute or regulation is broken.

Enacted Statutes are purely based in commerce via contract law, where there has to be an offer, an
acceptance/informed consent and some form of consideration for it to be binding. Statute law begins
with a Bill (negotiable instrument) and when enacted by parliament has a statutory instrument attached
creating bylaws, ordinance or regulations to which usually attaches a fine, levy, fee or penalty.

In Common Law, for someone to have a claim, there must be harm done to a living being or their
property. Yet if you break one of the statute laws and do no harm to any person or thing, the
government and judiciary, in the name of the people, play the role of victim, judge and executioner
(fines). So on behalf of you, they charge, judge, convict and fine the name, YOU and get you to pay.
Notice how things are switched, as they use your Estate and act as beneficiary, when in fact the
State/Crown/judiciary is the trustee, yet in court, they make you the trustee and liable for the fine by
answering to the NAME. So much for justice dispensed transparently.

Have you ever wondered why the English language is the global language for commerce and finance?
From Wikipedia we have this statement paraphrased; .this vernacular French suffered a rapid decline;
the Pleading in English Act 1362 (Statute of Pleading) acknowledged this change by ordaining that
henceforward court proceedings be conducted in English, which eventually developed into Legal
English. This is a system where letters joined together have hidden or multiple meanings. Again, this is
occult magic and alchemy, where transmuted words are for a special purpose. We, the uninitiated arent
privy to the meaning of these words and only taught common usage. Therefore, in court, they dont tell
you when common usage is in vogue or when legalese is being spoken.
Here is one example. When a police officer reads you your rights, they will say; do you understand? If
you answer yes, then you are consenting to stand-under their authority, you have crossed to the public
domain for the purpose of commerce.

The monetising of YOU allows the State/Crown to issue a Birth Certificate

Bond like a warehouse receipt for title to goods or property (a cash cow) and
turn it into a negotiable instrument as a security. That security is used as a
surety for borrowings (debt slavery) by the State/Crown under special
drawing rights from the International Monetary Fund or sold as a bond to the
World Bank (Bank of International Settlements). The fiction continues in that
there is no money created. They are trading off your energy, labour and
sweat-equity (non-monetary labour) via a debt system and Fiat currency
backed by nothing, just a value subscribed by the Matrix. (3)

This is far from the end of the deception, as the clich goes; there is more than one way to skin a cat.
In registering the birth, the parents conduct commerce by contracting with the State/Crown and in doing
so receive certain benefits. For example, Child Endowment for each child in the past is now Family Tax
Benefits or Child Tax Benefits in the USA. Therefore, it is not possible to repudiate this contract and
reclaim your estate, as it would be difficult to return the consideration received. The Matrix relies on
your ignorance and consent. It is through your ignorance of the law and your rightful standing that
circumvents your rights and maintains the illusion of a just, fair and free society.

At this point, lets step back and take a deep breath, as youre probably reeling from the level of
deception and feeling confused. Just remember at all times, you are a living being not a dead fiction.
That States, governments and the Crown have no higher authority than you do and that ultimately you
only answer to the Prime Creator or whatever name you choose to use, who gifted you with a soul (not
the body). That you have the right to self-determination and the only obligation placed upon you by
your Prime Creator, is do no harm to the life, liberty or property of another living entity. No statute,
court or public servant can take that inalienable right of self-determination away from you except where
you give informed consent. Even in the US constitution it recognises this point; .unalienable rights of
life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

I get the sense in trying to unravel the Matrix that it has developed over thousands of years, as far back
as ancient Mesopotamia. Perhaps this is what the Indian Vedas describe as the Kali Yuga cycle (the age
of darkness). Nevertheless, like all cycles, it will end and so will the Matrix that controls our daily lives,
as something that is dead cannot live except through the living man and women.
Do you sense world events appear upside down and back to front
from a common sense viewpoint? Do you feel dissatisfied and
frustrated, wondering why youre not getting ahead? Then the Matrix
may have something to do with those feelings. Once you understand
that the Matrix is only about commerce and control, then you will have
some understanding why CEOs, government officials and politicians
make the decisions they do, that seem counter to the public and your
interests. In their system, those decisions make perfect sense.

When one examines the Matrix, the

deception runs deep. The best analogy is a scene from the story of Alice in
Wonderland where the rabbit invites her into his burrow. The rabbit hole
runs very deep and reality turned on its head. As if the system has not put
enough nails in your coffin, theres more. After the Great Fire of London in
1665 and the Black Plague in 1666, the British parliament passed an act
called Cestui Que Vie Act 1666 (CQV4).

The City of London simply declared everyone dead after an absence of

seven years (ie: a vessel lost at sea - Admiralty Law) and took custody of
their property and became a de facto trustee for their estate, until a
person still living makes a claim against the estate.

When a child turns seven years of age (no longer an infant) and the parents havent made a claim for
return of the childs estate, then the child is declared a vessel lost at sea. Without a will, the Public
Trustee applies to the Family Court to be appointed trustee under various Protection of Personal and
Property Rights and Securities Acts.

However, at Common Law there are limitations on a trustee to hold property indefinitely, so the trustee
must vest a trust within 21 years of the death of the party to the trust, which just happens to be the age
of majority. Nevertheless, instead of gaining access to your Estate you receive voting rights, a drivers
license, passport and other limited benefits that do not represent the value of the incorporation of your
name. Furthermore, the government can remove those rights and other benefits at any time. (E.g. in
Australia, if you do not vaccinate your child you lose the Family Tax benefits).

If you think you own your residence, land and vehicles, think again. All title to property of a person that
requires registration belongs to the State/Crown as you have handed over title through registration5.
However, the State/Crown provides a certificate or license permitting possession and use of the
property. If you disagree then look at your Title Deeds. It says Record of Certificate of Title, yet in the
body of the certificate, you and any other holder are described as joint tenants or tenants in common,
all in upper case.(ie: all caps, legal YOU).

Note also, a tenant is a person who occupies or possesses land or premises by a grant or estate or a
person who has the right to temporary use and possess the property. The State/Crown grants a right to
the quiet enjoyment of property, a right you have purchased and can transfer. However, the title to the
land rests with the State/Crown.

Similarly, with your registered vehicles, a licence is granted to possess and operate the vehicle and your
name on the licence is in all caps too.

We assume that living beings elect governments to serve the public interest, hence why they are public
servants. However, in reality all government entities including Parliament are registered corporations and
just the public servants change. The system never changes only the actors playing the game.

In Australia, there is confirmation of this with the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA Corporation having
a SEC filing in Washington D.C. and filed as early as 1934, soon after the 1929 Great Depression. The
Cwth Parliament, all government departments, agencies and the judiciary are subsidiary corporations
registered with ASIC.

The process of multi-jurisdictional foreign registration creates a series of interlocking trusts of our Estate
assets between Washington DC, the City of London and the Vatican. The British Crown owns the Virginia
Company that controls the franchise name UNITED STATES OF America.

The Vatican have been preparing the way for this since at least 1302 when Pope Boniface under a Papal
Bull Unam Sanctam, (One Holy Church) established the first of three Cestui Que Vie Trusts. The first
(CQV) Trust claims control of the property of the planet.

The second (CQV) Trust was created in 1481 by Pope Situs IV with Papal Bull
Aeterni Regis (Eternal Crown) created for each child born under the Birth
registration process previously described.

The third (CQV) Trust was created in 1537 by Pope Paul III, with Papal Bull In
Nomine Sancte, (in name of the Holy Spirit). It is the third and final testamentary
trust set up to claim all lost souls, lost to the Holy See. The souls referred to are
those of baptized children granting title to the church registrar. So within
Maritime/Admiralty law a vessel (the baptized) is under the sea and without a
Master (soul) is salvageable property under the (CQV) Trust.

Therefore the three-tiered crown of the Pope (depicted in the image) represents claims on temporal
(Earthly) property, personal property (body or vessel of the child) and spiritual body (soul).

It is alleged that under the three (CQV) Trusts the Vatican is holding the temporal and spiritual property
in trust for the return of the Christ. The irony here is that in the Bible, Jesus kicked the money changers
and trinket sellers out of the temple. I wonder when hes coming back for his stuff? That aside, high
officials create trusts to hold property and appoint others to administer the trusts to avoid karmic
responsibility and uphold any vow of poverty.

Note that the 1929 Stock Market Crash was an engineered takeover, with the Commonwealth of Nations
and United States placed in Bankruptcy following the Great Depression as noted here:

On March 9, 1933, House Joint Resolution No. 192-10 by the 73rd Congress, was voted into law, which
is the Emergency Banking Act. This Act declared the Treasury of the United States, Bankrupt. The
Emergency Banking Act succeeded in abrogating Americas gold standard and hypothecated [pledged]
all property found within the United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank. All
Sovereign American Citizens residing within the Republic of States suddenly and falsely expatriated from
their status without their knowledge or consent. Their labour, souls, children, property, sweat equity and
credit became the financial collateral for the public debt and converted into a Public Trust.

At the same time in Australia, it appears the Constitutional

Commonwealth of Australia became Commonwealth of Australia, a
corporation. Then between 1972 and 1973 the name Commonwealth
disappeared. It seems government publications in 1972 titled, The Acts
of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia. Then in 1973,
government publications (6) were called The Acts of the Parliament of
the Australian Parliament (the word Commonwealth removed). Finally,
it became Corporation of Australia with the corporate charter being the
AUSTRALIA ACT 1986. So what happened to the common people and
their wealth? Did anyone get to vote on this? (7)

As far as I am aware, nothing has changed and bankruptcy continues

today as the US and Commonwealth countries cannot repay the debts and accruing interest. Current

and future generations will continue to be pledged to the Banksters. The debt slavery system is sucking
the life out of our communities. You can see the effects in the European Union, as it begins to falter and
fracture. One can only conclude there are very few conjuring tricks left in the bag. Globally, combined
debt in 2015 was around US$230 Trillion, more than 3.2 times greater than global Gross Domestic
Product (8). In Australia, the debt levels in 2014 were 2.3 times GDP, in the USA 2.5 times GDP and in
the UK even higher at 2.7 times. Therefore, there comes a point where the Matrix will end up on life
support, which is a big concern. There is a potential of Bail-ins being used, where deposit accounts
over a fixed amount become the capital of the banks to maintain liquidity.


In this article, we have hardly scratched the surface. The more I have read about the Matrix, the more I
am reminded of a Dick Cheney quote, paraphrased; there are known knowns; the things I know, there
are known unknowns; the things I know I dont know. Then there are also unknown unknowns. As you
peel back one layer, theres another. That to release you from bondage to the Matrix seems to be
double-edged sword. My understanding from this study is all the goodies and benefits are on the public
side, not the private side. For example, subsidised health care, pensions etc. That to try to vest your
Estate from the State/Crown is problematic. Because there is no money on the private side and all the
State/Crown can do is issue a bond, a debt instrument on the public side. However, no bank on the
public side will accept your debt instrument unless it is to set-off, settle or discharge another debt on the
public side.

To become self-determining and self-sufficient and not rely on the Matrix is a difficult, but not an
impossible path. However, you will need to be strong minded and spiritually prepared. You will also need
to do your own independent research and have the support of other similar-minded community. I would
not advise doing this alone as the Matrix will fight you all the way for its survival. A word of caution,
changing your status and calling yourself a Sovereign or Freeman, particularly in the US will get you
branded as a terrorist and a target for harassment. The key point here is, never identify with any label,
as all that does is diminish who you really are.

My recommended solutions are to ignore the fear-based aspects generated by mainstream media, as it
does not serve you. It feeds your energy to the Matrix. Watch as little TV as possible. Consume less, as
you dont need the latest gadget because it is better than version 5. Most importantly, focus on clearing
debts. These are some of the first steps towards gaining your freedom.

It is sad to say, but the Matrix by design has stunted our ability to fully develop our talents and grow
spiritually. As living beings, we cannot grow and be at peace while we are under the spell of the Matrix
that interferes in our daily life. The more we illuminate the deception, the more the darkness will
disappear. Just know you are much more than the name. It matters not who the Matrix magicians are,
because the magic only lasts while there is mystery around their sleight-of-hand.

At the heart of the fear mongering, the distractions, loss of freedoms and rights, is the fact that those
behind the Matrix are in fear of us. Because they know, the survival of the Matrix is completely
dependent on our participation.


We should not forget the brave souls who over the years have researched the subject of the Matrix. To
expose the system under which we labour is a mind-numbing exercise. Much of the article I have
sourced from their works. To determine the truth means they had to take the Matrix head-on and test
the theories and have been selfless in revealing the truth for their fellow human beings.

References and Resources: YouTube AC/DC - Who Made Who (1986 J. Albert & Son P/L) Freedom River - UCC Connection (scroll down page).
6 Natural Persons - Tricks. Natural Persons A little Truth shall set you free. Exodus Movement of the People - Understanding Cestui Que Vie Trust. Graham Hancock - Kali Yuga Cycle. Alice in Wonderland down the Rabbit Hole Wikipedia Parens patriae Latin for "parent of the nation. Wikipedia Consent of the governed. Freedom River Do you Consent. Natural Persons - Definitions. Investopedia - Fiat Money. Top Documentary Films - Debt as Money. Stop the Pirates - A resource for USA. Love for Life Campaign Commonwealth Australia Corporation. Wikipedia French Law (legalese). Truth Set You Free - there is no money. Zeitgeist 2: addendum. Anti-Corruption Society -The Bankruptcy of America 1933. The Runaway Contract Im the CWTH of Australia. International Maritime Admiralty law of Flags. Stop the Pirates History of Trusts. Wikipedia - Great Depression In Australia. Love for Life Campaign - The Australian Monetary System. Bail Out v Bail In.

Alchemy - The substance, whether material or human, must change its character, be torn into separate elements in order
to be reformed into something other -- it must "die" in order to be reborn.
UCC is Uniform Commercial Code for conducting commerce IN USA and adopted for international trade.
3 Matrixwissen - Summary on the workings of monetary system.
Cestui Que Vie Trust: He whose life is the measure of the duration of an estate.
Registration comes from Regis (King) and Ster (Old Norse farm holdings).
Changeover confirmed 01/07/1973. Commonwealth of Australia Gazette 30/06/1973 (pdf)
and Australian Government Gazette 02/07/1973 (pdf)
More detailed information and sources here at Truth Library:
8 Mybudget 360 - Global Debt Reckoning.

Published in

About the Author

As to my background, I am an ex Corporate Banker and Public Servant, now retired with a long
time interest in metaphysics. I have had three articles published (one over 2 editions) in New
Dawn magazine over recent years.

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