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Vocabulaire du sport en anglais

FRANAIS ANGLAIS faire de la natation to swim

faire de la plonge to dive
acclamer to cheer
faire de la voile to sail
accorder penalty to award a penalty
faire des efforts to make efforts
adversaire an opponent
faire du cheval to ride a horse
ailier a winger
faire du cyclisme or monter sur bicyclette to
alpiniste a mountaineer
anneau rim, ring
faire du golf to golf
applaudir to applaud
faire du jogging to jog
arrire guard
faire du patin(age) to skate
attaquant an offensive player
faire du ski to ski
atteindre ses limites to reach one's limits
faire du ski nautique to water ski
attraper ballon to catch the ball
faire du tir arc to shoot archery
avant-centre a centre-forward
faire de la randonne to hike
badminton badminton
filet the net
ballon the ball
football soccer
ballon de basket a basket ball
football amricain football
base-ball baseball
footballeur a football player, soccer player
basket basketball
frapper balle to strike the ball
basketteur a basketball player
gagner mdaild'or to win a gold medal
battre/dtenir record to break/to hold a record
gant a glove
bloquer to block
gardien de but a goalkeeper
boxe boxing
gardien de but the goal keeper
cavalier a rider
golf golf
championnat championship
golfeur a (male) golfer
coach the coach
guidon the handlebars
coquipier a teammate
gymnaste a gymnast
comptition a competition
handball handball
concourir avec to compete against
hockey (sur glace) (ice) hockey
concurrent a competitor
hockey hockey
corde a rope
hockey sur glace ice hockey
coup d'envoi the kick-off
hockeyeur a (male) hockey player
coup franc a free kick
hors d'haleine out of breath
Coupe du Monde the World Cup
humiliant humiliating
courir marathon to run a marathon
intercepter ballon to steal the ball
court de tennis the court
invaincu unbeaten
crampe a cramp
jeu brutal a rough game
cricket cricket
jogging jogging
cuisant bitter
jouer en simple/ jouer en double to play
cyclisme biking / cycling
cycliste a cyclist
joueur a (male) player
dfi a challenge
joueur de tennis a (male) tennis player
des patins glace ice skates
joueuse a (female) player
donner coup de pied to kick
adversaire the opponent
dribbler to dribble
alpinisme mountaineering
craser quipe to crush a team
arbitre the referee
liminer to eliminate
aviron rowing
en plein forme in top shape
quipe the team
encourager to encourage
quitation horse riding
entraneur a coach
escrime fencing
quipe a team
lendurance stamina
quipe de basket basketball team
les courses de chevaux horse racing
esprit d'quipe a team spirit
les jeux Olympiques the Olympic games
essuyer dfaite to suffer a defeat
les joueurs players
tre dpass to be overwhelmed
les patins glace ice skates
exceller en to excel in
les prolongations extra time
faire de la boxe to box
les spectateurs the spectators
faire de la gymnastique to do gymnastics
lutte wrestling
faire de la lutte to wrestle
manier ballon to handthe ball rugbyman a rugby player
marquer but to score a goal s'entraner to train, to practice
marquer essai to score a try saut perche povaulting
marquer joueur to guard a player se concentrer to concentrate
match the game (sporting event) se doper to dope oneself, to take stimulants
mi-temps half-time sance d'entrainement a training session
monter sur podium to mount the podium slectionn selected
natation swimming servir to serve
panier basket siffler to hiss
panier adverse opponent's basket ski skiing
panneau backboard ski de descente, ski de piste, ski alpin
participer to compete in, to take part in downhill skiing
passer to pass ski de randonne, ski de fond cross-country
patin roulettes rollerskating skiing
patinage ice skating ski hors piste off-piste skiing
patinoire a skating rink ski nautique water skiing
patinoire the ice rink sponsor a sponsor
pche fishing sportif a sportsman
ping pong ping pong / tabtennis sportive a sportswoman
piolet an ice axe supporter a supporter
piscine a swimming pool supporter a supporter, a fan
piste the track tlski a ski lift
planche de surf a surfboard tennis tennis
plonge scuba diving tennisman a tennis player
plongeoir a diving board terrain de jeu court
poids lger a light weight terrain de sport a playing field
poids lourd a heavy weight tir arc archery
poids plume a feather weight tournoi a tournament
premire mi-temps the first half transpirer to sweat
public the spectators, the crowd tremplin a springboard
raquette a racket tricher to cheat
rcuprer to recuperate vestiaire the changing room
rglement the rules vtements de sport sportswear
remplaant a substitute victoire serre a narrow victory
remporter victoire sur to gain a victory over voile sailing
rencontre a contest volant the shuttlecock
ring the ring volley volleyball
rivaliser avec to compete with volleyeur volleyball player
rugby rugby

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