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About heterosexuals:
"The demolition of heterosexual desire s a necessary step on the route to wom ens liberation." Anticlimax: A Feminist Perspective on the Sexual Revolution, 1993, p.312.
"Both heterosexuality as a political System and sexual violence as social control depend upon the construction of heterosexual desire. By heterosexual desire I mean the
eroticised power difference which originates in heterorelations but can also exist in same sex unions.'The Lesbian Heresy, 1993, p.20.

About marriage:
'Prostitution and marriage have always been related,"says Jeffreys.'What is shocking is that today marriage s becoming more fashionable amongst some young
women? She writes that even in the case of employed, well-paid professional wom en "the right of men to women's bodies for sexual use has not gone but remains an
assumption at the basis of heterosexual relationships."
Julie Bindel interviews Sheila Jeffreys, 2008.

About sexworfcers:
The act which men comm only perform on prostituted wom en is penis-in-vagina sexual intercourse.There is nothing'natural'about that a ct.'-T h e Idea of Prostitution, 1998, p.226.

About multlculturalism:
'So, l've been writing about how multiculturalism becomes multi-faithism and how there's this requirement in multicultural society is to respect culture,
which is of course completely impossible since all cultures are based upon the subordinaron of wom en and the creation of two different sexes and two different genders
and the construction of oppression out of that.'
Interview with Sheila Jeffreys, 2011.

About gay men:

'G a y men desire and love members of the ruling class of men. In this respect, gay men are loyal to the basic principie of male supremacy, man-loving."
The Lesbian Heresy, 1993, p. 119,'... if it cuts dow n on the amount of time and opportunity they have for fucking each other, then gay men won't d o it." Anticlimax, 1990, p. 158

About religin:
'I hope that the book will reinvigorate the feminist critique of religin and encourage activism against its increased nfluence. It is not just those varieties of religin usually
defined as'fundam entalist'that need to be opposed.The vast majority of religious practice in the world remains profoundly patriarchal and true to its origins." Jeffreys writing about her latest book,
'M a n 's Dominion: the rise of religin and the eclipse of women's rightsT2011.

About femininity and masculinity:

Now, when I talk about femininity and masculinity, unlike the sort of modern postmodern trendy craze of saying that you can choose and swap genders and so on, I
understand femininity and masculinity as the behaviours of male dominance, masculinity, and female subordination, which is femininity.'
s/jeffreys.htm Sheila Jeffreys speaks on Woman Hating, Beauty and M isogyny at the Andrea Dworkin Commemorative Conference, April 7,2006.

About transgender people:

T m very pleased to say that there are quite a lot of radical feminist blogs that are not only being very critical of transgenderism, but even dar I say it, laughing at it.', Interview with Sheila Jeffreys, 2011.

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