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8 Prepper Principles For a Prepared Mind

1. reacts to a threat by taking action

2. situational aware

3. considers privacy a way of life

4. has a back-up plan to the back-up plan

5. takes all possible precautions in order to avoid trouble

6. has a problem-solving attitude

7. is flexible

8. seeks versatility and simplicity

Ready Nutrition 6/4/12 11:47 PM Tess Pennington Featured

Preparedness Preparedness Mindset Comments
You can have a years supply of beans and rice; enough ammo and
weapons to fight off the Golden Horde, a gaggle of zombies and a few
renegade cannibals; acres of seeds and enough bandages to turn the
entire NFL into mummies, but if you dont have the prepared mindset,
you will still struggle to survive.

What is a prepared mind?

Its a way of thinking. Its a different philosophy of life than that of

most of the population of North America. Someone who is mentally
prepared processes everything differently: threats, challenges, and

There are many common factors to this philosophical viewpoint but

here are the ones that are the most important.

1. A prepared mind reacts to a threat by taking action.

In my self-defense class, I learned that there are two types of people:

victims and victors. A victim will curl up in a defensive position,
perhaps sob, or even freeze in terror. A victor, however, will react to
the threat, even if she knows that she is outweighed, outgunned or
outnumbered. A victor does not give up. A victor may choose not to
fight at a particular moment because it is not the best opportunity, but
she will watch for an opening and she will recognize it and be ready
when it comes. A victor knows when to stand and fight and when to
run to fight another day. Even a victor can be afraid, but fear does not
rule her she rules her fear.

2. A prepared mind is situational aware.

A preparedness mindset makes one ever aware of what is going on

around him. If an unusual vehicle is present, he takes note of it. He
knows what is normal in his surroundings and is quick to notice when
something is different. When he is in an unfamiliar place, he is actively
observing, looking for potential threats and taking mental photographs,
which can be retrieved if he needs to elude danger or defend himself.

3. A prepared mind considers privacy a way of life.

Privacy is more than just OPSEC; its a way of life. A prepared

individual carefully guards her internet privacy, by controlling settings
on social media, taking care to avoid posting information that could aid
a criminal in locating her, keeping a low profile by not posting
attention-getting pictures, and using non-identifying usernames in
forums. She doesnt share stories about prepping with friends, family
and neighbors, unless they have been carefully vetted and are
included in plans for the future, should the need arise. Even with those
she shares information with, there are things that remain secret, such
has hiding places, survival caches, and the amount of supplies that she
possesses. She teaches her children to be likewise circumspect
regarding family supplies and preparations.
4. A prepared mind has a back-up plan to the back-up plan.

There is never JUST Plan A. There is also Plan B and Plan C, at the very
least. A prepared person has multiple evacuation routes and
methods. He has a bug out bag in more than one location. He doesnt
have all of his supplies in one place, but in two or three, or even more,
locations. Every member of his family knows what to do in the event
of an emergency, even if they are geographically apart from the other
family members. He attempts to think of things that could foil his plans
and then figures out how to deal with the issues before they arise.

5. A prepared mind takes all possible precautions in order to

avoid trouble.

A person who is prepared is not looking for trouble; she is actively

trying to avoid it. She locks the door to her house, even if she is only
stepping out for a moment or if she is at home. She keeps her car
locked and checks the backseat before she gets in. She parks near the
exit when going to a crowded place. She maintains awareness of those
around her in order to recognize a threat. She carries multiple items
that can be used for self defense, based on the laws in her area. She
makes her home uninviting to criminals by posting warning signs about
her dog and her alarm system. She avoids dangerous situations, like
walking down a dark deserted alley in a bad neighborhood in the
middle of the night, whenever possible.

6. A prepared mind has a problem-solving attitude.

Someone who is prepared is not hopelessly dismayed when something

goes wrong. He actively works to prepare broken items using the
things he has on hand. He attacks a problem from different angles
until he solves it. He doesnt throw in the towel, but when met with
undesirable results, tries something different. He repairs instead of
replaces, he substitutes one ingredient when he is out of another, and
he figures out how to resolve issues instead of throwing his hands in
the air and giving up. Some might even call him stubborn.

7. A prepared mind is flexible.

When things turn out differently than expected or planned, a prepared

individual does not get rattled. She merely takes another look at the
situation and makes another plan. She recognizes when it is time to
change directions and go about things differently, and seizes the
opportunity to do so immediately, without wasting precious time
attempting to stick to a plan that clearly will not work.

8. A prepared mind seeks versatility and simplicity.

Why have two tools if one will do? A person with a prepared mind will
choose the most versatile piece of equipment whenever possible. He
would not select a device that can only be powered one way, when he
can have one that can be powered by either hand crank or battery. He
wouldnt get 4 tools when he could get one tool that can do all four
jobs. Why get silly gadgets to do simple tasks when you can do those
tasks yourself with no gadgets at all? (The boiled egg peeler comes
to mind.)

Once youve changed your personal philosophy, you will notice how
your new way of thinking affects your everyday, non-crisis life. Your
independent thinking will allow you to succeed in the workplace and at
home. You will be alert and ever-ready to protect yourself, and you will
avoid danger and mishap by merely being prepared for it, should it
come your way. That kind of confidence is a major deterrent.

The first, and most vital, element of preparedness is the brain. Once
you have your mind in the right place, the rest is easy.

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