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Constitucin #48B
Col. San Jos de los leones
12th September

Av. De los Maestros #214

Col. San Jos de los leones

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain about your new burglar alarm that you recently installed in
our area.

I have a small problem with the big noise that makes your new alarm, I know very
well about the insecurity of our area, I also know that for that reason you installed the
new burglar alarm, but I think your alarm is not work or not installed correctly,
because it has sounded 3 times for an hour, and I have been here during that time
and the streets are very quiet and nobody has been in your house. And honestly the
noise is very annoying, I had to go to turn the alarm off, 3 times.

Look, I'm too busy and I'll be traveling tonight for my work. Some relatives will stay in
my house and nobody from them could go to turn off the alarm again.

So in order to resolve this matter, I investigated some contacts, they can go home
and check the alarm or change the tone so loud it has for a more quiet. I gave them
the address, they will come to repair that as soon as possible. But you as the owner
have to confirm the change or repair of the alarm, as well as the cost.

Please contact us to confirm, enclosed the data of the office (01-800) 699-998 with
Mr. Martinez. By the way, I have a friend who could help with your alarm, if you need
contact, please call me at (55) 4290-1225.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Yours faithfully,

Pedro Larios

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