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Nama : Puput Ade Septiyana

NIM : 1610412038
Mata Kuliah : Organisasi Internasional (AC)
Tugas : Klasifikasi Organisasi Internasional

A. Organisasi dengan keanggotaan yang bersifat global dan tujuan yang bersifat
League of Nations
United Nations

B. Organisasi dengan keanggotaan yang bersifat global dan tujuan tertentu

BIS : Bank of International Settlements
CCNR : Central Commision for The Navigation on the Rhine
CTBTO : Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization
ECOSOC : Economic and Social Council
FAO : Food and Agricultural Organization
ICBL : International Campaign to Ban Landmines (NGO)
ICAO : International Civil Aviation Organization
ICRC : International Committee of the Red Cross (NGO)
IEA : International Energy Agency
ILO : International Labour Organization
IMO : International Maritime Organization
IMF : International Monetary Fund
IOM : International Organization for Migration
ISO : International Organization for Standardization
OIF : Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie
IAEA : International Atomic Energy Agency
MAG : Mines Advisory Group (NGO)
NATO : North Atlantic Treaty Organization
OECD : Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
OPCW : Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
OPEC : Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
PLO : Palestine Liberation Organization
UNICEF : United Nations Childrens Fund
UNCTAD : United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
UNDP : United Nations Development Programme
UNESCO : United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization

C. Organisasi dengan keanggotaan dalam suatu kawasan tertentu dan tujuan yang
bersifat umum
AU : African Union
AMU : Arab Maghreb Union
ASEAN : Association of Southeast Asian Nations
CIS : Commonwealth of Independent States
Council of Europe
EAC : East African Community
Europe Union
League of Arab States
OAS : Organization of American States
SCO : Shanghai Cooperation Organization
SAARC : South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation

D. Organisasi dengan keanggotaan dalam suatu kawasan dan tujuan tertentu

ACTO : Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization
AFTA : ASEAN Free Trade Area
APEC : Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
ACS : Association of Caribbean States
CENTO : Central Treaty Organization
Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Persian Gulf
CEN-SAD : Community of Sahel-Saharan States
ECOWAS : Economic Community of West African States
EAEC : European Atomic Energy Community
EEC : European Economic Community
Mercosur : Mercado Comun del Sur
OSCE : Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
PIF : Pacific Islands Forum
SEATO : Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
SADC : Southern African Development Community

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