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LEMBAR SOAL SMA National English Olympiad VI PDIM UB 2017


Tes terdiri dari dua bagian. Bagian pertama terdiri dari 48 soal pilihan ganda dan bagian kedua
terdiri dari 2 soal essay.
2. Waktu yang disediakan untuk menyelesaikan semua soal adalah 120 menit.
3. Tuliskan nama, kelas dan asal sekolah Anda di sebelah kanan atas pada lembar jawaban.
4. Untuk soal bagian pertama :
a) Masing-masing soal bagian pertama bernilai 1,5 (satu setengah) poin.
b) Pilihlah satu jawaban yang paling tepat
5. Untuk soal bagian kedua :
a) Masing-masing soal bagian kedua bernilai 14 (empat belas) poin.
b) Anda diminta menulis tentang topik yang ditetapkan
6. Tuliskan jawaban menggunakan ballpoint, bukan pensil.
7. Tidak diperkenankan menggunakan kamus, catatan dan alat bantu



Directions: Read the passages below thoroughly and answer the questions correctly!

Text 1 (Questions 1-4)

Did you ride your bike to school when you were a kid, A generation ago most kids rode, walked or
caught the bus to school; very few of us were dropped off by our parents at the school gate. These
days most of us have experienced the daily traffic jams around schools at drop-off and pick-up times,
as parents drive their children to the school gate. While there is no national data on the number of
children who walk or ride to school, a recent Victorian survey found nearly half of all children are
driven to school every day.

Parents choose to drop their kids at school for a number of reasons mostly to do with safety and
convenience. But experts say chauffeuring your kids to school every day could mean they arc missing
out on much-needed exercise and other life skills.

Research suggests at least a third of Australian children aged 9-16 years are not getting the amount of
daily physical activity recommended in national guidelines. But this is not because children's
participation in leisure or sporting activities has dropped off, says Dr Jan Garrard. Participation in
these activities has not altered much over the years, Garrard says but what has changed is the level of
incidental activity children do. "When you look at countries where children are just active as part of
everyday life, they do not have to be sporty. All they have to do is to get around the way the
Community gets around by walking and cycling, and they get enough physical activity," she says.

1. The author develop some ideas in paragraph 2 by ...

A. describing parents chauffeuring followed by its effect
B. explaining reason for chauffeuring and their advantages
C. discussing the function of chauffeuring and the impact
D. arguing for chauffeuring practice for childrens safety
E. exposing how parent chauffer and its drawbacks

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2. By writing the sentence chauffeuring your kids to school every day could mean they are
missing out on much-needed exercise and other life skills. (paragraph 2), the author implies that
A. taking kids to school makes them deprived individuals when they grow up
B. kids given a lift to school likely lose vital social and physical advantages
C. schooling means not only learning in classes but also socializing with others
D. parents spoil their kids future social and physical life by giving them a lift
E. when a child needs physical and social training, parent should facilitate them

3. Dr. Garrards statement where children are just active as part of everyday life, they do not
have to be sporty (paragraph 3) may be best restated that ....
A. children who are active do not automatically mean they will be good at sport
B. being muscular should not be the aim of children who are naturally active
C. childrens physical fitness is not closely relates with their daily activities
D. activeness in children does not mean to make these children physically fit
E. when naturally active, children need no more scheduled sport activities

4. The pat following the passage above most likely contains information on .
A. advice to parents for their children to have enough physical activities
B. the decreasing trend of children to do physical activities at their will
C. parental motives behind chauffeuring their children to school
D. reasons for children not to do fun and incidental activities
E. effects of having children not to be given a lift to school

Text 2 (Questions 5-17)

Hot boning is an energy-saving technique for the meat processing industry. It has received significant
attention in recent years when increased pressure for energy conservation has accentuated the need
for more efficient methods of processing the bovine carcass. Cooling an entire carcass requires a
considerable amount of refrigerated space, since bone and trimmable fat are cooled along with
muscle. It is also necessary to space the carcasses adequately in the refrigerated room for better air
movement and prevention of microbial contamination, thus adding to the volume requirements for
carcass chillers.

Conventional handling of meat involves holding the beef sides in the cooler for 24 to 36 hours before
boning. Chilling in the traditional fashion is also associated with a loss of carcass weight ranging from
2 percent to 4 percent due to evaporation of moisture the meat tissue.

Early excision, or hot boning, of muscle prerigor followed by vacuum packaging has several
potential advantages. By removing only the edible muscle and fat prerigor, refrigeration space and
cost are minimized, boning labor is decreased, and storage yields increased. Because hot boning often
result in the toughening of meat, a more recent approach, hot boning following electrical stimulation,
has been used to reduce the necessary time of rigor mortis.

Some researchers have found this method beneficial in maintaining tender meat, while others have
found that the meat also becomes tough after electrical stimulation.

5. The word "accentuated" in the line 2 is closest in meaning to.

A. deemphasized
B. speeded up
C. caused
D. reduced
E. highlighted

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6. All of the following are mentioned as drawbacks of the conventional method of boning
A. storage space requirements
B. energy waste
C. loss of carcass weight
D. toughness of meat
E. source of energy

7. In the line 2, the word "pressure" is closest in meaning to.

A. urgency
B. weight
C. flavor
D. cooking texture
E. height

8. Hot boning is becoming very popular because .

A. it causes meat to be very tender
B. it helps conserve energy and is less expensive than conventional methods
C. meat tastes better when the bone is adequately seared along with the meat
D. it reduces the weight of the carcass
E. it increases the smell of the meat

9. In the line 7, "carcass" is nearest in meaning to.

A. a refrigerator for the animal body
B. a method of boning meat
C. electrical stimulation of beef
D. early excision
E. a procedure of boning meat

10. In the line 11, "early excision" is closest in meaning to.

A. vacuum packaging
B. hot boning
C. carcass chilling
D. electrical stimulation
E. boning meat

11. The toughening of meat during hot boning has been combatted by.
A. following hot boning with electrical stimulation
B. tenderizing the meat
C. using electrical stimulation before hot boning
D. removing only the edible muscle and fat prerigor
E. refrigeration space and cost are minimized

12. The word "bovine" in line 3 is nearest in meaning to.

A. cold
B. sheep
C. electrically stimulated
D. pork
E. beef

13. The word "this" in line 16 refers to.

A. hot boning
B. hot boning following electrical stimulation
C. rigor mortis

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D. removing edible muscle and fat prerigor

E. tender meat

14. In line 3, the word "carcass" is closest in meaning to.

A. deboned meat
B. body
C. refrigerator
D. fat
E. weight

15. The word "considerable" in line 4 is closest in meaning to.

A. frigid
B. kind
C. lesser
D. substantial
E. fewer

16. One reason it is recommended to remove bones before refrigerating is that.

A. it makes the meat more tender
B. the bones are able to be used for other purposes
C. it increases chilling time
D. it saves cooling space by not refrigerating parts that will be discarded
E. it makes the meat more hotter

17. The word trimmable in line 4 is nearest in meaning to

A. unsaturated
B. removable
C. unhealthy
D. chillable
E. unpredictable

Text 2 (Questions 18-27)

After 1785, the production of children's books in the United States increased but remained largely
reprints of British books, often those published by John Newbery, the first publisher to produce books
aimed primarily at diverting a child audience. Ultimately, however, it was not the cheerful,
commercial-minded Newbery, but Anglo-Irish author Maria Edgeworth who had the strongest
influence on this period of American children's literature. The eighteenth century had seen a gradual
shift away from the spiritual intensity of earlier American religious writings for children, toward a
more generalized moralism. Newbery notwithstanding, Americans still looked on children's books as
vehicles for instruction, not amusement, though they would accept a moderate amount of fictional
entertainment for the sake of more successful instruction. As the children's book market expanded,
then, what both public and publishers wanted was the kind of fiction Maria Edgeworth wrote: stories
interesting enough to attract children and morally instructive enough to allay adult distrust of fiction.

American reaction against imported books for children set in after the War of 1812 with the British. A
wave of nationalism permeated everything, and the self-conscious new nation found foreign writings
(particularly those from the British monarchy) unsuitable for the children of a democratic republic, a
slate of self-governing, equal citizens. Publishers of children's books began to encourage American
writers to write for American children. When they responded, the pattern established by Maria
Edgeworth was at hand, attractive to most of them for both its rationalism and its high moral tone.
Early in the 1820's, stories of willful children learning to obey, of careless children learning to take
care, of selfish children learning to "tire for others," started to flow from American presses,
successfully achieving Edgeworth's tone, though rarely her lively style. Imitative as they were, these
early American stories were quite distinguishable from their British counterparts. Few servants

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appeared in them, and if class distinctions had by no means disappeared, there was much democratic
insistence on the worthiness of every level of birth and work. The characters of children in this fiction
were serious, conscientious, self-reflective, and independent testimony to the continuing influence of
the earlier American moralistic tradition in children's books.

18. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The career of Maria Edgeworth as an author of children's books.
B. The development of children's literature in the United States.
C. Successful publishers of children's books in Britain and North America.
D. Basic differences between British and American.
E. The earlier American moralistic tradition in children's books.

19. The publisher John Newbery is principally known for which of the following reasons?
A. He produced and sold books written by Maria Edgeworth.
B. He had more influence on children American children's literature than any other publisher.
C. He published books aimed at amusing children rather than instructing them.
D. He was commercially minded and cheerful.
E. He produced and sold books written by himself for charity.

20. The word "notwithstanding" in line 7 is closest in meaning to.

A. in spite of
B. in addition to
C. as a result of
D. as a part of
E. as soon as

21. The word "they" in line 8 refers to.

A. children
B. Americans
C. books
D. vehicles
E. pedestrians

22. The word "allay" in line 11 is closest in meaning to.

A. clarify
B. attack
C. reduce
D. confirm
E. inquiry

23. It can be inferred from the passage that American children's books sold before 1785 were almost
A. written by Maria Edgeworth
B. attractive and interesting to children
C. written by American authors
D. intended only for religious and moral instruction
E. written by someone who had no inspiration

24. By the end of the eighteenth century, the publishers of childrens looks in the United States were
most concerned about which of the following?
A. Attracting children with entertaining stories that provided lessons of correct behavior

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B. Publishing literature consisting of exciting stories that would appeal to both children and
C. Expanding markets for books in both Britain and the United States
D. Reprinting fictional books from earlier in the century
E. Expanding markets for all children around the world

25. The word "permeated" in line 13.

A. opposed
B. improved
C. competed with
D. spread through
E. fight over

26. According to the passage, American children's stories differed from their British equivalents in
that the characters in American stories were.
A. children who showed a change of behavior
B. children who were well behaved
C. rarely servants
D. generally not from a variety of social classes
E. children who get bullied

27. The word "testimony to" in line 24 is closest in meaning to.

A. inspiration for
B. evidence of
C. requirement for
D. development of
E. interested in

Question 28 - 37
Directions: These sentences below are grammatically incorrect. Find the error of each sentence
in one of the underlined parts.
28. The midnight sun is a phenomenon in which the Sun visible remains in the sky
for twenty-four hours or longer.
29. Sirius, the Dog Star, is the most brightest star in the sky with an absolute magnitude about

twenty-three times that of the Sun.

30. Opposite with the gambir Station, you will find the old "Monas Square" and the statue of R.A
31. Recently, the work from the general manager had been being done by John M.Rayyan.
32. The thief who stole my watch was commpelled to restore it back again
33. On Ellesmere Island in the Arctic, one fossil forest consist of a nearly hundred large stumps
scattered on an exposed coal bed.

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34. The surface conditions on the planet Mars are the more like the Earths than are those of any
other planet in the solar system.
35. The midnight sun is a phenomenon in which the Sun visible remains in the sky for twenty-four
hours or longer.
36. The Humber River and its valley form a major salmon-fishing, lumbering, hunting, and farmer
region in western Newfoundland, Canada.
37. No longer satisfied with the emphasis of the Denishawn School, Martha Graham has moved to
the staff of the Eastman School in 1925.

Question 38 -48
Directions: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.

38. I had finished cleaning the house when my friends arrived. This sentence means that....
A. we were cleaning the house together
B. my friends did not see me cleaning the house
C. my friends came before I started cleaning the house
D. I stopped cleaning the house after my friends had come
E. my friends saw me cleaning the house.

39. Deon : "Jacky, how do you inspect in our new criminals?"

Jacky :" I had the special agent......."
A. investigate
B. investigated
C. investigator
D. investigates
E. investigating
40. Having been served lunch, .
A. the problem was discussed by the members of the committee.
B. the committee members discussed the problem.
C. it was discussed by the committee members the problem.
D. a discussion of the problem was made by the members of the committee.
E. the problem had been discussed by the members of the committee.

41. Florida has not yet ratified the equal rights amendment, and .
A. several other states hasnt either.
B. neither has some of the others states.
C. some other states also have not either.
D. neither have several other states
E. several other states havent either

42. The principal said that .

A. the student can turn over their report on the Monday.
B. the report on Monday could be received form the students by him.
C. the students could hand in their reports on Monday.
D. the student will on Monday the reports turn in.
E. the student can over turn their report on the Monday.

43. he began to make friends more easily.

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A. Having entered school in the new city, it was found that

B. After entering the new school,
C. When he had been entering the new school,
D. Upon entering into the new school,
E. After entered the new school,

44. Many of the current international problems we are now facing .

A. linguistic incompetencies
B. are the result of misunderstandings
C. are because of not understanding themselves
D. lacks of the intelligent capabilities of understanding each other
E. are due to not understanding themselves

45. James A. Bland, Carry Me Back to Old Virginny was adopted is the state song of Virginia
in 1940.
A. Was written
B. His writing was
C. He wrote the
D. Written by
E. He had written

46. Mary Garden, ______ the early 1900s was considered one of the best singing actresses of her
A. a soprano was popular
B. in a popular soprano
C. was a popular soprano
D. a popular soprano in
E. is a popular suprano

47. In the realm of psychological theory Margaret F. Washburn was a dualist _____ that motor
phenomena have an essential role in psychology.
A. who she believed
B. who believed
C. believed
D. who did she believe
E. had believed

48. Ahmads score on the test is the highest in the class;

A. he should study last night.
B. he should have studied last night.
C. he must have studied last night.
D. he must had to study last night.
E. he could have studied last night.



49. Compose an argumentative text (hortatory exposition or discussion text) based on the topics
given. Your writing should consist of at least 300 words or more.
Here are the topics you can choose:
a. Character Education

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b. Full day school

c. School admissions online application system 2017
The followings are some aspects you should consider:
a. Generic structure
b. Language features
c. Content

50. Write a letter addressed to your parents talking about your wish in the past that you did
or didnt do (you regret it) and talking about your hope for your future that you would
like to do. Your writing should be at least 200 words or more.


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