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Scalded: Tersiram air panas

Upset: Kecewa

Clumsy: Ceroboh

Nuisance: Gangguan

Painkiller: Anti nyeri

Scald: Melepuh

Dressing: Balutan

Oinment: Obat Salep

Sensible: Bijaksana

Boiling: Mendidih

Pouring: Menuang

Odd: Aneh

Terapeutic Technic

1. Hello again Mr. Kaur. Have the painkillers worked?

Type: Providing General
2. The pain is to keep the scald dry and warm and let it heal.
Type: Giving Information
3. I've come to put a dressing on your arm.
Type: Offering Self
4. The dressing we use dont stick anymor, they are made to be non-adherent.
Type: Giving Information
5. The dressing only needs to be on for a few days and the scald will heal. It was a good thing that
you knew the first aid for scalds, cooling the skin down certainly stopped it getting any worse.
Type: Giving Information
6. If you leave the dressing on for 2 or 3 days the scald will heal without any other treatment. You
can take mild painkillers such as paracetamol if your arm is sore.
Type: Giving Information
7. Well today is Saturday, so it should all be healed by Monday. You can get an appoinment with the
practice nurse for Tuesday and she can take off the dressing and check your arm.
Type: Summarizing and Planning
8. How do you think it happened?
Type: Open-ended Question about present illnes
9. Have you had your eyes checked recently?
Type: Being Clarification
10. Could you talk to the practice nurse about the trouble you have when pouring fluids?
Type: Being Clarification
11. That sound like a good idea.
Type: reward
12. But what can you do to make the kettle easier to use?
Type: Reflexting
13. Yes, I just fill mine without thinking. I have seen smaller kettles. Perhaps you would find that
Type: Giving information


Joint Stiffness: Kekakuan Sendi

Severe: Parah

Arthitis: Radang Sendi

Deformity: Kelainan Bentuk

Lethargic: Lesu

Slightly: Sedikit

Surgery: Operasi

Gentle exercise: Olahraga Ringan

Wheelchair: Kursi Roda

Tend: Cenderung

Unfairness: ketidakadilan

Sort Out: Menata

Wrists: Surat Perintah

Awful: Mengerikan

Expect: Mengharapkan

Bit disappointed: Sedikit Mengecewakan

Terapeutic Technik

1. Yes, the physiotheraphist is coming to treat you here. What do they usually do?
Type: Providing General and Leadpass History
2. Tell me how your mobility is affected by the arthritis.
Type: Open-ended Question about Present Illness
3. What about walking?
Type: Clarifying about habbit.
4. Yes, that is important.
Type: Reflexting
5. How do you stay so positive?
Type: Clarifying about Thinking
6. What do you do?
Type: Open-ended Question
7. We can sort out your care plan niw and make sure that we include the help you need. You must
tell me your usual routine for the hand splints, as you're the expert. Can you arrange for your
own wheelchair to be brought in?
Type: Being Spesific
8. What about other activities? Do you have difficulty using your hands?
Type: Being spesific about present Illness
9. Are there any other movements that you find difficult?
Type: Clarifying about present illness
10. Again we can plan what help you will need from us while you're here. Do you see the OT for help
with this?
Type: Summarizing and planning about Theraphy
11. Perhaps your brother can bring in the gadgets you need in here when he come with the
wheelchair. What do you think?
Type: Close-ended Question
12. The rheumatology nurse specialist will be up later to review your drugs with Dr Wong, and co-
ordinate all the other practitioners - I expect you know them both quite well by now.
Type: Giving Information
13. Do you need anything for pain?
Type: Offering Self

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