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Lunar Reiki Manual

Table of Contents:
Level 1 Instructions-
Moon Cycles-
Level 2 Instructions-
Weight Control-
Emotional Issues-
Spiritual Healing & Guidance-
Level 3 Instructions-
Level 4 Artemis-
Level 5 Selene-
Level 6 Hecate-
Registration Procedure-
Goddess Rays-
Be Your Own Goddess-
Domestic Violence-

Welcome to the Sisters in the Energy of the Moon. You have

been attuned or will be attuned in the Lunar Reiki Energy.
This energy was channeled to Amy Bass when a woman
dressed radiating in white came to her in a dream and told her
that the Women of the world are being oppressed and that she
needed to connect them to the Energy of the Moon. The
woman attuned Amy and gave her strict instructions for use,
which will be given to you in this manual. Amy founded the
Lunar Reiki Center, as a place of Love
and Empowerment for all Women.
We Welcome you to come and participate there as we continue
to grow and expand to help our fellow Sisters in the World.

Special Note (Not From the Author):

This manual is provided to you in the public interest. Its author, Amy Bass, has represented
this as a work channeled in its entirety from divine sources. In truth, large portions of its
text have been plagiarized word-for-word from sources on the Internet (see footnotes at the
bottom of text pages). Even the cover art has been verified as stolen (from

As the dishonesty of the author has been proven, the entire origin of this system of Reiki
is therefore in question. Many who have examined this material deem it to be a
combination of theft and ego fantasy, by a person seeking money, fame and a cult
following. It is highly likely this Lunar Reiki system is completely fraudulent in nature.
Nevertheless, this manual is provided to you for you to decide.

Most spelling, grammatical and formatting errors in this manual were present in, and have
been preserved from, the original document.
Lunar Reiki Level 1 Instructions
Harnessing the Female energy of the Moon for the greater

Welcome to Lunar Reiki Level One. You are on your way to

becoming an independent and fulfilled Moon goddess in your
own terms. Women have repressed for so long in history
and we need to realize that we have sacred powers as well. You
may use Lunar Reiki to get in touch with your higher-self.
To call upon the Lunar Energy you need to place your hands
over your heart and recite the following:
The Moon is my mother and I her daughter. I now call upon the
Lunar Energy for the greater good of myself and of my fellow
Sisters. I request that I may receive Her energy for the use of
healing my (headache, neck pain, infertility, etc) Afterwards
you need to do the Moon symbol and then place your hands on
your sacral chakra (lower abdomen where your female
reproductive organs are.)
The Moon Symbol

The lines may be done in any order.

As women we are instinctively connected to the energy of the

moon. The connection between female physiology and the night
luminary is quite distinct as far as the duration of female
physiological period as well as pregnancy. The moon has
monthly cycles just like us. In Lunar Reiki you will be connected
to the energy of the Moon goddesses.

The most visible symbol of feminine energy in the

solar system is the Moon. Because it reflects the
light from the sun, the pale orb in the night sky has
come to represent a womans reflective nature, her
internalized response to the world.

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Women wield the most powerful creative forcethe
ability to give birth. Moving in cycles throughout
history, women have alternately been worshipped for
possessing such vital magic and then become suspect,
flipping roles to become the reactive, ready-to-serve
female of the patriarchal era.

If the Moon has been more identified in our

contemporary cultural myths with the passive side of
women, let us not forget that it also exerts
tremendous power (not unlike women) as it controls
the tides in the oceans and the cycles in womens
bodies. It waves its magic wand over plant growth and
is the comforting night light all over the planet. In
some indigenous cultures, women refer to their
menstrual cycles as their Moon, and a womans
power at the time of the month when she bleeds is
considered so great that all kinds of special
conditions must be observed out of respect for that

The Moon makes us feel slightly lunatic at times

yet its strong influence in the grounded areas of home
and garden show how much its cycle connects us
to our place. Decorating, repairing and cleaning all

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reflect our sense of ourselves in the world. When we
need a change, we often move things around in our
home, clean out a closet or even move to a new house,
city or country.

Moon goddess qualities have manifested as

maternal instinct and feminine know-how. Women
have a mystique, a reputation for never being exactly
like they appear, much like the Moon who changes
size and shape in relation to the horizon nightly.

And it is for us to take the best of what we have been given and
carry it forward into the future for our children and our childrens
Marilyn Sewell, Cries of the Spirit

Moon Cycles

The moon affects human beings. The moon especially affects

women and their menstrual cycle is intimately linked to this
celestial body.

The moon:

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Regulates your menstrual cycle,
Can trigger ovulation and fertile times,
Affects your emotions and
Affects the way people behave and view the world.

Women are connected to the moon by our blood, our hormones

and our souls.

The first step in claiming the gifts of our menstrual cycle is to

become re-acquainted with Mother Moon. Putting aside all the
scientific phenomena of the way the Moon affects the earths
tides, weather, animals, fluids and moods, symbolically the Moon
has a lot to teach us.

In myth the Moon is a primary female archetype traveling the

great round of Birth, Maturation, Death and Rebirth each
month. This is a primal fundamental cycle of the universe of
which every single living thing participates.

Most of us have been taught to believe that being a cyclical

creature is a primitive or inferior affair. We believe that we will be
less productive, less useful or just plain stupid if we allow
ourselves to follow the rhythm of our cycles.

However, there is much grace, flow and harmony to be achieved

through living in a cyclic manner. Being able to recognize and
use the most appropriate energy that is available to you at any

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given moment is in fact a far more efficient use of time and

Just like the Moons journey through the phases, a womans

menstrual cycle can also be divided up into easily understood
and clearly experienced phases.

(Note: The graphic above was stolen from

Each month a woman will experience changes in the way she

perceives herself and her world in accordance to where she is in
her menstrual cycle.

The moons cycle also adds another subtle tone to her monthly
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experience, increasing or decreasing the intensity of the
energies depending upon where the two cycles overlap.

For example if a woman is ovulating with the Full Moon, this

mode of cycling gives a woman the best chance of physical
fertility, great for trying to conceive children, as the full moon
accentuates the time of Ovulation.

When a woman bleeds with the full moon, this mode of cycling
enhances inner expression, intuition and the development of the
inner, spiritual life.

As women become more aware of the different phases and how they
experience them, they find it much easier to recognize and
use the phase they are at and will also experience a far greater
acceptance of their bodies, their menstrual cycle and their
feminine nature.

Lunar Reiki Level 2 Instructions-

Your Lunar Energy now has been increased by 100% and you
can now do healings on your fellow Sisters as well as yourself.

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The energy is to be called the same way and you always need to
draw the Moon symbol before using any other symbols.

Using Lunar Reiki to help in times of Infertility

First you need to call upon the Lunar Reiki energy by placing
Your hands upon your heart and stating
The Moon is my mother and I her daughter. I now call upon the
Lunar Energy for the greater good of myself and of my fellow
Sisters. I request that I may receive Her energy for the use of
Healing my Infertility.
Afterwards you need to do the Moon symbol.

The Moon Symbol

The lines may be done in any order.

After you have completed the Moon Symbol you need to call
upon the Fertility Symbol.

Fertility Symbol

And state:
I ask the for Power of the Moon to fill my heart and open my
Then make sure to state what infertility trouble you have. For
example you can state:

To increase my days of fertile peak so my husbands sperm and

my egg may meet.
Of course you dont have to rhyme, but it does make it a bit
more effective.
Then you need to place your hands over your reproductive
organs in your sacral chakra and concentrate on the healing you
wish to take place.
If you are doing this healing for a fellow Sister then you need to
state something like this after drawing out the Fertility Symbol
over her body.

For my Sister, I ask this day that pregnancy will be on its way.
That her body will heal in the Moons bathing light for a baby to
grow in her perfect sight. That hormonal changes will take place
for ovulation to be haste and as the Moons Energy shines
down on her, the gift of a baby will be sure.

This is best done on a night that she will be able to be with her
husband or significant other and she is not menstruating. You
can do this in person or it can also be sent as a distance healing.
It cannot guarantee results the first time, but it will make it
happen as soon as the time is right.
Using Lunar Reiki for PMS & Menstrual Cramps

We all know that PMS and Menstrual Cramps can be quite a

bummer. Thankfully the Moon is here to aid us in relieving these

First you need to call upon the Lunar Reiki energy by placing
your hands upon your heart and stating:

The Moon is my mother and I her daughter. I now call upon the
Lunar Energy for the greater good of myself and of my fellow
Sisters. I request that I may receive Her energy for the use of
(relieving my menstrual cramps or my PMS symptoms).
Afterwards you need to do the Moon symbol.

The Moon Symbol

The lines may be done in any order.

After you have completed the Moon Symbol you need to call
upon the Menstruation Symbol:

Menstruation Symbol

and state:
For PMS state something like: Using the Energy of the
Moon I create a state of harmony within. That my hormones
may level and peace begin.
For Menstrual Cramps state something like: Fill my body with
light and soothe away the pain that I feel inside. That the
cramps will cease so that I may be able to enjoy my body.

Like I said before, it does not have to rhyme.


Endometriosis is the most common cause of pelvic pain there is.

What is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a condition where the endometrium (the lining of

the uterus) is found in locations outside the uterus.

This misplaced tissue may be found on the ovaries, uterus, bowel, bladder
utero-sacral ligaments (ligaments that hold the
uterus in place), or peritoneum (covering lining of the pelvis and
abdominal cavity). On rare occasions it can be found in other
distant sites.

Lunar Reiki is not meant to replace any treatments, which you

are currently doing for Endometriosis, but is meant enhance the
healing of it.

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Call upon the Lunar energy the same way you would with
menstrual ailments using the Moon & the Menstrual symbol.
After drawing upon the Menstrual symbol you need to state:

As the Moon is whole and pure I ask that my body may be

clear, for my future posterity that whole my Uterus may be.

Then make sure to place your palms face down on your uterine
area straight on the skin, not on top of any clothes. You can be
on top of clothes if doing this on someone else who is
uncomfortable with you touching her skin. When doing this as a
distance healing you need to picture the Womens uterine area
becoming whole and pure and meditate on this for a minimum of
ten minutes and up to an hour.

Weight Control-

We all know how hard weight control is, but it really doesnt need
to be very difficult. We know to eat healthy, exercise and
portion control, but there is another key that needs to be
addressed that a lot of Women dont think about. That key is
your spirit. Yes the energy of your ethereal body can make a
difference in how your body manifests itself. There are ways
which you can use Lunar Reiki to remove roadblocks, which have
been keeping you from your desired weight. To aid in burning
fat you need to first call upon the Lunar Reiki energy, by
placing your hands upon your heart and stating

The Moon is my mother and I her daughter. I now call upon the
Lunar Energy for the greater good of myself and of my fellow
Sisters. I request that I may receive her energy for the use of
(burning excess fat).

Afterwards you need to draw the Moon symbol, and then you
need to draw the Weight Loss Symbol.

Weight Loss symbol

Then place your hands on your solar plexus chakra or your
abdomen and state

I ask that I may reflect on the outside what my goddess is on the

inside. That she may shine through me and clear away all the weight
that is holding me from my true form.
Then you need to meditate on your true self, that goddess that
is within yourself, the one that you have been ignoring all this
time to awaken and come forth and clear your weight. She will
help you to eat right and be healthy and beautiful. I know that
this one does not rhyme, but it is very effective this way. This is
best done on a daily basis as part of your Weight Control

Depression & Emotional Healing-

When Emotional Healing is necessary it is very important to

look within yourself and find that radiant woman that is within
you. It is your higher self because deep down you are a goddess.

To help heal your heart of troubles call upon the Lunar Reiki
Energy by placing your hands upon your heart and stating:

The Moon is my mother and I her daughter. I now call upon the
Lunar Energy for the greater good of myself and of my fellow
Sisters. I request that I may receive Her energy for the use of
(healing my depression).

Afterwards you need to draw the Moon symbol. Then place

your hands upon your heart once more and state the following:

I ask the Lunar Energy to ease the pain I feel inside. That I
may get in touch with my beloved self, the radiant soul I am. That I may
overcome all obstacles and challenges in my life and
become in tune with my creator.

Then just relax and let the energy flow through you and let the
healing begin. You may also ask for additional things during this
time. The Lunar Reiki is very intelligent and knows what you


To receive guidance it is best to say a prayer to God before

calling upon the Lunar Reiki Energy. Ask that through Him
and the energy of the Moon that you may find the guidance that
you seek at this time. Then you may call upon the Lunar
Energy and ask a specific question in which you are looking for
an answer. You may lay or sit there as long as necessary to
receive your answer. Dont be upset if the answer turns out to
be Not at this time. Or Not yet. Things will come to you at
the proper time. We learn line upon line and precept upon
precept and we cannot understand the fullness of the Universe
quite yet.

Lunar Reiki Level 3 Manual Instructions-

In Lunar Reiki level Three you will be attuned and the Moon
Energy will be strengthened once more. You will be taught how to
pass on the Lunar Reiki 1-2-3 attunements to others. You will also
be given the information you need to get ready for your career as a
Lunar Reiki Practitioner for Women.

How to Pass on the Lunar Reiki Attunements:

Distance Attunement Procedure:

Call upon the Lunar Reiki energy by placing your hands upon
your heart and stating

The Moon is my mother and I her daughter. I now call upon the
Lunar Energy for the greater good of myself and of my fellow
Sisters. I request that I may receive Her energy for the use of
passing an attunement to my Sister (Her Full Name).

Then you need to say word for word:

The Moon, the goddesses above and within I ask to unite this
day, For my Sister (Her Name) to be attuned in the Lunar
Reiki way. She is a beautiful, humble soul with a good heart and
open sight. I ask this day for her to be joined into our circle of
goodness and light. Her initiation is for Lunar Reiki level
(then state either level 1, 2 or 3).

For level one you need to draw the Moon symbol.

For level two draw the Moon symbol and then the Fertility

For level three draw the Moon symbol, Fertility Symbol,

Menstration symbol and Weight Loss symbol.

Then you need to place your hands together and imagine you
Sister receiving this energy and filling her body and yours with a
bright white light.
**You cannot attune your fellow sister to a level that you have
not yet reached as this will not work.**
Person-to-Person Attunement:
When giving a person-to-person attunement you say and do the
same as the distance except you place your hands on her
shoulders while doing the saying and she sits in a chair with you
behind her. After it is over make sure to hug her and welcome
her to the Lunar Reiki Energy.

In Lunar Reiki level three your energy has been strengthened

100% stronger than it was in the second level. You are now
ready of receive the energies of the Moon goddesses.

Lunar Reiki level Four Manual Instructions-

Artemis (Lunar)

In Lunar Reiki Level Four you are attuned and connected to

the energy of The Moon Goddess Artemis (Lunar), the
defender of Women harassed or threatened by men. You will be
protected and watched over by her. She will empower you and
bring you confidence. Her energy is especially good for any
Woman who has been mistreated by the man she loved. Artemis
is against women consorting or bowing to the rule of men. She is
The goddess of Hunting and Wild Animals. She is also the
Goddess of Fertility, Childbirth, Nature and of the Harvest. It
is very good to use this energy for yourself or a fellow Sister to
achieve pregnancy or a Woman in Labor and Childbirth to bring
peace and comfort, and to minimize any complications that may

Violence is an abhorrence to her and she will deal out

punishments to offenders, especially to those who have
threatened or harassed Women. So when the Man you love
mistreats you, you may tell her of your troubles and she will make
sure things are just.

Once you are attuned to level 4 you no longer need to use

symbols to call upon the Lunar Reiki Energy because you have
established a connection that will always be on so you dont
need to turn it on each time you want to use it.

Artemis has shot her arrow of selfhood in your life to help you
focus on yourself. Have you been too much at the service of
others without making sure you get what you need for yourself?
Has it been too long since you had time to yourself or a space
of your own? Do the boundaries of your selfhood seem blurred
and indistinct? Do you feel you have no right to a self of your
own, but must always be thinking of others, putting their needs
first, until you dont know who you are or what you want? Now is

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the time to come into yourself. Now is the time to pay attention
to the whispering voices of your own needs. Now is the time to
take yourself back and celebrate and strengthen who you are.
The Goddess says that wholeness is nurtured when you honor,
respect and give time to yourself. She also asks how can you
expect to hit any targets if you dont have self from which to

Ask for her accompaniment as you labor and birth your children
and you will find a great companion while doing so. She will watch over
your birth and help you to make sure complications dont

Lunar Reiki level Five Manual Instructions-

Selene (Diana)

In Lunar Reiki Level Five you are attuned and connected to

the energy of The Moon goddess Selene (Diana), befriender
and comforter of Women. Selene will help to clear depression
from your life. She is a powerful being and with her help you can
become one as well. She is to be called upon when you or your fellow
sister needs an uplifting energy to help carry your
burdens and troubles.

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You will be able to work on emotional and depression issues
much better once you have reached this point in the Lunar Reiki
Doing daily self-healings with Selene will help clear away all the
bottled up emotions that you have been carrying with you all of
these years. Just call upon her by saying

I ask to be in tune with the Lunar Reiki Energy and to call

upon my Sister Selene for the purpose of healing my heart and
emotional issues.

Then tell her what is going on in your life and what is bothering

Lunar Reiki level Six Manual Instructions- Hecate

In Lunar Reiki Level Six you are attuned and connected to

the energy of the Moon goddess Hecate.
Hecate is the third and final one of the Triple Goddesses, the
Crone. She is the Goddess of the New Moon. She will be
there do guide you in making important decisions about your life.
as the Greek Goddess of death and regeneration, her
powerful magic was widely respected. Hecate meets you at the
crossroads when you must make a choice. Times of choice are
not easy times. The challenges presented by choice necessitate
a leap of faith from the person doing the choosing. Call upon
this energy when you or your fellow sister needs help with making
a decision or needs some counseling. Ask her for help with
important decisions in your life. She will act as a compass for
you in troubled times.

Hecate says to let go of the idea that there are wrong or right choices:
there is just choice. Have you been putting off making a
choice because it seems to be too overwhelming or a no win
situation? Does the choice bring up fear of the unknown? Does
it seem better and/or easier to remain with what you know?

Sometimes a choice must be made, yet you are not ready in such
cases, the way to nurture wholeness is to acknowledge where
you are and let it go. Trust that you will be able to make a choice
When the time is right. Give yourself time and space. Dont
press, berate, or blame yourself. You need nourishment here.
When you let go, suddenly clarity comes to show you what you
need. The Goddess urges you to embrace the unknown. Know
that whatever you choose will bring you something invaluable
that you can use on your path to wholeness.

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How to Pass on Lunar Reiki 4-5-6

Passing on Lunar Reiki level 4-

You need to call upon the Lunar Reiki energy by placing your
hands upon your heart and saying

The Moon is my mother and I her daughter. I now call upon the Lunar
Energy for the greater good of myself and of my fellow
sisters. I request that I may receive Her energy for the use of
passing an attunement to my Sister (Her Full Name).

Then you need to specifically call upon Artemis by saying:

To establish a connection between (Her Name) and the

Moon goddess Artemis the Lunar lady. That she will be there
for (Her Name) when she needs a protector and a friend. That
(Her Name) may be connected to Artemis through the Lunar
Reiki Energy.

Then place your hands together in times of distance

attunements or place your hands on your Sisters shoulders in a
person-to-person attunement. Let the energy flow and the
connection get established.

Passing on Lunar Reiki level 5-

You need to call upon the Lunar Reiki energy by placing your
hands upon your heart and saying:

The Moon is my mother and I her daughter. I now call upon the
Lunar Energy for the greater good of myself and of my fellow
sisters. I request that I may receive Her energy for the use of
passing an attunement to my Sister (Her Full Name).

Then you need to specifically call upon Selene by saying

To establish a connection between (Her Name) and the

Moon goddess Selene our dear sister Diana. That she will be
there as a comforter to help carry the burdens of every day life.
that (Her Name) may be lifted in times of depression and that
she may be calmed in times of anger or fear. That (Her Name)
be connected to Selene through the Lunar Reiki energy.

Then place your hands together in times of distance

attunements or place your hands on your Sisters shoulders in a
person-to-person attunement. Let the energy flow and the
connection get established.

Passing on Lunar Reiki level 6-

You need to call upon the Lunar Reiki energy by placing your
hands upon your heart and saying

The Moon is my mother and I her daughter. I now call upon the
Lunar Energy for the greater good of myself and of my fellow
sisters. I request that I may receive Her energy for the use of
passing an attunement to my Sister (Her Full Name).

Then you need to specifically call upon Hecate by saying:

To establish a connection between (Her Name) and the

Moon goddess Hecate, the Crone, goddess of the New
Moon. Knowing that this is a time that (Her Name) may change
her life for the better. That decision will come quickly and
correctly. That Hecate will be a guide and a compass to her
through the dark times. That (Her Name) be connected to
Selene through the Lunar Reiki Energy.

Then to finish you need to say:

I deem (Her Name) to be given the degree of Lunar Reiki
Master and teacher. That she may hold the power necessary to
help our fellow sisters, to do good deeds on earth and to teach
the Lunar Reiki way. She now gets blessed with the right to
pass on the Lunar Reiki connections with Artemis, Selene and
Hecate. That she has the right to call upon her fellow Sisters
when necessary and expedient of her to do so. Amen.

She will now be a Lunar Reiki Master so please give her a hug
and welcome her!

Registration Procedures

It is very important that you be registered and that you register

all of your students with the Lunar Reiki Center at

To do so you need to email the center with the following

information after each level so that the student can be entered
into the database and be able to order manuals and certificates.
The Teacher must Email the following information:

1. The Teachers Name

2. Teachers Address
3. The Teachers Lunar Reiki Lineage
4. Date of Attunement
5. Students Full Name
6. Students Full Address
7. Students Phone Number
8. Students Website if applicable
9. Students Year of Birth

Send all of the above information to

Optional bonuses, which the Lunar Reiki Center provides,

are goddess rays. They are special connections with
goddesses that will help you in your times of need. You may
read more about each one at the Lunar Reiki Center

To order Lunar Reiki Manuals and Certificates you can

order them at The Lunar Reiki Center or you may email
Be your own goddess

Remember to listen to your heart and mind above anyone else.

You hold the keys to your own future and only you are
Responsible for its outcome. Dont let people talk down to you
Or use you in any way. Respect yourself and love who you are.
You are a goddess.

I really thank you for joining the Lunar Reiki Center and look
Forward to us becoming life long Sisters. I am always available
To help you or to answer personal questions at
I look forward to hearing from you.

For a complete list of Lunar Reiki practitioners please visit

Domestic Violence-
Domestic Violence is a serious problem in the world. If you are
Abused please do not put up with it. Take responsibility and
Control of your own life and get out and get help. Please stop
The cycle of abuse in your life and the life of your children.

We may ask our selves Why do Women stay in abusive

Relationships? Here on some reasons why some women do,
Although they are not good reasons for doing so. This
Information is from, which is full of
Wonderful resources for women who need help with abuse.

Frequency and Severity

The abuse may occur over a short period of time.

He may tell her Im sorry, it will never happen again and She
will believe him.
Generally, the less severe and less frequent the incidents, the
more likely it is that shell stay.

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