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Charles Sturt Faculty of Education U niversity PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE REPORT EARLY PLACEMENT Teacher Education Student ‘Student 1D 1565031 ‘Marcus Rowand Course Bachelor of Education EPT Subject 945 ‘Supervising Teacher(s) Julie Hollow & Deb Bisinelia Placement Dates From 271078 io teit1N18, Schoo! Total days attended Porepunkah Primary School 16 of 17 days ‘Secondary: Curriculumheaching area/s & years/stages Primary: Years/stage/grade Grade 314 To the supervising teacher: This Professional Experience Report will serve as a record of the teacher education student’s abilly to demonstrate appropriate progress towards the full range of descriptors of the Australian Graduate Teacher Standards as described in the Evidence Guide for an early professional experience placement. The assessment provided by ‘you will form part of the student's formative assessment towards full achievement of the Standards at Graduate level at the end of the student's course, Formal assessment to be undertaken by the supervising teacher: A teacher education student's progress towards achievement of the Stendards is to be: 4) reviewed no later than the mid-point of the placement; and 2). assessed at the completion of the placement against each descriptor of the Graduate Teacher Standards, at an appropriate level for an early placement as: ND - Not Demonstrated; WT - Working Towards; D - Demonstrated: E - Exceeds expectations. Review at Mid-Placement: At the micepoint of the placement, supervising teachers are asked to engage with the teacher education student in a collaborative review of progress fo date with reference to the Graduate Standards and the Evidence Guide for early professional experience placements in order to identify demonstrated strengths and areas for further development during the placement. Mid-Placement Review completed (tick) [2] (date): 1011/16 ‘No significant concems have been identified [Z] tick OR Significant concers have been identified and notified to the Professional Experience Unit on (date) Assessment at the Completion of the Placement: If deseriotors are not able to be demonstrated owing to factors outside the teacher education student's control, please provide an explanation in the appropriate comment section. The overall assessment of the placement is Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory. The Guide to this professional experience can be aecessed online or provided to you by the teacher education student. it conteins information on the purpose of this professional experience placement and haw this placement inks to other placements in the teacher education students program. it also provides information about the expected teaching requirements inthis placement Supervising teachers should also refer to the Evidence Guide provided before completing this report. PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE STANDARD 1 - KNOW STUDENTS AND HOW THEY LEARN 1.7 Physical, social and intelectual development and characteristics of students cof students and how these may affect learning Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of physical, social and itotectual dovelopment and characteristics 112 Understand how students learn Demonstrate knowledge and urderstsnding of esearch into how students lear and the implications for teacring O}O}s 1.3” Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socloesenomis backgrounds Demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that are responsive to the leaning strengths and needs of students from diverse linguist, cultural, relgious and socioeconomic backoreunes. 1.4 Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Stat Islander students ‘Demonstrate broad knowedge and understanding ofthe Impact of culture, cultural ently and ingustlc background on the education of students from Aborginal and Torres Sta lelander backgrounds, 1.5 Differentiate teaching to mest the specific earring needs of students across the full range of ablitios ‘Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of strategies for differentiating teaching to mast the specite |___leaming nests of students across tho full range of abies 1.8 Siratagles to suppor full participation of students with disabiliy Domonetiato broad knowledge and understanding of legislative requrements and teaching strategls that ‘Suppor partcpation and leaning of stugents with dsadiy OO} OO} )/ Ol) OS O/O/8/sF Oooo oor ‘Comment on the teach; sducation student's knowledge of students and how they learn STANDARD 2 ~ KNOW THE CONTENT AND HOW TO TEACH iT ND 21 Content and teaching strategies ofthe teaching area Demonstrate knowiedge, and understanding ofthe concepts, substance and strctue of the centent and teaching strategies of te teaching area, 22 Content selection and organisation Organise content into an effectve learning and teeching sequence. 23 Curriculum, assessment and reporting Use curicuum, assessment and reporting knowiedge to design learning sequences ard lesson plans. Indigenous and non-indigenous Australiane Demonstrate broad knowiedge of, understanding of and respect for Abotigin bistores, cultures and languages. and Torres Stra leiander 2.4 Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Stralt Islander people to promote reconciliation between 2B Utoracy and numeracy strategies ‘know and understand teracy and numeracy teaching strategies and thal application in teaching areas. 26° Information and Communication Technology (CT) Implement teaching strategies for using ICT to expand curculum leering opportunities for students OO) 0 Oo) oO OO) 0 Oj) | ‘Comment on the teacher education student's knowledge of content and how to teach it PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE ‘STANDARD 3 - PLAN FOR AND IMPLEMENT EFFECTIVE TEACHING AND LEARNING 34 Establish challenging learning goals ‘Sot earring gosls that provide achievable challenges for students of varying abiities and characteristics. 32 Plan, structure and sequence learning programs Plan leseon sequences using knowledge of student leaming.cantent an effective teaching strategies, 33 Use teaching strategies Include a range of teaching stategies, 3a ‘Seloct and use resources Demonstrate knowledge ofa range of resources, including ICT that engage students in their earring 35 Use effective classroom communication Demonstrate range of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to support student engagement, 36 ‘Evaluate and improve teaching programs Demonstrate broad knowledge of strategies that canbe used to evaluate teachhng programs to mprove student laamieg. O/O|O/O)\0|)s a7 “Engage parents/ carers in the educative process Describe a broad range of stateges for involving parentsicarers inthe educative process. O) 0 O\0\0\0/0)s O| D8 O/O/0/0)- ‘Comment on the teacher education student's planning and implementing of effective teaching and learning STANDARD 4 CREATE AND MAINTAIN SUPPORTIVE AND SAFE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS aa “Support student participation entity strategies to suppor inclusive student participation and engagement in classrocm activites. a2 Manage classroom activities Demonstrate the capacity fo organise classroom actus and provide clase drction, a3 ‘Manage challenging behaviour Demonstrate knoniedge of practical approaches to manage challenging behaviour, 4a ‘aintain student safety Describe strategies that supsor students’ wellbeing and safety working within schoo! andlor system, cursculum and legislate requirements a Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically ‘Demonstrate an understanding ofthe relevant issues andthe srategles avalabe to support the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching 0) O/O/O\o)|* 0) O|O/O/oO}8 0 OBO" ‘Comment on the teacher education student's creating & maintaining supportive & safe learning environments STANDARD 6 ~ ASSESS, PROVIDE FEEDBACK AND REPORT ON STUDENT LEARNING Bi Assocs student leaming Domonstrate understanding of assessment strategies, including informal and formal, ciagnostc formative and summative approachos to asses student learing, 52 Provide feodback to students on thelr learning Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of proving timely and appropriate feedback to students about the learning 5.3 Make consistent and comparable judgements ‘Demonstrate understancing of assessmont moderation and ts application to support consistent and ‘comparable judgerants of student learing, OO | Is 54 Interpret student data ‘Domonetrat the capacity to interpret student assessment data to evaluate student learning and mody teaching practice. ‘55 Report on student achievement Demonstrate understanding of @ range of strategies for reporting to students and parentslcarers and the Purpose of keeping accurate and reliable records of student achievement OOOO Oe OOO | o|» ‘Comment on the teacher education student's assessing, providing feedback and reporting on student learning PROFESSIONAL ENGAGEMENT ‘STANDARD 6 — ENGAGE IN PROFESSIONAL LEARNING 6.41” Identify and plan professional learning needs Demonstrate en understanding ofthe role of the National Professional Standards for Teachers in identifying professional leaming needs. (62 Engage in professional leaming and improve practice Understan the elevant and apprepriate eources of professional leaming for teachers. 63 Engage with colleagues and improve practice ‘Seek and apply constructive feedback fom supervisors and teachers to improve teaching practices. O18) & |» ‘64 Apply professional learning and improve student learning Demonstrate an understanding ofthe rationale for continued professional learning ad the impictions for Improved student learning OOO |e OO}0 O}s ‘Comment on the teacher education student's engagement in professional learning C/ 2) 2 |» STANDARD 7 ~ ENGAGE PROFESSIONALLY WITH COLLEAGUES, PARENTSICARERS AND THE COMMUNITY wD | wr oO 7.4 Moot professional ethies and responsibilities Understand and apply the key principles described in codes of eles and conduc forthe teaching profession 72 Comply with legislative, administrative and organisational requirements Understand the relevant legislatve, administrative and organisational policies and processes required for teachers according to schoo stage, 73 Engage with the parentslcarers Understand stratagies for working efecively, sensitvely and confidentsly wth parents! caters 74 Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities Understand the role of external professionals and community representatives h Broadening teachers rofessional knowiedge and practic, O/O}o /o} O/O|O ‘Comment on the teacher education student's engagement with colleagues, parents/carers and the community ‘SUMMARY COMMENT: The overall assessment of the placement is: Supervising Teacher ety ay ste Name Julie Hollow Signature Julie Hollow Bis soi6s197 Principal Robyn at egy ayn Name Robyn Davies Signature Sooyn Sioa Teacher Education Student Marcus tyes acn Name Mgjcus Povliwnd Signature Rowland Beier Date 17/1116 Date 17/11/2016 dato (7 [tI fib Ww Charles Sturt Preservice Teacher U niversity Attendance Record Pre-service Teacher's Name: Race eal School/Service |Porepunkah Primary Schoo! Group/Class/Teaching area Bh Associate Teacher) dD Helles + © Beirciia. ~ Dates of Professional Exp. From? 9.10.1 ENG Pre-service Teacher: Please complete the attendance record below. Associate Teacher: Please sign to confirm the pre- service teacher's attendance, DATE MONDAY TuespAY | WEDNESDAY | THURSDAY FRIDAY Week Commencing MM! | met | ran ares tress [somes | ossar | ite | snes ts | aries EXA gam [410 | me sao DANO Ib F 3 wh TALC Hci iI. ib. |RAG [Wem] ME | wuss | ees © [3-40 me | so] 425 | me | F410 | 340]. ote 425 me} 85 3:30] 4] 805 3D ima iS iQ4-id] my| 0530] me Ble, |S20 4:40) map] | 3-45] Me) ar Am Ma 155 B35 mal $6 330/M roo So AD Biiinolia) owe: I) fl paale ore lS i tb Charles Sturt Professional Experience Universit y Leave of Absence Ms Rowland FutlGiven Nanes Marcus James ee Mas — SURNAME- Block Leta Picea eeeceerececaa! Ms Preservice Teacher Contact Email: scheoisevice: Porepunkah Faculty at choo (ifaplicable) SchoolService Address Phone No: PERIOD OF LEAVE APPLIED FOR Date (ifone day only) _26 1 LQ 1 [bo. AND No.of hours (ifonly part of one day) => 1 33S (Compassionate, Sick, Spebial) OR from to jue INCLUSIVE NATURE OF LEAVE. REASONS FOR LEAVE (Additional information may be fuished on back) Wad AO €xand SANS cate. ete MEDICAL CERTIFICATE from Dr mA: of is attached (Requested in all cases of sick leave exceeding 2 days) ACCIDENT INSURANCE A "liuited value" student accident cover is carried by Charles Sturt University ‘Compensation shall be payable under this policy for injury caused by agident wie ‘Worker's Compensation Act, Ordinance of Policy of Insurance. \ not covered under any Accidents occurring whilst in pursuance of your course should be reporte{ within 48 hours to the the Student Welfare ‘Admunistrator on the preservice teacher's home earapus - Contact details i PE Hand} Date: (8 [\t]}& PRE-SERVICE TEACHER'S SIGNAFERE PRINCIPAL'SDDIRECTOR'S COMMENT:_ pae__/| ¥-//-/6 Name _ Signed. NIB. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FORMS ARE TO BE RETURNED TO THE PROFPSSIONAL EXPERIENCE OFFICE ON PRESERVICE “TEACHER'S CAMPUS AT COMPLETION OF THE FROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 10 THE UNIVERSITY WITH ALL Olek PAPERWORK 1 Charles Sturt Professional Experience University Leave of Abs: ms Rowland FullGives Names Marcus James Miss — SURNAME- Bloc Tees Pee ee schootServe. Porepunkah Faculty at schoo (if applicable) SchoolService Address: __Phone No: PERIOD OF LEAVE APPLIED FOR Date (if one day only) LM 7 [6 AND No. of hous (ifonly part of one day) oR fiom A e WA INCLUSIVE NATURE OF LEAVE PUD Hct) eM elloouine Cup. ‘Goniasionts Sak pa) REASONS FOR LEAVE. (Additional infomation may be furnished on back) Ws day wa to be mace vPan 26 [\e lib {rect QA exam 4s _ctete . MEDICAL CERTIFICATE from Dr. rmoA of ro - is attached (Requested in all cases of sick leave exceeding 2 days) ACCIDENT INSURANCE ‘A “limited value" student accident caver is carried by Charles Sturt University Compensation shall be payable under this policy for injury caused by accident which is not covered under any ‘Worker's Compensation Act, Ordinance of Policy of Insurance. Accidents occurring whilst m pursuance of your course should be reforted wNMhin 48 hours to the the Student Welfare ‘Administrator on the preservice teacher's home campus ~ Contact details in PA\ Hap Date: (S{U |M>___PRE-SERVICE TEACHER'S SIGNATURE PRINCIPAL’S/DIRECTOR'S COMMEN pae_[$-//-/¢ Name: Signed NB. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FORMS ARE TO BE RETURNED TO THE PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE OFFICE ON PRESERVICE "TEACHER'S CAMPUS AT COMPLETION OF THE PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 10 THE UNIVERSITY WITH ALL OTTER PAPERWORK.

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