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Change 25: 299314 (2016)

Published online in Wiley Online Library
( DOI: 10.1002/jsc.2062 RESEARCH ARTICLE

Investigating Organizational Transformation in

Automotive Supply Chains: A Case Study on B2B
and Extranet1
Ozlem Bak
Business School, University of Huddersfield, UK

Toplevel management needs to

assess the transformation and the
S uccess and failure of ebusinessenabled transformation in the automotive supply
chains can depend on the individual ebusiness application and show variations in
the same organization.
challenges involved within their
supplychain context.

Organizations are advised to Ebusiness impact in supply chains can vary depending on the context of organiza-
assess the additional workload for
tions and industries. The use of ebusiness applications is associated with cost
their employees who may not all
savings, increased performance, and collaboration in supply chains (Nyaga et al.,
possess the skills and
competencies required; hence, 2010; Wiengarten et al., 2010). The ebusiness technologies are prevalent in the
there may be a need for internal automotive industry (Ireland, 1999; Bagchi and SkjottLarsen, 2005; Wiengarten
and external consultants. et al., 2010). For example, the automotive manufacturer BMW spent $55 million
Organizations need to evaluate on its Europewide online procurement system and achieved a decrease in order
eight dimensions of delivery time of 20 days on average (Holweg and Pil, 2001). The cost savings
transformation before embarking achieved through the use of the ebusiness applications in the automotive industry
on the transformation journey. may not be surprising considering the complexity and amount of product data
exchange taking place, as many as 453,000 each year (Brunnemeier and Martin,
2002). Holweg and Miemczyk (2003) noted that if cars were built to order, cost
savings could amount to US$500$1,500 per car. In an industry where profits
are increasingly coming under pressure to maturity of the margins and financial
restraints (Doherty and Locke, 2001), the use of ebusiness applications seems to
be of interest to companies. However, using ebusiness applications in the automo-
tive industry is not without challenges. Over the years, despite technological
enhancements, the challenges organizations faced remained almost identical.
Similar questions arose about how organizations should analyze the transforma-
tional impact of ebusiness applications (Fahey et al., 2001), as well as to what
extent ebusiness applications affected the organizations (Gale and Abraham,
2005) and how to assess such transformation (Abraham and Junglas, 2011). It is
interesting that there are only a few systematic studies on ebusiness applications,
assessing the impact upon supply chains and their transformation. Taylor and

J.E.L. classification codes: M10, O32, O33, L62.

Copyright 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Strategic Change

Strategic Change: Briefings in Entrepreneurial Finance DOI: 10.1002/jsc.2062
300 Ozlem Bak

Taylor (2009) also emphasized the lack of organizational transformation. The following section will explore the orga-
context, with a particular emphasis on information tech- nizational transformation context and identify eight struc-
nology and organizational theory (Van Donk, 2007, turing themes of transformation, followed by the
Banker et al., 2006; Heim and Peng, 2010). However, introduction of the case study and findings.
Taylor and Taylor (2009, p. 1325) described this limita-
tion in the field as an opportunity for operations manage-
ment researchers who [can] draw upon relevant theories Organizational transformation
from adjacent disciplines such as Organisational Studies In the literature, organizational transformation is analogous
and Information Systems, not simply to offer alternative to secondorder change (Levy, 1986), secondgeneration
insights but to enrich and even challenge the underlying organizational development (Porras and Silvers, 1991),
philosophical assumptions. and strategic change (Dunphy and Griffiths, 1998).
One of the earliest research projects investigating the Similar to Cady and Hardalupas (1999), in this study
impact of ebusiness applications, conducted by Lancioni the term transformation will be used, which describes a
et al. (2000), involved 181 respondents from a diverse shift in the supply chain from its old state of things to
range of industries, whereby the researchers highlighted the the new state of things (French and Bell, 1999, p. 2)
diverse use of ebusiness applications. Another study inves- necessitating deep, broad, and fundamental change in
tigated multinational companies and their subsidiaries operational paradigms and practices in the organization
regarding the impact of information technologies (Blumenthal and Haspeslagh, 2002; Vollmann, 1996;
(Mohdzain and Ward, 2007); Finnegan and Longaigh Beers, 1997; Cady and Hardalupas, 1999). Transforma-
(2002) looked at operational and environmental factors tion is not just about changing the company through
affecting the information systemsrelated decisions. Most business process reengineering or reducing the cost; it is
of the studies investigating e-business technologies in also about introduction of new ideas and beliefs that drive
supply chains were either focused on a particular technol- the organization (Prahalad & Oosterveld, 1999). Trans-
ogy or included cross industry comparison rather than formation can empirically be observed as a difference in
focusing on a specific industry undergoing the transforma- form, quality, or state over time within the organizations.
tion. McCormack and Lockamy (2001) and Lancioni et al. In trying to understand the transformation, Rockart and
(2000) agreed that an industryspecific comparison would ScottMorton (1984) drew attention to the interlinkage
be of particular interest to determine industryspecific between strategy, processes, individuals roles, and organi-
implications of ebusiness applications. Research in the area zational culture in understanding transformation. Later in
of transformation mainly concentrated on the contentspe- 1991, ScottMorton included a parallel notion that orga-
cific questions why and when organizations transformed, nizations balance four elements: tasks, structure, people,
to which extent they transformed, and whether transfor- and technology. Similarly, five years later, Vollmann et al.
mation has been beneficial at all for the organizations. (1996), while discussing the transformative imperative
Hence, the following observations are identified: (1) most with academics and industry, extended transformation
of the studies focus on the impact of standalone applica- around eight structuring themes: strategic intent, compe-
tions on supply chains, (2) studies on organizational tencies, processes, resources, output, strategic response,
transformation within supply chains are limited in their challenges, and learning capacity (Vollmann, 1996; Far-
multidisciplinary effort, and (3) it is still unclear whether hoomand and Wigand, 2003). The structuring themes
what the supply chains are experiencing through the ebusi- were an organic followup from the elements mentioned
ness technologies can be considered as organizational earlier, but extended with new themes such as challenges,

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Investigating Organizational Transformation in Automotive Supply Chains 301

learning capacity, and strategic output. Todays research competencies are the drivers of transformation
moving from earlier works still includes the discussion on (Vollmann, 1996; King, 1997). Similarly, a study
transformation, which revolves around similar themes conducted by Francis et al. (2003) suggests that a dif-
(Abraham and Jungs, 2011; Igira and Aanestad, 2009). ferent set of new competencies needs to be acquired
Factors from the literature review singly or in combina- for the transformation agenda. As Fine (1998, as
tion define the constructs that are prevalent when under- cited in Chandrashekar and Schary, 1999), puts it
going transformation. Two sources in addition to the greatest rewards go to the companies that can
transformation constructs by Vollmann (1996) and anticipate, time after time, which [competencies] are
ScottMorton (1992) have been added namely, the worth investing in and which should be outsourced;
stimuli and formulation scope. Although these are essen- which should be discarded; which shall be the levers
tially a subset of transformation, we have chosen to high- of value chain control and which will be controlled
light these as they are viewed as particularly important by others.
when undergoing transformation and indicate high vari- 3. Processes: Transformation may require a change in
ance between organizations. organization processes (Bak, 2012). Through changes
in processes, new organizational structures may
1. Strategic intent: The strategic intent encompasses the become visible. In transformation, the processes
way that a particular firm chooses to compete, where may require the setup of adhoc teams as a way to
it sees itself going over the long run in the light of get jobs done (ScottMorton, 1991; Junglas, 2011;
industry context, external and internal discontinui- Bak, 2012). As resources, project teams are key for
ties, and the expectations of customers and stakehold- transformation, which will almost always include
ers (Vollmann et al., 1996, p. 95). Thus, the strategic changes to the formal and informal organization.
intent creates a fundamental shift that derives objec- Project teams consolidate new ideas, manage pilots
tives and measures as well as actions and rewards. The and full implementation, and coordinate efforts
transformation journey can start by identifying the between parts of the organization (Butler, 2000).
behaviors that get rewarded for example, assigning Project teams themselves shatter existing organiza-
role models, or listing the things that the company tional forms, and their increasing use is recognition
will measure (Vollmann, 1996, pp. 5354). The gap in an enterprise of the need for continual renewal.
between the strategic intent and current competen- Those who lead the teams, as well as those who serve
cies needs to be overcome within the transformation on them, need to see these efforts not as a second-
agenda (Vollmann, 1996; ScottMorton, 1991). ary part of their jobs, but as the way the enterprise is
2. Competencies: Transformation of competencies is a going to survive (Vollmann, 1996, p. 112). Defin-
complex process. The gap between the desired and ing the end state to be achieved by transformation is
current competencies are what an organization needs easier than determining how to achieve such a state
to identify, at three levels: distinctive competencies, quickly (Vollmann, 1996, p. 110). Implementation
which cannot easily be copied; essential competen- is the how of responding to the discontinuities, and
cies, common for immediate competitors but neces- the changes in customer expectations. It includes rec-
sary; and routine competencies, which are common ognizing and dealing with constraints, articulating the
across organizations, or it can be an activity that is desired paradigm shift, and following this up with a con-
more profitably outsourced (Vollmann, 1996, p. 56). sistent, integrated set of actions and changes with under-
Developing new competencies and leveraging existing lying processes and resources (Vollmann, 1996, p. 112).

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302 Ozlem Bak

4. Resources: There are three fundamental resources of disruptions may trigger transformations. enter-
a company: its people, technology, and information. prise transformation is seen as occurring in response
In terms of transforming people, one often needs to forces and constraints which can be both inter-
to change skills, actions, and behaviour and the nally and externally driven (Vollmann, 1996, p. 77).
fundamental paradigms for seeing the enterprise: External challenges may encompass competitive, so-
what it needs to achieve transformation (Vollmann, cial, and political forces, as well as the technological
1996, p. 66). Technology will lead to greater shrink- thrusts that affect all players in the industry, includ-
age of time and distance effects, greater intercon- ing the expectations of customers and stakeholders.
nectedness, and better organizational memory with Stakeholders can be the employees, the unions, the
greater capture of organization rules (ScottMorton, local communities, the government, or pressure
1991, p. 21). Changing the way people work can groups. Changes in expectations of stakeholders and
be extremely threatening and therefore takes a great those of supply chain members can influence the
deal of investment. There must be investment in new strategy, for example the customer expectations fora
skills and in ownership of the transformation pro- better service, new product features, new support,
cess. The supply chain members might be reluctant hence may create a new set of challenges for the
to invest in resources which would form closer part- organization. Moodley (2002) has also identified
nerships and integrating business processes, if they that the challenges are wideranging in the automo-
perceive that the trading parties can eventually be- tive industry when trying to transform through the
come competitors (Au and Ho, 2002). In addition to ebusiness applications.
this, organizations may possess different subcultures 7. Learning capacity: Transformation requires a firm
(Ibid.). Current culture directs and constrains trans- to learn faster than its competitors. According
formation efforts. ScottMorton (1991) and Junglas to Kotnour (2001), learning is the creation, shar-
(2011) comment that the cultural issues related to ing, and application of knowledge. The learned prior
people within the organizations can be critical in the knowledge can be counterproductive to newly desired
transformation process. end objectives of transformation, hence it is impor-
5. Strategic response: According to Vollmann (1996, p. 74), tant that employees will have new processes; learning
an enterprise can be seen as the sum total of its needs of the ebusiness tools introduced (Bak, 2012).
responses and actions: The actions view of the enter- In addition, Benjamin and Levinson (1993) sug-
prise transformation necessitates a critical review of all gest that ITenabled change processes are different
action programs and their match with the transforma- from more general change processes in that they
tion objectives. If, for example, transformation is start- create unique issues for managers. Therefore, the
ed as a topdown paradigm shift based on customer managers are expected to know how to integrate
focus and with a newly defined strategic intent, one the technology, business processes, and organiza-
needs to examine current actions carefully to see which tions in order to achieve the goals they expect with
ones best match the new objectives, which are counter- the technology. Learning also can be a response to
productive, and how a revised set of action programs external or internal stimuli (Levitt and March, 1988;
should be prioritized. Miner, 1992). Additional training is needed to ensure
6. Challenges: Challenges can be split into two forces effective use of the tools, and to cope with the blur-
the internal and external according to Cummings ring of boundaries between job categories and tasks
and Huse (1985), both environmental and internal and management processes (ScottMorton, 1991).

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8. Output: The resultant service and/or product also Having defined the structuring themes involving orga-
may be impacted by the transformation itself. The nizational transformation, the next section describes
nature of the service or how the product has been how the research agenda and the case study were set to
delivered may also experience a transformation in explore the phenomena and the reasons behind the
this sense (Junglas, 2011). Bak (2012) investigated an methods utilized.
ebusinessenabled organizational transformation
agenda and observed that the output might vary
based on the application and its impact on the final Setting the research design and method
product and/or service.
9. Stimuli: Despite the presence of similar transforma- Case study
tion elements, there is an ambiguity concerning the The case study method was selected as an inductive
time frame of transformations. The reported time research strategy where the focus is on contemporary
frame varies between 1 and 15 years, meaning that phenomena with reallife context (Siggelkow, 2007).
sometimes a onceforall effort or an effort lasting A single casestudy setting has been specifically selected to
through several stages of a supply chains life is needed. close in on a reallife situation to allow the researcher the
For example, Hall et al. (1993) and Anderson et al. opportunity to test views directly in relation to phenom-
(1985) report transformation as a series of waves last- ena as they unfold in practice (Flyvbjerg, 2006, p. 235).
ing between 5 and 10 years, whereas Kotter (1995) In this study, the casestudy approach provided the pro-
reports on a transformation effort of 1 to 2 years. fundity looked for, such as gaining an understanding of
Therefore, an assumption can be made that the differ- the transformation process. The nature of transformation
ences in the speed of transformation might depend and involvement of participant observation make it prac-
on the nature and the scope of transformation that tically challenging to elaborate on an extensive number of
organizations are undergoing. Another ambiguity case studies, thus limiting the researchers ability to assess
exists in the discussions on the stimuli: the reasoning transformation setting within a limited time (Van de Ven
behind the transformation. In the literature, the stimuli and Huber, 1990). Typically, priority is given here to the
for transformation can be a result of responsive/flexible nature of observation, requiring the immersion of the
stimuli, where supply chains decide to transform after researcher into the context. Hence, the case study entailed
scanning their competitors in order to compete. An participant observation involving meeting minutes,
anticipatory/forecasting stimuli allows supply chains to diaries, interviews, archival documents, and organization
analyze and anticipate the future challenges which could records that provided additional information about the
lead to a threat, and take steps to transform according- topic under study. The participant observation allows for
ly to respond to these future threats. Whereas a proac- a unique opportunity for data collection, which presents
tive/ causing stimuli will mean starting the transforma- a source for full access to the phenomenon (Bryman,
tion even before it is needed or envisaged. Francis et al. 1989; Yin, 1994). Charmaz (2000) also recognizes that
(2003) notes that stimuli may vary for transformation, the knowledge creation by the viewer and the viewed aims
hence the transformation imperative can result from toward interpretive understanding of subjects meanings.
opportunity to a result of a threat. What they have in The transformation impact of the B2B and the Extranet
common is that the transformation agenda leads com- were coded separately. Although the subcategories seemed
panies in areas where the company has much to learn to entail similar labels, the transformation context of the
and needs to learn it quickly (Hamel, 2001). codes was different in both cases (the B2B and the

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304 Ozlem Bak

Extranet). The triangulation across various techniques of the related business unit. There were three main justi-
data collection proved to be particularly beneficial, as it fications for using an Extranet: (1) it would leverage
provided multiple perspectives on the phenomenon under existing investments through realtime information
study, supplied more information on emerging concepts, sharing and access (online documentation and infor-
and allowed for crosschecking. mation database access); (2) it would standardize pro-
cesses, and hence enable the reduction in operating
Data analysis time; and (3) it customized supplychain and individ-
An a priori conceptual framework has been developed ual members needs, which would be available and
based on the literature on organizational transformation. accessible on a 24/7 basis. Furthermore, it would allow
Our case study was based on the eight structuring themes connection of multiple and diverse organizations
as well as a descriptive case study. Pattern matching and behind online virtual firewalls, extending the Intranet
explanation building were used when analyzing case data that includes strategic partners, suppliers, distributors,
(Trochim, 1989; Yin, 2009). The case study hence entailed contracts, and others that operate within the physical
a comparison between empirical patterns and an a priori walls of an organizations supply chain. Extending
framework. The a priori framework also is used as a tool supplychain boundaries enables coordination while
to enhance internal validity (Yin, 2009). also preventing illegal access in a secure environment.
The members of the supply chain have been provided
The case background with passwords to access the Extranet. This shift has
The casestudy organization consisted of approximately implications for the supplychain members, but it is
550 employees. The data for this study was obtained from also believed that the usage of this ebusiness applica-
a European automotive supply chain. The automotive tion will increase the efficiency and add significant
industry is one of the most important manufacturing value to the employees work.
industries in the world, with Europe contributing Introducing the B2B: Senior management drove the B2B
31 percent of global production (Wiengarten et al., 2010). effort. Compared to the Extranet, supplychain
Focusing on research on a single industry assists in the members were reluctant of the B2B introduction, and
control of extraneous industry factors that could con- questioned why [B2B] was necessary and whether it
found the analysis and its findings (Zhu, 2004). will add any value to the existing processes, products,
or service. Especially in the supplierdistributor network
Introducing the Extranet: The Extranet facilitated infor- meeting, there were still discussions on financial, infra-
mation sharing between supplychain members. The structure, and valueadded challenges. Senior manage-
use of the Extranet would allow the supplychain ment believed that the ebusiness application would
members to publish the details of the products, acquire create a better relationship and improved supplychain
aftersales service details, and gain information across integration. At the initial phase, research was conducted
the supply chain, from the suppliers to the distributors. on the requirements, tools and techniques, and options
This again enabled the members of the supply chain to on the software. However, the departments and the
retrieve updated information on products and changes, distributors found themselves rushing into internally
processes, research results, tests, and other processes created deadlines, whereby a research project was
from the proximity of their home or workplace. In commissioned to determine specifically what this B2B
addition to the time and informationacquisition offering should comprise. After the preliminary screen-
advantages, supplychain members could integrate with ing of providers, only one company remained, which

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Investigating Organizational Transformation in Automotive Supply Chains 305

was a close partner on several other projects. Based on period allowed testing these processes under realworld
feedback and ideas, including information architecture, conditions. The project team was confused and concerned
and possible layouts, design, portfolio of potential ser- about the instability and issues that needed to be tackled.
vices and content was provided. The initial discussions There were still a few problems before going online. This
and meetings established that what was being done was section will look into the transformation elements and
something in line with what the distributors wanted, evaluate whether the ebusiness applications such as the
and the partners needed. B2B and the Extranet. The transformation impact needs
to be evaluated against the categories.
The technical requirements were driven by the software
company and IT department, wherein the distributor, 1. Stimuli: Both applications were introduced based on
business partners, and senior management provided the responsive stimuli, with the B2B also having a pro-
initial input for the functional requirements, so that the active reasoning behind it. Similarly, when Au and
various internal systems and web services that needed to Ho (2002) investigated the B2B model for enabling
be exposed and integrated were set forth. From the begin- supplychain management on the clothing supply
ning, it was apparent that this was a technically complex chain, they observed that the B2B effort was driven
project, and hence a framework was created. Before the by proactive stimuli. This is in line with findings from
operationalization of the system, it needed to be tested Teo et al. (1995), which reported that organizations
during the development phase (in a fully working envi- plan proactively to implement the ebusiness applica-
ronment). Again, the pilot tests indicated there were tion, based on the basis of improvement rather than
severe technological, organizational, and functional in response to external pressures. The transformation
problem areas and that a transformation was necessary. showed a responsive/flexible reasoning whereby the
The internal pilot test indicated that it needed changes if organization scanned the competition and applied
they wanted to go ahead. This period allowed pilottesting what others did in the same market. One inter-
it under realworld conditions. There were still a few viewer noted, that of course we need to catch the
technical and organizational problems before going online. bandwagon, but this is not always what we want to
do; the application of this system was rather senior
managements decision. They believed it would be
Results better to start now, rather than later. However,
The automotive supply chain introduced two separate in the case, the B2B showed rather a combination
ebusiness applications: the B2B and the Extranet. The of both namely, a responsive and proactive rea-
presence of two ebusiness applications proved to be ben- soning. Although there was agreement that it would
eficial for the researcher to detect similarities and to bring improvements, there were still questions on the
compare differences between them and the impact on the value added through the system.
organization. Before operationalization, the system needed
a pilot in the development phase in a working environ- We might have been even late in setting up
ment. Again, the pilots indicated there were severe tech- the Extranet although the suppliers and
nological, organizational, and functional issues and distributors were quiet happy with the current
changes were necessary. The internal pilot test indicated status making them understand the importance
that it needed a transformation of processes if they wanted of the platform will become easy once the results
to go into full launch without causing mayhem. This of the existing studies on efficiency and less

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306 Ozlem Bak

paperwork will come out. With the Extranet, the click you have all the information you need to have.
resistance though was less when compared to B2B. When the consultant was asked, it seemed like that he
sees it evolutionary from his/her own perspective, but
This finding can be linked to the finding of Francis
still believes the change is radical in this organization.
et al. (2003) That transformation can result from sev-
eral reasons. When looking into the Extranet, there I would see any new system as a part of the
was consensus in the statements on responsive reason- evolution that we are in, rather than revolution.
ing. It is interesting to see two different points of view in However, I still believe that the impact of the
terms of the different applications within the case, system will be radical in this organization,
2. Formulation scope: In the literature, transformation wherein everything seems to be bound to several
could be defined in a revolutionary or in an evo- decisionmaking instances.
lutionary manner, lasting from 1 to 15 years. The
Although one could argue like the former interviewee
slight disagreement even opened doors to new dis-
that evolutionary change is part of revolutionary
cussion platforms between academics, such as in the
change, the case study indicated differences when
special issue discussing B2B ECommerce Revisited:
both applications were compared. In the B2B com-
Revolution or Evolution? (Electronic Markets,
pared to the Extranet, the transformation seems to be
2002). In this research, in order to evaluate the for-
rather evolutionary.
mulation scope of the transformation, the partici-
pants were asked to define the formulation scope of The Extranet seemed as a logical extension of our
the change. There have been answers ranging from Intranet wherein we could log in to the Extranet
revolutionary to evolutionary transformation. One and see the information we needed and vice versa,
interviewee noted: and the information was related to the divisions
and to the supplier and distributor. Each access
The business unit defined this change as was restricted at some level [which] gave the
transformational, as it justified the following participants the possibility to use a new platform.
points according to a member of the project team:
it is transformational, because we have a complete The view that the transformation was evolutionary rath-
new system. [It] has a direct effect on how we er revolutionary stems from the understanding of simi-
do the things around here including structural lar platforms, which was, build upon. In comparison
changes training of the employees to use the to Extranet the B2B case the system was new to the sup-
system new job definitions and division of ply chain members, hence the knowledge were limited.
tasks some see that as an extra workload but 3. Process scope: Processes were defined as a set of
some see that as a necessity to compete. logically related tasks performed to achieve a
defined business outcome (Vollmann, 1996, p. 60).
One distributor commented on the new system wel- The definition identifies two important processes in
comingly, showing the change will affect the salesman; this research characteristic: the interdependency of
when he goes to the customer he would just need his processes and the impact on the outcome. In this
laptop and to connect into the network to do his pre- research, the process scope category entailed the
sentation or to answer any sort of question, and to processes crossing the individual boundaries of
get our full support paperless environment no internal and external supplychain members. For
catalogues technical sheets price list just a Extranet a matrix was needed that described the

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Investigating Organizational Transformation in Automotive Supply Chains 307

rocess responsibilities. The workflow administrator

p was also the case with the B2B, but it created more
asked the participants to create a matrix of respon- complexity at the same time, because it encompassed
sibilities, stating different tasks listed and matched structural and organizational transformation requir-
with a responsible employee for the task. Some ing substantial investment and training. Both the Ex-
voices welcomed the wellorganized process scope, tranet and B2B required a multistage process scope,
whereas some disliked the fact that there were new meaning that it took place in several stages and in dif-
processes with new tasks (Good news, now we have ferent departments. Though a single strategy was not
additional workload). The employees were advised prevalent among the supplychain participants, the
to choose a chief editor for controlling and decision wide variety of results had common characteristics.
making, but nobody seemed willing to take the 4. Strategic intent: The strategic intent derives from the
control function. One commented, Lets decide this organizations vision and mission and needs to fulfill
later and wait and see how the system will work its strategic response (ScottMorton, 1991; Venkatra-
until then Mr. will take the responsibility. man, 1994; Vollmann, 1996). Managers would need
The transformation of workflow created confu- to identify the impact of ebusiness applications on
sion and resistance, as the understanding of the work- their organizations as part of the longterm corporate
flow was not given alongside the announcement and strategy and vision, as well as how the corporate strat-
the training. Similarly, McIvor et al. (2003) found that egy should drive the Internet applications (Glavin &
within supply chains, different functions or depart- Radtke, 1997; Palmer, 1997, p. 22). The mission
ments often had incompatible systems and objectives. statement should specify the organizations reason for
A formalized organization has a set of written tools being in business, the goal in being online, and the
and tools to develop and handle the decisionmaking method of reaching that goal (Levinson and Rubin,
in business processes (Marshall, 1992). The Extranet 1996, p. 4). The analysis of the case study showed
has created in certain departments additional work- that the strategic intent also has been transformed in
load and processes, causing disagreements. One of the the B2B due to the following reasons:
interviewees underlines this impact also:
We used the old system over 10 years; however, it
After the competent use of Intranet, Extranet was did not respond to our needs anymore.... the
a logical extension for our external network It hardware and user support was given by the
was not very welcomed, as it entailed additional division; [in] an isolated world.... We were
processes and tasks to complete [Extranet], depending on internal servicesolutions, with
however, seemed beneficial; when we recognize limited functions.
how much time we saved with the Intranet, this
Compared to the B2B, the Extranet transformation
definitely will save us time too maybe we do
did have limited impact upon the strategic intent.
not have to deal with enquiries like updates on
It was seen as a logical extension of the Intranet,
product information and specification finding
which allowed the information sharing between the
an address of the distributor or supplier All our
suppliers, distributors, and the OEM.
external network was considered in Extranet.
I do not believe that Extranet did have an
Hence, this allows the crossfunctionality of the pro- impact on the strategy Extranet is just a dot
cess enabling employees, across the supply chain to within the whole picture an important part but
easily collaborate (Grover et al., 1995). The same not that important again.

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308 Ozlem Bak

It is interesting that the strategic intent that drives cases they could not due to time limitations. This
the mission and vision seems to be impacting at different is in line with the findings of Vollmann (1996) and
levels in terms of both applications. In the B2Bs case, King (1997), wherein the transformation of com-
there was indication that strategic intent was driven by petencies is a complex process; what competencies
the stimuli, which also impacted the strategic intent. are required, which are existent, and which need to
5. Competencies: Competencies enable the transfor- be transformed requires an analysis. Developing
mation (Venkatraman, 1994; Vollmann, 1996; new competencies and leveraging existing com-
ScottMorton, 1991), which can be depicted as petencies are the drivers of transformation. The
distinctive, essential, and routine competency significance of the Extranet also can be linked to
(Vollmann, 1996, p. 56). In the B2B case, we can the external partners being mostly SMEs requiring
see that the transformation was in need of distinc- technical competencies. This has especially been
tive capacity in leveraging existing capabilities and in the case with the suppliers and distributors, who
acquiring new capabilities, which was also reflected were unwilling to invest in the competencies and
by one interviewee saying that the different tasks did not think the competencies were relevant to
have been listed and allocated with the respond- their business. Similarly, Boyer and Olson (2002)
ing competency employees are assigned for the found a low level of adoption of Internet technolo-
tasks; however, some tasks are noted with a question gies among SMEs.
mark. The consideration was focused on which 6. Resources: There are three fundamental resources of
capabilities are worth investing in and which should a company: its people, technology, and informa-
be outsourced; which should be discarded; which tion (Vollmann, 1996, p. 64; ScottMorton, 1991).
shall be the levers of valuechain control, and which When transforming people, one often needs to
will be controlled by others (Chandrashekar and change skills, actions, and behaviour and the
Schary, 1999), or whether leveraging and improving fundamental paradigms for seeing the enterprise:
the new distinctive competencies can arrange this. In what it needs to achieve transformation (Vollmann,
the case study the existing competencies were limited 1996, p. 66). Changing the way people work can
to only few IT in-house specialists, and the others be extremely threatening and therefore takes a great
were limited to what extent they could cope with the deal of investment. There must be investment in
new software, and unfortunately taking new people new skills and in ownership of the change process.
would require additional time to train, equip with These investments are required throughout the or-
new knowledge. The IT department answered this ganization, as management itself is part of the re-
comment by saying that they dont have enough peo- quired change (ScottMorton, 1991, p. 21). McIvor
ple and some problems are also more softwarebased et al. (2003) said suppliers are expected to embrace
than solvable by the IT department. An IT team collaborative relationships after many years of oper-
member positioned in the project team said there is ating in a system in which trust was the last thing
a difference between software and IT: It cannot go they expected. Quayle (2003), in a study of SMEs
further in this way; I cannot try to solve all IT prob- in the United Kingdom, found that new ebusiness
lems. I do understand from computers but I am not technology was of least importance (both 2.5/5.0).
an IS person. The B2B might be explained with the fact that in
However, as stated earlier, in some cases the em- wellorganized supply chains, the synergy is created
ployees were not willing to transform, and in o ther through the allocation of resources. Some supply

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Investigating Organizational Transformation in Automotive Supply Chains 309

chains have their own software development depart- took a longer time to play out now only take a matter
ment with internal consultants, and online support of months (ScottMorton, 1991; Champy, 1996).
or even a division dedicated solely to the transforma- The findings were similar to Huang and Mak (1999),
tion or development. wherein the Extranet technology was not only
7. Learning capacity: Transformation requires a firm embraced within the MNC but also required the
to learn faster than its competitors, as the experi- training of the key suppliers.
ence gained results through learning new measures, 8. Output: One of the areas that has not been men-
when in fact there is also a need to eliminate some tioned in terms of the ebusiness impact has been
existing metrics. Unlearning necessitates elimina- the output. In both cases, the B2B and the Ex-
tion of measures as elimination of measures is tranet had no impact on the final product. As men-
important for several reasons. First, some estab- tioned earlier, output can be described as a bundle
lished measures can be counterproductive to newly of goods and services. The impact of the individu-
desired end objectives. Second, a measure that is al applications on the automotive product seems
important at one time may be less so later because a not to be relevant in this case, but it does have an
series of actions has taken place to solve the problem impact on the associated services. For example,
the measure was set to evaluate (Vollmann, 1996, after the sales department changed the way of service
p. 84). Additional training will be needed to ensure interaction, it improved the communication between
effective use of the tools, and more education will be the parties, although it did not have an impact on
required to allow individuals to cope with the blur- the product itself. While the Extranet had no impact
ring of boundaries between job categories and tasks on the product, it influenced the distributor, supplier,
and management processes. and the business triangle, whereby they had an acces-
In the case study, active education and training sible platform 24/7 with the necessary data sets and
programs were found in two embedded cases. Train- connections for information.
ing people was necessary in order to facilitate change 9. Challenges: Challenges were split into two categories:
throughout the organization. The goal in training was environmental and internal. Vollmann (1996) used
also to encourage employees to take ownership. By the terms internal, for forces and constraints that are
changing the structure of the working environment, unique for firms, and external, which impacts all play-
employees realized that there was no going back to ers in a particular industry. In this study, however, the
the old way of doing business. Kwon and Zmunds challenges were relevant to individual applications;
(1987) findings were similar in that they identified for example, in the B2B case, the challenges were
the barriers to information sharing as resistance of related to internal and external, whereas in the Extranet
change and learning capacity skills, in which learning case, the challenges evolved internally. It is difficult
creates the competencies necessary to enable the stra- to challenge the way we do things around here.
tegic response to achieve the strategic intent to meet It has direct constraints on transformation. Changes
and exceed the challenges (Vollmann, 1996, p. 48). in subunit missions, plant charters, and organiza-
Transformation leads companies into areas where the tional forms all represent potential configuration
company has much to learn and to learn it quickly changes. Coordination refers to management and
enough (Hamel, 2001). Today, technological change control within the business system itself. Trans-
still drives the need for training; however, due to the formation normally requires new flows of infor-
increased technological changes, the disruptions that mation, cash, and materials, as well as new sets of

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310 Ozlem Bak

managerial responsibilities. Configuration relates to efforts on capability, they found that it can be influ-
both organizational designs and relationships, and enced by the number of participants engaged in business
to physical or geographical distributions of people, contracts, and the basic willingness.
capital, and equipment.
10. Strategic response: According to Vollmann (1996),
actions necessitate a critical review in the transforma- Conclusion and implications
tion context. In line with Vollmanns definition, in
the case of both applications, different sets of strategic Conclusion
responses were reported. The actions taken in the B2B In this article, transformation elements are explored and
were the assessment of the individual departments their impact considered based on individual ebusiness
needs, wherein employees were consulted about the applications: the Extranet and B2B. According to Moodley
impact of this particular application and the internal (1999), it is important to know the main areas of impact,
resistance and its underlying reasons were discussed. so that the necessary changes can be made. This study
The project team was seen as a change agent assess- advances the theorybuilding effort in the area of trans-
ing the needs. The communication gap between IT formation and supplychain management. The individual
personnel and the users of the B2B necessitated the ebusiness applications were different when compared to
creation of new action points. each other in their characteristics, including strategic
When compared to the Extranet, the strategic intent, process, competencies, and learning capacity.
response showed a different profile. Through the These outcomes of transformation characteristics should
Extranet, the action impacted was the individual support the acceleration of the transformation process.
needs were assessed and implemented within the sys- The initial research question asked was if the literature is
tem boundaries. However, in this case, the system was underlying a transformation through ebusiness applica-
similar to the Intranet; hence, partners were informed tions, could we find empirical evidence on a transforma-
about the possible impacts and actions that needed tion undergoing among the business units of supply
to be taken (short to longterm basis). The project chains? Based on the literature on transformation, it was
team members were able to apply the action points, important for companies to perceive the transformation
as the internal house capabilities had blueprints as positive for the organization in order to be successful
resulting from the Intranet issues; these were adapted (Ross and Beath, 2002). The transformation must be sup-
to the needs of the Extranet environment, so that the ported by vision, management support, and training
impact could be evaluated earlier. Similarly, Grover (Vollmann, 1996). Hence, it was important that an orga-
and Saeed (2004), when looking into the boom of the nization needed to understand the interconnection
Internet companies, found out that most Internet between the applications and the necessary change or
based companies are strategic intentdriven, even transformation needed. The transformation elements,
though the intent might differ in terms of the in- especially the challenges, and the impact of ebusiness
dividual firm. The post hoc test also identified the technologies were difficult to measure for the applications.
individual applications and their differences. This also However, strategic intent and learning capacity proved to
can be related to the implementation of the planning be important within the transformation process. Thus,
process rather than the impact of the process as stated participants expressed confusion and pressure when
by Kaefer and Bondoly (2004). When measuring the dealing with the transformation agenda. Based on the
organizational constraints on the success of ebusiness results the individual e-business applications impact was

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Investigating Organizational Transformation in Automotive Supply Chains 311

perceived different at each transformation dimension. supplychain context. Three areas are presented for
Consistent with the organizational transformation litera- improvement. One way of enhancing the research
ture, the empirical results of transformation indicated that might be to take advantage of the findings in a larger
organizational transformation elements of content, infra- set of applications, which could examine whether these
structure, and strategic intent are integral to the transfor- findings are exemplary for a larger sample group. Pre-
mation process in supply chains in terms of the B2B and senting data or management discussion on other factors
the Extranet. However, some supplychain members may that are likely to impact the transformation and report-
experience different patterns of impact based on each e ing could increase the readers confidence that the
business application. The differences in this case study were observed accrual pattern is attributable to bonus plan
observed in the following organizational transformation incentives. For example, is there a strong link between
dimensions: competencies, resources, challenges, and stra- Internetenabled tools and the impact on infrastructure
tegic response. (which presumably is tied to specific tools)? This study
provides insight into the current impact on the automo-
Implications for theory tive supply chain. A further investigation could also
This study has theoretical implications in the following explore the individual technologies more in detail to
research agendas: first, research that integrates theories determine their impact.
of transformation and Internetenabled supplychain
management at the supplychain level has been carried Implications for practice
out, providing an indepth study of two ebusiness appli- This study advises managers that before jumping on the
cations. The research specifies the drivers of supplychain transformation bandwagon, they should assess the trans-
transformation and their impact on its management. formation needed. If their supplychain relations were
This study, therefore, advanced the theorybuilding such that they do need to distribute with supplychain
effort in the area of transformation and supplychain members, then they would need to consider their needs
management. Second, this study attempted to extend as well, which would require investing in elaborate exter-
Vollmanns (1996) work on transformation in the nal applications. Firms are also advised to assess the need
supplychain management context. Vollmann argues for internal as well as external consultancy needs and then
that transformation is characterized by its elements and decide whether the inclusion of such services inherently
transformation. This study also enhanced the under- will enable their transformation process, or build the req-
standing of the variations of transformation across busi- uisite resources on top of their existing burden. In addi-
ness units of supply chains and the ability to manage the tion, the study highlighted that managers need to assess
synergies. Third, the research incorporated the concept the resources and challenges involved in transformation
of transformation as a part of the supplychain concept; in a supplychain context based on individual e-business
while many organizations have been shifting supply technologies. The key lesson for managers here is that
chain activities online, this study supplies empirical evi- much of the transformation will incorporate other
dence on the transformation. Finally, the research is members of the supply chain, who may lack the commit-
conducted in an automotive industry context. Therefore, ment, resources, capacity, and capabilities to enforce a
it identifies how organizations manage the transforma- transformation. Hence the study highlight the need for
tion in the automotive industry. managers to consider the individual e-business applica-
These suggestions for future research are discussed tions and not to push one-size e-business transformation
for improving the transformation literature in a effort across the supply chains.

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312 Ozlem Bak

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Ozlem Bak is a senior lecturer at the University of Correspondence to:

Huddersfield Business School. Prior to joining the Ozlem Bak
Business School,
academic world; she worked with multinational
Department of Logistics and Hospitality
automotive companies in Germany, Turkey, and the University of Huddersfield
United Kingdom. She has written articles on HD1 3DH, Huddersfield, UK
supplychain education and the impact of ebusiness email:
on supplychain management.

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