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J ldeal gases The gas laws

1i.e. for a fixed mass of -gas at constant temperature.
the product of pressure and r-olume is constantl.
358 This equation can be used to calculate pressure or
The mole and associated terms 361 volume changes whenever a fixed mass of gas is
Kinetic theory of gases 362 either compressed into a smaller volume (at higher
Pressure exerted by an ideal gas 362 pressure), or allowed to expand into a greater volume
Work done by a gas 367 by reducing the pressure, provided the temperature
First law of thermodynamics 369 remains constant throughout the change.
The principal heat capacities
of a gas Thus if (pr) and (Vr) are respectively the pressure
Methods of producing changes and volume of a fixed mass of gas, at some initial
in gases stage, and (f ) and (Vr) are the values measured
after expansion or compression at constant
Self-assessment 373 temperature:

P1V, = prV,

A graphical view of the relationship between the

pressure p and the volume Y of a fixed mass of
The 6as laws gas at constant temperature is shown inFigure 4.32
When discussing the thermal behaviour of a gas, there below.
are three inter-dependent variables which need to be
considered. These are the volume (I/), temperature
In Figure 4.32(a), when (p) is plotted against (I.f a
(O, and pressure (p) of the gas. Experiments curve called a rectangular hyperbola is obtained. In
Figure 4.32(b) (p) is plotted against (llV) to give a
performed by Boyle, Amontons and Charles in the
straight line graph and in Figure 4.32(c) (pV) against
lTth and lSth centuries resulted in three gas laws
(p) produces a straight line parallel to the p-axis. By
which relate these three variables.
investigating a fixed mass of gas at different
temperatures, a series of graphs can be obtained in
each. Each of the curves or lines is called an
Boyle's law
isothermal (since the values plotted were obtained at
Boyle's law relates the pressure and volume of a gas
constant temperature).
at constant temperature and states that:

The pressure (p) of a fixed mass of gas at Gharles'law

constant tem perature is inversely proportional Charles' law relates the volume (If and temperature
to its volume (V). (T) of a gas at constant pressure and states that:

This law may be stated mathematically as The volume (W of a fixed mass of gas at
constant pressure is directly proportional to its
.V Dq.: (at constant temperature) absolute (or kelvin) temperature (I).

or pY= constant

Equation I
r"r I

(a) p/Vgtaph (b) p/V-r (c) pv/pglaph

Figure 4.32 Graphical illustrations of the relationship between pressure and volume of a of
Boyle's law
fixed mass gas -
nl;\ De \iriei This iril be stateci mathematicaLlr as
p * T (at constant Pressure)
V - T (at constant pressure)

constant or !=

:-.:tation 2 Equation 3

lis equation is used to calculate changes in volume (i.e. for a fixed mass of gas at constant volume the
: temperature whenever a gas expands or contracts at ratio of the pressure of the gas to its absolute
constant pressure. Thus if (V,) and (7,) are temperalure is a constant).
::.pectively the volume and temperature of a fixed
This equation is used to calculate changes in pressure
.:ress of gas at the start of some process, and (Vr) and
or temperature whenever a gas is compressed or
f. i are the values at the end, then if the pressure rarefied at constant volume' Thus if (p,) and (Tr) are
..i'or" and after is constant: respectively the pressure and temperature of a fixed
mass of gas at the start of some process, and
(pr) and

TT, (Tr) the values at the end, then

are if the volume
before and after is constant:
i,e. for a fixed mass of gas at constant pressure the
ratio of the volume of the gas to its absolute
Pr _ Pz.

iemperature is constant). Ti T2

Figure 4.33 below shows the relationship between the The graph of (p) against (D ("C) yields a straight line
volume and the temperature of a fixed mass of gas' which cuts the temperature'axis at approximately
- 213'C as before (see Figure 4.34).
In Figure 4.33(a) volume (V) is plotted against the
absolute temperature (I) in kelvins. This yields a
sraight line graph which passes through the origin
n hen it is extended backwards. In Figure 4.33(b) V is
plotted against Celsius temperature. This line cuts the
iemperature axis at approximately -213 'C (the
rbsolute zero of temPerature).

Pressure law
The pressure law relates the pressure and absolute
temperature of a gas and states that:
Figure 4.34 Graphical representation of the
The pressure (p) of a fixed mass of gas at relationship betw'een pressure and temperature of a
constant volume is directly proportional to its fixed mass of gas - Pressure law.
absolute (or kelvin) temperature (I).

(a) (b)

mass of gas -
Figure 4.33 Graphical illustrcttions of the relation between volume and temperature of a fixed
fhe ideal gas equation Combrnrng til and iiil gires:
An ideal or perfect gas is one which obeys the gas
laws exactly. Real gas behaviour can be classed as
F,V,. P,V,
very nearly ideal so long as we are considering gases lL 12

at low pressures and at temperatures which are

Equation 5
significantly higher than those at which liquefaction
occurs. Thus, for an ideal gas each of the following This is called the combined gas equation. It is
applies. particularly useful for solving problems in
pV = constant (at constant f) which, volume, pressure and temperature vary
V/T = constant (at constantp) simultaneously. When using Equation 5 it does
not matter what units are used for p and V so
p/T = constant (at constant If long as they are the same on both sides of the
From which we have that: equation, but T must be in kelvins.
_ = constant
The magnitude of the constant depends on the mass of
gas being considered. If, for example, one mole 1. A diver swims at a depth of 40 m where the
(defined on page 361) of gas is considered, the temperature of the water is 4.0 "C.
constant is the universal molar gas constant (R)
He inhales 1.2 x 10-s m3 of compressed air at a
(R = 8.31 J mol-r K-11. Thus for one mole of gas:
pressure of 7.0 x 10s Pa and suddenly he sees
pv something that panics him into rising to the
T surface very rapidly without exhaling.
Calculate the new volume of the air which he
inhaled at 40 m, if the surface temperature and
So for n moles of gas: pressure are20 'C and 1.01 x 105 Pa
Pa mol
'pV = nRT, Guidelines
The initial pressure, volume and temperature
m3' Jmol-1 Kr are given at a depth of 40 m. Use Equation 5
to calculate the new volume, given the new
Equation 4 pressure and temperature at the surface, but
remember that temperatures must be expressed
This is the equation of state of an ideal gas; in kelvins.
sometimes simply called the ideal gas equation.
You should note that: 2. A gas cylinder of volume 6.0 x 103 cm3
contains oxygen at a temperature of 20"C and
ions made in the a pressure of 3.0 x 106 Pa. Calculate:

(-n[b assumptions is that

(a) the equivalent volume of oxygen at
standard temperature and pressure
molecules and thi (i.e. 0"C and 1.0 x 105 Pa).
(b) the mass of oxygen in the cylinder if the
density of oxygen at standard temperature
For a gas of volume (Vr) at a pressure (f 1) and a and pressure (i.e. 0'C and 1.0 x tOs Pa) is
temperature (I,) Equation 4 gives: 1.4 kg m 3.

l*] = rrR (i)
11 Guidelines
For the same mass of gas (i.e. same number of moles (a) Use Equation 5 * temperatures in kelvins;
of gas) whose volume has become (Vr) at a new (b) mass = density x volume - You must use
pressure (pz) and temperature (Zr) Equation 4 gives: the volume at s.t.p. obtained in (a) since
P,V, the density value is at s.t.p.
#lr = nR (ii)
The mole and associated
(br the mass of gas if its molar mass is
32.Q x 10r kg
Cne mole is the amount of substance which
:ontains the same number of elernentary units (c) the mass of a single molecule of the gas.
,.e. atoms or molecules) as there are atoms in (Given that the universal molar gas
12 g al carbon-I2 (t2C). constant, R = 8.31 J mol-l K-l and the
Avogadro constant,
re number of atoms tn 12 g of carbon-12 (which is No = 6.92 x 1623 mol
.,tua1 to the number of elementary units per mole) is
,.iled the Avogadro constant No: Guidelines
\* = 6.02 x l02r mol-r (a) Use Equation 4 and the fact that the
number of molecules in 1 mole of
lre relative molecular mass {M.) of a substance is substance = No.

-eiined by: (b) Use Equation 8.

mass of a molecule of the substance (c)
l/- = x12 Iv{ass per molecule, ru =
mass of the carbon-L2 atom

ELlutttion 6
2. An isotope of lead has a relative atomlc mass
of 2g8 and a density of 11.3 x 1CI3 kg m
The molar mass (M*) of a substance is the mass per Calculate:
mole of the substance:
(a) the number of atoms in a lead sample of
v*= M,(in gram) = Mrx 1o-3 (in kg) volume 0.25 m3
(b) the distance between the centres of two
l,iuation 7
adjacent lead atoms if it can be assumed
can use pV = nRT to calculate the volume of that they are perfect spheres in contact.
- mole (i.e. the molar volume V*) of a gas at standard (Given that the Avogadro constant'
.:nrperature and pressure (i.e. 0 oC = 213 Kand
I= Nt = 6.Oz x 1023 mol-1.)
- = 1.013 x 10s Pa):

(1 mol) x (8.31 J morr K-1) x (273 K)

=!!!_ (l.0l3x (a) Use Equation 7 to obtain the mass per
t) lOsPa)
mole. M..
= 22.4 x 10-3 m3
Then number qf moles per m3

- :e number of moles n in a given mass of gas can be mass perm3 _ density

. :ulated from: mass per mole M*

M (ks) Then multiply by the Avogadro constant

M. (kg mol-1) (No) to obtain the number of atoms per m3
Hence obtain the number of atoms in the
sample (M.
-..:rtrion 8
(b) Volume of atom (7) = volume of sample
'.:rc M mass of gas
= divided by the number of atoms (AI).
-.d ,U,, = molar mass of the gas.
Calculate the radius of the atom, assuming
it to be a perfect sphere.
Hence the distance between centres of
adjacent atoms is calculated.
1. -{ sealed container of volume 0.8 x 10 m3
contains a gas at a temperature of 320 K and a
pre\sure of 1.5 x 106 Pa. Calculate:
ra) the number of moles and molecules of the gas
Kinetic theory of gases used'to view the motion of the smoke particles. These
appear on the TV screen as tiny light spots which are
Up to now we have described gas behaviour mainly in
continually jiggling about.
terms of large-scale, measurable quantities such as
mass, volume, pressure and temperature. The kinetic The observations can be explained by considering
theory tries to improve our understanding by explaining what happens to a single smoke particle. The particle
the quantitative behaviour of gases in terms of a model is quite large compared to the air molecules which are
in which a gas is seen as alarge collection of particles continually bombarding it from every direction. At
in continuous motion. Probably the first attempts to any given moment, the smoke particle is forced to
give a microscopic explanation of gas behaviour came move in a particular direction because the number of
from Boyle and Hooke who thought the pressure molecular impacts is greater in that direction than in
exerted by a gas was due to the collisions of gas any other. A moment later the particle may be moving
particles with the container walls. Newton's laws of in a new direction as the balance of air molecule
motion, which came a short time later, gave the idea impacts changes. Thus the smoke particle is pushed
some strong mathematical explanation. It was the work around haphazardly as shown in Figure 4.36.
of Boltzmann and Maxwell on the statistical treatment invisible, colliding
of the distribution of energy among a large sample of air moleculesH

particles, however, which was to give the kinetic theory

its finishing touch.

The first step in this theory is to visualise a gas as a very

large number of molecules in a state of random and
perpetual motion. The diffusion of gases and Brownian
motion are two effects which give support to this idea.
The Brownian motion is the observed continual,
haphazard motion of any small particles which are
suspended in a fluid. The original observation was made
by a Scottish botanist called Robert Brown who noticed
that tiny pollen grains suspended in water were subject to 6"'---*
continual, jerky movements. The theory was developed resultant randomd........ ..|ffi. .. .._*,
motion of smoke Y" * ;-
by Albert Einstein in 1905 and it gave one of the first partictes %.
| K
methods of measuring 1/o which convinced many
sceptics of the correctness of kinetic theory. The effect
i -.:&
can be clearly observed and studied using the
arrangement shown in Figure 4.35.
Figure4.36 Diagrammatic illustration of the
random motion of a smoke particle in air
Pressure exerted by an ideal
I Bas
According to kinetic theory the pressure exerted by a
low-power gas results from the impact of its molecules with the
microscope walls of the vessel which contains the gas. We will
(eyepiece removed)
now use this idea to derive an expression for gas
pressure. The following assumptions are made:

cover slip [i . e gas consists of a large number of identical

laser V= smoke particles

\ *o
Intermolecular collisions and those between
glass cell
\ molecules and the container walls are perfectly
Figure 4.35 Apparatus used for observing Brownian i elastic (i.e. there is no loss of kinetic energy).
motion ip Intermolecular forces are negligible (except during
,J collisions) and the effect of gravity is ignored. As a
The glass cell is filled with smoke and quickly f result the molecules move in straight lines at
covered with a cover slip. It is then brightly i constant speed between collisions and their
illuminated as shown and a low-power microscope is '..*-direction of motion is random.
Ll Tle collisron time is negiigit,ie compared ri.ith the 81 Neriton's second law the force erened on the
:rme spent b1' a molecule bet$'een collisions. moiecule by the wall = the rate of change of
(l The voiume of the molecules is negligible momentum of the molecule.
--.rmpared with that of the gas. Rate of change of momentum of molecule
The number of molecules is large enough to allow momentum change
, meaningful statistical treatment. time taken
| \e $'ton's laws of motion can be applied. Rate of change of momentum of molecule

1 ,sas consisting of a large number of identical -'1

:.rr1ecu1es in rapid, random motion is contained in a
= '*'*
2l/c, = I
:;bic box of side I (see Figure 4.37).
Also, according to Newton's third law, the force
exerted by the wall on the molecule is equal but
oppositely directed to the force exerted by the
molecule on the wa1l.
Force (-F) exerted by the molecule on the wall is
given by:
F =-=L

Since pressure = force/area, the pressure, (p), which

then acts on face 1 is given by:

p- .fttrce _ mcll *r1

atea PF
If the gas contains (N) molecules having x-
components of velocity cxt, cx2, ...t cxN, the total
pressure (p) on face 1 is given by:

P= , (crt tCr2tc,.l*...C.,1,)=l
' ('- )
13 l'
Figure 4.37 Derivation of, the erpression for gas
?re s sure Nmz (i)
p =';r:
Consider a single moiecule of mass (m) moving
:.-rn'ards face 1 with an r-component of velocity (c,). where c,2 = the mean square speed of the gas
. . momentum in the x-directiorr = mcx molecules in the x-direction (i.e. the mean of the
squares of the speeds of all the molecules travelling
.\t face 1 the molecule has a perfectly elastic in the x-direction)
,'.rllision and its momentum is reversed so that after
and V= 13 = the volume of the gas.
, ollision:

n.\\. momentum in the r-direction = -ntCx Of course, the molecules in the container will be
moving in all possible directions. Very few will be
.'. momentum change in the r-direction
moving exactly parallel to the x-axis. However, we
- fficr- 1- mc*) - 2mc, can consider each molecule as having components
of velocity c*, c, and c. in each of the three co-
\ner colliding with face 1 the molecule travels a ordinate directions x, y and z. As can be done with
::stance (21) beforeit again collides with face 1 : two dimensions, the three components can be
combined into a resultant velocity (c), given by:
rime taken (r) to travel distance 2/ is given by:
,] 2t
/ r)))= c|+ c'+ c' (see Maths window on page 364)
| -- C,
Similarly, the components of the mean square
flr 'i,': velocities can be combined:
are trying to derive an expression for the pressure
& -.used by these molecular collisions, so we need to ;222
$ +c +c
l "-.k at the force exerted by this collision.
The collision time is neglgib'ie compared ri ith the Br \errton's second 1au' the torce ererted on rhe
time spent b1 a molecule betu'een collisions. molecule b5' the wall = the rate of change of
momentum of the molecule'
{. The voiume of the molecules is negligible
compared with that of the gas. Rate of change of momentum of molecule

The number of molecules is large enough to allow momentum change

a meaningful statistical treatment. time taken
| \ewton's laws of motion can be applied. Rate of change of momentum of molecule

\ sas consisting of a large number of identical

2mc, *r1
nolecules in rapid, random motion is contained in a Zl/c, I
.-ubic box of side / (see Figure 4.37).
Also, according to Newton's third law, the force
exerted by the wall on the molecule is equal but
oppositely directed to the force exerted by the
molecule on the wall.
Force (O exerted by the molecule on the wall is
given by:

Since pressure = force/area, the pressure, (p), which

then acts on face 1 is given bY:

^-Jitrce -mcll- *r:

areo l) 13

gas contains (Af molecules having x-

If the
components of velocity cxp cx2,...., cxN, the total
pressure (p) on face 1 is given bY:

m (c-,2 +c.+
2 2 m /^,J\
2 +....*)=;
p=+ c',
\^., /
l1 /' '
Figure 4.37 Derivation of the expression for gas
, re s sure
Nm1 (i)
Consider a single molecule of mass (m) moving
:!r\\'ards face 1 with an x-component of velocity (c-,). *h"re 7= the mean square speed of the

molecules in the r-direction (i.e. the mean of the

.'. momentum in the x-direction = mcx
squares of the speeds of all the molecules
.\t face 1 the molecule has a perfectly elastic in the x-direction)
:o1lision and its momentum is reversed so that after and V= 13 = the volume of the gas.
: --,1lision:

::n. momentum in the r-direction = -mcx

Of course, the molecules in the container will be
moving in all possible directions. Very few will be
'. momentum change in the x-direction moving exactly parallel to the x-axis. However, we
- ffic,- (- mcx) - 2mc* can consider each molecule as having components
of velocity cr, c, and c- in each of the three co-
.:ier colliding with face 1 the molecule travels a ordinate directions x, y and z. As can be done with
lr>tance (2/) before it again collides with face 1: two dimensions, the three components can be
combined into a resultant velocity (c), given by:
rime taken (r) to travel distance 2l is given by:
,' = ,1* ,',* ,l (see Maths window on page 3641
d C, Similarly, the components of the mean square
',i': velocities can be combined:
ilir are trying to derive an expression for the pressure
:.:sed by these molecular collisions, so we need to ))22
C.=C I}Z+C +C

,,, i' at the force exerted by this collision.

AIso, since there are a large number of moiecules in
random motion we can assume that there will be equal Maths window
numbers moving in each of the three co-ordinate The direction of motion of the molecules is
directions: assumed to be totaiiy ranclom.

222 Consider a molecule whose speed (c) is resolved

dt:-( -t into x, y ard z components cr, cl and c- respectivL-ly
as shown below:
c- = 3c'Ii from which: c- -
Substituting for c2 in Equation (i) we have:

I Nm.

from which:
pV =)Nmcz
ms I

Eqttation 9

You should note that:

Equation 9 links the macroscopic properties of gas )z
pressure and volume with the microscopic
properties of number, mass and speed of the
individual molecuies.
Applying Pythagoras's theorem tr.l triangle OMN:
Since Nnz = total mass of gas
and V = totai volume of gas
the density (p) of the gas is given by:
Applying Pythagoras's iheorem to triangle CNQ:
p- mass of gas _ Nnr
volume of gas V
ON'= i',' + ...'
Then Equation 9 can be expressed as:
From which we have
'n' .a1),
C" = c"+ c*+ c-

lr- ;51,-
This relationship also holds tnre for the mean
square velocities:
m s-l
Equation 10 C-=('+('+(.'
The speed of gas molecules n'hereas the mean of the squares of the speeds is
given by:
-:; molecul'es in a gas have a ven,rvide range of speeds. This is illustrated in the graph shown z 52+ 102+ !52+202
.:. Figure 4.38. in u,hich number of molecules is = 187.5
:.::ied against molecular speed.
Make sure you appreciate the difference between the
- --ber of molecules two terms.

The term root-mean-square speed is most often used

to quantify the molecular speeds of a gas, but you
may also encounter mean speed. Although r.m.s.
speed (c,..) is of the same order of magnitude as the
mean speed of the gas molecules, they have totally
different meanings.

For example, if we consider four gas molecules

moving with speeds of 650, 700,750 and 800 m s-1.

Then the mean speed c is given by:

Figure 4.38 Distribution of molecular speeds

- = 725 m s-1
\bu should note that: whereas the root-mean-square speed (c,-.) is given
; Few molecules move either very fast or very by'
slowly, and none are at rest. rl r
cMS = !c- = otn' * roo' * r*' * u*
q The variation of gas molecular speed depends on ^l,4
temperature. The higher the temperature, the
greater is the proportion of high-speed molecules = 727.2m{1
and the lower is the proportion of low-speed
molecules. The difference is small, in this case, but important.
* Three specific molecule speeds are shown on the *. If the gas pressure and density are known, the
graph in Figure 4.38. They are: r.m.s. speed (c,-,) of the molecules.of a particular
gas can be obtained from a rearranged version of
(i) The most probable speed (co) - This is the
Equation 10.
speed at which the greatest number of
molecules are moving. l-
(iD The mean speed @ - This is the average
value of the speeds of all the molecules.
o," =
(iiD The root-mean-square speed (c*,) - This is Equation 10(a)
the square root of the mean-square speed
(c') of the molecules.
For example, air has h density of about 1..2kgm-3 at
room temperature.
* The mean-square speea 1C) of the molecules,
which appears in Equation 10, cannot be obtained Thus the r.m.s. speed (c*,) of air molecules at
by merely squaring the mean speed of the standard atmospheric pressure (= 1.013 x 105 Pa) is
molecules. given by:

-, u'e consider four molecules having speeds of 5, 10, (3) x (1.013 x 10) Pa)
20 units. c*a = = 502.5 m s*1
--< and
Then the mean speed is given by:
This is of the same order of magnitude as the speed of
-= (iillj llj lo) sound in air (about 340 m s1) and suggests that the
= r2.-S
4 kinetic theory assumptions are reasonable. This is because
.:d the square of the mean speed is: the speed of sound is the speed at which the disturbance is

-' = (j . loi-lli?o)' = t56.25 passed on from one air molecule to the next and it is
reasonable to expect this to be of the same magnitude as
the r.m.s. speeds of the molecules themselves.
o You should spend some time familiarising yourself But'N/n is the number of gas molecules per mole (i.e.
with the terms used in these equations. Difficulties N/n = Nl., the Avogadro constant).
are usually caused by confusion between symbols.
In this text, n has been used for the number of kg J mol-l K-l
moles, while N represents the number of molecules
and No is the number of molecules in one mole.
The symbols, and their meanings, may look similar,
but they are totally different.

Guided example (3) Equation ll

Calculate the root-mean-square speed of the gas
molecules in each of the following cases,
o R is the gas constant per mole of gas molecules
(i.e. the molar gas constant)
(a) Hydrogen of density 0.009 kg m-3 at a
pressure of 2.5 x l0s Pa
a II/N^ = k is called Boltzmann's constant - it is
the gas constant per moletule.
(b) Helium of density 0.18 kg m-3 at a pressure
of 3.0 x 105 Pa Thus Equation 11 can be written:
(c) Oxygen of density 1.43 kg m-3 at a pressure
of 1.01 x 10sPa.

Use Equation I0(a) in each case. Equation l2

which tells us that: the average translational kinetic

energy of a gas molecule is directly proportional to
Molecular kinetic energly and temperature the absolute temperature of the gas.

The equation of state for (n) moles of an ideal gas of The equation of state for ru moles of an ideal gas is:
volume (1) at a pressure (p) and an absolute pV = nRT.
temperature (7) is:
pV = nRT (i) This can also be expressed in terms of Boltzmann's
constant (k).
where (R) is the universal molar gas constant

From kinetic theory of gases we have that:

Since t= n 11r"nR=kNe.

,y = -L Nmc2
(ii) Substituting for R in pV = nRT gives: pV = n(kN)T
But nNo is the product of the number of moles of gas
where N = number of molecules in volume V of gas and the number of molecules per mole, i.e. it is
,n = mass of each molecule equal to the total number of molecules in the gas (N).
and 7 = the mean-square speed of the gas
Equation 13
Combining Equations (i) and (ii) we obtain:
You should note that from Equation 12, the
J- N*7 = rnr relationship between mean-square speed and
temperature is:
This may be re-written as:
+ .(+ *?)=,nr From which the r.m.s. speed is related to temperature

1 .' * trr
1- 3n Rr=1 R
2 - -
2N 2 N/n i.e. the root-mean-square speed of gas molecules is
proportional to the square root of the absolute
temperature of the gas.
Avogadro's law
Guided examqles (4)
ris Ia\\ states tnat -I-t{a S
I t'--t (b) the temperature at which the r.m.s. speed
Equal volumes of ideal gases at the same
of the molecules would become twice as
:emperature and pressure contain equal
rumbers of molecules.,''
r' , r;' -:1". ,1
great as that calculated in (a).

,- *e consider two ideal gases x and y we can write:
(a) Use Equation 10.
:..r-qasx: P*V*= N*kT* (b) Make use of the fact that r.m.s. speed is
Frrr -EIIS Yi PrV, = NrkT, proportional to the square root of the
absolute temPerature.
-l the gases have equal volumes and are at the same
:ressure, then: 3. A cylinder of volume 0.25 m3 contains
P*V* = PrV, nitrogen gas at a pressure of 1.5 x 105 Pa and a
'. temperature of 17'C. Assuming that the gas
N*kT* = NrkT,
behaves ideallY, calculate:
If two gases are also at the same temperature, then (a) the number of moles of gas in the cylinder
T Tr'and so: (b)
'= the r.m.s. speed of the gas molecules at
\=N' 17 "c
(c) the average translational kinetic energy of
i.e. the number of molecules in gas x = the number of
a nitrogen molecule
molecules in gas y.
(d) the total kinetic energy of the gas
contained in the cYlinder.
Gu,ided examplss f4l
(Molar mass of nitrogen = 0'028 kg mol-r;
1. The observed speeds of ten particles at a 1
molar gas constant, R = 8.31 J mol K-1;
parlicular instant were as shown in the table Nt = 6'02 x 1023 mol-1')
Avogadro constant,
number of
I 2 4 I 1
(a,) Use Equation 4.
(b) Use Equation 10.
speed (m s-1) 5.0 7.0 9.0 t2.0 14.0 15.0
(c) Use Equation 12.
(d) Total kinetic energy = kinetic energy per
What is (a) the most Probable sPeed
of molecules'
molecule x total number
(b) the mean speed
The total number of molecules = number
(c) the root-mean-square sPeed of
of moles of gas x number of molecules per
these Particles?

(a) This is the speed at which the greatest
number of particles are moving. Work done bY a gas
(b) You must add all the speeds and divide by
Consider a mass of an ideal gas at a pressure (p)
the total number of particles. Remember
enclosed in a cylinder by a frictionless piston of
that at some speeds there is more than one
area (A). The piston is in equilibrium under the
action of an external force (O and the pressure
(c) The r.m.s. speed is the square root of the force (pA) which the gas exefrs (see Figure 4'39
mean of the squares of the sPeeds. overleaf).

2. Nitrogen gas is kept in a container at a If the piston is allowed to move outwardsa distance
temperature of 2l "C and a pressure of Ax which is small enough for the pressure to be
1.0 x 105 Pa. If the density of nitrogen is assumed constant, then:
1.25 kg m-3, calculate:
External work done (4140 by the expansion is given
(a) the root-mean-square speed of the nitrogen by:
[l\/ = pAA,x (since work - force x distance)
Equation 15

This equation is valid for all relationships between p


For a process in which p is constant (called an

isobaric process) we have that:
Figure 4.39 Work done by an ixpanding gas
lv, a,
But AAr = AV (the small increase in volume resulting 1

from the piston's movement)

w= p(vr_vr)
T, N m-21pa;
\,/ Equation 16
\, Generally if a pressure-volume graph is plotted for
^p= ,;: the gas (such a graph is called an indicator diagram,
Equation 14 as shown in Figure a.a\@)), then the work done (l4f
by the gas as the volume changes from (V,) to (Vr) is
i.e. when a gas expands at constant pressure, it does equal to the area enclosed by the p-V graph between
work (in J) on the surroundings, equal to the pressure the two V-values (shown shaded).
(in Pa) multiplied by the change of volume (in m3).
For an isobaric process the p-V graph is a horizontal
You should note that: line and so

o The same result can be obtained by considering a W = zraz enclosed by p-V graph
compression of the gas in which case work is done p(Vr* V)
on the gas rather than by it.
as shown in Figure 4.40(b).
o For a finite expansion in which the volume changes
from an initial value (y,) to some final vafue (Vr),
the total work done (I4r) is given by:


Figure 4.40 Pressure-volume graph for q gas

Hrst law of thermodynamics rilierb pll-= the n'ork done lrn this case b1 the
system on the surroundings.,).
;;:modvnamics is a branch of phvsics u'hich deals
' -:h processes in w,hich heat flows into or out of a Changes of state such as melting, vaporisation and
,.. ::3m (e._e. the petroVair mixture in the cylinder of a sublimation can be described in terms of the first law
-.: enuine.l rvhile work is done on or by the system. of thermodynamics by stating that:
- :.: tlrst lau, of thermodynamics is a specific case of
.-.e principle of conservation of energy and may be A,l=Lu+LW
.."red as follows:
Eqwation 19

ELiLtation l7 Ll = the latent heat energy supplied to cause

the change of state
here: AU = increase in internal potential energy
_\0 = heat energy supplied to a system, or resulting from the change of state
flowing out of it A I{ = the external work done as a result of the
-\U = change ofinternal energy ofthe system change of state.
-\17 = work done by or on the system This term is most significant in the cases of
The sign convention we adopt here is that: vaporisation (change from liquid to vapour) and
sublimation (change from solid directly to a vapour)
* AQ is positive when heat is supplied to the system
because these two processes involve large volume
and it is negative when heat is transferred from the
increases and a large proportion of the latent heat is
used to do work in pushing back the atmosphere. AW
a LW is positive if the external work is done by the is taken as positive for an expansion (e.g. in melting
system and it is negative if the external work is and vaporisation) and negative for a contraction (e.g.
done on the system. in condensation).
: LU is positive if the internal energy of the system
The internal energy of a system can be increased by:
* supplying heat energy to the system and/or
If we consider the case of the gas expansion of Figure
-1..10(a), Equation 17 can be wrirten as;
* doing work on the system.

JJPa For example, if we consider the air in a bicycle pump

to be the system, its internal energy and hence its
LQ=LU+pLV,. temperature can be increased by supplying heat from
outside the pump or by pushing the plunger in with
-: the finger held over the nozzle. Figure 4.41 illustrates
Equation l8 the two methods.


plunger movement

(a) Heat is supplied (the space around the pump (b) Work is done on the air by movement of the
is at a highel temperature than the air inside) plunger. Potential energy increases

Figure 4.41 Increasing the internal eruergy of the air in a bicttcle pump
This leads us to an alternative way of stating the
first law which is preferred by some examination
The molar heat capacity at constant prffire
(C*) is the heat energy needed to produce a unit
tepPerature rise in one mole of a gas when the
The increase in intemal energy of a system = Heat prqssure is,kepl contqnt. l

supplied to the system + Work done on the system

You should note that:
i.e. A,u = LQ + LW e The unit of molar heat capacity at constant volume
or pressure is J mol I K-1.
Equation 20 g If we are dealing with unit mass of gas instead of
In the case of an isolated system (i.e. one on which one mole, we use the terms principal specific heat
there are no external influences), no work is done on capacity at constant volume and principal
or by the system and no heat is supplied to or specific heat capacity at constant pressure, and
transferred from the system. these are denoted by the symbols cu and co.

AW=O and AQ =Q e % , C - This can be explained in terms of the first

law of thermodynamics. When a gas is heated at
From which it follows that the change in internal constant pressure some of the energy is used to raise
energy LU = 0. the internal energy (hence the temperature) of the gas
and some is used to do extemal work. If the gas is
Thus the internal energy of an isolated system is
heated at constant volume we are effectively not
allowing the gas to do any work and so all the energy
supplied is used to raise the internal energy and
Adiabatic processes therefore the temperature. Thus the amount of heat
An adiabatic process is one in which there is no heat needed to raise the temperature of a gas at constant
energy flow into or out of the system. When a pressure is greater than that needed to produce the
system undergoes such a process, LQ = 0 and same temperature rise at constant volume.
Equation 20 becomes: AU = AW.
o The amount of heat AQ needed to raise the
Thus when a system undergoes an adiabatic process: temperature of 1" mole of an ideal gas by an
the increase in the internal energy of the system is amount AZ at constant volume is given by:
equal to the work done on it.
LQ . C,, LT
' Lquation 2l (a)
c The amount of heat AQ needed to raise the
The principal heat capacities temperature of 1 mole of an ideal gas by an amount
AZ at constant pressure is given by:
of a gas
Since only a relatively small expansion is produced
aO= cp,ar
Equation 2l(b)
when a solid or a liquid is heated, most of the heat
o It can be shown that for ideal gases:
energy supplied is used to increase the internal energy.
In the case of a gas, however, the expansion can be C^_ v
P C,,= R
Lquation 22
much greater, enabling the gas to do external work.
Thus when a gas is heated the increase in its internal e pv is denoted by y (= 1.67 for a
The ratio C^/C,.
energy and hence the temperature rise produced monatomic gas, 1.40 for a diatomic gas and 1.33
depends on how much external work the gas is for a polyatomic gas).
allowed to do. Because of this a gas has an infinite
number of heat capacities. The most useful two gas Methods of producing
heat capacities, called the principal heat capacities,
which are used are those which relate to constant Ghanges in $ases
volume and constant pressure conditions. They are The state of a gas (i.e. the values of p, V and 7) can
defined as follows: be changed by any of the following processes.

lsothermal process
The molar heat capacity at constant volume
(C,) is the heat enerry needed to produce a unit
I Occurs at constant temperature (7 constant).
a For an isothermal expansion or contraction of an
temperature rise in one mole of a gas when the
ideal gas,
volume is kept constant. pV = constant and p rV r = p 2V, (see Figure 4 .42) .
r Since 11/ = 0. no u.ork is done and all the heat
entering the gas becomes internal energy.
The temperature rises from t to Trand the pressure
increases from prto pr.
LQ = LU = Cu(Tz- T).

lsobaric process
* Occurs at constant pressure.
a For an isobaric change of an ideal gas,
v,. v,
o = constanl and -
T1 T2

(see Figure 4.44).

Figure 4.42 Isothermal process

o Since the internal energy of an ideal gas depends
only on its temperaturc, LU = 0, and so AQ = A,W.
This means that if gas expands and does work AtrY
then an amount of heat AQ must be supplied to
keep the temperature constant.
o A reversible isothermal change is an ideal one
which would require the gas to be contained in a
thin, highly conductive vessel, surrounded by a
constant-temperature reservoir. In addition, the
change would have to occur very slowly.

lsovolumetlic process Figure 4.44 Isobaric process

a Occurs at constant volume.

6 Some of the heat supplied to the gas increases the
internal energy (temperature rise ?, to 7r) and the
a For an isovolumetric change of an ideal gas, rest is used to do work.

V= constant urd
P, P,
= Adiabatic process
T, Tz
a Occurs with no heat entering or leaving the gas.
(see Figure 4.43).
o For an adiabatic change of an ideal gas, pVv =
constant (where y= CrlC,) and prVrv = p2V2v
(see Figure 4.45).

Figure 4.43 Isovolumetric change Figure 4.45 Adiabatic change

o Since LQ = 0, LW = - AU. This means that for an
adiabatic expansion all the work is done at the Guided examples (5)
expense of the internal energy of the gas which
1. A sample of gas is enclosed in a cylinder
thus cools (Trto Tr). In the case of a compression
by a frictionless piston of area 60 cm2. The
the gas heats up as the work done increases the
cylinder is heated so that 400 J of heat
internal energy.
energy is supplied to the gas which then
o A reversible adiabatic change is an ideal process expands against atmosphere pressure and
which requires the gas to be in a thick-walled, pushes the piston 20 cm along the cylinder.
poorly conducting vessel and the volume change Given that atmospheric pressure is
must be small and rapid. 1.0 x 10s Pa, calculate:
(a) the external work done by the gas and
Work done during a cycle
(b) the change in internal energy of the gas.
When a gas undergoes changes which eventually
return it to its original state, it is said to have gone
through a cycle of operations. The p-V (indicator) Guidelines
diagram is then a closed loop whose area represents (a) Use Equation 16 - Remember SI units
the net work done by or on the gas. Consider, for throughout.
example, an ideal gas which undergoes the changes Altematively use the fact that the work
shown in Figure 4.46. done by the gas = force exerted by gas
on piston x distance moved by piston.
(force exerted by gas on piston = force
exerted by atmospheric pressure acting
on piston).
(b) Use Equation 17.

2. When 0.60 kg of water is converted into steam

at 100"C at a pressure of 1.0 x 105 Pa the
amount of heat energy supplied is 2.9 x 106 J.
If during the vaporisation the water increases
its volume'by 2.2 m3, calculate:
(a) the work done against the extemal
(b) the increase in the internal energy of the
Figure 4.46
Area enclosed by the closed loop
resultingfrom a cycle of changes on a gas = the net
work done
Work done by the gas as it expands from (a) Use Equation 14.
Vlto V?= area6sfg = pr(Vr- V). (b) Use Equation 18.
(This expansion results from an isovolumetric change
a to b followed by an isotraric change b to c.) 3. When 22.4 g of nitrogen is heated from 293 K
to 393 K in an insulated and freely extensible
Work done on the gas in compressing it from container, 2.33 x 103 J of heat is required.
Vzto V1 = area aflfs = pr(Vr- V). When the same mass of nitrogen is contained
(This compression results from an isovolumetric in an insulated, rigid container, 1.66 x 103 J of
change c to d followed by an isobaric change d to a.) heat energy is required to give the same
temperature rise. Calculate:
Net work done by the gas = areabcfe - area adfe (a) the principal molar heat capacities of
= pz(Vz- Vr) - rr(Vr- Vr) nitrogen
= (pz- p) (Vz_ V) (b) the value of the universal molar gas
.'. Net work done by the gas = area abcd
(the area enclosed by the rectangle) (molar mass of nitrogen = 28.0 g mol-l)

This can be applied to any cycle of operations.

constant pressure (a to b). heated at con\Iani
vohrme (b to c) and then retumed to its onginal
Guidelines state (c to a). Calculate:
Use Equation 8 to find the number of moies (a) the gas temperature at a, b and c
of nitrogen in the sample. (b) the heat removed frorn the gas during the
Then use Equatior-r 21(b) to obtain the molar process a to b
heat capacity at constant pressllre. Cr, and
(c) the heat supplied to the gas during the
Equation 21(a) to obtain the molar heat
process b to c, and
capacity at constant volume, C".
(d) the net rvork done in the cycle.
Use Equation 22.
(universal molar gas constant,
R = 8.3 J mol rf I; C, for the gas = 5R/2)
p/ xtO5 Pa
(a) Use Equation 4 for 1 mole of gas - take the
values ofp and V for each point from the
indicator diagrarn.
(b) Obtain Equatior 22.
a value fcrr Co by using
Then use Equation 21(b) to find heat
removed during the isobaric process (a to b).
(c) [Ise Equation 21(a) to find heat supplied
during the isovolumetric process (b to c).
(d) Use net work done in the cycie = ore& of
The indicator diagram shows an energy cycle f'or triangle abc"
1 mole of an ideal gas. The gas is cooled at

SECTION A (ii) the molar mass of a substance?

Qualitative assessment (d) How many moles are there in M kg of a

substance of rnoiar rnass M* kg mo1
1. For each of the gas laws (Boyle's larv, Charles'
(a) What is Brownian motion?
law and the pressure law):
(b) How is it explained in terms of molecules?
(a) give a written statement of the law
(b) express the law as arr equation (a) State the main assumptions made in the
(c) express the law on a graph relating kinetic theory of gases.
quantities involved. (b) Derive the equation.

2, ! Nm-
(a) Explain what is meant by an ideal gas. P-g v "
(b) Write down the equation of state for N moles
of an ideal gas. Define each quantity in the for an ideal gas of volume (l.f at a pressure
equation. (p) if the gas contains (A) molecules, each of
mass (ru) and with mean-square speed (c2).
3. (a) Define the mole.
(b) How is the moie related to the Avogadro Explain what is meant by
constant? (a) most probable speed
lc) What is (b) mean speed and
(i) the relative molecular mass and (c) root-mean-square speed of gas molecules.
7. Derive the expression, 13. The state of a gas can be changed by each of the
following processes: isothermal; isovolumetric;
isobaric; adiabatic. For each of these:
(a) State the condition under which the change occurs.
relating average molecular kinetic energy and
(b) Show the change on a pressure-volume graph.
absolute temperature of a gas.

8. State Avogadro's law and prove your statement.

(a) Consider an ideal gas enclosed in a cylinder
by a piston of area (A). What is the work
Quantitative assessment
done when the piston moves over a small (Answers: 1.5 x 10+; 2.7 x tOa; 2.1, x 7O-3;
distance Ax as a result of the gas pressure 8.6 x 10-3; 0.010; 0.026; 0.80; 1.3; 60;
(p)? Assume that the change in volume is so L2O; 27O; 240; 24O;480; 480; 480; 480;
small that the pressure remains constant. 48O; 48O; 52O; 52O; 730; 830; 920;
What is the work done in terms of the volume
1.6 x 1O3; 2.0 x 103; 2.5 x 7O3; 2.6 x !O3;
change of the gas?
7.0 x 103; t.O x lOa; 2.7 x LOa; 2.3 x tOa
(b) What is the expression for the total work
2.3 x LOs; 4.8 x 1023.)
done by the gas for a finite expansion in
which the volume increases from Vrto Vr? 1,. (u) A fixed mass of gas has a volume of
What is the expression if the expansion 3000 cm3 at a pressure of 1.0 x 105 Pa.
occurs at constant pressure? Calculate its volume if the pressure increases
to 2.0 x 106 Pa with the temperature
10. (a) State the first law of thermodynamics. remaining constant.
(b) Explain what is meant by internal energy in (b) A fixed mass of gas has a volume l/when the
the context of the first law. temperature is 127'C. To what temperature
(c) How can the internal energy of a system be must the gas be raised so that its volume
(i) increased, (ii) decreased? increases to 2.75 lzwith the pressure
(d) What is the alternative form of the first law remaining constant?
which is based on the change of internal (c) A fixed mass of gas has a volume of
energy of a system? 0.02 m3 at a temperature of 44"C and a
pressure of 2.02 x 10s Pa. Find the new
11. (a) What is an isolated system? volume of the gas at standard temperature and
(b) Why is the internal energy of such a system pressure (i.e. 0 'C and 1.01 x 10s Pa).
(c) What is an adiabatic process? *2. (a) At a particular instant five oxygen molecules
have speeds of 450, 475,480,495 and
(d) What do you conclude by applying the first
510 m s-1.
law of thermodynamics to a system which
Calculate their:
undergoes an adiabatic process?
(, mean speed
12. (a) Why can a gas have an infinite number of (ii) mean-square speed and
, heat capacities?
(iii) root-mean-square speed.
(b) Define O the molar,heat capacity at
constant volume C" (b) Calculate the r.m.s. speed for the molecules
and (ii) the molar heat capacity at of a gas of density 1.3 kg m-3 at a pressure of
constant pressure Co, of a gas. 1.0 x 10s pa.

(c) Explain why % is greater than C,. 3. A sealed can of volume 2 x 10a cm3 contains gas
(d) Give an expression for the amount of heat Le at a pressure of 1 x 10s Pa and a temperature of
which must be supplied to n moles of an ideal 27 "C. Assuming the gas to be ideal, calculate:
gas so as to produce a temperature rise AZ if (a) the number of moles of gas in the can (given
the heating is performed (i) at constant that the universal molar gas constant, R =
volume, and (ii) at constant pressure. 8.3t J mol-1 K-1)


,b r the number of gas molecules in the can (given 7. An insulated, freely extensible vessel contains
that the Avogadro constant, 0.5 mol of oxygen at 273 K. If atmospheric
,\ = 6.OZ x 1023 mol-l) pressure is taken as 1.0 x lOs Pa and thc
,c) the mass of gas in the can if its relative principal molar heat capacity at constant pressure
molecular mass is 32 of oxygen is 29 J mol 1 K-l calculate:
rd) the gas density
temperature of the gas to 323 K
te ) the r.m.s. speed of the gas moiecules.
(b) the volume increase of the gas produced by
1. The total translational kinetic energy of a certain the temperature rise
mass of an ideai gas at a temperature of 57 "C is (c) the external work done by the gas
550 J. If the relative molecular mass of the gas is
(d) the increase in the internal energy of the gas
1.0, calculate:
(e) the heat energy needed to cause the same
(a) the total kinetic energy of the gas molecules
temperature rise at constant volume.
at a temperature of 280 "C
(Universal molar gas constant,
+(b) the mass of gas present and
R = 8.3 J mol-r K-r.)
(c) the r.m.s. speed of the molecules at 280 "C
(given that the universal molar gas constant, 8.
pressure/105 Pa
R = 8.3 J mol-l K-r;.

Pr = 1.0 x 105 Pe

area = 150 cm2

volume/1O m3

The diagram shows a sample of gas enclosed in a The indicator (pV) diagram shows an energy cycle
cylinder by a frictionless piston of area 150 cm2. for one mole of an ideal gas which is: cooled at
When 300 J of energy is supplied to the gas, it constant pressure (a to b), heated at constant
expands against a constant atmospheric pressure volume (b to c), heated at constant pressure (c to
of 1.0 x 105 Pa and pushes the piston out a d) and finally returned to its original state by an
distance of 16 cm along the cylinder. isothermal expansion (d to a).
(a) the work done by the gas and Calculate:

(b) the increase in internal energy of the gas. (a) the gas temperature at a, b, c and d
(b) the heat energy removed or supplied during
6. When 10 cm3 of water is boiled at 100'C and at the processes a to b, b to c, and c to d
an almospheric pressure of 1.0 x 105 Pa,
(c) the net work done in 1 cycle (an estimate).
1.6 x 104 cm3 of steam is produced. Calculate:
(Universal molar gas constant,
(a) the mass of water boiled
R = 8.3 J mol-r K-1; molar heat capacity at
(b) the heat energy needed to produce the constant pressure of the gas,
vaporisation Cp=29Jmol rK-1.;
(c) the external work done during the
(d) the increase in internal energy.
(Density of water = 1.0 x 103 kg m-3;
specific latent heat of vaporisation of steam =

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