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Main KWD: yeast infection in men

Other KWDs: yeast infections in men

yeast infection treatment for men
mens yeast infection

We know that yeast infection is common in women but, did you also know that it can target
males? Candidiasis, otherwise known as thrush is also a condition men can experience. It is the
yeast infection in men that results from overgrowth of yeast which belongs to the family of the
fungi, Candida. The most common fungi that affects human is the Candida albicans.
Yeast infection in women usually has the vagina as its target while yeast infection in men targets
the head of their penis and its foreskin. This yeast infection in men is called as candida
balanitis, candidiasis or moniliasis.
This is considered to be a mycotic contamination since it results from a fungus. Though, it can
affect the genitals severely, it can appear in other body parts like inside the mouth. When this
happen, it is now called oral thrush.

Causes of Yeast Infection in Men

As stated above, candida balanitis is caused by the overgrowing yeast fungus called the
Candida. Bernhard von Langenbeck was the one who first knew and described the kind of
virus behind this infection. He was also considered as the most noticeable surgeon during his
Candida is naturally present inside ones body. This is one thing that composes our system. How
can it go wrong? Well, Candida should only be present in certain levels. In fact, some studies
prove that yeast is present in every penis, and despite this fact, not all has the signs and
symptoms of having balanitis.
This can cause problem only when it grows out of hand and unmanageable already. There are
some medical conditions which makes our body the best habitat for this fungus. An outbreak of
candida albicans results to candidiasis that can already infiltrate our bodys tissues.
Our immune system is composed of certain levels or amounts of different bacteria, but there are
some cases where this balance in our natural ecology is disrupted and this event gives viruses the
chance to penetrate in our system.

Risk Factors Affecting Yeast Infection in Men

Like women, risk factors of men having yeast infection are the same. This section provides more
descriptive information about the things that may affect one's risk in acquiring this infection.


Some antibiotics which kill certain types of bacteria also kill the good bacteria in different parts
of your body. This includes the bacteria found in your vagina. Because of killing other bacteria
inevitably, it damages the vaginal tissues causing yeast to overgrow.

Men who have diabetes don't actually mean that they are at risk for this infection. However, men
whose diabetes can no longer be controlled have higher risk of acquiring it than those who can
manage their condition well enough.

Weak Immune System

Those persons suffering from certain kind of diseases are at higher risk to have this disease
especially those who are diagnosed with sexually transmitted diseases.


Certain medications that can weaken the immune system are one risk factor which can lead into
developing this disease. Medications like having chemotherapy, renal dialysis, and
corticosteroids should be monitored well.

Personal Hygiene

Of course! One should use a mild soap in order to take good care of his body parts, especially
considering his genital. Yeast infection in men can be prevented in ways like taking good care of
ones body. Some soap or bath products use strong chemicals that are sometimes harmful to
sensitive skin. Remember that this bacterium thrives in places which feel warm and moist.

Not Having A Healthy Meal

Our body looks and craves for different nutrients. And what better way to acquire these nutrients
than to eat healthy and live healthy, right?

Other Risk Factor:

Men with yeast in infection can also be acquired because of:

Not having a circumcision

Men who chooses not to be circumcised tends to have warmer, a more moist and darker area
under ones foreskin where the bacteria loves to thrive on.
Can men get yeast infection from women?
Since we all know that yeast infection is more prevalent in women, is there a chance to transmit
it sexually?
It is technically not considered as sexually transmitted disease since it can be present even in
males who are no sexually active and having an intercourse does not automatically transmit the
fungal yeast infection in men.
Males who have female partners suffering from womens yeast infection does not mean that they
have to go for treatment too. Thats rarely the case unless they are also feeling the signs and
symptoms themselves. However, it is advised that men should not have unprotected intercourse,
not until his partners condition has been cleared up by taking treatments.

Symptoms of yeast infection in men

The most common symptom one can feel is the itchiness on his penis. More than this, the head of
the penis can be red, it can also be swollen and sore. Male yeast infection can also result in
inflamed genital and white patches may be visible.
On the other hand, the foreskin can feel dense with couple of discharges under it and can produce
nasty smell. This can also cause pain during an intercourse or when in pee.

Is there a need to look and call for a doctor?

Yes, yeast infection is one condition where you should consult a doctor in order to:

Be sure that what you have is really yeast infection

Create and ask for a suitable mens yeast infection treatment
Have yourself checked if over-the-counter medications as anti-fungal creams have not
work on you

The Diagnosis
For men who have already been diagnosed and treated with yeast infection, he can manage it by
himself when it recurs. Same treatments can be done if one is experiencing same symptoms and
when the rashes disappear, this upholds one diagnosis to be correct and therefore, there is no
more need to see a doctor.
But, for men who experiences yeast infection for the first time, it is advised to get a check-up
from a specialist in order to come up with the best yeast infection treatment for men. Another
point to be taken is that having a diagnosis from someone who has enough knowledge can rule
out other medical conditions that one could be feeling.
In order to have an accurate diagnosis, a doctor only usually ask questions regarding the
symptoms one is feeling, medical history, and inspects the genital. This is the practice in almost
all clinics. But if the doctor suspects other causes of the rash or symptoms, he recommends other
examinations like having a sample of the discharges found in the penis and foreskin. This is
taken to the laboratory for further tests as to observe the form spores and hyphae.

Treatments for Yeast Infections in Men

As been stated before, yeast infection may not be considered a sexually transmitted infection but
it can be spread by having a sexual intercourse.
If you have been already treated out of a yeast infection before, it is possible that your physician
may just prescribe you a medication without having to see and examine you.
But, if it is your first time to have a check-up, first step of having a yeast infection treatment is
recording and preparing all of the questions your doctor may ask you.
Here are few tips on what information your doctor may need:
1) All the symptoms you are feeling and how long has it been lingering
2) Any condition that you have been diagnosed before or medical condition you are
currently in. Along with its medications, of course.
3) What kind of discharge you are having. Therefore, it is advised not to use panty liners,
tampons, etc. in order to have a clear sample of your discharge.
4) You should also be ready with a list of questions or concerns that you want to ask your
What's the next step to mens yeast infection treatment?
After setting and getting ready for an appointment, you should have yourself checked, diagnosed
and tested for further confirmation. Yeast infection treatments are given once the doctor after
getting the results from the examinations.
To diagnose the disease, your physician may need some information or ask some questions:
Your medical history. If you have been diagnosed before with the yeast infection, or other
sexual infections.
A doctor may use a special instrument in order to examine your pelvic and the walls of your
vagina. He will also take time to have a look at your cervix.
He may need to ask for a sample of your vaginal discharge in order to be examined and to point
out what type of fungus grows into it
Treatments and Drugs
Yeast infection in men is treated the same way as to treat womens yeast infection. Mild
infections go away on their own and do not require any treatment. But if symptoms are severe
and one needs to have an aid, then here are some of the available treatments:

For men, oral pills can be used

An antifungal pill is effective in treating this condition. Diflucan is an example of this and it is
available over-the-counter or it can come from a physician. Only a single dose of the pill is
mandated. Other drugs available are:
a) Clotrimazole
b) Econazole
c) Ketoconazole
d) Miconazole
There are certain creams which can be applied topically on the affected areas. It is usually done
once a day for 3-7 days. A cream called nystatin, is also composed of anti-fungal and is
available in many different brands. However, compared to topical imidazoles, they are not that
Yes, like all the other diseases, prevention is the best way to treat yeast infection. It is
preventable. How?
a) You can use underwear which is made up of cotton and use loose pants or skirt
b) Avoid the underwear which is fits you tightly that it makes you feel uneasy
c) After a swim, workout, or a walk in the rain, immediately change your wet
d) Hot baths are not recommended
e) Be sure that after a wash, your penis is dry enough that removes the fungi on the
conditions in where it can thrive.
f) If you are having mild coughs and colds, avoid taking in antibiotics and look for
other home treatments.
Many ask if probiotics help in treating yeast infection in men. Does it? People resort to
probiotics as alternative treatment but this is considered to work on women than on men.
Mens yeast infection can be crucial in acquiring other diseases. One can be infected in the blood
which is called invasive candidiasis considered a medical emergency.
Emergency conditions lead to confining oneself in a hospital in order to protect body organs
from the spreading virus in the system. Antifungal medications are given in order to kill the
viruses. The risk factors affects the vulnerability of ones wellness especially ones risk in
acquiring invasive candidiasis.

Look at this closely and dont neglect the symptoms you are feeling. Yeast infection in men may
not be lethal, but it can cause other medical conditions that may put your life on the risk.

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