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MYSTERIES OF CREATION-How the Souls (MI) were Created from

OLDMAR (The Universal Neutral Energy)?

This Teaching was given orally by the Spirit Tata G, a Spiritual Emissary
of Baba ODDW; this is the Transcription of it.

EGB DN OLFIN - The Spiritual Family of OLFIN RUN'S Secret,

sharing the YORB OLFIN Tradition of Baba ODDW.
How long ago the human being appeared in this planet? That is like 5
million years ago that the human being predecessors started together to
live in a society. In the great antiquity they knew the 16 Universal
Principles (the 16 DN), they didnt use it like now a days, but they
knew about it, and they were known.
How the Souls (MI) were Created from OLDMAR?
In the beginning, OLDMAR, thats like RAW PURE ENERGY (Neutral
Energy), this energy we call OLDMAR is Not Conscious of Itself,
OLDMAR is the Universal Neutral Energy, the Good, the Bad, and the
Neutral. OLFIN RUN Created himself out of this Universal Neutral
Energy we call OLDMAR. OLFIN RUN is a Thoughtful, Conscious
and Creative Energy (is an IRNMLE NL a GOD). OLFIN RUN
began creating consciously. OLFIN RUN created the phenomena we
have called THE BIG BANG. The universal energy was a small portion,
and the energy was so minute and microscopic, that this energy began to
condense and exploded, creating the Universe as we know it. OLFIN
RUN created the first Being, who was OLS, who was created
beautiful, created the closest and similar to OLFIN RUN, OLS was
created immortal, and with most of the Powers that OLFIN RUN had.
OLS is what now you have called and known by the name of LUCIFER,
but the most correct name is SAMAEL as is known in the Kabbalah
tradition (this happened millenniums later). After OLFIN RUN created
OLS, he notices that OLS is a Being with Bad intensions. Here on
EARTH comes the time of what is called the AGE of DARKNESS, AGE of
Shadows. Before, the EARTH was cover with pure clouds, and all was
covered with sea (water), thats why is called Darkness.
Before, all was Neutral. OLFIN RUN by being a Conscious and
Omnipotent Being, he wanted to create something similar to himself, but
he didnt noticed that his creation, OLS, that he was to believe that he
was more than OLFIN RUN, and that OLS was to try to revolt (rise
up) against OLFIN RUN. OLFIN RUN starts to smack and hit OLS
to punish him using thunders, but since OLFIN RUN created OLS
immortal, he couldnt die. OLFIN RUN decided to hide him in the
center of the PANGEA (the original land continent from where all lands
spread out), in the center of the Earth of the great original continent.
After doing this, OLFIN RUN creates the first SOUL, but this happens
after many years, when living beings started to be created. After OLFIN
RUN created the first living beings, OLFIN RUN decides to Create a
Being that would be Conscious, but in order to be Conscious and to able
to Evolve, that being has to work. This first being or first Soul was
BTL. After creating BTL, OLFIN RUN made him Mortal.
OLFIN RUN orders BTL to give life, to create. This is what comes
to be the creation of the first multicellular being; later the Age of the
Reptiles began, but that Age ends because they were obsolete, and then
began the Age of the Mammals. The Pure Essence or the IGB
IRNMLE BTL creates with the help of other IGBS that were on
Earth, the IRNMLES creates (the Consciousness of the Spirit of
Nature) and OSANYIN. The first thinking beings were created. BTL
Curse them saying to them; I cannot made you all completely
thoughtful, intelligent and wise. BTL Curse them and told them;
You all are destine to evolve through your Consciousness and by the
understanding of nature, thats why the evolution is through work,
towards realization. You are destined to Evolve through these things, but
also you are destined to destroy yourselves alone. WHY? Because if the
R determine so, they are not going to come to hunt these people, is
the human is destined to fail or try to revolt against the creator, they
themselves are going to destroy each other, there is no need to use
Divine Powers to destroy them, neither is going to be a need of creating a
war between humans and Deities, thats why BTL curse them. The
human being creates a good thing, and from that good thing they created
they create a bad use for it, thats always. Humans invented the
Gunpowder to open roads, and from there, they use gunpowder to kill and
to make war. Humans began to work, they began to evolve and develop.
The Souls (MI) are created out of OLDMAR (The Universal Neutral
Energy, because its a Neutral Energy, due to that fact, Good Souls, Bad
Souls, Enlighten Souls, Dark Souls are created. Each person has within
them the Essence of GOD or OLDMAR, who gives them the power
and the authority to create Life. But this doesnt mean that they could
manipulate LIFE, in the way now they are doing it, because now they can
make a CLONE version of you. This is a Divine Aberration or Abomination.
If you create a Clone of you, Who is going to inhabit that body??? It could
be that another Soul will inhabit that body, or what can happen is that
your SOUL becomes fragmented or divided. How that can affect us? It
will affect us, because they can create so many beings out of one same
model, that they could create a PARADOX, and that could destroy your
Time-Space, ALL. The punishment among the ancient FON Culture for an
EVIL SOUL, was to destroy the SOUL with a Spiritual Method, and in that
way you can Liberate that Energy, but as simple energy without any
conscience, and that energy would be liberated and returned to the
Source, OLDMAR (The Matrix of Creation, the Universal Neutral
Energy). If you destroy a Soul completely, you create a Paradox, you open
a portal that can create more things, that can destroy the Universe, or
youre Universe, because there are different Levels of the Universe. This
is your Universe, in a plane or level, and higher there is another one, and
another one, and so on, they are Parallel Universes. Its proven through
scientific studies, that if you send a sound wave to space, after
thousands of years the sound will return back, but it will come from
another Universe, in which you can listen to your past, present and
future. The Mayans of Mexico disappeared, they went through a Time-
Space Portal, and I (Tata G) know where all the different Portals of Time-
Space in this planet are. Those Portals are opened through Rituals, in
which Time-Space split, cracks, and in that moment you Create s DOOR
or PORTAL, it is like a mirror, you go through it and all of the sudden you
are in another place with other people. You can come back from that
other place? Yes, you can come back, only if you have the means to
emulate what is here. What type of Ritual is done for this? Is through
Invocation using stones (Okuta), similar to . Someone else besides
the Mayans have done this in the past? Yes, The Atlanteans, the people
from Atlantis. From Africa, someone did that also? Yes, the 16 Wise
Elders of the Nganga or GBE Tradition of the FON (those are the ones
who are known as the Great Lion or the WA-RA) of those 16, they were8
Elders from my People and another 8 Elders from other areas of the
Universe. The number 8 is a magical number. You can go and transport
yourself to another place that if Worse than here. Form Me Personally,
that doesnt have too much value. Its a question of Luck, because you
dont know where you are going to land... (Could be a good place, or
could be a bad one). Also you can go to the Spiritual World, if you open a
Portal, you can reach where the Spirits are (gn / gngn), the Souls
(mi). The Spiritual World is a space where there is No Matter, and all
look like a Gas form, its not ruled by nor under the Laws of our known
Physics of this material plane or dimension. Have You traveled to other
Stars with Baba ODDW? Yes. There are more Evolve Souls and there
are more primitive Souls. There are Souls of different levels, there are
Beings that have worked more than you, and there are others that have
worked less than you, there are Beings much more Perverse than you,
but in regards to material evolution or technological evolution and
progress they are far more advanced than you. Morphologically speaking,
What physical differences are between other Souls or Beings? A lot of
differences, depending of the place, all the living beings adapt to the
particular environmental conditions of the place they live in. If you go to
a planet that is all water, the morphology of the beings there is going to
be different, if you go to a planet with a different combination of gases,
that also will creates changes in them. Why the Africans are different to
you? Each one is adapting to the place where they live; thus, in the same
manner universally speaking the same thing happens.
The Souls were destined to work; all Souls come here to Work, ALL. If
youre a Bad Person, at the end of Your Life, at Death, you will go before
the ABSOLUTE TRUTH (The Trial that all Souls after death, before the
Absolute Truth), and if for your bad actions, you end up in the
Netherworld, you will go there to Work. If you Ascend, and if you go to the
Higher World up there, you will go to Work. You always will do (Spiritual)
Work; you are always in constant Evolution. There are beings that go in
Each 12,000 Years a process of Battle between the Powers of LIGHT and
DARKNESS occurs, OLS (the Owner of the Left Side of Evil) and his 108
EVIL Ghosts or Demons (these beings are connected with the 108 Dark
Stars in the Galaxy).
There are beings more perverse than you, the thing is that those Beings
Respect their Deities and Gods, or the GOD that is ONE. The question
here is that you, specifically the Human Race, are Revolting Against
GOD. How many people are that they Dont Believe in Anything, how
many people dont care about it if they Cursed the Creator or the Being
who rule the Netherworld (OLS or LUCIFER/SAMAEL). These people are
Revolting against GOD, and they even Challenge GOD. For this reason the
Human Being is Perverted in this aspect, is going against GOD, because
of this there the SACRED WAR exist. (Note: The Sacred War Between
the 108 Demons or Perverted Souls that comes from 108 Dark Stars in
the Galaxy that are controlled by OLOSI and the Warriors of OLFIN
RUN lead and prepared spiritually by Baba ODDW and his
Do Plants and Trees (Ewe / Igi) Have a Soul? The plants (trees) have
another type of energy, but that doesnt mean that they have a Soul (like
us humans). There is an IRNMOL that gave them Life, and rules over
them, that`s why the R are based in the Powers of Nature, but that
doesnt mean that the plant have a Soul. The plants have feelings, they
have many things, but that doesnt mean that they have a Soul as such.
Because you will never evolve from a plant to a Human Person. In
animals that situation can exist. That doesnt mean that any Dog its
going to evolve into a Human. You as Human as a Punishment, they can
send you to live like a dog, but that doesnt mean that the first essence
of the Dog can Evolve to become human. Animals doesnt have a SOUL
as such, they have Divine Essence within them. In these times there are
beings that are so intelligent, so Conscious, that these beings are called
Enlighten Beings, because these beings have Evolve and Evolve, that
they have reach that special stage. When they see mathematics, its very
easy for them, because they have it in them, but many when they start to
go higher, to have a wonderful job, some commit any stupidity and then
they come down. The Higher you reach; the Fall is much stronger...The
function of the Human Being is to Evolve, Never to go back or to
Involution. There are people that go in involution, like a Rapist, Killers,
Perverts (Sadomasochist) etc...When these types of people come back to
Reincarnate, they come back with Knowledge, because they already
have it, but their SOUL each time they go down, they go in involution...
NOTE by Awo IFALENU: Baba ODDW and his Emissary Spirit TATA G
have taught about OLS, who means the Owner of the Left Side or Left
Path, the Path of Evil, he was one of the first creations of OLFIN RUN,
but he fell from "Grace", his EGO Perverted him. He controls the
Netherworld and the Demons or Perverted Souls of Power. This
knowledge about OLS was lost in Africa, some rare Elders may know
about it.
The Spirit TATA G Continues: What happens with those people that
made a Pact with the Dark Powers, the Dark Side, with OLS (LUCIFER-
That is more like a Temptation, the DEMON (OLS, LUCIFER), so to say,
he cant steal your SOUL, because it doesnt belong to him, neither to
GOD, the SOUL belongs to the Creative Energy, that is what we call
OLDMAR (the Universal Neutral Energy), then, No One can steal Your
SOUL. When You do a Pact with HIM - OLS (LUCIFER/SAMAEL), what He
does is to Drag your Energy towards the Negative Side/Dark Side, and
that favors him, because these are Souls that go in INVOLUTION, and
Involution, until they Fall into the Underworld-Netherworld. That can
happen, but Your SOUL doesnt belong to Him (OLS or LUCIFER).
How a person can Dominate another person Negatively in a lifetime and
do whatever he wants? That is through the use of Energies, Magical
Powders, herbs, etc... Example: If I am someone that doesnt like you, I
can use Magical Spells, that Spell is going to Transform into a Negative
Energy that is going to make the other person like a Zombie, like a
Puppet that its easy to Manipulate, but that doesnt mean that the
affected person's SOUL is manipulated, NO... Why? Because in the
moment that You Decide, to made your Mind to do something, you can
"AWAKE" from that, the Key Factor here is for You to Know the SECRET.
The Secret is in the INVOCATION, in the POWER of PRAYER, ASK for
HELP, You Ask for Help.
In the moment that you say; That cant happen to Me, they cant do any
harm to Me, I dont believe that they could harm Me, in that same
Moment that you think like that, they try to Manipulate you even More,
because You are Not Believing in that, meanwhile they can Harm You.
They can Easily Manipulate you More. But in the moment that You say; I
Do Believe in This, I Am Going to Ask for HELP. From there on You start
looking for Help, and You Will Receive HELP through a Ritual or another
Ceremony, and that Negative Energy that they create for you, and that
they send you will get Neutralize You can imagine this; You as a Puppet
with Strings Controlling YOU, and in that moment those strings of
Negative Energy are Cut, and you are Liberated, Free from that... Now,
the Remaining Energy, the energy that is left from that Magical Spell
that they did on you, that Energy goes back to the Source, to the Person
(all those involved) who did the Negative Magical Spell, then that person
starts to Feel Bad, to have Difficulties and much more. WHY? Because
that person is Paying or receiving the Energy of what they did to the
other person (The Boomerang Effect, the Negative KARMA of their
actions)...Almost all the rich people have problems, their kids get into
drugs, vices, and their husband or wife pervert and get involved with
another person, the other person get involve with another person also,
and so on. From where you were Born? From the Divine Energy. Who gave
the Human Being the capacity to reproduce themselves? There has to be
a Conscious Energy that put the pieces of the puzzle together, from there
ALL that Exist. That`s why it is said that: The ONE who is Born of
Himself is going to come to Fix all this. (This refers to Baba ODDW
who initiated himself in Ancient Times and then he Initiated many people
in the Yoruba Tradition, and Now he has returned spiritually to share the
Lost Knowledge). WHY? Because he knows the Divine Energy already, he
knows the Sacred, because he is already in communion with that, the
DIVINE says: I give him the Authority and the Power to Self-Initiation
This is what I wanted you to be, in that moment You will be Free...

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