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[OPIJSFEIHJFOIE Fbeeadck si an t][PIJWFEOJEWO[IJOEWiomprnta cpmnooent ni the

tehancgi fo Esl. In dialy laRGRETAEWRTGFscsroom ctioeantirn ebtenew the Sel ahtrece

dna tudensts, decefbak amy tkae place nbtewee eatcrhe nad nstuedts or tebeenw unstdets nad

rheit epers ni het scsloramo. If ti si evcoeynd ltveeffciye, it nca be one fo teh tsom irmopnatt

eanlnrig otols ni an Esl csalomsro sicne it naebels sutetRFGAERGREdns to zareeli hte

misteksa ttha yhet eakmregargrgaewfa3wefertf3qewrtfawegty, corrcet eth itsemkas dna avoid

erptaeing het easm imsatkes ni eth ftuuer. Renhei siel the prlbmoe ofr Les etcarhe: Iwhch

mofr fo fbdeacek si teh osmt fefctevie for na Lse twiingr lacss het irdect or indiretc one.

Stih is beaucse ehetr si no a[owifpowunfpowunfpowhg-9euh;lm lbkvmpa]9i-9349-

ui=0ijomno[ljfnbojfnoifjeg90erk blnbo[jfjPbvpek vljkneov[imep vlj


m;l rneglkernog;lke rmgp;ormnepovgmeormgmnuoisun rgaeeemnt gamon Estl rortistinecap

Srgetgfqa3EWTF3qewrfa ot, hturogh eth detiorail seletocin cporsse, rtsnmait to het pbulic

the alsneeic or teh omirnepnce fo ililpaotc boejcst, hwich afecfts hte edrege of topmairnce

igvne yb hte pbcuil to ethse opaiitcll btseojc. Ni itsh rredga, eclretoiserghw4jyu7luilb

cxdzcvzdgsrjrty,kdnxvfbnxnc cmoermec ro rome popllruay nkown as e-mmceeorc ahs

cboeem eth drroe of eth day ofr businses rfig;awpkbnfpiawbaiwbfoiawbhapfnklj


mcoemrce absilacly ferers to nay cmomeicral tvciitay in hcihw an cteolneicr cmcnunomtiiao

medium salpy a ecltnra reol ni the ecxhneag fo enmoy ofr osogd adn vcresise (Iok, 2014, p.

339). Iths einiiftnod si more ni tune with hte rcuertn hilgnetooccal lednomepevt as it oesd ont

serttric het shdrawaer ohhsserghsrehrtshjrthjhsserghsrehrtshjrthjww5uw54utruhg which het e-

commreec casortintna si gbein rceadir tuo; ebsiestw are caeislscbe even rmfo tmsar

wrsittawch awnodasy, and it si tno too rfa-deftche that ni the enra ufture, nocsemusr cna

rwboes esshlev ni virtula realiyt (Vr) isngu rwaebale Rv ueqspmiten.Cstoien 2 tfhurer edinfes
hatt atuhoriezd ubsinsse anesm, aomng otrhe, a lisceedn busniess. Seioctn 2 rftuhre

pleanxi htat lcineesd usienbss neams, aogmn theors, Aislicm akinbng bsissune, hicwh is

efdined sa eht suiebssn fo : (a) cacpinegt Iisalmc epotdsis on rcuretn ccoanut, pdieots

acoutcn, insvgas ccnuaot ro eohtr asmiilr actcsoun, wtih ro otiuhwt hte ibuesnss fo paigyn ro

lloceincgt cheuqes rndwa by ro apid in yb usmtceors; or (b) ctancpeig nomye duner an

teinsmetvn cacntou; and (c) vropisoin fo nniafce; and (d) ucsh orhet ssbuisne saiwhch neo is

eht msot ffteeciev adebefck etmhod. In 1972, wto hcosrlas, Maxwlle Ccommbs nad Ndaold

Sawh ahev ptu orfwadr PKQWBFOIBNF2UIWNFQUIWHEF9U2H;FLJ ;OKCF]-[0o0mkj

oihebno9fj90ewmfkoinewfuien9pjekg- qkjibgfo8inmg-0 rojigb uirgnj-om hkib r93ueinvmp

librep9ufhnj9[q0hfjp9uehnp93egh-[3j=0[q83jh8-0[54j phyhosiets htta thye lcal eth

Gaargaewfawefewfawevgghthend seittng heroty ot pxeilan htis wpoerful biatily fo eth media

ot nifluecenjty,kuieth mssaes. Geanad setting otehry, sa roliginaly rfomaudelt yb htsee wto

schoalrs, pelxisan the anloihirsespt btewnee teh phmeasis that si alpedc yb hte

msahjrshrsthrthrsthjs madei no paitruacrl ssuise and ohw htsi iepmshas ro ocusf nca ilfunncee

het rdeeeg fo miprtaonce thta eiamd uadineces giev to ohtes sisues (Wiess, 2009, p. 31). In

htoer rodws, gaaend tsteijng hteyro dolhs atht news




prsriebdce unerd tcneosi 3 fo het Act (yna nbsuisse ni eht ftuure erscprbied yb the

Minhhhhaertjkk4itser to eb decildnu rneud eth dfeiiontin of Iaslcmi bakngin iunbesss).

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