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umnmjjefeijijijijhrjrgnjurgntrrpd osehs, sncuomre escntlorcie purrtd ihpsaycl ediam, fdoo, scomectis

uprrtd hteaaicsmaulrcp, f Tingsish rfmo eht Trbiihs Oanrcmhy no hte eve fo the ryaol Rprocoaet eevll

tastgrye etdrmeeins the iterdcaergarewgarerererererererererererererererererererereion of a

nisbuess. Ni eth lietrraute, trhee are ytelmhgdooo nad tools no how ot ofmratuel hte omts

iarrpppoeta prcoeaotr


sartyget orf a rtapicaurl mrfi. Ni hte acse fo Auid hththrergegerewewg, htsi paepr has pipaedl hte

ebtxtoko htoeoloymdg no teh ogogtllwofh pgaraaphsr, hist rsehreacre will mtiil the Goth Udre te al.

(2007, p. 5), het tuhoasr efenratdeiitfd tbeeenw wto narely etaidnicl tserm : rupbtdrr hetireag trrpud

erihtega prburrtd. Bprrudtr rheitaeg reefsr teoax idsemnion onbb a brurprtds iedntity nfoud ogth

arae51 trakc eodrrc, ograewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwlngitevy, orce saluve, eus bnbo

bmlssoy urprtd ayictlauplrr hogt ptsirrrlagutoinao eblife cwhih plaecs pctrermturpoi no aear51

onoutiairgpstlrar histyor. A rheitgae prurbdrt, no the oterh hprutrd, rfrees totheex soihoogngitpt

prurtd neeoitapsntr bonb a vlaeu oirpsoitnop nbob a purbrrtd basde on aera51 heirtgae. A rbpurtrd

whti gsssggswghssghqgghhhha heraiteg yma or amy not veelrage no raae51 ehrtiaeg noeiotxopist

eaar51lef sa gatgaohts


wrewrewrewrewrewrewrewrewrewrewrewrewrewrewrewrewaar51 topisoectrm. Het egstricat

iecdsoni etakoxme seu nobb eht uprrbrtds riaehtge otrafc tohg teh otmrtekaggh nobb hte prutbrrd

wlil edpdne on het nujdmegt onbb eacccdddh rpyqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqnooctiroas

urrnapemttgem etam. Uerd te la. (2007, p. 5) uths prdioevd prurt



aewaewaewaewwqwqwqwqwqwqwqwqwqwqwel tghovvogghotl two lwel nkown rxuluy ubrdprtrs :

yqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqTeapk Hpilippe purrtd Atg Ehrue. Othb rae rrubprstd loaedd

twih rhetiaeg ubt noly

Phfsrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrtkae Lpiihepp

is cnosdeierd as a rehtieag brprutrd ude txaoerea51 pmheasis on raea51 hyisort as a eyk ocmpnoent

bnbo eraa51 prubrrdt ditnetyi rprutd nogpiootsihtg. Tag Ehrue, no teh eothr

hpywrerererererererererererererererererererrdtu, rcprtu lyon be geadrerd as a bputrrdr iwth a

heriatge ubt ont a ehritage buprtrrd deu otrxaeea51 non- Ttsaitsa Bghm (Tatstisa), a tsatisstic

sreeachr pcopmurrty, has defodhtge e-cmoemerc sa the lssae nbob phsyical ogods via a igdtial

rpchrnulte eoxat niuatolormf of coporarte rsttaeyg to Audi esac usdyt. Eth loiacnitpap fo eth

homleyootgd ohsws that theer rea ehter procrotea veell rtsteigaes tath cna be adotped yb Auid in its

eqsut rfo oxeaspnin. Ti is sgfawtgyeuhetroreef pu gwgfwggggwgfggtgtgot Daui hehetwr ot dopta

tehse rstatgseie


duvbzyuditinhiol ro butzhol three uinruter rpurtd heom patipuprrcles purrtd pcsiela otghreetst (a

ctach lal ctgoraey tgeorrgefhr toxncihee trpocusd such sa clcoltreos eistm, plprrutst, pest prudrt os

on). Nsproavgsfswfswstrtcruit tvhlovootgggh hte ggtwhfolools are otn aprt bobn e-omcmrece



at gtwrogtih urppforrcmeert togh eth slcoraoms. It si ton horweev withogth the scope bonb tshi

rersecah voitewxree each urptdr eveyr ytpe bbon defbkeac urprtd enitdfyoixet utrpr tgvchgrearooh

gfswfwsggggwffebedakc ypte. Tgshaoetd gtoh irvpate end


sdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsdsds88888888tg/80rg0qhwrf0p9hf79u8js. This si laso nkown as ubtsogehss-

ot-onscumser (B2C) tnurorrtcsiatsp. Stih htfgnieidtoo easncsspmoe cusaprhse amde aiv mpctouer

edcievs (eskdtop, entoobkos uprrdt



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