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Rd ing

Red rti Ie' hn nswer the qUsti0ns.

1. Do you thi nk th uth0r rnjoys


2. Wh should 0U hek the x|rati0n

date 0f 0Ur pssport?

'i &
3. Why should oU ti sOk t0 your bg? "l
4. Why should you take good book when

oU trv|?

Cir|e T for true and F Ior fa|Se'

1. You need |ot of doumrnts

to travel.

2. YoU ned t0 take |ot of

loths in our bg.

3. Bgs an be hrd to identif

at the ir0rt. T t
4. FIights r nver |te. t
5. Airp|ne food is |Was good' F j,(

Word Fous

xilatio dt = the dte

thing comrs t0 n end 0r n
n0 |0nger b Usd

Real Language

W use the expressio

shar some pointers Io sa
givr advi'

4 Unit
In his bookas Trave|, ik
mking trvl s:
DoUlNs Mak sur you hav all your doumnts: PassPort'
visas, tikts, t. You should always hk th piration date of
your passPort. Many ountris wn,t lt you nter with lss than six ",s

molrths left on you PassPort. Don,t forgt to buy travl insuran.

Mdial ills n very pnsiv, spilly in th Unitd Stats
and urop. Finally, yu shuld mak opis of all yur imPortant
duments and rdit ards and kp thm in anothr as.
PAING My advi is-alwys travl lightl I ht t arry havy
ags. Just tak th minimum. Thr is an old saying: in
Berli'*Dinnr in Delhi. Bgs i Bngkok!So, don't pak anything
important in your hek-in bag; put important things in your
& arry.on ag. You don't want to arriv hom without yur hous
\tu. Another tip-don't us expnsiv suitass. Popl dn't

stal dirty old ags. Finally' hr a good littl tip-ti sok or

brightly olord string to your ag. Why? So yu an quikly
se your bag on th airPort arousel.

ll A|RPORT y first pie of advi is that you should

arry a good book. It helPs to pass the time as you wit for your
dlad flight. Dont forget to take a sweater or a jaket on th
It an gt old on a long night flight. And thn thr is

1 '1"j,
A R ivier |\ya' lV]eio

i,ll,l I I rii il ;i;t,iiil I r

@ You hav Won Vaation for two pop| nd you an hoose Where to
go. Choose One 0f the fo||owing nd l]e ready t0 say why you hos it'

Resort in l\i]io HistoriaI t0Ur of Anqkor Wt. mlrodia

World Cup in Brazil Advnture toUrism in Nw Ze|nd

Trekking in the Himalyas

@ eao the list b|ow-our teaher wjl| hlp you' You n onl tke
fiv of thes items. DisUss Whih itms t0 take With a prtrr. Giv
0U r resons'
sun bIok 8. maps

think we shou|d tke

2. binou|rs 9. money belt
I .
beuse. '. 3. Warm |0thes '10. guidebook

4. first-aid kit 11' sunglsses

5. internation| drivr's Iiense 12. hair dryr

6' water steriIizti0n tbIets 13. pnkn if

7. umbrella 14. smartphon

/v t i irrti
Writ trav| tips Jor y0Ur Vati0n in your notebook.

share sei| trave| |ips Wi|h othrs

Rd oUr travel tips t0 partner, hn shre them With the |ass.

36 Unit 3
efore You Wath
Do you have working dogs in our country? HoW do these dogs he|p peop|?

You Wath
@t wtrr th video. cir|e the nmes of things 0u see'

u n iform apples suitase passport mng0 beef jerky

Word Fous

[t wttr the video agin. Cir|e tor tru and F Ior fa|se.
disease to bother i||eg|
1. Brnt nd stokt0n p|ay before thy start Work.
Rts r dirty' sometimes
2. Detetor dogs Iook for met. they rr disese.
Hey, kidsI P|s b qUiet.
3. Stokton does ot find the met'
I'm tring t0 Work. YoU're
4. stokton ets the meat he finds. botherig me'
5. Stokton is |rning sIoWIy. YoU n't prk your ar thr'
It's not ||oWed. It's iIlg|.

iftr Yu Wath/CommUniati0n
@ |n the vido' We sW tht dogs an be very usefu| in irports. Work with a
partner to Write a Iist of possib|e pr0b|ems With dogs in irports'

@ witn a partner, roIe.pIy the foIlowing situtions.

Insiluati0 1, student A is dog hnd|r' and student B is a passenger. he
dog is sniffing in Student 's bag, nd student B does not lik dogs.

In situati0 2, student A is a ssenger that hs fruit in his or her bg' Th

fruit is gift. Studnt B is the dog hndlr nd has t0 tk the fruit.

Goinq P|aes 37
Eric whitcre Comooser/Condutor
AvluAl cHol 2'ooo
volEs soNG

Betore You Wth

@ write the orret word under each piture.

srnger condutor hoir piano

Yu are going to Wath a ED a|k about a
Virtua| hoir. What do you think you Wi|I see in
the video? What things do you think a person
should do if they are going to start an online
ommunit? Disuss them With a partnr.

While You Wth

[@t t-oo at the pitures and quotes on the
next age. hen wath the TED Ta|k. As
you wath, put the itures in order, Write
the number in the box under the piture.
. 4.
@[! warrr the TD alk again. omlete the
sentenes using the Words from the bo.
@@ wor With a partner. ry to think of one
examp|e eah for items 1-4 in exerise A.
Share vour answers with the class. onnet singers Malta
Sleep Britlin Jordan
@ Complete the sentenes using the Words from
the box.
1. gir| nmd osted a Video
ommunity group of simiIar people for Eri Wh tar. Hr video gave Eri th
onnetion r|tionship dea for th first ViUa| hoir,
post put informtion U
reord store musi so it an be |istened to later 2. Fr' ratd a vi.tual hoi' to
virtu| on omUter pop|e around th Wor|d,
. lhe sCono vi.Lr,a| hoir hd 2'05 ]
1. h sisters had a Vry Strong
2. P|ase your musi tor hlm,
4. hesond Virtua| hoir had slngrs from
. Pepl who Iiv in a nighborhood ar art my o\]1tr|s' sL as
o n ano
4. The vido gam had a WOTLO 5. ric Whitar hos a pie a]|d
that p|ayrs ou|d lay i' for th sond Virtu| hoir,

.IW| ] th is 1nformatin on th -
Wrb sit for my |assmates,

hd this id: il I couId qet 50 peo| t0 || d0 this sme thing,
sig thi1 rts_s0pr0, all0, te01, ad bass-Wherevel thy
Were i the W0r|d' ost thi1vid0s t0 Youube, Wr couId ul it || t0gether
nd ]eate virtul h0ir'''

iust ouIdn't believe the -l ..For
vi]tul Choir 2.0 . . . our l ..| osted conduclo] trk
poetry 0l || 0l it_these s0uls ] li| t||y Was 2,051 videos l 1 of myself oduclig. Ad
|| 0n theil own deselt is|nd, lr0m 58 diflert coul1ies. trom it's i om|ete si|ec Whe |

seding r|et]oni messges i M|t, Mdgsr, hiIad, liImed it, beuse IWas 0|y
bott|es to eh othe].'' vietnam, J0]dn, Eoypt, Is]|, s heling lhe msi in my hed,
lr n0rth s A|sk' d s l] soulh imagining the h0ir that W0u|d
s NeW zelnd.'' 0ne dv com t0 be.''

DLKS Eli Whitcre
A vlRuAL HoI 2'ooo

vols sRoNG

vir|| choir 2.0

After You Wath

@ ed the sentenes. corret the flse information.
1. A ir hs to Use the Internet. virtua) choir

2. ln Eri Whitar virtua| hoir, a|| th singers reord thir V|deos at the

.qam time,
. ln their testimonials, th singrs said that being in th Virtual hoir
did not make thm f| onneted to othr oeoD|r arund th wor|d'

4. || of th mmbers of the hoir are now good friends' even though they
Iive in diffrent ountries and do not meet in person'

@@ ost ondutors work with singers in person, but ri Whitare

onduts a hoir on|ine. With a group, take turns naming oupations.
For eah one, disuss Whether it is possib|e for peop|e in the
oupation to Work in virtu| way.
. 1;:hr:r U.Lr;.]llV WOrk in
1Li:, ,.,l lL-l:,:;ib ,' ib l,hl 1,(] WOk il.l yit'l,u;il W.]V, lr,.].l)1]: (;.]ll
Lt)}|,1 |1|it1 '

@p someone you know Wants io be part of Eri Whitare's net virtua|

hoir' What advie wou|d you give? With a partner, brainstorm a |ist of
verbs (be, learn, post, etc.). Use shouldlshouldn't and the verbs to write
five piees of advie in your notebook.

@@ one Womn in the Virtua| hoir |ives in rura| A|aska, 400 miIes from the nearest town.
What do you think her Iife is |ike? Why is the hoir important to her? How do musi and
tehno|ogy onnet her with peop|e around the worId? Disuss With a partner.

oo you |ike to do the fo||owing things online' in person, or both? Add your own idea
Then answer b p|aing a chek (/) in the appropriate box. hen interview your
|assmates about What they prefer Write eah |assmate's initia|s in the appropriate
box. Share With the |ass.

@ i one of the ativities in eerise E. Write a short paragraph about Why you think it is
better to do that ativit on|ine or in person. Use some of the Words provided.

to Iive nerby/far away to onnet to spend time together/alone

to feel Ionelv/alone to meet

What other virtuaI hoirs has ri Whitare onduted? Visit to

find out. hen shre what you Iearned with a group' Be sure to inlude the name of the
musia| piee, the number of singers, lhe number of countries, and a short desription of
the piee. Use at |east two desriptive adjetives.

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