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Memo SCILaid

From: Francois Damba


SCILaid uses a number of Warehouses in the current Betaland Operation.

1. Where are these Warehouses located, and what is the purpose of each?

2. In what ways are the Warehouses adding value to the Operation?

3. How does this network of Warehouses support the aims of SCILaid as a

Humanitarian Aid Organisation?



To answer this task, you will find the following learning material section helpful
The Function of Inventory and Warehouse Management
Why do we need Warehouses?

Please remember that, where you are able, you should draw on your own experience
to illustrate your response to inform your answer and to show how you have
addressed similar issues in the past.

1. In Betaland we have 6 warehouses, Chagong and Mugla port, also it might be good to mentioned
that under Betaland operations is Regional logistic centre in Alphaland, having a stock of strategic
goods, performing local and international procurement. The other 4 warehouses tents are in the
camps for distribution. Purpose of the warehouse in Mugla port is to be connection between
Regional and local warehouse in Chagong. Mugla warehouse is the biggest W/H in Betaland and
its located in Mugla because of the very good transportations means. Such as: the waterway,
roads, airport and rail way lines. W/H located in Chagong because of the camps vicinity.

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2. The main functions of warehouses are to make goods available when needed taking care of timely
manner also to keep goods in the safe area of theft, pests and weather conditions. Each
warehouses has a particular function. W/H in Mugla ensuring that the other W/H in Chagong has
been supplied with adequate quantities and qualities goods because W/H in Chagong is
comparing to Mugla W/H quite small and used for supplying 4 tents warehouses in the camps.
3. Without these Warehouses SCILaid operations in Betaland will not be possible or will not have a
right answer on beneficiaries needs. Those 6 warehouses and Regional logistics centre as part of
the supply chain in SCILaid its sufficient for current needs on the field. W/H in Mugla is SCILaid
main W/H with capacity of 2000 sq.m. Mainly used for keeping food received from UNFA and
locally purchased and as well housing items. Warehouse in Chagong used for storing food only
and as kind of the bridge between Mugla and warehouses in the camps. Four warehouses in the
camps only used for food storage but for a very short period of time. Food is delivered the day
before distribution.
Wrapping up task 1

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