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I disagree. We don't get to choose our futures at all.

Some children are

pressured at such a young age to decide their life that they end up choosing the
wrong thing in haste. Then suddenly it's their fault. The generations before
could at least live in the moment rather than having to worry about making
meets end and making life changing decision at the age of 13. And just because
we have technology doesn't make it easier. Yes we don't have to do a much
manual labour but that doesn't mean the psychological effect isn't there. We're
constantly reminded of all the social expectations of fitting in and pleasing
everyone. There is no privacy anymore and if we don't have some form of social
media or latest technology we're considered weird and at a disadvantage from
the rest of our peers. And the technology we use is expected of our generation;
every generation is introduced to a new advance in technology. It's exactly like
when people thought the world had ended when the TV was invented. In every
generation the youth are always criticised. Why are we any different? I admit
some of the youth today are reckless and lazy but not all of us are. Labelling all
youth as one is not doing justice to us. There are reckless 50 year olds as there
are reckless 15 year olds. Instead of continuously scorning us the elder
generation should attempt to mend the broken bond between the generation gap
and lend a hand to the youth who are suffocating under all the pressure and
Back in the day 1950's and 60's people accepted life as it was they had a
normal house, a job and didn't worry about material items and being a show to
everyone. Also, they didn't work and study at the same time. Now days young
kids study full time during high school and university and work two full time
jobs and work two casual jobs and want a car a girlfriend and even in some
cases have a mortgage.
People tend to spend more now and buy houses way out of their reach
People now days are drifters and dont take life seriously enough. For
example, people quit their jobs to travel for a year and then come back and find
out they can't get the same job like before and find it difficult to do so. Back in
the day, you could that transition because you could walk into a job basically,
these days the employers make excuses not to hire you and leaves you suffering.
They spend more on holidays and everything expensive whilst they have
In the past people used to have relatively close family relations, and none
had a divorce since it was against the law. But now, many had a divorce as they
are not happy with each other of things, which makes things difficult on like
how to split things up. The kids will also feel disheartened about their parents'
separation and so families will not be harmonious as compared to the past.
Clothes were well made in the past but in the present clothes would be worn
once or twice then they would get thrown away. The clothes were used properly
they would get worn until they couldn't be used anymore
We take things for granted and in the past it was the complete opposite.
Life today might be comfortable but most things that are parents enjoyed once
is not enjoyed by us now. And we people are becoming more and more lazier as
we get comfortable. We do not get time to spend with our family due to the
improvement in technologies. This is my opinion.
Of course if you go back far enough to times of despotism, low quality medical,
slavery...People had it harder. They also had different things to worry about.
Early pioneers didn't spend the majority of their early life in compulsory study,
and their jobs paid enough to get their daily necessities...If they were lucky.
Less to worry about, but what they worried about was food water and shelter.
Today life is not based around relationship it is based around possessions
and wealth. As a whole society needs to put far more emphasis on what matters
in life. Today your job might matter, but when you are old and retired don't
have the answer to the question "have I lived?" be no. Enjoy life rather than live
up to others expectations.
The only reason we are so dependent on technology is because we were
brought up in the world only knowing of it. We are surrounded by it and we
never knew a world without it and therefore don't the other side of living. In my
opinion it is not easier to live today because even though we are more advanced
we still have the same problems if not to a greater degree. Nowadays you have
hackers and the can bring down whole systems from home and even a single
click can ruin your life forever. Now we have to worry about identity thief and
bulling. The rate of suicide is though the roof because bullies have access to
social media and use this to torture other children to the point that they that
dying is better than going on living for another day. With that I conclude that
even though the people back in the day did not have the same privileges we
have today does not mean that we have the better end of the stick.
Can you imagine a world without kids on there electronics all day?!? I
mean if we all stopped using electronics it would make the world a better place.
And focus on the stuff that really matters: Friends, family, and education. We
all love electronics but it's a horrible habit. We can all stop if we tried. :)
Even if technology is making our life easier , you have to pay for every feature
and that is really hard. No money no life. Beside money, you have to learn how
to make your life easy. You can't just live your life. You have to do hard work
in order to live an easy life.
Change in life is inevitable and 50 years, for sure, is a long time to
evaluate this
change. The last 50 years have seen high tide of social, economic, technological
and medical development.
There have been major medical breakthroughs. 50 years ago, people died
and untreated. The discovery of antibiotics, vaccinations, anti-TB therapy,
angioplasty and other important medical discoveries, has not only saved
millions of lives across the globe but has also improved the quality of life for
the terminally ill patients. Transplantation of body organs such as heart, liver,
pancreas and kidneys were introduced in later half of the 20th century.
Travelling means have improved tremendously over the last 50 years.
With the invention of jetliners in 1958, people who travelled mostly by trains or
ocean liners, found a new way to travel, communicate and expand their
businesses. Hence, the phrase the jet set evolved. These inventions added a
new dimension to the international commerce, although cross border
merchandise is a very ancient concept.
Technology and the Internet have made the world one stage to share
ideas, discuss issues and communicate. Political awareness has increased.
People are more educated about their civil rights and duties. People are now
well informed and updated with the advent of the Internet and related
technologies. Recent development of social networks has brought people closer
to each other from around the world. There is a new and faster trend of sharing
news, events, causes and knowledge because of these social networks. There
have been many historical crises and transformations that are attributed to the
results of Wiki Leaks, Twitter revolutions or Facebook communications.
Recent events in Libya, Tunisia and Egypt are some of the examples of how
technology in general and social networks in particular has transformed the
lives of people on a global scale.
The last 50 years have affected the family lives in various ways. It has
brought families together, and communication through telephones, fax, mobiles
and the Internet became more realistic. However, some people hold the opinion
that these advancements in technology have taken the leisure time and quality
family time away from them. In terms of women rights and independence,
situation now is certainly far better than it was 50 years ago. Women are not
restricted to household work only but are seen in every field of life.
Therefore, there are uncountable advents seen in the last 50 years that
may help us conclude that life today is faster, easier and better than it was 50
years ago.
The elder generation assume everything comes on a plate for us

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